Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 149 Continuous rain and the bad luck after the rain

Lin Heng held Xiaoxia in his arms, and the three of them walked to the gate of the yard together, where they could clearly see the area where the mudslide blocked the river.

Next door, the eldest brother, his wife and others also came out to the gate to check the situation, and some people in the village went to the road to see the situation with umbrellas.

"It seems that the dam will soon burst." Lin Heng sighed as he looked into the distance.

From a distance, the river water was already flush with the embankment caused by the mudslide, and a lot of water flowed out from both sides. The only thing left for the dam to burst was the last straw.

"Dad, what is that?" Xiaoxia opened her eyes wide and was a little curious.

"That's a disaster, very dangerous." Lin Heng held his daughter in his arms, and the rain and wind were still roaring.

After waiting for about ten minutes, a big hole appeared under the scouring of the water, and then it quickly expanded.

In an instant, the piled rocks, soil, and trees were all washed away by the angry river, and a three or four-meter-high water head rushed toward the downstream like a yellow dragon.

Everything on its way forward was ruthlessly destroyed.

"The pit fields are gone! These were built stone by stone by your grandfather and your great grandfather."

Father Lin shook his head and sighed, watching the river wash away the stone embankments of the pit fields by the riverside of his home, and everything was melted into the rolling river.

Although Hongfeng Village is a small basin, it is only a small slope on both sides of the river, not flat land. Many stone embankments of the land were built bit by bit by the older generation.

There are many people who are also sad and angry. Some people stand on the road and slap their thighs, roaring in anger.

As the water head goes down, the river water gradually calms down. Although it is still turbulent, it is far less than before.

The land that was washed away has disappeared, and the riverbed has expanded a lot.

"I'm going back." Father Lin shook his head and walked back with a lack of interest.

Lin Heng also took his wife and children back to the house. It was already past two o'clock. Lin Heng warmed a pot of tea, drank two sips, and picked up a book to read boredly.

Xiulan was doing needlework, while Xiaoxia was holding Jinbao and sitting on a cool mat covered with a small quilt, interrupting Lin Heng from time to time to express various doubts.

Lin Heng looked at her helplessly and explained slowly, but he was reading a famous book, which was completely incomprehensible to her.

After reading for a while, Lin Heng had to read a storybook to her.

At about six o'clock in the afternoon, Lin's mother brought a pot of stewed pork leg with yam, chestnut and codonopsis and a few Jiangba cakes.

"Your sister and the others probably won't be back today." Lin's mother put the pork leg on the table and said with some concern.

"I've told Caiyun that she will go to the store to rest when it rains. I have a quilt over there. Don't think too much, mom." Lin Heng smiled and comforted.

Lin's mother nodded, looked at Xiulan and said, "Xiulan, don't pull the soles of your shoes, come and eat the pork leg, it will be cold in a while."

"Grandma, I want to eat meat!" Xiaoxia had already climbed into Lin's mother's arms.


Xiu Lan put down her sewing, went to the kitchen to get chopsticks and bowls, and the few people started to eat.

"Mom, you should eat too, don't just feed Xiaoxia." Lin Heng looked at his mother and said.

"Your father and I ate in the house before we brought it to you." Mother Lin shook her head, indicating that she was not hungry at all.

After feeding Xiaoxia a yam, she continued: "The village chief is back. It is said that the Li Zigang family near the river suffered the greatest losses.

They built the pig pen on the river bank. This time the water was too high and the 200-pound pig was driven away directly."

"This is too tragic. It can be killed immediately." Xiu Lan couldn't help but sympathize.

Every year, the rural area relies on the pigs they raise to eat meat. If such a big pig is driven away, the Li family will probably suffer for a year.

Because there may be no meat to eat in the next year, this year will not be a good year.

"It is estimated that the loss of Baima Village will be greater. That place is flatter, and many houses are built on the river bank." Lin Heng shook his head and said.

These days, floods happen from time to time.

Everyone was silent for a while. No matter whose suffering it was, it made people feel sad.

"I'll go back first. You guys take your time to eat." After chatting for a few words, Lin's mother saw that the rain was getting heavier, so she left in a hurry.

After dinner, Lin Heng braved the rain to feed the chickens and ducks, and picked up three eggs and two duck eggs.

Red dates were already fed by Lin's father, so he didn't have to worry about it.

In the evening, Xiaoxia was given eggs to eat, and Lin Heng and Xiulan finished eating the pork leg sent by Lin's mother.

After coaxing Xiaoxia to sleep, Lin Heng and his wife discussed some philosophical issues.

Gentle women are made of water, which makes people unable to stop, and they are so fascinated by eating big meat wraps.

It can be said that the red candle burns the peony, and the flower tears flow.

Throwing the bed sheet on the chair beside the bed, Xiulan fell asleep sweetly on Lin Heng's chest.

On the 6th, the two woke up from their dreams, and the rain still didn't stop.

Xiulan lay on Lin Heng's chest like a kitten, boredly watching the rain outside, ignoring the fact that they were still naked under the quilt.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" Lin Heng looked at his wife.

Xiulan looked at him: "What's the matter, do you think I'm fat and pressing you?"

Lin Heng glanced at her, admitted defeat, and let her lie down, just to exercise her concentration.

Xiulan snorted lightly, revealing a smug smile.

After lying down for a while, the two put on their clothes and went to see the leopard skin.

After so many days of tanning, it has turned from leopard skin to leather.

"Now take it out, clean it and dry it." Xiulan looked at the animal skin and said.

"I'll do it, you go cook, I'm a little hungry." Lin Heng said.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded.

The two washed their faces, brushed their teeth with tooth powder, and went about their own business.

Today's rain was much lighter than the previous few days, with continuous drizzle, but the sky still did not clear up.

Lin Heng washed the leopard skin several times, and now the leopard skin feels as soft as a towel.

After washing, he soaked it in clean water, and only after breakfast did he pick it up and put it under the eaves to dry.

Originally, today was the day that Lin's father would find someone to look after it, but the rain did not stop, so he had to find another day.

It was really boring at home, because the rain became lighter again, so Lin Heng simply put on a straw raincoat, put on a hat, took a bow and arrow slingshot and went out for a walk.

As a result, he searched around the village and didn't see a fart. When he went home, he found a few green bearded crickets chirping in front of the door.

He picked up the slingshot and killed one, and then killed another one nearby.

Looking at the back mountain, there was thick fog, and it was estimated that there was no hope, so he could only go home and roast the two green bearded crickets.

At noon, he asked his wife to make some potato pancakes to kill time.

For the remaining half day, he got a deck of playing cards and called his elder brother and sister-in-law to play cards together.

On the 7th, Lin Heng began to hate rain very much. He took out the ground cage mesh that he had not made, made a skeleton with iron wire, and covered the ground cage mesh on it.

In the afternoon, the leopard skin was dry, and Lin Heng took it down and tanned it by hand until it became as soft as a towel. This skin was considered tanned.

Xiulan took it and looked at it, and said: "Just make two pairs of gloves, it is definitely not enough to make clothes."

"Okay, just do it as you see." Lin Heng spread his hands.

When we rested at night, the rain stopped.

On the morning of the 8th, the rain stopped. When the golden morning sun rose from the east, Lin Heng couldn't help but look up to the sky and howled.

"Oh my God, it's finally sunny!"

Lin Heng felt that the whole world had become beautiful.

"Oh, the sun is out!!"

Xiaoxia couldn't help but cheer. She hadn't been out for a long time and missed it very much.

The bench was taken out, and the three of them sat under the eaves to bask in the sun.

They didn't go into the house to cook until they were warm all over and all the moisture disappeared.

In the countryside without electricity, continuous rain is no different from being in prison for farmers.

Lin Heng could still read books in the first two days, but he just wanted to barbecue and eat in the middle few days. In the last few days, he was irritable and didn't want to do anything, and he didn't even want to eat.

While his wife was cooking, Lin Heng took out all the incense powder he had made before.

He made three basins, one of which was rosin, one was calamus incense powder, and the other was mugwort incense powder.

Add sticky powder made of nanmu to each of them, add water and stir. Nanmu powder contains natural gum and is the best adhesive.

When it is almost the same as the dough, it is kneaded into thumb-sized cones by hand and exposed to the sun.

Lin Heng likes this kind of single fragrance, and doesn't like the mixed incense that is added with various ingredients like alchemy.

For breakfast, Xiulan made rice, and the dishes were sour cowpea fried meat and braised eggplant.

Lin Heng ate two big bowls of rice, and after the meal Xiulan looked at him and asked, "How about picking mushrooms?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "Forget it, the ground is too wet today, and it has rained for so long, the mushrooms have rotted long ago.

It's better to wait for two days, the ground is dry, and a new batch of mushrooms will come out, and then we will go up the mountain."

"That's right, then I guess I can't do anything today, I'll wash clothes." Xiulan nodded.

After dinner, Xiulan took Hongzao to take a bath at home. There was mud everywhere outside, and it was not suitable to go out to play.

Lin Heng fed Hongzao well and rode it to check the situation. There were many places on the road that collapsed, but fortunately, there was no problem with passing.

There was a family in Baima Village that was quite miserable. He saw that the house was destroyed by the flood.

After asking someone, it was said that two more people were driven away by the water. Lin Heng was silent for a moment.

Huangtan Town could not be reached for the time being. The water was still too high to cross the river. It would probably take until tomorrow for the water to recede.

The next morning, Caiyun and Liu Ciwen, who had stayed in the town for seven days, returned together.

The family had been worried about her for the past few days, and they were relieved to see that she was safe and sound.

"Caiyun, since you are okay, please help take care of Xiaoxia after dinner. She misses you very much."

Lin Heng looked at his sister and said with a smile.

Caiyun puffed her lips and rolled her eyes: "Second brother, you are really not polite at all."

Lin Heng laughed: "Of course, after all, apart from us, you are the only one who can take care of Xiaoxia and she won't cry."

"Then I have to have a good meal at your house today." Caiyun was not polite either. She told her parents and ran away with Lin Heng.

The meal cooked by Lin Heng's family in the evening was naturally not bad. The sour cowpea and minced meat rice made Caiyun feel dizzy.

After dinner, she took Xiaoxia out to play on the street. Xiaoxia wanted to run around, just like Xiongba, she would be depressed if she didn't run for a few days.

"Let's go, we only have two goals today, matsutake and black truffles, and hericium erinaceus." Lin Heng put on the backpack and said to his wife.


Xiulan nodded, took the things and went up the mountain with Lin Heng.

"Woof woof!!"

Xiongba, who had been at home for a long time, ran around happily, excited.

Not long after walking, Xiulan picked up a Ganoderma lucidum. She was a little surprised: "It's a good start today."

"I picked one too." Lin Heng said with a smile while holding a small Ganoderma lucidum.

The two of them went straight over the mountains and went to the relatively old pine forest. On the way, they encountered many mushrooms, such as yellow umbrella mushroom, broom mushroom, oyster mushroom, etc. Most of them rotted when touched.

The best time to pick mushrooms is when it rains lightly or moderately for only two or three days. If it rains for more than three days, most mushrooms will be rotten.

At 11 o'clock, the two of them came to a pine forest farther away than the last time they picked black truffles. This place is five or six kilometers away from home.

There are big pine trees on these two mountains, including black pine, Chinese pine and horsetail pine, and few people come here.

"There are so many pine mushrooms, but it's a pity that they are all rotten." Xiulan picked up a few beautiful pine milk mushrooms and broke them open. They were all occupied by insects.

"Woof woof~~"

Xiongba called not far away.

"Is there something?"

This made Lin Heng and Xiulan stunned and walked over.

When they got closer, Xiulan said happily: "It's a morel. I don't know if it's rotten."

This mushroom is also very good. At least it tastes good when dried and made into soup.

"Fortunately, they are not rotten, they should have just come out." Lin Heng picked up two and looked at them, then put them in the backpack.

The two continued to search, and most of the pine milk mushrooms were useless, nine out of ten were rotten.

One afternoon, Lin Heng picked up eight egg mushrooms, weighing about two kilograms. There were also three kilograms of morels, and no matsutake or black truffles were found.

"Honey, I found matsutake." Xiulan suddenly cheered.

"Finally found it."

Lin Heng came over and saw that these matsutakes seemed a little old. After digging them out, a few of them were indeed infested with worms, but this was matsutake, so the two decided to remove the wormy parts.

After picking up this nest of matsutakes, the two had lunch, and in the afternoon they only picked up about five kilograms of morels and two kilograms of matsutake.

There was no trace of black truffles, let alone picking them up.

"What a failure." When he went home, Lin Heng looked at the things in the backpack and shook his head in disappointment.

Xiulan glanced at him and said, "You are so greedy. If other people had so many good mushrooms, they would be so happy."

"Hahaha, don't we have Xiongba?" Lin Heng laughed.

However, what he didn't expect was that the next day, even with Xiongba, they were empty-handed.

They only got less than ten kilograms of pine milk mushrooms in the whole day, and there was only one good mushroom, Hericium erinaceus.

"Wife, you take my backpack, I'll get a bundle of dry firewood back." On the mountain behind the house, Lin Heng dropped the backpack and went to pick up a bundle of dry firewood.

After tying up the dry firewood and about to go back, beekeeper Wang Jinsong came down the mountain and looked at Lin Heng and smiled, "It seems that you didn't get much today. You've started to get dry firewood."

Lin Heng didn't want to pay attention to him, and only replied, "Yes, I didn't get anything."

"Hehe, I picked up a lot of Hericium erinaceus today, isn't it pretty good." Wang Jin opened the bag and smiled, showing off.

"It's just so-so, it's not much." Lin Heng said indifferently, he felt that this was a naked provocation.

This made Wang Jin extremely dissatisfied. He took the initiative to show his goodwill, why was Lin Heng's attitude so mean.

He immediately took his things and left, and deliberately cursed from a distance: "Why do you pretend to have a little money? Sooner or later, you will lose it all!"

Lin Heng was stunned, shook his head and laughed: "This man is really funny."

He just didn't follow his wishes, so he cursed him out of shame.

"He is the one who likes to pretend the most." Xiulan said speechlessly. Every time she walked past his house, this person always liked to show off.

"Go back." Lin Heng shook his head and carried the firewood down the mountain.

When he got home, Lin Heng put down the firewood and asked Xiulan to wash the pine milk mushrooms in the evening, half of which was fried mushrooms and the other half was fried.

Fried mushrooms are made by every household in the countryside. Wrap the mushrooms with flour and eggs, and fry them in oil until fragrant and crispy.

When eating, the outside is crispy and the inside is soft. The taste is the best snack in the countryside. Xiaoxia sat on the bench and ate a small bowl in one breath.

"Are you going up the mountain tomorrow?" Xiulan asked curiously.

Lin Heng nodded: "I don't believe that I can't find black truffles. Tomorrow I will go to the pine forest near Sanyegou to have a look."

"Then I won't go, otherwise Xiaoxia will have no one to take care of her." Xiulan felt that her husband was crazy. Black truffles are too rare, otherwise the price would not be so expensive.

"Okay, then I'll go alone and hunt by the way." Lin Heng nodded and ate several more bites of fried mushrooms.

The next morning, Lin Heng set off again with Xiongba.

He came back in the afternoon and brought back three green beards, and the mushrooms were only three pitiful egg mushrooms.

"Forget it, let's go again after a while." Xiulan persuaded.

"I'll try again, and forget it if it doesn't work." Lin Heng shook his head and said.

This was like a spell, and it came true. Although he didn't catch anything in the next few days, the harvest was not proportional to the time wasted.

That day, Lin Heng finally gave up and stopped clinging to the pine forest. Xiongba was very happy in the acorn forest.

"Woof woof~"

Xiongba called out, and Lin Heng hurried over. Seeing another Ganoderma lucidum, he smiled from ear to ear.

"Fuck the black truffle, isn't Ganoderma lucidum fragrant?"

Picking along the way, Lin Heng found that he put aside his anxiety and became happy.

As long as he didn't think about getting black truffles, a Ganoderma lucidum here, a morel there, and looking at the scenery in the distance from time to time, he was also very happy.

Recently, because of the black truffle, I have lost my appetite and have no desire for food. It's really unnecessary.

"You're obsessed!"

Lin Heng shook his head and looked up, and found that he was not far from Baishigou.

"Then let's go over and see if there are any more Ganoderma lucidum." Lin Heng thought about it. It was too far to go to Baishigou, but he could look for Ganoderma lucidum nearby. There were quite a lot of mushrooms in this place.

Unconsciously, Lin Heng found that he had picked up more than one kilogram of Ganoderma lucidum, five or six kilograms of morels, three or four kilograms of blue-headed mushrooms, and more than one kilogram of oyster mushrooms.

Looking at the road, he changed direction and came to a chestnut forest. For some reason, the chestnuts in this forest did not bear fruit, and almost no one came.

Lin Heng walked dozens of meters before picking up a dozen chestnuts. The grains were still small, and he was a little bored and didn't want to pick them up.

"Xiongba, let's go, find a place to eat dry food first." Lin Heng called out.

Xiongba ran over from the distant forest. When he got closer, Lin Heng saw that it had a black thing in its mouth.

"Huh? Where did you find this?" After seeing it clearly, Lin Heng couldn't help but widen his eyes and mouth.

ps: There is a problem with the price of black truffles in the previous article. Ten kilograms of wet truffles are dried to one kilogram of dry truffles, so the price of dry truffles should be ten times that of wet truffles. It was wrong and has been corrected.

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