Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 150 Worth a thousand dollars! Fish in the fish pond

"Woof woof~"

Xiongba put the black truffle in his mouth on Lin Heng's hand.

Lin Heng took a deep breath, not disdaining his saliva, and smelled it. It was the familiar fragrance, this time it was musk.

After searching for the black truffle in the pine forest for five or six days, he actually encountered it in the chestnut forest. Lin Heng didn't know what to say for a while.

Following Xiongba's footsteps, he came to a soft humus soil. The ground had been abandoned by wild boars. Part of the black truffle had disappeared, and a lot of it was scattered on the ground.

"What a sin!"

Lin Heng shook his head and sighed, and quickly took out a small hoe and started digging. In a few seconds, he dug out a handful of black truffles.

"I don't know how much this time."

Lin Heng was a little excited, and he threw it into the snakeskin bag while digging.

Fortunately, he habitually took the snakeskin bag and the small hoe, otherwise he would have to dig with his hands today.

An hour passed, and Lin Heng hadn't stopped yet. There were still many places where the wild boar had dug.

"Oh my god, this is already more than 30 kilograms, right?"

When Lin Heng stopped to rest, he was stunned by the half-snake skin bag of black truffles.

Although the density of truffles here is less than that found in the pine forest last time, the number seems to be much more than that.

"I am really confused. Black truffles are not necessarily only found in pine forests."

Lin Heng patted his thigh.

He looked along the pine forest out of habit. After all, there are few pine forests, but there are too many acorn forests and chestnut forests. He didn't know how to find it. It felt like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I didn't expect to run into it blindly. It's really a painstaking effort.

"What a good dog, I almost missed it."

Hold Xiongba and rubbed him hard.


Xiongba's dog eyes revealed dissatisfaction, as if saying that you should at least use some substantial rewards.

"Okay, okay, I promise you will have meat every day for the next month, okay?" Lin Heng saw its thoughts at a glance.


Xiongba immediately showed a Samoyed-like smile, very happy.

Lin Heng rubbed the silly dog ​​and continued to dig.

He was afraid that if he delayed for too long, he might meet other people and be discovered.

Although picking mushrooms is nothing, this forest is not a wild forest after all. If the owner knew about it, he would definitely make trouble.

For money, especially so much money, let alone face, there would be no shame left.

So he had to finish digging as soon as possible and then get away.

He was also ruthless this time. Except for a small amount near the tree, he turned over all other places.

When this area was almost turned over, Lin Heng looked at the bag and found that it was already 40 to 50 kilograms.

The purchase price of black truffles in the city is 14 or 15 yuan per kilogram if it is wet, 10 kilograms per kilogram if it is dried, and 145 yuan per kilogram if it is dried.

Just these can be sold for 600 to 700 yuan, which can build two earth houses.

"See if there are any more nearby."

Lin Heng tied the bag tightly and was too lazy to restore the traces here. Without seeing mature truffles, it would be difficult for others to think that this was caused by digging black truffles.

They would only think that it was digging Tianma or other medicinal herbs.

The main reason is that the area is too large, and there are not many leaves in this place, so there is no way to restore.

After going around, Lin Heng would come under each tree twice, and the main point is that he would never miss one.

It was not until two o'clock in the afternoon that he could not bear it anymore. He took out the vegetable sandwich made by his wife and ate while thinking.

The vegetable sandwich was filled with sour and spicy potato shreds, and it was also smeared with fermented bean curd and chili, which was very suitable for his appetite.

I brought rice for Xiongba, and it ate it happily.

The sun was particularly good these two days, but the temperature was much lower than in summer. Lin Heng was neither cold nor hot in the forest wearing a shirt.

The fragmented sunlight shone down, and it was not unpleasant, and there was a slight feeling of warmth.

The cicadas in the forest were calling a little miserable, as if they were wailing for their own fate.

Lin Heng's thinking result is to continue looking and not give up. Anyway, now he has made a lot of money, and whether he can find it next or not will not affect his mood.

After eating two vegetable buns, Lin Heng took a small hoe and continued to look. The oak forest adjacent to the chestnut forest is also full of tall oak trees that can be hugged by one person. The ground is full of acorns that have taken root after the rain.


At the junction of the chestnut forest and the oak forest, Lin Heng made another discovery.

He walked over and dug with a hoe, and two fist-sized red bumps were dug out.


Lin Heng was stunned, removed the soil, picked it up and smelled it, familiar fragrance.

"A fist-sized red-skinned black truffle, this one must be half a pound." Lin Heng couldn't help grinning, and wanted to turn his head to share it excitedly, but he only saw Xiongba.

He reached out and rubbed its head, temporarily putting away his excitement.

This is also the first time he has seen red-skinned black truffles, but he has heard of it.

He continued digging with a hoe. There were few black truffles here, but they were all very big.

He searched everywhere and dug for three hours. He dug in a nearby field and found nothing except the seeds that were left intentionally.

Lin Heng looked at the bag and was so excited that he couldn't hide it. He actually dug more than 30 kilograms. This was incredible.

Treasure land, definitely treasure land.

Lin Heng loved this land. He was just beside this inconspicuous ravine. No one would have thought that this place actually contained so much wealth.

After calming down, Lin Heng looked at his watch. It was half past five.

"Look for another hour." Lin Heng muttered to himself, and then he and Xiongba started looking around again.

Xiongba could only smell the ripe black truffles, while Lin Heng could use a hoe to find the unripe ones.

An hour later, Lin Heng shook his head and called Xiongba: "Let's go home."

He was not sure if there were any more here, but this time they had to stop here. If they didn't leave, they would not be able to go back after dark.


Xiongba called out and followed Lin Heng back.

Lin Heng carried the backpack, took a detour, and walked back quickly from another direction, trying to avoid others on the way.

"Lin Heng, what did you get? Such a big backpack?"

In the field, Liu Sheng's father Liu Kai asked with a smile.

"It's all gold." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"You kid, you're talking nonsense." Liu Kai shook his head helplessly.

Lin Heng didn't say anything, just ran away, hurried back home, and knocked on the gate of the yard.

Because he saw Jin Yan, Liu Lan and others were about to walk over.

"Lin Heng, why are you so anxious? You are so shy. What good stuff did you get?" Liu Lan spoke from a distance.

"Let us take a look."

Liu Lan pulled Jin Yan and Li Yan over and insisted on opening Lin Heng's bag to take a look.

"Nothing, just ordinary medicinal materials." Lin Heng said with a smile, thinking that this crazy woman really came, it was over.

"I don't believe it. How could the rich man Lin get ordinary medicinal materials." Liu Lan said as she removed the rope with the mouth and opened the bag.

The other two also came closer to take a look.

"It smells so good, what is this?" Li Yan was stunned and didn't react at the first time.

Jin Yan and Liu Lan were stunned, their mouths were so wide that they could fit a giant giant clam in.

"This, this bag is full of black truffles?" Liu Lan was numb. She just took a look casually, why did she get such a big lemon.

" did you get it?" Jin Yan's beautiful face was full of disbelief.

"Also, isn't that bag below yours also black truffles?" She took a deep breath and asked again.

If this bag is also, my God, how much money will it make? Is Lin Heng going to buy goods?

She goes to pick mushrooms every day. For so many years, let alone black truffles, she has only encountered matsutake mushrooms a few times.

At this time, the door creaked, Xiulan opened the door and looked at the few people, curiously asked: "What's wrong?"

"No, the yellow ginger below, I only dug this, I was lucky."

Lin Heng said this, and pulled his wife and children into the house, and did not let them go in to drink water.

"Do you think that the bag below is a black truffle?" Liu Lan was a little unsure.

Jin Yan thought about it and shook her head: "It's unlikely, how can you dig so many at one time."

The gate of the yard was not closed, but they didn't have the courage to go in to see, for fear that the blow was too great and they couldn't help cursing.

"What happened?" Being pulled into the house by Lin Heng, Xiulan and Xiaoxia were both at a loss.

"Look for yourself." Lin Heng put the backpack in front of his wife.

"Black truffles!" Xiulan was shocked and pointed at the bag below and asked, "That too?"

"Yes, all of them!" Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Oh my God!"

Xiulan was shocked and hurried out to close the gate of the yard.

Jin Yan and the other two had already left. She closed the door and ran back quickly to open the bag above.

Seeing that the bag below was also full of black truffles, she hesitated to speak, turned around twice, calmed down, and then looked at Lin Heng and said, "Where did you find so many? This must be 70 or 80 kilograms, right?"

"An old chestnut forest, don't you think it's strange?" Lin Heng picked up his daughter and threw her in the air several times to express his excitement.

"Chestnut forest?" Xiulan didn't know what to say.

"Actually, it's normal to think about it. No one cuts down chestnut trees. Those trees are even older. It is very likely that there are black truffles."

Lin Heng smiled slightly. This week's time was not wasted. Today's day made up for it.

"I'll get a dustpan."

Xiu Lan didn't know what to say, so she turned around and got a large round dustpan.

Lin Heng got a beam scale and weighed the two bags of black truffles.

"Seventy-five pounds, not even eighty pounds. Once the dirt is cleaned, it will probably be only seventy pounds." Lin Heng said with some regret.

Xiu Lan rolled her eyes at him and said with a smile, "Be content. Seventy pounds can also be sold for thousands of yuan."

"Haha, indeed."

Lin Heng laughed and poured out the truffles with his wife to pick out the dirt.

It's impossible to wash them. They're not eating them themselves. A little dirt can make them a little heavier.

Separate the ripe and unripe ones, and get four round dustpans with a diameter of two meters before putting them down.

"Great hero, what do you want to eat today? I'll make it for you."

Xiu Lan looked at Lin Heng and said with a smile.

"Let's have three dishes and one soup with rice."

Lin Heng sat on the bench with a big horse and a golden knife. He was really tired today.

"Okay." Xiu Lan nodded and went to cook for Lin Heng.

Lin Heng rested for a while, went to the backyard to get a basin of water and took a bath.

After returning, he took out the Boshan stove and lit the mugwort incense to drive away these damn mosquitoes.

After sitting down and drinking two sips of tea and resting for a while, Lin Heng gave Xiongba a pound of bacon, some fat and some lean, just as he promised.

Xiongba took the meat to the doghouse and ate it, while Jinbao watched eagerly.

"You don't have it, so it's useless to look." Lin Heng shook his head, but the silly cat didn't understand what he said and was still flirting.

It wasn't until dinner time that Lin Heng gave it a piece of meat.

After dinner and coaxing Xiaoxia to sleep, Lin Heng lay comfortably on the bed, and Xiulan pinched his shoulders and waist.

"Are you going to go tomorrow?" Xiulan asked while pinching him.

"No, it's probably futile to go again. This thing can only be encountered but not sought."

Lin Heng shook his head and had seen it through.

After the fisherman caught a big fish, he would always be empty-handed for a long time, so forget it and try to build up his luck.

And today is the 15th, the first day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, and he has to go down to see if the road into the city has been repaired in the next two days.

Then go to the city to get his business license, negotiate the contract, and buy some things by the way.

"I also have this idea. You were too crazy those few days ago." Xiulan massaged him for a while and then lay down beside him to rest.

"Haha, there are many places to spend money. Autumn is a good time to find black truffles. We have to look for them carefully." Lin Heng said with a smile. He was still too short of money.

After chatting for a while, he fell asleep due to exhaustion. He had been digging in the woods all day today. It would be a lie to say that he was not tired.

When he got up the next day, his whole back and waist were sore and he didn't want to move at all.

Originally, he wanted to ride a horse to the town today, but he decided to postpone it. It would be the same if he went there in two days.

Looking up, the sky was still clear, and only a few scattered white clouds could be seen in the blue sky.

He took out the black truffles to dry, fed the animals at home, and had breakfast. Xiulan wanted to wash clothes, and Lin Heng took Xiaoxia to the river together.

The river water has long returned to its original clear and gentle appearance, but Lin Heng still couldn't help but be surprised: "The terrain of this river has completely changed."

Whether it is the width or the location of the stones and trees, it is all different.

This section of the river, which originally had few large rocks, now has many more large rocks, and the fine sand riverbed has been replaced by fist-sized gravel.

These gravels emit golden and silver light when exposed to the sun, like treasures, making the river water sparkle.

"There is a deep pool above."

Xiulan pointed to the place where the mud and rocks fell.

"I'll go and see."

Lin Heng pulled Xiaoxia and walked up curiously.

"Wow, it's so deep!"

Lin opened his mouth wide after seeing the deep pool.

Most of the soil and gravel in the mud and rocks flow have been washed away, but these boulders weighing tens or hundreds of tons are still here, lying on the riverbed motionless.

The stones, branches, and mud rushed from upstream filled the gaps, and a large deep pool was formed.

The pool looks dark and dark, and you can't see the bottom at a glance. Lin Heng estimates that the water is at least four or five meters deep.

Moreover, this pool is very long, extending upward for more than ten meters, which is equivalent to a small dam.

Xiaoxia picked up a stone and tried to throw it in, but it only went two meters away. She said something incomprehensible, picked up another stone and tried again, having a lot of fun.

Taking her back to where Xiulan was washing clothes, Lin Heng looked around again.

The snails that were originally quite a lot had almost disappeared, and the traces of fish had become scarce. He turned over several stones but could not find any traces of crabs.

Now it seems that the only good thing is that the Shiban River has become completely clean.

There is no moss or garbage, and it is comfortable to walk on the riverbed after taking off shoes.

After accompanying Xiulan to wash clothes, he met Lin's father on the way home.

Lin Heng knew that his father and eldest brother were cutting corn stalks and plowing the fields these days, and they were going to plant rapeseed and wheat in a few days.

However, because of his suggestion, they greatly reduced the planting area, only planting good land, and preparing to plant fruit trees next spring.

"Lin Heng, I asked someone to check the date again. You can go to release fish fry tomorrow. It's a good day." Lin's father looked at him and said.

Lin Yue asked beside him: "Do you want us to help?"

"Of course, otherwise I would have to do it many times by myself." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay, we will get up early tomorrow morning to help you." Lin Yue nodded.

"By the way, Dad, don't worry about planting crops. I will go to the city to buy you seeds in the next two days. The yield is much higher than the seeds left at home." Lin Heng looked at his father and said.

Many people in rural areas blindly believe in the seeds passed down by their ancestors and are unwilling to buy seeds that have been professionally bred, thinking that they are too expensive.

In the past two years, high-yield crop seeds are gradually becoming popular. The price is expensive but the yield is good.

"Okay, then I'll wait." Lin's father nodded and did not refuse. He wanted to try it now that he had money to see how the results would be.

In the afternoon, Lin Heng went to Hongfeng Mountain to look at the fish pond again. There was no problem here. The pond was drained smoothly when it rained, and it did not overflow.

The next morning, when Lin's father and his eldest brother came to help, they were suddenly stunned.

"Lin Heng, when did you get so many black truffles?" Lin's father didn't know what to say for a moment.

"This... this must be about 50 or 60 kilograms." Lin Yue was also shocked and speechless.

"70 kilograms, dug from the mountain the day before yesterday." Lin Heng smiled.

"Awesome!" Lin Yue gave a thumbs up.

Lin's father looked again and again, and he felt that if he continued like this, he might not make as much money as he did by himself by opening a purchasing station.

"Actually, there are a lot of these things, but they are hard to find. You can try to get a dog to look for them in the forest." Lin Heng explained.

The domestic production of black truffles is actually very high, so that the price of this stuff has dropped sharply.

"If you can find it, it's your destiny. You are destined to climb the mountain." Lin's father sighed with emotion.

After entering the backyard, I cut off the water in the fish pond and started catching fish with a fishing net. There were too many fry, and there were hundreds of them in just one net.

After picking it up and pouring it into a bucket, the three of them carried the bucket to Hongfeng Mountain.

"Are they all dumped into this pond?" Father Lin asked.


Lin Heng poured the bucket and water into the fish pond, and said a blessing that the fish would eat and grow.

“If you eat it, you will grow longer, and you will be free from disease and harmlessness!”

Father Lin shouted his blessings while pouring the fry into the fish pond.

Entering the fish pond, these grass carp fry quickly scattered and disappeared into the water.

The three of them went back five more times and put most of the grass carp fry into the fish pond.

There were about one or two hundred fry left that couldn't be fished out, so Lin Heng gave up and left them in the fish pond.

Block the overflow and cut off the water inlet. No new water will enter the fish pond for the time being. The level of two meters is enough for these grass carp fry to survive.

Just as he was about to walk back with the bucket, his elder brother Lin Yue from far away suddenly called out: "Come here quickly, holy shit!"

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