Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 143: Unlock new prey, fight with wits and courage

"What on earth is it?" Lin Heng asked, it's really abominable to be a liar.

Xiulan also said quickly: "Dad, brother, please tell me quickly."

"We got off the net and saw several wild boar cubs on the edge of the reed swamp. I thought you could hunt, so I came to call you." Chen's father, Chen Changxia, explained.

Lin Heng was a little shocked. Are the wild boars in Lushui County so rampant? "How big are they? Have you seen the female wild boar?"

My uncle Chen Zhidong shook his head and said, "No, I just saw three small wild boars weighing 40 to 50 pounds, and came to look for trouble. We estimate that these are wild boars that have escaped from the herd."

"You guys just wait for me here, I'll be here soon." Lin Heng nodded and turned back to get the bow and arrow.

Half an hour later, he came over with a bow and arrow, and Xiulan had already taken Xiaoxia onto the bamboo raft.

This bamboo raft is very big, about seven to eight square meters in size, and is surrounded by a circle of plastic bottles, making it almost impossible to flip over.

"I'll pull you!"

The third uncle, Chen Zhiliang, pulled Lin Heng onto the bamboo raft, and Chen's father and the eldest uncle took the fishing boat away.

The bamboo raft floats quickly towards the center of the lake, and along the way you can see many fish nets in the water.

"Dad, what is this?"

Xiaoxia seemed a little cheerful. If Xiulan hadn't pulled her, she might have jumped up and jumped a few times.

Lin Heng glanced at the direction his daughter was pointing, and saw several beautiful geese flying in a line in the sky.

"Those are wild geese, they are flying south." Lin Heng responded with a smile, it was too far, otherwise I would kill two and eat one.

"Okay, okay!!"

As the bamboo raft moved forward, Xiaoxia was still jumping up and down.

"Xiaoxia, look!"

Lin Heng saw a small stone on the bamboo raft, picked it up and threw it into the lake. With a pop, the stone was gone.

"If you keep doing this, you will fall to the bottom of the lake like a stone, and you will never see us again." Lin Heng looked at her and said.

Xiaoxia was stunned for a moment, looking at the disappearing stone, the lake became scary in her eyes.

"It's scarier than the big bad wolf. If you jump again, you will be beaten." Lin Heng said again.

Xiaoxia looked at her mother. Xiulan's face had become serious and she would hit her at any time.

I brought her up because I wanted her to experience riding a boat on a whim, but she was so excited.

Under the double warning, Xiaoxia did not dare to jump and was held by her mother obediently.

Not long after, the bamboo raft came to the reed swamp. The tall white reeds were blowing in the wind, like a white ocean.

After getting closer, Lin Heng found that this was a swamp with complex terrain, but no wild boar was seen.

"Hey, you can't find it so soon? You were here just now." Father Chen was stunned for a moment. Logically speaking, wild boars can't run far in this kind of terrain.

"Let's look for it again." Lin Heng actually didn't have much hope for this.

Several people searched for the bamboo raft along the reed swamp, but could not find it.

The only harvest was a few water ducks. When they saw the bamboo raft from a distance, they quacked and flew into the reed marsh.

"Then find a place to go ashore, and I'll go to the reed swamp to have a look." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

Father Chen shook his head: "Forget it if you don't find it. It's not good if your clothes are stained."

"It's okay dad, you can still wash your clothes if they get dirty. If we catch this wild boar, we can eat for several days." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He also wanted to explore this environment to see if he could gain anything.

Xiulan saw that Lin Heng really wanted to go, and said aloud: "Dad, if he wants to go, just let him go. I have brought a change of clothes."

The daughter agreed, and Father Chen had no choice but to nod: "Okay, let your eldest and third brother come with you so that you can take care of me."

"Okay!" Lin Heng nodded.

After finding a place, the bamboo raft docked. My uncle Chen Zhidong got off first and then picked up Lin Heng.

"I'll go in front, my eldest uncle and third uncle, you guys go in the back, we'll search in a triangle, whisper if we find anything."

Lin Heng glanced at his eldest uncle and third uncle, then went in front again with a bow and arrow.

It's not particularly difficult to walk in this reed swamp. There are paths trodden by some animals. You just need to distinguish where you can walk and where you can't.

After searching for twenty minutes, Lin Heng finally saw a prey. Strictly speaking, the prey saw him.


Not far away, a gray goose saw him and instead of flying, it pounced towards him.


Lin Heng was stunned. This was an adult goose. How could it be like this?

Before he could be stunned, the wild goose pounced two meters in front of him and stopped.

Walking over to pick it up, Lin Heng found that the goose was still alive. There seemed to be nothing wrong with his body, but his eyes were dull, as if he didn't want to live at all.

"Oh, I understand." Lin Heng then remembered the reason.

Wild geese come in pairs. It is said that if one of the pairs dies, the other one will not survive alone. In other words, the wild goose in front of you is deliberately seeking death.

"This is actually true." Lin Heng was a little surprised. Even in his previous life, he had only heard about it and had never seen it before.

He estimated that the goose's mate probably died at the hands of a hunter.

"In that case, I'll give you a ride." Lin Heng picked it up and said with a smile. This was a big surprise for him.

As for sadness? The joys and sorrows of humans and geese are not the same!

"Brother, come here."

Lin Heng shouted to Chen Zhidong, who was looking for traces of wild boars in the reeds not far away.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Guodong heard the shout and came over quickly.

The third uncle on the other side also came over curiously.

Seeing what Lin Heng was holding, Chen Zhidong couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Did you catch a live wild goose?"

"I picked it up. This should be the wild goose whose partner died. He doesn't want to live anymore. You can see if there is anything wrong with it. If there is no problem, take it back and eat it." Lin Heng looked at the two of them and said.

Third uncle Chen Zhiliang waved his hand and said affirmatively: "It must be no problem. I heard the elders in the village said it. I didn't expect you, Lin Heng, to be so lucky."

He looked at Lin Heng with admiration. They were far inferior to him in terms of luck.

"Maybe people are lucky if they are happy." Lin Heng smiled and continued to move forward.

He has never eaten wild geese before. It is said to be very delicious. This can be regarded as unlocking a new species.

After walking for a few minutes, Lin Heng saw a shallow beach. At a glance, he saw that there were many ground tigers in it, all with long fingers.

This made him a little envious of the aquatic resources here. The ground tigers were so big that the next cage could weigh dozens of kilograms.

Although the ground tiger is annoying, the meat quality is nothing to say.

Just after passing this waterhole, Lin Heng saw traces of wild boar.

There are traces of being dug on the ground. Judging from the freshness, it is probably no more than half a day old, and the soil has not been dried by the sun.

After following the trace for about a hundred meters, he stopped the clue. Looking at the weeds and reeds around him, Lin Heng looked around blankly.

At this time, he missed Xiongba. If he was here, the wild boar should be easy to find.

But there was no such thing as Lin Heng shook his head and continued to search. As dusk got closer and closer, mosquitoes began to flourish in the reeds.

After nearly an hour of searching, no pheasants or pheasants were found except for a wild goose that had fallen into a trap.

The wild ducks found the two groups and ran away quickly, unable to take action.

He looked at his watch and saw that it was almost seven o'clock. He took two more steps forward.

Suddenly, he saw something in a pool inside the reeds, a big black fish more than half a meter long.

After looking at the five arrows in his hand, Lin Heng took a bow and shot an arrow into the water.

Plop! !

A huge splash of water rose up, the black fish disappeared, and Lin Heng's arrow disappeared.

"Missed? No."

Lin Heng felt that his aim was quite accurate. After waiting for two minutes, he turned around and left helplessly when he didn't see the fish floating up.

As a senior fisherman, he knew very well that it was impossible for a fish to remain on the surface for several minutes after being hit by an arrow.

He felt that this kind of arrow might not be suitable for shooting fish, and the black fish was a bit slender. Even though it was only six or seven meters away, the accuracy was still a bit off.

After looking at the taller grass ahead, Lin Heng gave up exploring.

There is no path in the reed swamps ahead, so we might as well give up. One wild goose is enough.

Lin Heng turned around and went back to find his two uncles, preparing to leave. After walking a few steps, I saw my third uncle, Chen Zhiliang, running over on tiptoe.

"Brother Third Uncle, have you found anything?" Lin Heng asked softly. This action must have meant that he found something.

Chen Zhiliang nodded excitedly: "Yes, I saw wild boars, the three we saw before. They were more than a hundred meters away. I didn't dare to get close."

"Take me to see it." Lin Heng was a little surprised that he could actually see it again. He was a little lucky today.

"Come with me." Chen Zhiliang nodded and led Lin Heng over.

After passing through a place full of small thorns, we walked through a small and relatively soft grassland, and a large reed appeared in front of us.

"Look, they are still there." Chen Zhiliang pointed to a place in the reeds in the distance and whispered.

Lin Heng recognized them for a while before he saw two black figures. They were hidden among the reeds and were difficult to identify. At this time, it seemed that the earthworms in the ground were still eating something.

There was another one that he couldn't find after searching for a long time. Maybe it was blocked too tightly.

"Can you hit it?" Chen Zhiliang looked at Lin Heng and asked.

Lin Heng shook his head: "It's difficult. It's too far. It's more than 150 meters away. It's not easy to get close."

"Indeed, the reeds are too deep, and the noise must be loud when walking through them." Chen Zhiliang also understood this problem, but he didn't want to give up. These were three wild boars.

Lin Heng didn't want to give up, so he looked around and said, "Third uncle, please watch here. I'll try to find a direction to see if I can go around it."

"Okay, if you can't get around it, forget it, safety first." Chen Zhiliang nodded and said.

Lin Heng first walked a few hundred meters along the left side and found that there was two to three acres of rotten ditch that could not be bypassed.

I came back and went around the right side again, and found that the thorns on this side were overgrown, high and dense. When I climbed up the tree, I saw that it was a huge continuous area, and it was not as good as the left side.

In desperation, I went back and made a big circle around the rotten ditch. The road here was not much better. It was all covered with reeds two people high, but it was barely possible to cross.

After thinking for a while, Lin Heng decided to go through it. Halfway through, he stepped on the reeds when black water suddenly appeared in front of him, and he stepped in with a plop.

Lin Heng: "..."

His new shoes are too difficult.

Fortunately, he could break through the reeds just a few meters ahead, so he gritted his teeth and went straight through.

After passing through, there is a grassland covered with vines. It is easy to move forward, but your ankles can easily be cut.

"Damn it, this wild boar must die today!" Lin Heng gritted his teeth. He had already come this far and could not go back.

After identifying the direction, he walked as fast as he could. It was already eight o'clock, and the mosquitoes in the reeds were deadly and could bite people even through their clothes.

After walking for another half an hour, the sun had completely set, and it would be completely dark in another half an hour.

However, at this time, Lin Heng finally came to a suitable position. Although the thick meat-cutting vines left many small cuts on his feet, they also eliminated the sound of footsteps.

After some exploration, he saw the three wild boars, who were still rooting for food there. The reason why he couldn't see the third one before was that it was closer to this side, almost out of the reeds.

Lin Heng's target was also this one. It was only the second largest one, but the position was very good, and there was no reed to block it, so it was easy to hit.

Now the distance between the two sides was about 70 meters, and Lin Heng was no longer in a hurry, and he didn't care about mosquitoes.

He fell into the pleasure of fighting wits and courage with his prey, moving slowly step by step, and it took more than ten minutes to come to a very suitable position.

He picked the sharpest and best arrow, and calmed his heart again before putting the bow. There was only one chance, and he had to kill it with one arrow, otherwise it would be impossible to find its body in this reed marsh full of water.

Lin Heng put on his bow and arrow, his eyes were calm and deep, looking at the wild boar still feeding on the ground, he aimed and shot an arrow without any hesitation.

"You lost this life game with me!" He said silently in his heart.

With a sound of puff, the black arrow flew like a ray of light, shot from three centimeters behind the wild boar's front legs, and directly penetrated the lungs and heart.


The wild boar just instinctively rushed out two meters, and then fell to the ground, twitching and unable to move.

The other two wild boars jumped into the reeds and disappeared.

"Success!" Lin Heng jumped up excitedly and punched in the air.


"Too awesome!"

On the other side of the reeds, the eldest brother-in-law and the third brother-in-law shouted in unison, regardless of anything, and rushed over directly through the reeds.

Looking at the wild boar that had no breath on the ground, the two patted Lin Heng's shoulder fiercely.

"Awesome, so awesome!"

"No wonder you can make a fortune, I admire your skills!"

The two said excitedly one after the other.

"Hahaha, thanks to my third uncle for finding the wild boar." Lin Heng smiled slightly. He was not so excited after killing the wild boar.

"Let's go, let's carry the wild boar back quickly. This one is probably more than 40 or 50 kilograms." Chen Zhidong pulled the wild boar's leg on the ground and said with a smile.

"Yes, it's dark, carry it back quickly." Lin Heng nodded. Not only are his pants half wet, but there are also small cuts on his feet from the vines.


Outside the reed marsh, Chen's father Xiulan and others were a little worried because it was dark.

"Dad, how about I go in and look for it?" Xiulan's fourth brother Chen Zhicai said aloud. He thought it might be that Lin Heng was embarrassed to come back because he couldn't find anything.

"Do you know where they are in such a big reed bush? It's better to wait here. Your eldest brother is not a person without measure." Chen's father shook his head and said.

Xiulan didn't say anything, but she held her daughter and looked towards the reeds.

"Chen Changxia, why don't you leave? It's getting dark!" A bamboo raft passed by nearby, and the person on it shouted loudly.

"My son-in-law took people to hunt wild boars in the reeds. I'm waiting for people here." Chen's father responded.

"Hunting wild boars? That's not easy." The man chuckled and was about to leave when there was a movement in the reeds.

"Dad, Xiulan, Lin Heng is so capable, he killed a big wild boar!!" Xiulan's eldest brother Chen Zhidong's excited voice came from a distance.

"Really killed it!" The fourth brother Chen Zhicai on the bamboo raft was stunned.

A few people looked into the distance and saw three people coming out of the reeds. The leader was carrying a big wild boar, the second was holding a gray goose, and the third was empty-handed but leisurely.

"Awesome!" Chen's father widened his eyes. He actually didn't have any hope of killing a wild boar. This was really a pleasant surprise.

"Dad, Dad!" Xiaoxia waved happily when she saw Lin Heng.

The bamboo raft in the distance came directly over, and an old man on it shouted in disbelief: "Did you really hit a wild boar?"

Soon, the three of them came to the side of the bamboo raft. Chen Zhidong looked at them and grinned: "Help to catch it quickly. This wild boar weighs 50 to 60 kilograms."

Father Chen took the still bleeding wild boar to the bamboo raft and asked again: "Is everyone okay?"

"It's okay, go back quickly, there are too many mosquitoes here." Lin Heng waved his hands repeatedly.

"Okay, okay." Father Chen nodded repeatedly, with a smile on his face. His son-in-law is really amazing.

Xiulan's three brothers were also convinced. Lin Heng's skills are beyond words. No wonder he can make a fortune.

Paddling the bamboo raft, several people came to the shore of Liuhu Lake and walked back with the wild boar and the wild goose. On the way, Xiulan's third brother repeated the process again. He was more excited than Lin Heng himself.

The specific process, when carrying the wild boar back to the bamboo raft, the eldest and third uncles had asked Lin Heng more than once.

Lin Heng walked in front with Xiulan and went home to change clothes first.

When he got home, the three sisters-in-law and Chen's mother were all there.

Seeing Lin Heng so dirty, Chen's mother stood up and asked: "What's wrong with you? Why are you like this?"

Lin Heng shook his head and said with a smile: "I went hunting in the reeds and got dirty, but it was worth it. I got a wild boar back."

"Hit a wild boar?"

Mother Chen was stunned, and the three sisters-in-law beside her stopped working and stared at Lin Heng with wide eyes, as if time had stopped.

Lin Heng smiled, didn't explain much, and went into the house with Xiulan to change clothes.

Not long after they entered the house, Chen's father and others came in carrying things, and there were also seven or eight villagers who came in to watch the excitement.

Soon, there was a heated discussion in the yard.

"You see, this arrow is not simple. It pierced the heart and lungs and killed the person directly. It's so accurate!"

"Chen Changxia, your daughter really married a son-in-law. He got you a big wild boar after just one day!"

"You are so lucky, why didn't Lin Heng like my daughter at the beginning!"

A group of neighbors were so envious that their eyes were sore. This is a wild boar weighing fifty or sixty kilograms.

"Hahaha!" Chen Changxia couldn't close his mouth with laughter. His son-in-law was really amazing.

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