After Lin Heng finished changing his clothes, Xiaoxia hugged his leg: "Dad, lift it up high!"

"Okay, lift it up high!" Lin Heng held her legs, lifted them up and spun them around twice in the air.

"Okay!!" Xiaoxia cheered.

"Dad, do it again!" Lin Heng just put her down and she wanted to come again.

After playing three times in a row and kissing again, Xiaoxia lay quietly in Lin Heng's arms.

"You don't have to work so hard here." Xiulan looked at the mosquito bag on his arm and said distressedly.

Lin Heng said with a smile: "My hands are itchy even if I don't spank you. But I'll stop spanking you today. I'll have a quiet day playing tomorrow."

Hunting is as addictive as fishing. The feeling of playing games with animals makes people forget about it and can't stop.

"That's just right. Let's go to the countryside tomorrow, August 15th, and there will be a party." Xiulan nodded.

Outside, the men were still having a heated discussion, the women had gone to the kitchen to boil water, and the children were drooling around the wild boar.

Lin Heng suddenly became the center of attention when he appeared with Xiaoxia in his arms.

Xiulan's father and three brothers admired him greatly, and some neighbors in the village cast admiring and envious glances.

"Lin Heng, what should we do with this wild boar? Kill it and make it into bacon. You and Xiulan can take some back." Father Chen looked at Lin Heng with a smile on his face.

"This wild boar is here to eat. I have killed two wild boars this year, and they are both bigger than this. I still have them at home." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Bigger than this?" Father Chen was stunned.

"Yes, one weighs more than three hundred kilograms, and one head weighs more than one hundred and fifty kilograms." Lin Heng nodded.

"More than three hundred kilograms? How big is it? How long will it take to eat?"

"No wonder he can kill with one arrow. It turns out he has experience."

"Tell us how you got it!"

A group of people were extremely curious and gathered around Lin Heng asking him to tell him what happened.

Lin Heng said briefly, and everyone couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

At the same time, I can't help but feel envious. How long will it take to eat so much meat?

If they knew that Lin Heng had cooked pork into lard and made soap, they would probably be speechless.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, but it was not dim at all. You could see clearly in the yard.

Because the moon is very bright today, the sky is blue and the stars are sparse.

The neighbors watched for a while and reluctantly left. You can often eat fish here, but meat is only eaten once every ten and a half days.

"I saw this wild goose. It's not sick. It's just that my partner is dead and doesn't want to live anymore. Xiulan, how do you want to eat it?" Chen's father looked at Xiulan and asked.

Although Father Chen loved Xiulan in the past, he always told the truth at home. Now he can't help but ask Xiulan and Lin Heng for their opinions.

This is naturally because Lin Heng has the ability, and he has acquiesced in the fact that his daughter and Lin Heng are more powerful than him.

"Eat half of it stewed and half stir-fried." Xiulan thought for a while and said.

"Okay, Mommy and the others are boiling water. I'll kill them later and let your mother do it." Father Chen nodded and agreed with a smile.

After the water was boiled, Xiulan's fourth brother went to deal with the wild geese, while her father and her eldest brother and third brother Tangzhu killed the pigs.

Xiulan took Lin Heng's dirty clothes and shoes and washed them with hot water. They were all stained with mud. They were not stubborn stains and it was not difficult to wash them.

Lin Heng held his daughter in his arms and watched Chen's father and others killing pigs.

After the pig hair was wiped clean, they found a scale and weighed it.

"Fifty-six pounds, not small." Several people grinned.

"The main thing is that the pork is tender and delicious." Lin Heng nodded and said.

This wild boar is probably less than a year old, and its meat is much more delicious than those big wild boars.

The roasted suckling pig last time was so delicious that I couldn't stop eating it.

"Indeed, piglets are the most fragrant." Chen Guodong nodded.

When Chen's father disemboweled the wild boar, Lin Heng handed over his hundred-smelted steel dagger: "Dad, use this to kill."

Father Chen took the knife and tried it. He was surprised and said, "This knife of yours is great. It's so fast."

"It cost five yuan to make the steel." Lin Heng smiled.

"No wonder, this knife is good." Father Chen nodded and used the knife to disembowel the pig.

After the pig's belly was opened, the pig's lungs and heart were taken out, and the damage caused by Lin Heng could be clearly seen.

The pig's lungs were completely penetrated, and its heart was pierced three centimeters deep. The pig's belly was filled with black blood. This was internal bleeding caused by sharp arrows.

"It's really amazing. The year before last, an old man from the Wang family in the village shot one with a shotgun, but he wasn't dead at the time. I searched for it for three days but couldn't find it."

Father Chen looked at the pig heart, shook his head and sighed. The more he watched, the more he understood how accurate Lin Heng's arrow was.

After taking out all the internal organs, the pork was quickly divided into strips, rubbed with heavy salt, placed in a wooden barrel, sprinkled with peppercorns, fennel seeds and white wine, marinated overnight, and can be smoked tomorrow.

After the pigs were killed, the food was almost cooked. We fried wild boar meat and wild goose meat in the evening. We didn’t have time to stew the soup, so we didn’t have enough time.

After taking a bite, Lin Heng couldn't help but nodded. The taste of wild goose was indeed extraordinary.

The taste is delicate and mellow, not greasy or irritated. Even though Xiulan's mother is not very good at cooking and the wild goose meat is fried very old, you can still feel the delicious taste.

Among the bird meat he has ever eaten, the only one that can compete with the goose meat is the golden chicken. However, a golden chicken weighs less than two kilograms, while the wild goose can weigh five or six kilograms.

"No wonder there is a saying that 'when you smell the aroma of wild goose meat, the gods want to break their hearts'. It's so delicious." Lin Heng said with emotion.

It's a pity that the wild geese didn't rest near Hongfeng Village, otherwise I would have wanted to get two more to eat when I returned.

"Lin Heng, drink some!" Chen's father raised his glass and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded and took a sip.

Because they were eating by candlelight, everyone didn't think about drinking for too long. They drank a few glasses, ate rice, and prepared to wash their feet and rest.

Lin Heng hugged his daughter and told her stories. He had told those fairy tales so many times that he could recite them by heart.

"Lin Heng, I see you feed your daughter and coax her to sleep. Are you doing all these jobs?" Chen's mother looked at Lin Heng and asked.

"Yes." Lin Heng nodded, deliberately not explaining.

Chen's mother immediately blamed Xiulan, holding her hand and saying, "Daughter, this is your fault. Lin Heng is tired enough making money outside. This job should be done by us women.

You have to learn to feel sorry for your man. What will you do if such a good man is exhausted in the future?"

Xiulan: "...No, he volunteered. I am not happy to take him with me."

She looked at Lin Heng, wanting him to help explain, but Lin Heng blinked, as if he didn't hear or see it.

"Don't think of bullying my son-in-law in front of me. Look how well he is. You used to be very well-behaved. Is it because Lin Heng is too well-behaved that you are spoiled..." Chen's mother held her daughter's hand and said earnestly.

Xiulan glared at Lin Heng fiercely. She could see that she was now an outsider.

"Still glaring at him, stop glaring. Come out and I will talk to you." Chen's mother glanced at her.

She could only nod and agree, and promised her mother, and said a lot of words before sending her out of the room.

After sending her mother out, Xiulan locked the door, looked at Lin Heng with her beautiful eyes, walked slowly to him, and smiled: "Is it fun, husband?"

"No, I'm telling the truth." Lin Heng grinned, and seeing his wife wanted to come up and teach him a lesson, he hurriedly said: "My daughter is almost asleep."

"Then you coax her to sleep first." Xiulan glared at him fiercely.

The three of them went to bed to rest, and Lin Heng put his daughter in the innermost. As soon as he lay down after coaxing her to sleep, his wife's soft little hand turned his head over.

"My mother asked me to take good care of you, saying that you are small, and I will hold you to sleep in the future and take good care of you." Xiulan said softly.

"No, I will explain to my mother tomorrow." Lin Heng said hurriedly.

"Don't explain, the more you explain, the worse it is. Sleep quietly."

Xiulan patted his face, pressed half of her body on him, and crossed her long legs from his waist, but didn't allow him to move.

She knew how to control Lin Heng. He couldn't sleep like this, and the harder he slept, the harder he got.

There was no need to get angry when a gentle woman tortured people. She understood it too well.

"I was wrong, my wife!" Lin Heng bit her ear, and his wife's body softened immediately.

"Don't mess around. My parents are sleeping on the floor in the living room."

Sensing Lin Heng's moving hands, Xiulan grabbed them.

She put her face close to his again and said in a soft voice, "Be good, let's go back to our own home. There's not even toilet paper here."

Lin Heng thought so too. He couldn't wipe his clothes in the end.

At this time, many rural areas used corn cobs to go to the toilet, and not many had toilet paper.

His family bought these things after he was reborn, even if they were expensive. The rough corn cobs were more terrifying than sandpaper.

He exhaled and gave his wife a deep kiss to satisfy his craving.

He challenged his limit until both of them couldn't hold their breath and let go.

"Rest now. I'll slap you if you move again."

Xiu Lan had no strength left. She took two deep breaths. She was afraid that she would not be able to control herself if she continued.

The next morning, Lin Heng woke up and found his wife leaning against him again. He couldn't help but kissed his soft and fragrant wife.

Xiu Lan was awakened by her kiss. She rolled her eyes at him and put her head under his arm to take a nap for a while.

On the other side, his daughter Xiao Xia also woke up and threw herself on Lin Heng's chest, laughing foolishly, and her saliva almost fell on him.

"Get up. After breakfast, I'll take you to the gathering. These two days are fun." Xiu Lan sat up and put on her white bra, which was messed up by Lin Heng yesterday.

Then she dressed Xiao Xia and the three of them got up together.

Xiu Lan's parents had already gotten up and were making breakfast.

They made four simple dishes in the morning. Everyone was eating when a man and a woman walked in from the yard carrying things.

"Dad, Mom, we're here to see you." The woman shouted into the house, her voice full of energy.

This woman is Xiulan's second sister Chen Xiuhua, and her home is in the next village.

She married a good husband, and she is capable, and her life is not bad, barely reaching the level of a thousand-yuan household.

"Have you eaten yet? Come and have a bite." Lin's father came out and greeted with a smile.

"Come and have a meal, just in time your sister Xiulan is back, you sisters can reminisce about the past." Chen's mother also said with a smile.

"What, Xiulan is back too?" Chen Xiuhua was shocked when she heard this.

She hurried into the house, wanting to see how Xiulan was doing now.

She didn't want to reminisce about the past, she wanted to see Xiulan's miserable appearance, let her beg herself, and she would give her some more alms.

However, when she entered the house, she instantly lost her composure, and her eyes stared out.

Why is Xiulan dressed better than herself and wearing a watch?

She felt like she was dreaming. She saw that Lin Heng, the man Xiulan married, was a second-rate guy, otherwise she wouldn't have traveled so far to get married.

Why was he living better than her now? She couldn't accept it for a while.

"Second sister!" Xiulan nodded gently, her tone couldn't be described as enthusiastic.

"You had a good life as a child, why did you only return to your parents' home this year?" Chen Xiuhua looked at it again and again, and asked indifferently.

She hates Xiulan for no other reason than that Xiulan inherited all the advantages of her parents' looks, while she inherited all the disadvantages.

In addition, her parents have treated Xiulan better than herself since she was a child, so she naturally hates her.

But in fact, Xiulan was very attached to her sister who was seven years older than her when she was a child. She didn't know her parents' preferences at all, and she couldn't even see that her sister disliked her.

So much so that she was often bullied by her sister, who deliberately led her into trouble. Later, when she got older and understood this, Xiulan gradually distanced herself from her.

"I'll be back when I have time." Xiulan smiled.

"Hurry up and sit down and drink water. Have you finished eating? I'll make breakfast for you." Mother Chen came over and said quickly.

"No, we came here after breakfast." Chen Xiuhua shook her head.

Xiulan finished the meal in two mouths, stood up with the bowl and said, "Mom, I took Lin Heng out to go to the party. I'll be back later."

"Second sister, second brother-in-law." Lin Heng said hello and took his daughter to the kitchen.

Putting down the dishes and chopsticks, Lin Heng put on his still damp shoes and was pulled by Xiulan towards Baisha Township.

She didn't want to talk to her sister too much to avoid embarrassment to her parents.

"Mom, did you kill a pig?"

Chen Xiuhua's husband Zhao Houjun asked curiously as he looked at the marinated meat in the wooden basin.

"Kill the pig?" Chen Xiuhua was also stunned. Are her parents wealthy?

"This was shot by Lin Heng, Xiulan's husband, in the reed swamp yesterday afternoon, and he also shot a wild goose." Lin's father said with a smile.

"Hit?" Chen Xiuhua's tone was a bit unbearable.

Why hadn't she heard that Lin Heng could hunt before?

"Not only that, I'm really rich now. I opened a buying station and got a lot of gifts for my parents." Zhang Shuiqin, the sister-in-law next to her, said with emotion.

"Opened a buying station? You're not bragging, right?" Chen Xiuhua didn't believe it. How much capital would it take to afford it?

"How can you brag? You can't brag by bringing a watch and a gift worth forty or fifty yuan."

Zhang Shuiqin smiled. She had long been dissatisfied with Chen Xiuhua's bossy attitude every time she came back, so she deliberately said something negative.

"Xiuhua, sit down and rest. It's good to have a rich relative." Zhao Houjun pulled her and told her not to get excited.

Chen Xiuhua sat down and drank some water to calm down.

After chatting with her mother for a while, she couldn't help but look at the gifts brought by Xiulan and the others. Whether it was clothes or wine, it silenced her.

Not to mention that she shot a wild boar yesterday. She just wanted to compete, but she didn't have the financial support.

"Don't worry too much. They haven't come back for a long time. We are all happy if you come back without taking anything."

Mother Lin held her hand and said with a smile.

"I know, Mom." Chen Xiuhua shook her head, feeling very uncomfortable.

Why is it that even though he works so hard, he is easily surpassed by his sister, just because she is prettier than him?

how so?

Chen Xiuhua couldn't calm down in her heart. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that God was unfair to her.

Recalling Xiulan's greeting just now, she thought it was a naked mockery.

However, neither Xiulan nor Lin Heng had any intention of doing so. It's because she is petty and likes to think too much. A simple greeting can be interpreted as someone else's ridicule for her.

On the other side, Xiulan took Lin Heng to the river dock, grabbed a small boat, and headed to Baisha Township.

The land in Lushui County is flat and the water is also very gentle. Whether you are going to the county seat or Baisha Township, you can take the waterway.

"It's over. My second sister must think that we are targeting her. If I knew that she would come back on August 15th, I would not come."

Xiulan looked at the water and said helplessly that she knew her second sister too well. She was hardworking and capable, but also stingy and petty.

"Never mind her, just don't break your skin in front of her. As for what she wants to do, let her go." Lin Heng said, spreading his hands.

Many women in rural areas are like this. Don't try to explain or change, it's useless.

"You're right." Xiulan blinked and was no longer embarrassed.

Taking the waterway, they arrived at Baisha Township in more than half an hour. After paying 30 cents for the boat fare, they took their daughter off the boat.

The shore is covered with soft white sand, which is also the origin of the name of Baisha Township.

Stepping on the sand, the two came to the countryside. The liveliness here was comparable to the New Year gatherings in Huangtan Town.

Lushui County is a good place with many people. A dozen people from Xiulan's family were divided into thirty acres of land and fifty acres of forest.

Nanping County has not only land but also mountains and few people, so each person gets more.

"It's so lively." Lin Heng said with emotion as he looked at the streets of Baisha Township.

Various hawking sounds were heard on the streets, including those selling fruits and vegetables, tables, chairs and benches, snacks and desserts, and those selling cats, dogs, livestock, and various gadgets. There were many more types than in Huangtan Town, and there were several streets.

Lin Heng held Xiaoxia in his arms and followed Xiulan, wandering around.

"Dad, it's delicious!" Xiaoxia pointed at the candy seller at the stall and looked at Lin Heng eagerly.

"I just had dinner, I'll buy it later." Lin Heng shook his head, unable to always satisfy her.

"I'll take you to a place where you can use your strength." Xiulan pulled Lin Heng and said with a smile.

"Where?" Lin Heng was curious.

"You'll know when we get there." Xiulan pulled Lin Heng and soon came to a street selling various small items.

There is the kind of trap and archery game here. If you trap or hit the target, you can take away the item.

This kind of trick has been around since ancient times and is not uncommon.

Xiulan took Lin Heng to an archery stall.

There are a lot of things displayed here, including jewelry, some daily necessities, and some educational toys such as Luban locks.

The most valuable first prize was a mutton-fat jade hairpin, and Xiulan obviously took her fancy to that one.

When the stall owner saw Lin Heng's move, he quickly came over and said with a smile: "Would you like to play? It costs five cents a time. If you hit the designated target, you can take away the corresponding thing."

"Is that mutton-fat jade hairpin real or fake? Which target should I hit?" Lin Heng asked, pointing to the first prize.

"Of course it's true. You'll pay ten if it's false. If you want to get this, you have to shoot the farthest ten-meter target. If you shoot ten times in a row, you can take it away."

The stall owner smiled and said, his hairpin is just a gimmick. It has been here for three years and no one can take it away.

"Then I'll give it a try. I'll give you a dollar first." Lin Heng gave Xiaoxia to Xiulan and handed over a dollar.

Some people watching around also looked over curiously. No one could take anything from the boss this morning.

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