Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 152 Lin Heng hunting, the hawk behind [6k]

Mother Lin looked at Lin Heng and said, "Your grandma is ill. Your uncle wants to send her to the city hospital for a thorough checkup."

When Lin Heng heard this, he probably knew why.

His grandpa died early, six years ago, and his grandma has always been in poor health. She is 81 years old this year. It is normal for her to get sick easily when the seasons change.

And in memory, her grandma died next spring, and the cause seemed to be cardiovascular disease.

"Then send her. If you don't have enough money, I have it here." Lin Heng looked at his uncle and mother and said, his grandma also loved him very much, so it was natural for the old man to borrow money for medical treatment.

But in fact, he didn't really suggest sending people to the city for treatment. When people get old, they have chronic diseases, and they can't be cured in the city.

Sending them to the city is all dirt roads, and the fatigue of traveling may aggravate the condition. But what he said would definitely make his uncle suspicious, thinking that he didn't want to borrow money.

Mother Lin shook her head and said, "There's no rush to borrow money. We've already borrowed fifty from your uncle, and your second uncle also has some money. If it's not enough, we'll ask you for more."

Lin Heng asked again, "Has that man been sent away?"

"Yes, your second uncle asked someone to take him to the city on a motorcycle, and I'll go down in a while." Lu Honghai nodded.

Lin Heng thought for a while and said to his wife, "Xiu Lan, then go back and get another fifty yuan for your uncle."

"Okay." Xiu Lan nodded and went back to get the money.

Lu Honghai hurriedly stopped her, "It's enough for your dad to borrow fifty."

"It's okay, uncle, there's no harm in taking more money, you can take it back if you haven't used it up." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Not long after, Xiu Lan took out the money and stuffed it into Lu Honghai's pocket: "Uncle, use it first, don't rush to pay it back."

"Yes, okay." Lu Honghai nodded, his gratitude overflowing with words.

Then Lin Heng asked him to check the old man's cardiovascular system and buy some medicine for this, maybe he can live longer in this life.

After chatting for a few more words, Lin Heng's uncle left in a hurry.

"Mom and Dad, you don't have any money either, I'll get you some." Lin Heng watched his parents take out twenty yuan from their pockets and handed it to them.

"We are not sick and we don't need anything, why do we need money, keep it for yourself, we will ask when we need it." Lin's father confiscated it and shook his head.

Mother Lin took the money, put it in Xiulan's pocket and said, "Xiulan, take it, this kid likes to spend money recklessly, take good care of him."

Lin Heng: "..."

"Don't push it anymore, you just have this intention."

Xiulan was held down by Lin's mother before she could speak, and finally had to accept the money.

It was already past one in the afternoon. After chatting for a few words, Xiulan took her daughter home to cook for Lin Heng.

"I have good news for you. Our total assets are now more than 10,000 yuan. You are now a millionaire."

On the way home, Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan was stunned: "Ten thousand yuan, so much!"

"Of course." Lin Heng smiled and reported the bill to his wife.

After hearing the specific report, Xiulan couldn't help but sigh: "We actually have so much money."

She felt a little dazed. At the beginning of the year, she was still worrying about a few dollars, but now she has become a millionaire that she never dared to think about before.

"There will be more money in the future." Lin Heng grinned, and his wife's expression made him very satisfied.

Xiulan looked at him and shook her head: "That's enough, there is no shortage of food and clothing now, you don't have to work so hard."

"No, I just look forward to the future." Lin Heng smiled.

After entering the yard, he continued: "I'll see if I can make something bigger in the next two days, and then celebrate it."

"Okay." Xiulan nodded, and asked: "What do you want to eat for lunch?"

"Knife-cut noodles, oil-splashed noodles, I'll help you." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

"Okay, just look after your daughter." Xiulan nodded and turned to scoop noodles to cook.

Lin Heng brought his daughter to help light the fire, and the two of them finished the meal quickly.

The oil-splashed knife-cut noodles with fried eggs are a unique taste, spicy and sour, and the noodles are very chewy.

The fried eggs are even more fragrant and bubbling. Xiaoxia ate one and a half by herself, and she ate half a bowl of noodles.

After dinner, Lin Heng took out his newly bought set of purple clay tea sets and brewed a pot of tea to relieve the greasiness.

Drinking tea and lighting a scented incense, I had a very pleasant lunch.

At more than three o'clock, Lin's father and eldest brother came to help move the insulation cotton.

Because we have to go to Hongfeng Mountain to collect soybeans in the afternoon, we can just take it with us when we go there.

Lin Heng carried a bow bag and walked over with the insulation cotton. Although the insulation cotton is large in size, it is not heavy, and you can take a lot at a time.

After a few trips, they were all moved to Hongfeng Mountain.

"Why don't we nail it up now? What if it is stolen at night?" Lin's father looked at the insulation cotton piled in the house and was a little worried.

Lin Heng shook his head: "No one should steal it if it is placed here. We can just install it tomorrow."

"I don't think it's a problem either. It should be fine overnight." Lin Yue also said.

"Then let's go down and pick the soybeans. It will be easier to dig a pond after that." Lin's father nodded.

On the way down the mountain, Lin Heng and his friends met Tian Baishun who was carrying a hunting rifle.

Lin Heng asked curiously: "Old man Tian, ​​where are you going to hunt? Have you had any gains recently?"

"I heard a golden rooster crowing in the forest on Houliang yesterday. I came here to take a look today. I just shot a pheasant recently."

After Tian Baishun responded, he invited again: "Do you want to come with me? I think we can find a golden rooster's nest today."

Lin Heng was a little tempted. It was like you just bought a new fishing rod and someone told you there was a fishing spot for big fish.

"If you want to go, go ahead. Dad and I can pick all the remaining soybeans." Lin Yue patted his shoulder and said.

"Yes, go ahead. Be careful." Lin's father nodded and said,

"Then I'll go. Dad and big brother, wait for my good news." Lin Heng said with a smile, and ran away with Old Man Tian.

"Are your bows and arrows in the bag?" Old Man Tian asked curiously as he looked at the hard bow bag Lin Heng was carrying.

Lin Heng grinned: "This is my new equipment, a modern compound bow. It's no problem to shoot a hundred steps through the willow. I'll show you later."

"Modern compound bow? What does it look like?" Old Man Tian was very curious. He had never seen this new thing.

"It's not convenient to take it out now. Wait until you see the golden rooster. If there is no golden rooster, you won't be able to see it." Lin Heng smiled mysteriously.

Tian Baishun blew his beard and glared, saying, "You kid, do you still think that I, an old man, can deceive you? I will definitely take you to hunt the golden rooster today."

Lin Heng grinned and said nothing, and began to observe and look for prey.

He didn't bring Xiongba out today, so hunting was all up to himself.

They walked in the southwest direction, to a beam full of acorn trees that Tian Baishun said.

After walking for a long time without finding any trace of prey, they came to a valley in a blink of an eye.


Lin Heng was about to ask how far it was, when a hoarse cry came from the opposite ridge, sounding like someone was saying hurry.

"It's the place where the golden rooster is calling, two miles away." Tian Baishun said.

Lin Heng nodded and walked in front. After walking a few hundred meters, he found a man in his forties, also carrying a hunting rifle.

Lin Heng recognized him. This was another hunter in the village, Wang Kaidian. He had been a soldier and was very skilled in hunting.

His eyes were looking at the other side of the river. Lin Heng followed his gaze and saw a red-haired rooster foraging under a chestnut tree on the other side.

"It's too far, I can't shoot it."

He pointed at the rooster on the other side and whispered. His hunting rifle was better than ordinary guns, but the range was only 70 to 80 meters, so shooting would be a waste of ammunition.

And this distance was already 110 to 20 meters, which was why the rooster on the other side didn't run away when it saw people. It felt there was no danger at all.

If Lin Heng and others walked to the other side, it would definitely flap its wings and fly away immediately.

"Uncle Wang, if you don't shoot, then I'll try."

Lin Heng whispered. This Wang Kaidian has a good relationship with his father.

Wang Kaidian was a little surprised to hear this. He looked at him and said, "If you want to shoot, shoot. If you can hit it, it's yours. I remember the bow and arrow you used. I'm afraid there's no hope at such a distance."

"I'll try." Lin Heng smiled and put the bow bag on the ground and opened it, taking out a modern compound bow painted in black.

"Is this an iron bow and arrow?" Wang Kaidian was stunned. He had never seen such a bow and arrow before.

Lin Heng did not speak. He took out an ordinary carbon arrow without a modified shotgun head and put it on the bowstring. Any arrowhead would do for a golden rooster.

There was no wind in the valley at this time. Lin Heng took the release device in his right hand and shot an arrow after aiming.

This beautiful sharp arrow drew a graceful curve in the air, and with a sound of "poof", it pierced the golden rooster on the other side.

"Awesome, your new guy is really so powerful!"

Old man Tian widened his eyes, shocked by the strange iron lump in Lin Heng's hand. The power of this thing is really so awesome.

"Too accurate, your equipment is amazing."

Wang Kaidian gave a thumbs up. He always thought that except for guns, everything else was rubbish.

But unexpectedly, this iron bow and arrow was even more awesome than a shotgun.

"This is a modern compound bow, the absolute king of cold weapons." Lin Heng grinned. This good bow is so cool to use.

"Can I have a look?" Old Man Tian was very curious.

"Yes, but you can't pull the bowstring empty." Lin Heng said, and handed the bow and arrow to Old Man Tian.

"It's lighter than I thought, but why can't you pull the bowstring empty?" Old Man Tian asked curiously while playing with it.

"Without an arrow, the force of pulling the bowstring empty will hit the bow, which is easy to damage." Lin Heng explained.

No matter what bow it is, pulling it empty is equivalent to hitting the energy on the bow, which is very easy to damage the bow.

Modern compound bows are more powerful, and the damage caused by pulling it empty is also greater.

Tian Baishun took a look and handed it to Wang Kaidian. There was envy in the eyes of both of them. No hunter doesn't want a weapon with a long range and high accuracy.

Although Lin Heng's compound bow is not as powerful as a gun, it does have a unique advantage on this mountain.

It has a much longer range than the local hunting rifles in their hands, and there is no sound when it is fired.

"How much does it cost?" Wang Kaidian wanted to practice archery. He thought that with his basic skills, it should be no problem to practice.

"These are all imported things. They are not produced in China. This bow costs more than 300 yuan. But Uncle Wang, you have a rifle, why don't you use it?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

Bows and arrows have another advantage, that is, they are always legal and will not be confiscated.

"There are no bullets. That thing is expensive and hard to buy. Besides, if you shoot a golden rooster, it will rot directly. You can't even eat it." Wang Kaidian shook his head.

As the management of guns becomes more and more strict, bullets are expensive and hard to buy. It's not as practical as this hunting rifle with gunpowder and ball bearings.

This is why almost all hunters in the village use shotguns. Gunpowder and ball bearings are cheap and easy to obtain, and they can hunt both large and small prey.

"Do you want to go to Liangshang together?" Old Man Tian looked at Wang Kaidian and asked.

"You go ahead, I'll go check out other places." Wang Kaidian shook his head. He likes to hunt alone.

After Wang Kaidian left, Lin Heng loaded up the compound bow and turned around to pick up the golden rooster.

"It's amazing. This golden rooster didn't react at all." Old Man Tian was a little envious.

"You can go get a rifle." Lin Heng laughed.

Old Man Tian waved his hand: "I'm not crazy. If there were as many black bears in our area as in the Greater Khingan Mountains, I would still be interested in getting a shot. I would just shoot a muntjac wild boar. It would be a waste to use a rifle."

Lin Heng carried the golden rooster and asked curiously as he walked: "You have been hunting for more than ten years, have you ever seen a tiger or a black bear?"

"I haven't seen the tiger, but I have seen both black bears. I ran away a few hundred meters away, but I didn't dare to provoke them. That thing was too scary and I couldn't kill it with my gun." Tian Baishun shook his head.

Lin Heng told Tian Baishun about the leopard he met a few days ago.

"I've heard people say that. It feels like leopards eat leopards. The tigers should eat them all and won't stay, but I can't say for sure." Tian Baishun shook his head and analyzed.

Lin Heng nodded: "I think so too."

The two chatted and soon came to the beam where the golden rooster was crowing.

It’s just that the leaves are just starting to turn yellow now and haven’t fallen yet, so it’s quite difficult to find them.

Old Man Hetian walked separately, and not far away he heard a muntjac barking on the hilltop opposite.

After just two glances at Lin Heng, I gave up. It wasn't too far away and I had to walk there for thirty or forty minutes. I even ran away when I got to the Muntjac.


At this time, the golden rooster started to crow again. When Lin Heng heard this, he immediately slowed down. The golden rooster that had just crowed was closer to him.

It was getting late at this time, it was dusk, and the golden rooster was about to go up to the tree to rest.

Lin Heng searched furtively for more than ten minutes and finally determined the location.

Under a large acorn tree, two hens were feeding.

The female golden pheasant is small, and is covered in grey, and does not have the beautiful feathers of the male.

Lin Heng's location was not very good. He was two hundred meters away and had a wide view in front.

Glancing at the high slope on the left, he quietly stepped back, took out the compound bow, and approached slowly on the high slope.

After approaching from the direction of Gaopo, we are only about thirty meters away from the Golden Rooster, which is very close.

Lin Heng missed the shotgun a little now. With one shot, both hens would be killed, and he could only choose one of them.

Killing two birds with one stone requires the right time, right place and right people, but now the two hens are two or three meters apart, which is obviously unrealistic.

Lin Heng picked the one closest to him, half-kneeling, took a bow and shot an arrow.

With a whoosh, under the full 40-pound bow tension, the arrow flew at an extremely terrifying speed. It flew over almost instantly and nailed it into the soil with one arrow.


Another golden rooster was so frightened that it rolled and flew up.


At this moment, Lin Heng suddenly heard an extremely sharp eagle cry and quickly looked up.

I saw a huge eagle swooping down from the top of a tall fir tree in the distance, catching the hen in the air and taking it high into the sky.

"Goshawk!" Lin Heng was stunned. He was afraid that the goshawk had already noticed the two hens. The goshawk's snow-white striped abdominal feathers were extremely obvious.

This thing often steals hens and chicks, and everyone in the countryside knows it.

However, its vigilance is too high, and it usually stops at the top of a big tree, making it impossible to hit it.

Shaking his head, Lin Heng went to pick up the dead hen golden rooster.

Today, I have gotten rich with Tian Baishun. There are indeed many golden roosters in this place, and this old man is quite capable.

After picking up the golden rooster and arrow, Lin Heng continued to search everywhere.

The sky was getting darker and darker, so he did not continue walking up and prepared to go down into the ditch and go home.

Today's harvest of these two is quite good. It can be said that the newly purchased compound bow has been opened and has seen blood.


Just a few steps back, a gunshot was heard not far away.

Lin Heng followed the sound and walked over, shouting as he walked: "Old man Tian, ​​have you been beaten?"

"Hey, I shot three with one shot, it was so cool." Not long after, Tian Baishun ran down with his things, looked at Lin Heng and said with a smile.

"Damn! The shotgun is so cool." Lin Heng was speechless. One shot equaled what he had gained in the afternoon.

"A hunting rifle is not expensive, just buy one." Tian Baishun said with a smile.

"Don't buy it." Lin Heng likes to use bows and arrows.

Then the two of them turned around and walked back, and all the golden pheasants in this area flew away with the shot.

On the way back, gunshots could be heard from time to time. Many people used muskets to hunt in these days. There were thirteen or four hunters in their village, some were very professional, and some were shooting blindly with guns.

By the time Lin Heng got home, it was completely dark. Xiulan and Xiaoxia had finished their meals and were waiting for him.

"How's it going? Isn't it awesome?" Lin Heng walked into the yard and said with a smile while holding two golden roosters.

"Tis bad!" Xiaoxia raised her little hand and praised.

Xiulan smiled and said: "I know you can definitely hit it, and I have already boiled water for you to use for chicken soup."

"Then what if I don't get hit? You won't let me kneel on the washboard, right?" Lin Heng asked deliberately.

"Then I'll just boil the bath water." Xiulan winked playfully.

Then she took the golden chicken and said, "Go eat, I'll make the chicken soup."


Lin Heng put the bow bag on the counter and went to the kitchen to bring out the rice.

"It's actually a soft pancake."

Lin Heng was a little surprised. The soft pancake was spread with fermented bean curd and chili, and then sandwiched with sour and spicy potato shreds and rolled up. It was so delicious.

He ate four in one breath. The soft pancake was soft, the potato shreds were sour and refreshing, and the fermented bean curd and chili had a special aroma and taste. It was so enjoyable to eat them together.

When he finished eating, Xiulan also prepared two golden chicken soups. Xiaoxia shone the flashlight left and right.

"Let me do it."

Lin Heng took out a knife and cut open the intestines. Except for the chicken heart, liver and gizzard, all the others were simply processed and fed to Xiongba tomorrow morning.

After killing the chicken, Xiulan thought for a while and said, "Why not braise one and eat it? The last braised soup is still there."

As long as the braised soup is filtered well and heated every two days, it will become more fragrant the more you use it.

"Then we can stew the big one and fry the small one. Tomorrow we will call our parents and big brother to celebrate."

Lin Heng nodded and hung the processed golden chicken on the kitchen wall.

"Hey, was this bath tub sent by Liang Muliang?"

When he went to take a bath in the backyard, Lin Heng found a long wooden barrel in the backyard with half a bucket of water in it.

"Yes, I gave him five dollars, but he only took four." Xiulan's voice came from the house.

Looking at the wooden barrel for bathing, Lin Heng was quite satisfied. After taking a bath, he went back to the house to read a bedtime story to Xiaoxia.

He bought a new storybook in the city this time. Xiaoxia listened very enthusiastically and didn't want to sleep.

Lin Heng had to set a rule for her that she could only tell three stories every night.

After coaxing his daughter to sleep, Lin Heng went to bed and hugged his wife.

The next morning, after Lin Heng had his meal, he took his tools and couldn't wait to build his own cabin.

Father Lin and big brother also came to Hongfeng Mountain with diesel saws and tools.

"Today, install the insulation cotton in the house first, and then put the wooden boards and doors and windows in place." Lin Heng said with a smile. The maple leaves have gradually turned red, and the forest is becoming more and more beautiful. We have to hurry up. "It's not difficult. I estimate that it will be done in half a day." Lin Yue said with a smile. Saw the wooden boards to the length, press the insulation cotton on the wall and nail it. The three people nailed the surrounding walls in one morning. In the afternoon, the insulation cotton on the roof was also installed and nailed with wooden boards. "Do you want to push the boards of the doors and windows?" When making the doors and windows, Lin's father asked. They brought handmade wooden pushers. "No, this wild style is good." Lin Heng shook his head. The wooden door does not need to look good, just nail it with boards, it just needs to be strong enough, and the door handles are all made of a tree knot. The work of pressing the doors and windows was handed over to his father and eldest brother, and he took waterproof paint to paint the wooden house. He used brown water-repellent paint, and after painting, the appearance of the whole wooden house immediately rose to a higher level.

With the wooden doors and windows in place, the cabin was considered to be preliminarily completed.

The remaining wooden boards were painted and hung here, and they would be laid around the floor in two days.

Laying method Lin Heng planned to use wooden stakes as supports like the wooden house, 30 cm above the ground, which can effectively prevent the wooden boards from rotting.

"Let's go, Dad, Xiulan's meal is ready, and I guess she's waiting for us."

Lin Heng said as he looked at his father who was about to saw the wooden boards to make a table.

"Okay, then let's do it in two days." Father Lin nodded.

"The crops at the foot of the mountain have been harvested, when are you going to start digging the fish pond?" On the way back, the eldest brother Lin Yue asked.

"Dad will find someone to watch it on the day outside, and then we will start working." Lin Heng said, he estimated that it would take one or two months to finish this time.

But it didn't affect his hunting, and his father and eldest brother would just watch it.

When I got home, Xiulan cooked a table full of food, with a ripped braised chicken in the middle. I could smell the familiar aroma as soon as I entered the door.

"Today's dishes are rich, and it's worth helping you, brother." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Lin Heng laughed: "Then it's delicious, there are still many delicious things in autumn."




ps: It's still 6,000 words, please give me a monthly ticket, friends

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