Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 151 New equipment, millionaire

"What is it, big brother?"

Lin Heng walked over curiously. Big brother was in the mountain stream.

Lin Yue held a stone and said in shock: "Lin Heng, look at this stone, there is a Bagua map on it, will it be valuable?"

"Bagua map?"

Lin Heng walked over with a confused look on his face. After a closer look, it was a palm-sized light yellow smooth pebble, but it had very clear Bagua-shaped brown-black lines on it.

Lin Heng smiled and explained: "This should be a fossil. Some tree cores are in this shape. When they become fossils, they look like Bagua maps."

"Fossils? Is it valuable?" Lin Yue asked curiously.

When he was a child, he might be happy for a long time to pick up such a beautiful stone and show it off everywhere. Now he just wants to know if it is valuable.

"It's worth some money. It can probably be sold for a few dollars, but no one here buys it. You have to take it to Ancheng. Maybe someone likes it and will pay a high price for it." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He looked in the water again and found two small ones. There was no Bagua map on it, but there were patterns similar to small bubbles.

This is also a kind of fossil. I didn't expect that there are such fossils in this mountain.

"Then I'll take it home and keep it. If I have the opportunity to go to Ancheng in the future, I'll sell it." Lin Yue grinned and continued to look.

Lin's father was surprised: "There are people who buy this rotten stone? Are you sure they are not bored?"

"Of course, people buy everything, just like buying jade, isn't it also a kind of stone." Lin Heng nodded. This kind of stone will have a big market in the future.

When Father Lin heard this, he clapped his hands and asked regretfully: "I have picked up that kind of blood-red stone before, can it be sold?"

Lin Heng nodded: "Of course, you should be talking about chicken blood stone, it can indeed be sold, and the beautiful ones are quite expensive."

Father Lin immediately regretted: "Oh, I picked up two pieces before, and I thought it was unlucky and threw them into the river again."

Looking at his father's regretful look, Lin Heng smiled and comforted him: "It's okay, Dad, just don't throw it away next time."

There are many good things in the mountains, but many times you need a certain level of education, and you can't recognize the treasures in front of you without a discerning eye.

In this era, many good things in the countryside have been exchanged for pots and pans by people from the city, because the rural people have a low level of education, coupled with the closed environment.

"Let's look for it, and by the way, go to the mountain to see how the wooden house is." Father Lin became interested in finding stones.

But this thing is hard to come by, and there was nothing to find until he reached the top of the mountain. Lin Heng saw many beautiful stone calamus, and threw them into the wooden barrel with the stones attached to it.

There was no sign of leakage in the cabin on the mountain, and the wooden boards piled in the cabin were almost dry, but there were more bird droppings.

Lin Heng will buy all the paint, insulation cotton and other things when he goes to the city this time, and then he can build the cabin he has been dreaming of in one go.

The autumn wind was very cool on the way home. The temperature dropped significantly after the continuous rain.

Xiulan made breakfast, and her parents and eldest brother all had breakfast at home. The eldest sister-in-law made breakfast and went up the mountain to find medicinal herbs.

Lin Heng did nothing in the afternoon. He put the stone calamus in the fish pond as a landscape. He loves this plant. Not only is it evergreen all year round, but it also grows on rocks, exuding a unique fragrance and a quiet and elegant temperament.

After arranging the stone calamus and sitting in the yard to admire it for a while, Lin Heng went to help collect the soybeans from Hongfeng Mountain. After collecting the soybeans, he could start the construction of the fish pond at the end of the month.

It is very simple to collect soybeans. Just pull them up by the roots, tie them into bundles and carry them home.

The next morning, Lin Heng packed up the black truffles at home. After drying them for the second time, there were still 10.7 jin.

He kept 7 liang for his own use at home, and took the rest to Huangtan Town on horseback. The dirt road from Hongfeng Village to Huangtan Town had been repaired, and he estimated that the road to the city should be no problem.

Wang Zhou was so excited when he saw Lin Heng appear: "Brother Lin, you finally came down."

"Nothing happened in the store?" Lin Heng got off the horse and patted his shoulder and asked.

Wang Zhou shook his head and said: "No, I recently received another batch of mushrooms, and I only have more than 50 yuan in cash, which is not enough."

"Okay, you weigh this and put it aside." Lin Heng handed the black truffles in the bag to Wang Zhou.

"Black truffles!" Wang Zhou was stunned when he opened the bag. "Brother Lin, did you collect this?"

Lin Heng smiled with his white teeth: "No, I dug it myself."

Wang Zhou opened his mouth wide: "Oh my God... Hey, Brother Lin, wouldn't you make more money by digging the mountains yourself than the purchasing station and the canteen combined?"

Lin Heng patted him and smiled: "Occasionally."

Wang Zhou didn't know what to say, so he weighed it and found that it was exactly ten kilograms, so he recorded it in the account.

Lin Heng took the account book and looked at it, checked the accounts, and carefully checked all the things he collected. He couldn't give Wang Zhou the impression that he was very casual, which could effectively prevent him from having unnecessary thoughts.

After checking the accounts, Lin Heng found that this month and a half was a bit beyond expectations. The profit of the purchasing station actually reached more than 580 yuan, which was 200 yuan more than expected.

The profit of the canteen was 150 yuan, which was 30 yuan less than the expected 180.

This is because some things have been sold out, and some things have not been bought. After this month's adjustment, next month will be much better.

It is not easy for rural people to make money. As long as it is not a necessity, they will not spend money crazily and will save it.

Therefore, even if the store has discounts, the turnover is still not much, but it is more than double the monthly profit of other stores, after all, there is a large flow of people here.

Lin Heng signed the red dates to the backyard and tied them up. After coming out, he said directly: "Let's go, let's rent a tractor and go into the city."

"Tractor?" Wang Zhou was stunned.

"Yes, I want to buy some things, and I must have a tractor." Lin Heng nodded.

With Wang Zhou, Lin Heng still found Wang Zhou's previous boss to rent a car, and the driver was still the driver named Li.

"Boss Lin!" The driver looked at Lin Heng and smiled a little shyly. The last time he sold the horse, he was embarrassed to face Lin Heng.

"Then I'll trouble you today." Lin Heng looked at him and said with a smile, without any extra expression.

"Okay." The driver nodded, found a cardboard shell for Lin Heng and Wang Zhou to sit and lean on, and then drove the tractor towards the city.

At about ten o'clock, he entered the city and found a place to stop outside the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Lin Heng went in and successfully got his business license.

After getting the business license, he went to meet Jin Fuqiang, signed the contract smoothly, and contacted people to go to pick up mountain products tomorrow.

After inviting Qian Fuqiang to have lunch, Lin Heng ran to find wholesaler Li Chengguo to sign the contract and gave him a list of goods he had drawn up based on his sales this month.

After signing the contract, Li Chengguo smiled and said, "Boss Lin, how about finding a place to eat?"

"No need for that, I have other things to do." Lin Heng waved his hand and refused.

After thinking about it, he asked again, "By the way, Boss Li, I have a question for you. Do you know where to buy a modern compound bow?"

Although he had been in Taibai City for a long time in his previous life, he didn't know all the things and channels. He thought that asking might have other gains.

"Well, I actually know someone. I'll take you to ask, but I'm not sure if he has it for sale." Li Chengguo had a big smile on his face.

"That's troublesome."

Lin Heng said with a smile, turned around and told Wang Zhou, and then he rode Li Chengguo's motorcycle to a community.

"I'll go in and ask for you first, you wait a moment." Li Chengguo said with a smile when they arrived.

Lin Heng nodded and stood there waiting.

Not long after, a tall and thin young man in his twenties came out with Li Chengguo, carrying a black bow bag on his back.

"Lin Heng, let me introduce you, this is Ge Qingshan." Li Chengguo introduced with a smile.

Lin Heng smiled and stretched out his hand: "Hello."

Ge Qingshan shook hands with Lin Heng and said with a smile: "Hello, I bought this bow in Ancheng, I bought it for fun, the price is quite expensive, I spent three hundred yuan, and it can shoot more than three or four hundred meters."

"Let me take a look at the bow first." Lin Heng looked at him and said.

"Okay, come here with me." Ge Qingshan nodded and took Lin Heng to an empty closed place, about 70 to 80 meters long, where he could try out arrows.

"Look, this is the bow and arrow I bought, but unfortunately my skills are not good enough, I don't know how to play, so I want to sell it."

Ge Qingshan opened the hard bow bag, and inside was a modern compound bow with a black paint and a pulley that could adjust the poundage.

Lin Heng could tell at a glance that this was a relatively entry-level modern compound bow, which was incomparable to the fully equipped compound bow he bought for tens of thousands of yuan in his previous life.

When he picked it up and took a look, he knew that this guy didn't know how to play it very well, and there were problems with the adjustment of the bow and arrow.

First of all, his poundage was adjusted too high, 45 pounds, equivalent to a pulling force of 43 kilograms, which was impossible for a novice to play with.

Secondly, there was the arrow rest, and the sight was not installed properly.

Seeing Lin Heng skillfully adjusting the accessories, Ge Qingshan couldn't help but ask: "Brother, I see you are so skilled, have you played with compound bows before?"

"Yes, I have." Lin Heng nodded.

After adjusting, he took out an arrow and looked at it. This arrow is not bad. It is a full carbon arrow, and the arrowhead is an ordinary cross-shaped arrowhead for practice.

Ge Qingshan looked at Lin Heng curiously: "Can you hit the target at 30 meters?"

30 meters is his limit.

Lin Heng turned his head and looked at him, smiling and said: "If it's just hitting the target, I can also hit it at 100 meters. Now I can hit more than five rings at this distance."

"More than five rings at 75 meters? You are bragging without thinking?"

Ge Qingshan's eyes glared and his neck stretched out. He didn't believe Lin Heng's bragging at all. He had a deep understanding of how difficult archery is.

Lin Heng smiled and said nothing. He glanced at the target in the distance, which was about 75 meters away, and took the release device to start aiming.

The so-called release device is an accessory specially used to pinch the arrow and draw the bow, which is much more accurate than directly pinching the arrow with your hands and releasing it.

The reason why modern compound bows have high accuracy is that every step has been done to the extreme. Any place that may cause inaccurate accuracy has been improved and some peripherals have been added.

But no matter how good the bow and arrow are, it mainly depends on the person using the bow and arrow. A master can shoot a willow through a hundred steps with a wooden bow, and a novice may not be able to shoot a can at 30 meters with the top-level fully equipped modern compound bow.

And Lin Heng belongs to the category of masters in this field, and has extraordinary talent in this area.

After aiming and gently releasing, the sharp arrow broke through the air, and shot through the target with a bang, hitting the nine rings.

"Nine rings, my God! Sharpshooter!" Ge Qingshan next to him was astonished. Not to mention nine rings, he couldn't hit the target at such a long distance.

It turned out that Lin Heng was not bragging, he was even modest.

Li Chengguo couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Awesome!"

He thought Lin Heng was also a novice and bought it for fun, but now it seems that he is a hidden master.

"This bow is okay, but the arrow stand is not very good, the shock absorber and balance bar are also average." Lin Heng put down the bow and arrow with a smile. He didn't use the modern compound bow for a long time, and he really missed it.

Things made of modern materials and technology are good. Even if it is an entry-level model, it can beat any traditional bow and arrow in seconds.

With this bow, he is confident that he can shoot a rabbit at hundreds of meters.

Ge Qingshan ran over to look at the target again. Nine rings, this is nine rings.

"Master Lin, I want to ask you to be my teacher and teach me how to play a compound bow. I am willing to sell this bow to you at half the price."

Ge Qingshan ran back and looked at Lin Heng excitedly. His attitude changed 180 degrees. He almost knelt down to worship Lin Heng as his godfather.

He was not short of money, but a friend who could play a compound bow. No one in Taibai City played a modern compound bow, and Ancheng was too far away. His family would not let him run around.

In fact, even in Ancheng, there were very few people who played modern compound bows in this era.

Lin Heng glanced at him and said with a smile: "I can teach you, but I live in the mountains. I only come down once every one or two months. I am afraid I don't have that much time."

Ge Qingshan was stunned: "You live in the mountains. Do you often hunt?"

"Yes, is there any problem with that?" Lin Heng said with a smile.

Ge Qingshan grabbed Lin Heng's arm and begged, "Brother, I also want to go hunting. I think it's so cool to hunt with a bow and arrow. Please teach me."

"You should practice your skills first. Then buy a bow. I will teach you once a month. It's enough. After you learn how to use it, just practice more." Lin Heng shook his head.

"Okay, thank you, Brother Lin." Ge Qingshan said with a smile.

"Just call me Lin Heng. I'll buy this bow." Lin Heng said with a smile. Although it is an entry-level compound bow, it is much better than carpentry. Naturally, I won't let it go when I meet it.

After paying Ge Qingshan 150 yuan, Lin Heng explained to him how to use the bow and arrow, what kind of accessories he should buy, and asked him to help buy 30 more hunting arrows.

In this era, the domestic industrial level is too poor. Modern compound bows are all imported and expensive. A bow costs an ordinary person one or two years' salary. Only rich people can afford it.

Ge Qingshan had wanted to give up playing with compound bows, but now he has rekindled his hope. He looked at Lin Heng and said with a smile: "Brother Lin, I will definitely be able to get all the equipment next month."

"See you next month." Lin Heng waved his hand and left with his bow bag on his back.

After riding Li Chengguo's motorcycle back, Lin Heng took a tractor to buy a lot of things such as waterproof paint, flame-retardant insulation cotton, copper hot pot, wheat and rapeseed seeds, purple clay teapots and cups.

These things are not expensive, and the total cost of so many is less than 150 yuan.

After getting it done, he returned to Huangtan Town with the truck driven by Li Chengguo. This time, Lin Heng still bought goods worth 500 yuan, but they were all inspected and easy-to-sell goods.

After unloading and handling the goods, leaving Wang Zhou behind, Lin Heng rode a horse and took a tractor loaded with goods back to the village.

As the roar of the tractor sounded in the village, it attracted the attention of many people again.

"Lin Heng, what did you do?" Someone asked curiously from a distance.

Lin Heng pointed to the pile of fireproof insulation cotton on the car and said with a smile: "The insulation cotton we bought is not worth much."

After saying this, Lin's father Xiulan and others came out to help. They all knew that Lin Heng would bring things back in the afternoon, so they didn't go out.

"So many insulation cotton!" Lin's father was a little surprised when he saw the tall car.

"I bought a little more at one time because I was afraid it wouldn't be enough." Lin Heng said with a smile and started to move things.

After moving the things, he sent the driver away and returned to the yard. His parents and elder brother were looking at him.

"Have you got the business license?" Lin's father asked.

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "Okay, there will be a car coming to pick up the goods tomorrow."

Hearing this, Lin's father felt relieved: "That's good."

He was afraid that the contract was not negotiated well and the mountain products would rot in his hands.

"Brother, what's in your black bag?" Lin Yue pointed to the bow bag that Lin Heng put on the seat and asked.

"This is a modern compound bow that can shoot three or four hundred meters." Lin Heng smiled and opened the bow bag to show them.

"Three or four hundred meters, isn't that more powerful than a gun?" Father Lin looked at this iron thing and was a little unconvinced.

"It's definitely more powerful than a homemade hunting rifle, but it can't be compared with a real rifle or something like that." Lin Heng shook his head and said.

After a pause, he continued to explain: "I can shoot a rabbit at a hundred meters with this bow, and it's no problem to shoot a deer antler at two hundred meters. Its disadvantage is that it's not easy to hold and a bit heavy."

Even if this is a hunting bow, the bow arm is shorter, but it's also difficult to hold.

"So powerful, then you'll make a fortune this winter." Lin Yue said, at a distance of one hundred meters, ordinary animals have no defense at all.

"Wait until I modify the arrowhead, and then go to the mountain to test its power in a few days." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"We can accompany you to Daliang Mountain to guard wild boars. There is a soybean field over there that has been harmed by wild boars recently." Father Lin nodded and said, he also wanted to see the power of this modern bow and arrow up close.

"Okay, I'll try it in two days." Lin Heng nodded in agreement.

After chatting for a while, his parents and elder brother left, and Lin Heng took out a beautiful silk flower hairpin from his pocket and handed it to his wife like offering a treasure: "For you."

Xiulan blinked her eyes and showed a hint of surprise: "Thank you, husband, it's really beautiful~"

This hairpin is made of cyan silk gauze as the base and blue silk gauze flowers as the main body, which is very beautiful.

After Xiulan put it on, she showed a three-point elegant and gentle temperament, which made Lin Heng stunned.

"Dad, I want it too." Xiaoxia hugged his legs, pouted, and looked very sad.

"Then have you prepared a gift for me?" Lin Heng squatted down and asked with a smile.

"I... I'll give you flowers!" Xiaoxia was stunned for a moment, and took the chrysanthemums that Xiulan picked on the table and handed them to him.

"Next time, you have to pick them yourself. I also bought you a little rabbit hairpin." Lin Heng smiled and took a little rabbit hairpin from the cabinet and put it on her forehead.

"Great! I'm a little rabbit!" Xiaoxia jumped up in the house.

Lin Heng was afraid that she would fall, so he watched from the side.

When she was tired of jumping, he started to fiddle with his arrows. This compound bow came with fifteen arrows, and he needed to modify the arrows into hunting arrows.

That is, the flat triangular arrows, or triangular arrows, which have a stronger killing effect on prey.

According to common sense, this arrow should be adjusted by a specialist according to the poundage and shooting distance of the compound bow, so that it is more accurate.

But this is obviously unrealistic in the countryside. Lin Heng's own modification will not have a big impact on the accuracy, and he can use his technology to make up for this gap.

At dinner in the evening, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and asked, "Wife, do you want to go to town with me tomorrow?"

"Forget it, it's not the market day, I have to help my mother beat soybeans." Xiulan shook her head.

"Okay, but remember to use the hand cream and face cream I bought for you, don't be reluctant." Lin Heng reminded again.

Xiulan glanced at him and smiled, "Of course I need it. I'm afraid you won't want me if I get ugly."

Lin Heng rolled his eyes at her, "It's good that you're afraid. If you're afraid of getting ugly, then do less work and don't tire yourself out."

"But don't worry, I'll want you no matter what." Lin Heng added.

Xiulan blinked and didn't say anything. She believed what Lin Heng said.

The next day, early in the morning on the 19th, Lin Heng rode his horse to Huangtan Town. There would be a car coming up to pick up mountain goods today.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the truck from the city came up, and Lin Heng completed the docking, counted the mountain goods, settled the accounts, and the money was transferred to the credit union on the spot.

After sending the man away, Lin Heng looked at his passbook, which had 8,550 yuan on it. With the 500 cash stored in the store, his current deposit reached 9,100 yuan.

This money is real, not counting the goods worth about 700 yuan in the store, and the 1,000 yuan owed to him by the owner of the Tuanjie Brick Factory.

In this month, he spent about 1,800 yuan on buying clothes and electric saws for his family, digging fish ponds, buying horses, buying lime and other miscellaneous expenses, and Xiulan still had 200 to 300 yuan.

The money he earned was mainly from black truffles, 1,400 yuan, which he earned from driving mountains.

The purchasing station and the canteen made 650 yuan.

In total, he made 2,050 yuan in this month.

There was 9,100 yuan in cash on the account, but in fact, his current assets have reached more than 13,000 yuan, a ten thousand yuan household.

Lin Heng took out 22 yuan and a salary slip and handed it to Wang Zhou, smiling and saying: "Here, this is your salary for last month, the extra two yuan is an incentive, you work very hard, keep working hard."

"Thank you, Brother Lin!" Wang Zhou was overjoyed, signed the salary slip and then took the money in his hand and counted it carefully.

Although the money that passed through his hands this month was thousands, it didn't feel as solid as the 22.

"By the way, I'll find a time to take you to see the girl I picked for you, and see if she's suitable." Lin Heng said again.

When it comes to girls, Wang Zhou becomes shy: "Brother Lin, you decide."

Lin Heng slapped him and said speechlessly: "I don't make the decision, it's not me who's going to marry a wife, if you don't like it, just find another one."

Wang Zhou had to agree: "Okay, then Brother Lin, just let me know when you can."

Lin Heng nodded. If Wang Zhou and Liu Cihua are in love, there will be almost no difficulty with his parents.

After finishing the things here, Lin Heng rode his horse back home. On the way, he saw people riding bicycles, traditional 28-bar bicycles, which were considered rich people.

He didn't buy a bicycle because he felt it was not very convenient, and riding a horse was very handsome.

When he got home, Lin Heng tied up the horse and couldn't wait to go to the old house to find his wife to share his joy.

As soon as he walked into the house, he found that his parents and uncle Xiulan were sitting in the main room, with serious faces, as if something big had happened.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Lin Heng was stunned, feeling something was wrong.




ps: Only 6,000 words today, not to mention the writer's block recently, I'm not feeling well.

I ate a bun this morning, and lost my key. I found a locksmith and waited for an hour before he came up. It was really unlucky.

Finally, can everyone give me a few monthly tickets? I'm begging you shamelessly. I really want to break 1,000 monthly tickets in a single month.

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