Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 145 Temple Fair, Pick Up Bargains? 【66k】

Chapter 145 Temple fair, picking up the slack? 【6.6k】

Lin Heng picked up the bow and pulled the string to try. This bow was too soft. It was estimated that the maximum shooting range was only 20 meters, and the effective shooting range was only more than 10 meters. It was really difficult to hit it.

"Boss, I'll give you ten shots. Are you sure?" Lin Heng picked up the bow and arrow and asked again.

"Here, I'll give you as much as you want. If you don't give it to me, you're a son of a bitch. With so many people watching, I can't possibly cheat." The boss said angrily, patting his chest.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

"Here!" Xiulan gave one yuan, and the boss immediately brought twenty arrows over happily.

This arrow has no feathers and the arrowhead is round. It can be said to be a very light wooden stick.

The ten-meter target in the distance is only the size of a watermelon, so it is too difficult to hit ten shots. People who have not practiced can only rely on numbers.

Taking an arrow, Lin Heng first chose a target three meters away. The object underneath was a grasshopper woven from palm leaves.


After taking aim, Lin Heng shot an arrow into the grass target and pierced it. He looked up at the boss and said, "That's okay, right?"

"Yes, you're lucky." The boss responded with a smile and gave the grasshopper to Xiaoxia.

At this time, neither the stall owner nor the surrounding audience realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Oh!" Xiaoxia held the grasshopper and shook it happily.

Lin Heng almost understood the situation of the bow and arrow through the arrow just now, and the second arrow was aimed at the straw target ten meters away.

An arrow flew out with a whoosh. The arrow flew out of the target and fell behind.

"Hey, this ten-meter target is not that easy. I advise you to shoot some small objects." The boss grinned.

"It's okay, I'll try again!"

Lin Heng smiled, shot another arrow, and slammed into the ten-meter grass target.

The stall owner was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Young man is very lucky."

Lin Heng said nothing, and another arrow hit the target again.

The smile on the boss's face gradually disappeared, and he asked tentatively: "Young man, have you practiced before?"

"No, it's just good luck." Lin Heng chuckled, raised his hand and shot another arrow, hitting it again.

"Master, you are so awesome!"

"Win the hosta and teach the boss a lesson!"

The onlookers also understood that Lin Heng had come prepared, and they all clapped their hands and applauded. It was not a big deal to watch the excitement.

The boss's face turned gloomy, and his smile had completely transferred.

Then, Lin Heng shot five arrows in a row, and the grass target was already filled with seven arrows.

"Boss, can you get the arrow? There's no room." Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"No, you can't take out the arrows until you finish shooting." The stall owner shook his head, his expression turning cold.

"Are you sure you don't want to take it?" Lin Heng looked at him and asked with a smile.

"If you don't take it, shoot if you can. If you don't, just leave." The boss snorted coldly. He knew that he was going to be in trouble today.

Lin Heng said nothing, bang bang bang, all three arrows hit again.

"Bring me your jade hairpin." Lin Heng looked at him.

The stall owner reluctantly took the hosta and handed it to Lin Heng.

Lin Heng took the hairpin and looked at it. It was pure white, with a phoenix carved on the tail, with a little cyan on it.

Looking carefully, there is still a lot of cotton inside, and it is indeed a hosta. He estimates that it is worth about ten yuan at most.

After looking at it again, he turned around and put the plug on his wife. Although she had a high ponytail today, it did not affect the insertion of the hairpin.

"It looks good!" Lin Heng said with a smile.

There were so many people, Xiulan was a little embarrassed, so she took it off and looked at it, then put it back in with great fondness.

"There are eight more arrows. What else do you want?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"It's nothing, just let Xiaoxia ejaculate with two toys. It's not easy for the boss." Xiulan was kind-hearted and took the initiative to say good things to the stall owner.

"I originally thought so, but the boss's tone just now was too harsh. I have to play for another three dollars." Lin Heng said deliberately.

The originally livid boss forced a smile and walked over to beg for mercy: "Brother, I called you brother. I was wrong. Don't do this. You can take eight more things here."

"No, I'll cum myself." Lin Heng shook his head.

With five arrows in a row, I shot my daughter with two small frogs woven from palm leaves, two Luban locks, and a wooden cart.

The remaining three arrows were given directly to a ten-year-old child next to him.

"Thank you, uncle!" The child was very excited when he got the arrow and thanked him repeatedly.

Everyone is happy, the only one who feels uncomfortable is the stall owner.

"Honey, do you want to play roping?" Lin Heng asked, pointing to the roping stall.

"If you don't play, I won't hit the target." Xiulan shook her head. She played archery because she believed that Lin Heng would definitely make money.

She was not interested in a money-losing game like ring trapping.

"Okay then." Lin Heng nodded. As for Xiaoxia in his arms, forget it. She couldn't even throw a small stone two meters away. She was too weak.

If you want to play, wait until she is older.

After leaving this street, they went to the street where livestock cubs were sold. There were mostly cubs of various domestic animals here, but there were also cats, dogs, plants, birds and some goldfish.

Xiaoxia stopped in front of an emerald green bird and looked at it for a long time. When the bird called, she giggled.

"For two yuan, do you want to buy it back for your daughter?" the stall owner asked with a smile.

Lin Heng shook his head: "I won't buy it."

Xiaoxia didn't mean to buy it, she was just curious.

"Dad, redfish!"

Xiaoxia said curiously when she saw the koi in the basin.

"You can only look at it, but you can't touch it." Lin Heng pulled her and said.

If they were not far away, he would like to buy a few and take them back to his fish pond to keep. These koi are quite beautiful.

After looking at the fish for a while, I went to look at other things. There are quite a lot of things here. There are live pigeons and turtle doves for sale, and there are also pigs and badger cubs.

Lin Heng thought for a while and decided to forget it. He could kill the pig badger himself, so why buy it?

At the corner of this street is the vegetable market. In addition to the common fruits and vegetables, the most popular fish and shrimp here are fish and shrimp. All kinds of fish and shrimp in the river are sold.

Because there is no oxygen equipment, most of them are dead, only crucian carp, catfish and the like are alive.

But it can all be seen that they are very fresh, and the fish’s eyes are very bright. They must have been caught just in the morning.

But as a fisherman, he has principles and will not eat the fish he bought even if he starved to death.

"There is a seller over there that sells marinated ingredients. I'll buy a few bags. When you catch another prey, we can marinate it and eat it."

Xiulan looked at a stall in front and pulled Lin Heng and said.

"Buy more. You can make hot pot base when we go back and use it for our hot pot in winter." Lin Heng nodded.

When we go back this time, the weather will gradually cool down, and then it will be time to gather together and have hot pot.

He planned to buy a copper stove hot pot, and if he didn't have one ready-made, he paid a blacksmith to make one.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded in agreement.

The marinade is not cheap. It cost six yuan to buy three kilograms of marinade, which made Xiulan feel a little distressed.

In rural areas, they only buy half a catty of braised pork head meat at the end of the year. Usually no one buys it, and most of them don’t have braised meat at home.

After buying the marinade, the three of them continued wandering around the street.

There is no purpose for shopping, just looking here and there. Shopping with the people you like will never be boring.

Xiaoxia was very happy eating a steamed bun with red bean paste, puffing out her cheeks and chewing it slowly.

Neither Lin Heng nor Xiulan were hungry, so they didn't buy anything to eat, and there must have been a big meal prepared at home at noon.

"You guys wait here while I go buy something for mom." Xiulan said suddenly as she looked at her.

"Okay." Lin Heng didn't think much and took Xiaoxia to play around.

After a while, Xiulan came back, and then the three of them went shopping together.

After wandering around, I came to a temple fair in Baisha Township. There were jugglers and opera singers here.

Lin Heng and Xiulan stopped to watch the performance. There were many people watching here.

Seeing this man with his chest smashed by rocks, his neck pressed against a steel bar, and his neck bent by the steel bar, a group of people shouted and applauded, saying he was awesome.

But when people asked for money, very few gave it. Xiaoxia took the dime Xiulan gave and threw it in, and received a string of thanks and blessings.

Everyone else gets one or two cents, and one dime is the most.

I looked at the jugglers and then at the opera singers. They were singing folk songs and flower drum opera. After listening for a while, they ran away, mainly because Xiaoxia was not interested in it.

"I bet on the left one, a ball."

"I bet on the right, two balls."

After walking a few steps forward, a group of people gathered around a stall in front of them, shouting and placing bets, which attracted a lot of people's attention.

But there was only one table on the stall in front of them, with three small bowls on it. The man in a long coat setting up the stall was smiling as he watched everyone place their bets.

"What is this for?" This is the first time Xiulan has seen this.

"This is called the Return of the Three Immortals with Ghost Hands to the Cave. These are all for gambling." Lin Heng said with a smile.

This kind of trick was a craft job in the old society, and most people didn't know the principle.

But in the later Internet age, it is all an open secret. It is just a kind of magic that relies on tricks to deceive people.

After watching Xiulan and Xiaoxia from a distance for a while, the mother and daughter both exclaimed in surprise and couldn't see any flaws at all.

This was obviously an old craftsman, very skilled, and Lin Heng couldn't see any flaws.

But he knew the principle, and after telling Xiulan about it, she suddenly realized: "So that's it, why am I so amazing? It turns out that the ball is hidden in my hand."

"So these bettors are destined to be impossible to win." Lin Heng smiled slightly, this kind of trick can still deceive people now.

"Then how did you know?" Xiulan looked at him curiously again.

"Because I met someone who knew how to return to the cave with three immortals. He told me this after drinking." Lin Heng blinked.

After walking around the temple fair, the sun gradually rose and the air became hot. The three of them no longer felt in the mood to continue shopping, so they got up and walked back.

While passing by a street selling odds and ends, Lin Heng suddenly saw something out of the corner of his eye.

An incense burner, with a dark copper color all over. The body of the burner is shaped like a goblet. The cover of the burner is conical, high and pointed, in the shape of a mountain. It is also hollow and looks like a green hill.

There are cloud patterns and bird and animal patterns carved on it, and there are some green pigments in some parts, which looks quite delicate.

"This is a Boshan stove, right?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

Boshan stove is a device used to burn incense. Ancient people liked to burn incense and bathe, so this kind of stove was generally used.

The seller was an old man. In addition to the stove, he also had several beautiful porcelain dishes and bowls, as well as some bottles and jars.

He glanced at Lin Heng and shook his head: "I don't know. This is an old thing at home. I found it in the cellar a few days ago. I don't know what dynasty it is. Do you want to buy it?"

Lin Heng picked up the porcelain plate and bowl and looked at it. There was no specific signature or seal. Judging from the blue and green patterns on it, it was probably a blue and white porcelain plate and bowl.

"How much is it?" Lin Heng pointed at the Boshan stove and asked. He wanted to buy it back to make some incense powder to smoke mosquitoes.

He was also interested in these porcelain plates and bowls. There were many old items in the countryside in this era. There were even people who went to the countryside to collect these things. They just bullied the rural people who were ignorant and didn't understand the value.

The old man glanced at Lin Heng, waved his hand and said, "The stove is three yuan, and the porcelain bowls and plates are one yuan each. I'm not sure when they are made. They are useless at home. If you like them, take them."

Lin Heng picked them up and looked at them again and again, and finally bought the Boshan stove, three intact blue and white porcelain plates and four small bowls.

"Are you sure you want to buy so many?" Xiulan looked at him and asked. Normally, buying a bowl would only cost a few cents. This was too expensive.

The old man seemed to be afraid that Lin Heng would not sell it. He pointed to the remaining five broken porcelain bowls and plates and said, "If you buy so many, I will give you the rest."

Lin Heng looked at his wife and said, "Buy it, you pay."

He didn't care. Even if it was a modern product, it was not a big loss.

"You make money, just think about it." Xiulan took out her wallet and handed over ten yuan.

"Haha, thank you, I'll wrap it for you with the zong hair." The old man laughed, picked up the soft zong hair, wrapped the things, put them in a cloth bag and handed it to Lin Heng.

After buying the things, Lin Heng took his wife away quickly and walked towards the shore.

"Do you think these are old things?" Xiulan asked curiously on the way.

"Yes, I will find someone to identify them when I have the chance. Anyway, it's only ten yuan, so it doesn't matter if it's not."

Lin Heng smiled slightly. After all, he was a man with a net worth of tens of thousands, and he thought it was nothing to take such a small risk.

"As long as you are happy, I just hope you have better luck. Anyway, I feel that the old man is a liar." Xiulan blinked and said.

"Haha, we can only know after identification, but I think there should be no one in such a small place who specializes in deceiving people. If you are deceived, it can only be said that it is the problem of this thing." Lin Heng smiled.

As the two were talking, a boat came over and asked if they were going to Liulin Village, and then they got on the boat.

"The village is very lively at night, but it's a pity that it's too far away." Sitting on the boat, Xiulan said with regret.

"We can only wait until later." Lin Heng spread his hands and said that there was really nothing he could do about it. Living in the countryside was full of inconveniences.

When they returned to Liulin Village, it was already eleven o'clock. Every household in the village was cooking. On August 15th, the countryside would have a sumptuous reunion dinner at noon.

It was too inconvenient to eat without electricity at night. Moon-watching and other things were only done by literati and scholars. Ordinary farmers would go to bed after watching for a few seconds, and they would have farm work to do the next day.

When they returned home with the things they bought, they could smell the aroma of fried meat from a distance.

"Lin Heng Xiulan, you are finally back. You said that the meal was ready but you couldn't call you."

Seeing Lin Heng and Xiulan, Lin's father, who was picking up the fishing net in the yard, said with a smile.

"It's time to eat." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Xiu Lan, what did you buy? Is the village lively today?" asked Zhang Shuiqin, the eldest sister-in-law, curiously.

Xiu Lan shook the marinade in her hand and replied, "It's quite lively. We bought a marinade bag and then went to stew meat."

"I bought some small things, not worth much." Lin Heng said casually, and he certainly couldn't say that he spent ten yuan on these things.

Father Chen smiled and said, "We were lucky today. The fishing net caught a silver carp weighing more than 40 kilograms. The head has been chopped off. We will have chopped pepper fish head for lunch."

"It's so big."

Lin Heng walked over and took a look and was a little shocked. He had never caught such a big silver carp.

After chatting for a few words, Xiu Lan asked curiously, "By the way, where are my second sister and her family?"

"They said they had something to do at home and went back first. They couldn't stay." Father Chen said with his hands spread out.

"Okay." Xiu Lan nodded. She knew that her second sister must be worried again. There was really nothing she could do.

After entering the house and putting down the things, Xiulan went to the kitchen to help her mother, while Lin Heng took his daughter to chat with Chen's father under the eaves.

"Today, I also caught two mandarin fish, and I made them into smoked fish. When you leave tomorrow, take it back for your parents to try. Don't refuse. We have a lot of fish here, and they are not good things." Chen's father said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you, Dad." Lin Heng nodded in agreement. Mandarin fish is actually more delicious when made into stinky mandarin fish, but dried fish is also fine.

The meal was not cooked until 12:30. Today, the Chen family set up two tables, and the children could also eat at the table.

Lin Heng's table still had 12 dishes, with an extra bowl of steamed pork with rice flour and chopped pepper fish head, and two less vegetarian dishes.

Lin Heng had no interest in the steamed pork with rice flour, which was all fat, but the chopped pepper fish head was fresh and spicy and very good.

What he liked most was the stewed wild goose soup, which tasted so fragrant.

"Dad, I want more!" Xiaoxia finished a small bowl and said she wanted more.

Not only Lin Heng likes it, Xiaoxia also loves this wild goose stew.

"Have some meat." Lin Heng picked up the stewed wild goose meat and fed it to his daughter.

"I'll feed you, you eat." Xiulan took Xiaoxia over, because her mother kept looking at her and was very dissatisfied with her letting Lin Heng take care of the child.

"Okay." Lin Heng grinned and did not stop him.

He actually wanted to drink less by taking care of his daughter. Without his daughter as a shield, he would drink more often.

Everyone was very happy on Mid-Autumn Festival, and he couldn't refuse.

Good wine and good food are rare for rural people.

During the drinking, Chen's father and Xiulan's three brothers couldn't help but sigh about the difficulties of life, all kinds of things.

Lin Heng listened quietly, thinking that this was a prelude to borrowing money, but what surprised him was that they didn't mention it until they finished drinking.

He felt that he was a little mean-spirited, maybe they were just sighing.

After dinner, Lin Heng fell asleep drowsily. This lunch was really full of wine and food, and he ate very happily.

In another room, Zhang Shuiqin pinched Chen Zhidong's waist and said dissatisfiedly: "Why don't you ask for money?

Do you still want to live in this house? I haven't had a good life with you."

She had told her husband yesterday to borrow some money and try to build the house, but he didn't say a word.

"Dad warned us not to borrow, you go find Dad." Chen Zhidong slapped her hand away dissatisfiedly.

"Hmph, your dad is really too proud to live in pain. He can't live a day like this." Zhang Shuiqin was getting angrier and angrier. She really married the wrong person.

The same thing was happening in the other two rooms.

The women wanted to build a new house so much, and they couldn't stand living together for a day.

But Chen's father had his own considerations. He thought it was not good for them to borrow money when his son-in-law came back to his parents' home for the first time. Moreover, the family needed to build three houses, and the money needed was also a large amount. Let's forget it.

When Lin Heng woke up, it was already dark. When he walked out of the house, the moon was bright and bright. If you look carefully, you can see the pattern on the moon.

"Mom, the moon is so big tonight." Xiaoxia pointed to the sky and said.

In the yard, Xiulan and Xiaoxia were looking at the moon. Xiaoxia opened her eyes wide and was full of curiosity.

"Mom will tell you the story of Chang'e flying to the moon. Legend has it..." Xiulan hugged Xiaoxia and told the story, but she had a hard time telling it in the face of her daughter's frequent interruptions.

Lin Heng secretly listened and found it very interesting.

"Are you awake? Do you have a headache?" Seeing Lin Heng, Xiulan asked with a wink.

"I feel a little dizzy. It's all because of you. You took Xiaoxia away. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to drink so much." Lin Heng said helplessly.

"You are the culprit." Xiulan smiled.

After a pause, she said, "Are you hungry? I'll make you a meal. We've all had dinner."

"Not hungry for now, wait a while." Lin Heng shook his head.

"Mom, look, there's another moon!" Xiaoxia pointed to the sky and said.

"That's a Kongming lantern." Lin Heng came over and touched her face, smiling.

"How can the lantern fly?" Xiaoxia was puzzled and curious.

Lin Heng came over and picked her up to explain it to her. Xiaoxia naturally didn't understand and shouted that she wanted to make one herself. Lin Heng could only tell her to wait until she got home to make one.

After playing for a while, Lin Heng had dinner and went back to the house to rest.

Xiulan's parents, elder brother and others had already gone to bed after dinner. They drank more than Lin Heng at noon, and they were still drunk and had no interest in watching the moon.

But Lin Heng couldn't fall asleep no matter what he did while lying on the bed. After all, he had just slept.

He could only hold his wife's hand and count his fingers boredly, but Xiulan was quite sleepy. He pulled her into his arms and touched his face helplessly: "Be good, I'll go home tomorrow, have a good rest, I'm tired."

In fact, she was not very tired, but she was afraid that she would not be able to control herself. Her parents were outside, and it would be too bad if she made strange noises.


Lin Heng didn't want to disturb his wife's rest. He smelled the fragrance of his wife's hair, stared at the top of the mosquito net in a daze, and finally fell asleep unconsciously.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next morning. Chen's mother got up before dawn at five o'clock to cook.

When Lin Heng and Xiulan got up, the meal was already ready.

"Mom, there is no need to cook in the morning, just cook a little." Lin Heng smiled as he looked at the table of dishes.

"You are leaving today, so you must get some good ones." Chen's mother smiled and shook her head.

"Hurry up and sit down. Let's just drink two cups in the morning, not too much." Chen's father smiled and pulled Lin Heng to sit next to him.

Because he had to hurry on his way before the sun came out, Lin Heng went to eat after drinking two cups.

After dinner, he pulled the carriage with Hongzao's body, while Xiulan was packing.

They didn't have much stuff, just the marinade and porcelain bought yesterday, and some clothes to change.

Just as they were ready and taken out, Chen's mother also came out with a few big bags of things.

"Lin Heng Xiulan, we don't have anything good to give you. These are some dried fish and shrimp skins that have been dried. There are about 30 to 40 kilograms of various types. You can take them back and eat them slowly." Chen's mother said with a smile.

"Okay, mom." Xiulan didn't hesitate and took it.

Father Chen held Xiaoxia and said with a smile: "Xiaoxia, call me grandpa again."

Xiaoxia looked at him and called out in a baby voice: "Grandpa!"

"Oh, you called me so sweetly, I'll give you a red envelope as a reward." Father Chen grinned and handed a red envelope to Xiaoxia.

It was the first time for Xiaoxia to receive a red envelope, and she had no idea what you were doing, so she looked at her grandpa curiously.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Lin Heng said hurriedly, and was about to come over to stop him.

"It's the first time for my granddaughter to come to my house, so what's wrong with me giving her a red envelope? Don't refuse it, it's not for you." Father Chen blocked him and pushed him away.

"Dad, you are too polite, we are all family." Lin Heng said helplessly.

"It's because we are all family that I gave it to you." Father Chen pushed him and asked Mother Chen to carry Xiaoxia directly into the car.

After chatting with everyone about old times and being polite for a while, Chen's father and Chen's mother asked them to come back during the New Year, and Lin Heng invited them to come and play.

"Then I'm leaving, dad, mom, brother and sisters-in-law."

Lin Heng said something, asked Xiulan to say goodbye, and then drove the carriage toward the distance.

"Okay, remember to come back during the Chinese New Year." Mother Chen shouted reluctantly when she saw the carriage leaving.

The Chen family's group watched the carriage go away with a lot of thoughts. Father Chen and mother Chen were very happy from the bottom of their hearts. But the daughters-in-law looked unhappy and even resented their elders.

The carriage soon left Liulin Village again. The sun had not yet come out. The grass on the roadside was covered with crystal dew, and the morning wind was very refreshing.

Xiulan smiled and looked at Lin Heng: "How much money do you think Dad gave Xiaoxia in red envelopes? You will never guess."




PS: Friends, I have been lazy for a day, and today I have 6,600 words. I have been in a bad state recently, and drinking and sex got me wrong.

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