Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 146 Going home, holding Huang on the left and Cang on the right!

"How much?"

Lin Heng turned around and asked. When Father Chen gave it, it was wrapped in red paper and stuffed directly into Xiaoxia's hand. Neither he nor Xiulan got it at the first time.

"It's not money, but a silver dollar." Xiulan took it out and blew it, and it suddenly made a crisp sound.

Lin Heng glanced back and was stunned: "Is this Yuan Datou?"

This thing is not cheap even in this era, this one can be sold for more than ten or twenty yuan.

However, there are quite a lot of these things in this era. Many people in rural areas have no means and cannot sell them at a good price, so they all use them to melt them into silver jewelry.

Xiulan smiled and nodded: "Yes, I actually knew how many coins my dad had in his hands for a long time, but I didn't expect him to be so willing to give them up this time.

After all, we went back this time to help him gain face. He is now very prestigious in the village. "

"Let me see." Lin Heng reached out and took it.

In this era, it is unlikely that things in rural areas are fake, and 99% of them are genuine.

However, not all vintages of Yuan Datou were so valuable. He took a look at it and saw the eighth year of the Republic of China written on it.

Sure enough, it is a relatively common piece of Yuan Datou. Generally, it is only valuable if it is three years old in the Republic of China or has a special mark.

"Not bad, keep it for Xiaoxia." Lin Heng smiled and handed the silver coin back.

The longer this thing is kept, the more valuable it becomes. Let's keep it at home as a souvenir for Xiaoxia.

He had to drive the carriage faster while the morning was cooler. Although October was still a few days away, the weather was still hot.

We have to wait until the end of October before the temperature drops and everything starts to turn yellow and red.

Since I left after breakfast, I didn’t have to stop for food on the way.

But in order not to make Hong Zao so tired, after ten o'clock, they still found a place to rest.

There happened to be a few August melons and wild plums on the road.

The August melons have basically split open at this time, and the wild plums have also turned red, looking very attractive.

Lin Heng climbed up and pulled the August Melon's vines, pulling it down alive.

There were five August melons in total. I picked three of them, but the remaining two were too tall, so I had to give up.

After getting the August melon, Lin Heng reached out and picked some plums and put them in his pocket.

After getting off the road, Lin Heng took out a plum and took a bite while walking. He suddenly showed a surprised expression: "This plum is so sweet, my wife, try it."

"Don't lie to me. It's not like I haven't eaten plums before." Xiulan glanced at him and didn't believe it.

"Really, it's very sweet." Lin Heng took two more bites.

This made Xiulan a little suspicious. She took one and tasted it. Her face wrinkled as soon as she bit into it. It was sour and astringent, with no sweetness at all.


Lin Heng was vomiting and laughing at the same time. He was so happy that he ran away when he saw Xiulan chasing after her to transfer money.

"Don't run!" Xiulan gritted her teeth and chased after her. She was so angry that this guy was so bad.

"I'm going to get angry if you don't stop!"

After chasing for a while, she found that she couldn't catch up, so Xiulan panted and threatened.

"You just took one bite, but I took one, and I lost blood." Lin Heng expressed with his hands.

"Forget it, Xiaoxia ran down, I'm going back."

Xiulan glared at her, turned around and walked back.

Lin Heng had just turned back and walked a few steps when Xiulan suddenly turned around and caught him.

"No, not like this." Lin Heng wanted to resist, but his neck was already trapped under his wife's arm.

"Eat it and forget about it." Xiulan threatened Lin Heng as she stuffed the sour plum she had bitten into Lin Heng's mouth.

"It's too sour, I won't eat it." Lin Heng shook his head vigorously, feeling quite comfortable being held by his wife like this.

"Next time you lie to me, you will be dead." Xiulan patted his face, glared hard, and then let go.

"Definitely not." Lin Heng assured with a smile.

In fact, he knew that Xiulan deliberately cooperated with him to eat, and he also deliberately got caught by his wife.

This is just a little spice that the two of them added to their boring lives.

When they came back, Xiaoxia grabbed the August melon with her little hands and stuffed it into her mouth. She had almost harmed the August melon, and it was all over her hands and face.

"Daddy, Tangtang!" She giggled when she saw Lin Heng.

"It's all nonsense, look what Xiaoxia has done." Xiulan rolled her eyes at Lin Heng and took out a handkerchief to wipe Xiaoxia's hands and face.

After playing for a while, the three of them continued on their way.

We arrived at Huangtan Town at 12:30. Today, the 16th day of the first lunar month, happened to be a gathering. Lin Heng took his wife and daughter to the store to have a look.

Wang Zhou is already here. Yesterday, August 15th, he asked Caiyun to notify him early and give him a day off.

"Brother Lin, sister-in-law!"

Seeing Lin Heng, Wang Zhou quickly greeted him and poured him three cups of honeysuckle herbal tea that had been soaked in a large teapot and left to cool.

"Has nothing happened recently?" Lin Heng asked after taking a sip of herbal tea.

"No, there are just some goods in the canteen that are running low. I have written down the list."

Wang Zhou took out a piece of paper from the ledger and handed it to Lin Heng.

Lin Heng took a look and saw that they were all things that could be stored for a long time, such as salt, sugar, and some daily necessities.

His bundled sales model was surprisingly easy to use. The purchase station brought a lot of traffic, which made the canteen sell very well.

The goods, which were originally expected to last two or three months, may not be enough to last another half month.

Of course, Liu Qicheng's role is also indispensable. Lin Heng overestimated this opponent. Not only did he fail to put pressure on him, he also sent himself into it.

Lin Heng handed the paper back and said casually: "It's okay, you sell it first, and you and I will go to the city to purchase goods in mid-October of the solar calendar, and then bring some things needed for autumn and winter."

"Okay." Wang Zhou nodded.

Looking at the sun outside, Lin Heng filled two basins of water for Hongzao to drink, and then went to visit Grandpa Gao.

The day before yesterday, he asked Caiyun to send moon cakes to Grandpa Gao, so when he saw him, Grandpa Gao was very kind.

After chatting for a while, Grandpa Gao asked him to go fishing again, saying that it was too boring to go fishing without a fisherman who understood him.

Lin Heng smiled and agreed, and said that he would come down in a few days. Autumn is the best season for fishing in the four seasons of the year, and he also wants to come to Huangtan River to teach these ignorant fish a lesson.

"Let's go home." Lin Heng walked out and said to Xiulan and Xiaoxia.


The two wore straw hats and got on the carriage. Lin Heng drove the carriage back home.

At this time of year, everyone was hiding from the sun at home at noon, and I didn't see anyone until I got to the door.

Xiulan took Xiaoxia to call people first, and soon, Lin's father and eldest brother came out.

"How is it, is Baisha Township fun?" Lin's father asked while helping to unload the car.

"It's good, there are so many fish there, I brought back a lot of dried fish, you can take it back and try it later."

Lin Heng said with a smile, it's natural to be happy when you have money.

"It seems that you have a lot of fun this time." The eldest brother Lin Yue also said with a smile.

"Yes, I shot a wild boar of 40 to 50 kilograms in Liulin Village, and also caught a wild goose, but it's a pity that I didn't encounter anything on the way back." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"So amazing, tell me the details later." Lin Yue was surprised, my brother's skills are amazing, he never leaves empty-handed wherever he goes.

"Come over for dinner in the evening, and tell us in detail then, your mother has prepared the food." Lin's father also said that they didn't do anything else except harvesting corn these two days.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, took the things and went home first.

Then he came down and led the horse, tied it in the stable, and fed it with fresh corn leaves.

"Woof woof!!"

Not far from the stable, there was already a black dog tied with a chain, roaring at him.

"So crazy?"

Lin Heng walked over with a smile, this guy was stupid and cute.


Lin Heng took two steps forward, and this guy took two steps back. The main thing was that he only dared to speak but not to take action.

After being pressed in the nest and rubbed by Lin Heng, he immediately became a little licking dog, wagging his tail and sticking out his tongue at him.

After rubbing the dog, Lin Heng looked at the fruit trees he had planted before on the way back. Except for the cherry tree and the jujube tree seedlings that survived, the other few were all sent.

He knocked on the door of the backyard, and soon Xiulan came over to open it.

In addition to more weeds in the whole backyard, the only change was that the few chrysanthemums planted were blooming, golden and beautiful.

After five months of feeding, the grass carp seedlings are three or four centimeters long, and there are a lot of them in the water.

Lin Heng feels that it is almost time to move them to the fish pond. Although it is mainly for shrimp farming, fish can still be raised.

This year's plan is to dig out at least 15 acres of fish ponds, and it is no problem to make three or four ponds to raise fish.

When the fish pond is freed, he can also raise some fish that he caught himself, and then he can just catch them when he wants to eat them in winter.

Entering the house, Xiaoxia, Jinbao and Xiongba are playing happily in the main room.

"Woof woof~" Seeing Lin Heng, it rushed over to be affectionate, licking him like a dog, and licking his hand was not enough.

"Sit down!" Lin Heng ordered, and Xiongba sat down obediently.

"Turn around twice!" Lin Heng said again.

Xiongba glanced at him, not knowing what his master was doing, but still cooperated and turned around twice.

"Not bad, I'll reward you with a fish to eat tonight." Lin Heng rubbed its dog head.

"Woof woof!" Xiongba turned around happily several times.

"What dried fish did my parents give us?" Lin Heng came over and asked.

Xiulan took out the things while talking: "The most dried white striped horse mouth is estimated to be 15 or 16 pounds, and then there are two smoked mandarin fish, which are not yet completely dried and need to be dried again.

There are also dried carp, dried crucian carp, and more than half of dried black carp, as well as a large bag of dried fish bubbles."

"This fish bubble is a good thing, it tastes good." Lin Heng mentioned it, there must be two or three pounds, the father-in-law and mother-in-law are really willing to give it, and it is quite expensive to sell it.

Xiulan looked at him and asked: "Let's keep the fish bubbles for ourselves, how about I give the white striped dried fish and three pounds to my parents and eldest brother?"

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

After looking at the fish bubbles, he took out the porcelain and Boshan furnace he bought and looked at them.

He couldn't determine the year of the porcelain, but he felt that this furnace was not simple, and it was probably an antique.

After putting the porcelain in the cabinet for storage, Lin Heng placed the Boshan stove on the table.

He went out to his parents' old house and got some three to five-year-old mugwort, kneaded the mugwort into moxa wool, spread some wood ash in the stove and lit the moxa wool.

In a moment, the tiny smoke came out from the hollow part of the stove cover. From a distance, it looked like a small mountain filled with fairy mist and mountains.

As the smoke spread, a faint scent of mugwort spread throughout the house.

"Not bad, not bad, I'll make some incense to fumigate later." Lin Heng felt good, making incense and drinking tea, very comfortable.

Xiulan went to pick two cucumbers and came in. After eating, she lay down on the mat in the house to rest.

The journey back was so tiring that even Xiaoxia didn't want to move.

The mat was a bit hard, so the three of them simply lay down on the bed.

Lying on the bed, Xiulan, who was not used to taking naps, fell asleep.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Xiulan woke up Lin Heng: "Liu Sheng is here, looking for you."

She woke up at around three o'clock, took Xiaoxia to feed the animals at home, and picked up three eggs by the way.

"Liu Sheng hasn't left yet?" Lin Heng was stunned. He thought these people should have left long ago.

He put on his shoes and yawned and walked out. Liu Sheng was drinking tea in the main room. When he saw Lin Heng coming out, he smiled and said, "Your life is really good."

"It's okay. If you want to borrow money from me, get out of here." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"You're so straightforward." Liu Sheng was speechless, and then continued: "I'm definitely not here to borrow money. I'm here to say goodbye. I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Did you get a loan?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

"Yes, my loan is not much, just a thousand yuan. We are going to buy a tractor to sell goods. If you need anything, just tell me and I will bring it back to you during the Chinese New Year."

Liu Sheng nodded and said that although Lin Heng no longer wanted to play with them, his feelings for Lin Heng had not changed.

"No need for this, I don't need anything." Lin Heng patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

He originally wanted Liu Sheng to show him a modern compound bow, but he thought that he would definitely go to Ancheng during the Chinese New Year, so he would just buy it himself.

"Okay, then I'm leaving. When I make money, I will find a beautiful wife to marry and build a small building as cool as you." Liu Sheng patted Lin Heng on the shoulder and said with a smile.

He understood Lin Heng's thoughts very well. After all, he already had a beautiful wife, so it was really inappropriate to travel far away.

And he also admired Lin Heng. He could make a fortune by standing in front of the door.

"Stay and have dinner before going back. My mother should have already started cooking." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"No, I have to go home to pack my things and drink again next time I come back." Liu Sheng waved his hand and left.

Lin Heng sent him to the door of the courtyard, and he understood the young man's mood. His own model cannot be copied. All he can do is go out and give it a try.

After sending him away, Lin Heng went to the old house to take a look. His father and the others were breaking corn, and there was already a big pile in the yard.

A few minutes after he arrived, Xiulan also came, wearing gloves and shucking corn with Mother Lin.

Xiaoxia was making trouble nearby. Xiulan peeled one off and handed one to her.

Most of the corn husks are peeled off, leaving one or two leaves. Finally, they are hung under the eaves to dry, and when the business is not busy in winter, they are slowly peeled into corn kernels.

Lin Heng asked where his father and elder brother were, changed his clothes, and went to help break the corn with a basket on his back.

This farm work was also very tiring, but he went anyway.

Not only can corn leaves cut people, but some leaves also have live chili seeds.

Being cut by a leaf and then sweating is the ultimate torture.

"How many grains are there left to break?" Lin Heng asked when it was almost seven o'clock.

"There are only three acres of land left on the side of the road. It will be finished in one day tomorrow." Father Lin said with a smile.

"Okay, you can break up the rest. I'm going back to take a shower. I can't stand it anymore." Lin Heng shook his head, put down his backpack and went home.

"After I finish breaking it off, let's go take a bath in the river." Lin Yue suggested.

"Then let me help you break it off." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

After two trips to break off the last bit of corn here, Lin Heng and his eldest brother took towels and went to the river.

After a day of exposure to the sun, the temperature of the river is very suitable and the water quality is clear. It would be really enjoyable to find a pool with a gravel bottom and take a bath.

After soaking for more than ten minutes and swimming several laps, he didn't want to say anything about feeling comfortable.

It's such a beautiful thing to take a dip in the river on this hot day.

After returning home, Lin Heng found that Lin Hai was also here. He looked at him and said, "Are you looking for me?"

"Hey, Brother Lin, let's go out and talk." He said with a smile.

Lin Heng put the towel on the back of Xiulan's chair and walked out with Lin Hai.

Not far after walking out, Lin Hai hugged Lin Heng's shoulders and said excitedly: "Brother, you will be my reborn parents from now on. Without you, I might still be hanging by Jin Yan.

From now on, I won’t even listen to what my dad says, but I will listen to you. You are so awesome. "

Lin Heng glanced at him, patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "What, you and Tian Yan went out to play during the Mid-Autumn Festival? Has the relationship progressed?"

Lin Hai chuckled and nodded smoothly: "Yes, I kissed her. We are now in a relationship. She is so good. Damn."

When he recalled his experience during the Mid-Autumn Festival, he smiled like an aunt.

Fortunately, Lin Heng is already married and has not been fed dog food.

"You took the initiative to confess your love?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

Lin Hai nodded repeatedly: "Well, I went to the temple fair with her. She was dressed so beautifully that I couldn't help but confess my love. Unexpectedly, it was successful right away. She even blamed me for delaying my confession for so long."

He always thought Tian Yan was very cold, but in fact she just didn't like talking to strangers.

This surprised Lin Heng. The progress between the two was really fast.

"Okay, since you succeeded, then you should work hard and build a career." Lin Heng patted him on the shoulder.

"Brother, I have decided to dig two fish ponds when I go back. You can take me with you when you raise fish next year, and I will give you one-third of the income."

Lin Hai looked at Lin Heng and said that he thought that although planting fruit trees was good, the time cycle was too long.

"There is no need to share the profits. If you can dig out a fish pond, I will take you there without any problem."

Lin Heng patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"I will definitely convince my parents to dig out a two-acre fish pond." Lin Hai nodded vigorously.

"Let's go to my house for dinner." Lin Heng didn't ask any more questions and turned to walk into the house.

"Okay." Lin Hai didn't hesitate and ran into the house to peel corn and wait for a meal.

The dinner made by Lin's mother was also very rich, with eight dishes, three meat dishes, and fairy tofu.

During dinner, Lin Heng shared with his family about his life at Xiulan's mother's house.

Then he chatted about some other trivial things.

"Second brother, Liu Cihua told me today that she saw rabbits twice near the soybean field of Hongfeng Mountain, saying that they were eating our soybeans."

Caiyun took a bite of the food and looked at Lin Heng and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded. His recent idea was to continue hunting in the mountains.

The crops under Hongfeng Mountain will be harvested by the end of October, so it is not possible to start digging fish ponds for the time being.

After eating a bite of Shenxian tofu, Lin Heng ate a bite of dried white fish. The dried white fish was soaked in water, and then chopped and fried with chili peppers. The taste is also delicious.

"Tomorrow we are going to pick chestnuts. If we don't pick them up, others will pick them up." Lin's father said after eating a bite of rice.

"Yes, corn is nothing left in the field for a few days, but chestnuts will be gone if we don't pick them up." Lin's mother also agreed with this statement.

"Where are you going to pick chestnuts?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

"Of course it's Chestnut Mountain. That mountain is full of chestnuts. It belongs to a wild mountain, not anyone's." Lin's father said.

"Then I'll go with you. Xiulan, are you going?" Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

"I'll take care of Xiaoxia at home. It's too far for her to walk." Xiulan shook her head. She actually wanted to go.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

After dinner, Lin Heng coaxed his daughter to sleep, while Xiulan went to wash up.

Because he had taken a nap in the afternoon, he read a storybook for an hour, and Xiaoxia finally fell asleep.

"I poured you some water on the desk." Xiulan looked at him.

After drinking a sip of water, Lin Heng couldn't wait to climb onto the bed and approach his wife.

"What?" Xiulan looked at him knowingly.

"What do you mean?" Lin Heng smirked.

Xiulan grabbed his hand and blinked, "Lizi Mountain is so far away. You have to go up the mountain tomorrow, so you should have a good rest."

"I'm not afraid." Lin Heng pulled her into his arms, and the two of them bumped into each other.


The next morning, Lin Heng got up late, and it was more than eight o'clock before he got up. His parents and others had already set off.

But he was not in a hurry. He started to pack up after breakfast.

He brought a bowl of corn paste to feed Hongzao, and then put a saddle on it.

Lizi Mountain is in the direction of Shanghe. Although it is far, the road is not difficult to walk and you can ride a horse to get there.

After Hongzao had eaten and drunk enough, Lin Heng led it to the door, went into the house to get a backpack and snake skin bag, and naturally carried a bow, arrows, slingshot and dagger with him.

"Xiongba, you have to keep up."

Lin Heng touched Xiongba's head and climbed on the horse.


When they reached the road, Lin Heng patted the horse's butt, and Hongzao immediately galloped away.

"Woof woof!"

Xiongba barked twice, excitedly chased after it, and chased wildly behind the horse's butt.

"It's a pity that I don't know how to stay up with the eagle. If I don't recognize it, I will really lead Huang on the left and Qingcang on the right." Lin Heng sighed, this feeling is really good.

He rode the horse all the way to the junction with Shimen Village before slowing down. Next is a 50-centimeter-wide path.

Although you can ride a horse, it is no longer suitable for running wildly.

But even if you don't run, the speed of going up the mountain is much faster than walking.

Not far into the forest, I saw a group of people. These more than ten people gathered together and seemed to be discussing something. The words were very intense and could be heard from a distance.

"What happened?" Lin Heng stopped his horse and asked curiously.



*PS: Today is also 6,000 words. I have been a little slow recently. I will take a break for two days and then write 10,000 words.

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