Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 153: To guard against wild boars at night, do we need air force?

The taste of golden chicken is already excellent, and it is even better after being braised.

After being braised, the meat and bones are separated, and the chicken is soft and chewy. It has the original meaty aroma of the chicken and the aroma of the marinade. The combination of the two leaves a unique aroma between the lips and teeth, making people want to eat more.

Whether a thing is delicious or not can be seen from the actions of children. Both Xiaoxia and her nephew's eyes are on the plate of braised golden chicken in the middle of the table. Even the stir-fried golden chicken is not in their eyes.

"Dad, I want more~" Xiaoxia finished eating a piece and pulled Lin Heng's arm to continue.

Lin Heng picked up a vegetable for her and smiled and said, "Eat a vegetable, don't eat too much meat."

Xiaoxia turned her head to the side rebelliously and ran over to hug Lin's mother's legs.

"Don't feed too much, mom, it's easy to have indigestion at night." Lin Heng hurriedly stopped his mother who picked up a large piece of chicken for Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia only ate a little bit, clenched her fist and looked at Lin Heng angrily: "Dad is bad~"

Lin Heng looked at her, grabbed her and stuffed her to Xiulan, who immediately became even angrier.

"Open your mouth!" Xiulan picked up a small cabbage for her.

Xiaoxia looked at her mother, opened her mouth and ate it obediently, leaning on Xiulan's arms and acting like a spoiled child, wanting to eat the braised chicken.

"Xiulan is still amazing, unlike my second son." Lin's mother praised.

Lin Heng: "..."

Lin Heng picked up a large piece of chicken for his father: "Dad, eat more."

Lin's father was helpless: "I've been eating, you don't have to pick it for me."

"I wanted to give it to my mother, but she always insults me, so I can only give it to you."

Lin Heng smiled and drank a sip of rice wine by himself. When the family gathers for a meal, they can drink and eat as they like, without so many rules.

"I don't care." Lin's mother snorted.

Lin Heng didn't respond to this sentence, and looked at the people who were eating enthusiastically and said: "The wooden house in Hongfeng Mountain has been built. When I build the surrounding area, we will go there for a barbecue."

"I'm the first to support it." The eldest nephew Lin Wei will always be Lin Heng's supporter.

The eldest brother Lin Yue nodded and said, "Okay, we will kill a chicken and roast it when the time comes."

Father Lin said, "The rabbits at home have grown so big and they fight every day. We have to catch one to eat."

"Okay, wait until a date is set and invite more people to play." Lin Heng said with a smile.

It must be very happy to have a barbecue and eat with a group of people.

Dinner was also rice, but everyone couldn't eat it. After finishing a large table of dishes, only the adults reluctantly ate a little.

After everyone left, Xiulan looked at the remaining half pot of rice and said, "I can only fry rice tomorrow morning."

After waiting for a long time, no one responded. She looked up and saw that Lin Heng and Xiaoxia were not there. Then she saw that the father and daughter ran out to catch fireflies.

"Dad, there are also fireflies!" Xiaoxia pointed to the sky and shouted in a baby voice.

"I caught it, I caught it."

Several fireflies suddenly appeared in the yard. Lin Heng caught four in the can bottle for Xiaoxia.

Her big eyes looked through the bottle at the flashing fireflies, and she seemed to not understand how this little thing could emit light.

Lin Heng took her to the backyard to play again. There was water in the backyard, and there were more fireflies than in the front yard. Xiaoxia tried several times with the fishing net but failed to catch any.

She was just like the monkey picking corn in the textbook, grabbing this one and then that one, but could never catch any.

In the end, she could only hug Lin Heng's legs and act cute: "Dad, catch it for me~"

"Fireflies are living things, you have to let them go after playing for a while." Lin Heng caught two more for her.

He didn't avoid his daughter when killing chickens and fish, but he also hoped that she could show kindness to small animals that were not edible.

He hoped that his daughter would not have too much sympathy, and at the same time, she should have a certain degree of kindness.

"Then I'll let it go later~" Xiaoxia nodded. She was still very well-behaved most of the time, probably because Xiulan had a very stable personality, and she was the same.

In addition, with his careful teaching, she did not have the fickle, crying and making troubles like other rural children.

After playing with her for a while, Xiaoxia was tired. She opened the lid and curiously watched the fireflies fly out of it. I don’t know what she was thinking.

"Dad, listen to a story!" Xiaoxia turned her head and hugged him and said.

Lin Heng picked her up and smiled, "Okay, okay, go back to the room and tell you a story."

Xiaoxia kissed him happily and put her face against his, coquettish and clingy.

Lin Heng lit two candles, then held her in his arms and casually opened the storybook to tell her. Xiaoxia still could understand very little now. The only story she understood was Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, and the Seven Dwarfs.

Other fairy tales were all confusing. She mainly wanted to fall asleep listening to Lin Heng's voice. It would be even happier if she could be held.

Lin Heng could recite these stories by heart. He didn't need to read the book. He held her and rocked her while telling the story. The little girl soon fell asleep in his arms.

After she fell asleep, Lin Heng put her on the small bed and covered her with a quilt and mosquito net.

"Wife, is there any water in the electric kettle?" Lin Heng walked out of the room. His wife was taking a bath in the fire room that had not been officially used yet. He opened the door and walked in.

Electric kettle is a hot water kettle. They have always been used to calling it that.

Xiulan was speechless when she saw him suddenly rushing out. She pouted and said, "Don't you know how to knock on the door?"

Lin Heng grinned and said nonchalantly, "I mean I want to try whether the newly bought bath tub leaks. Do you want to try it?"

"If you don't try, don't take a bath with the pigs." Xiulan snorted and glanced at her.

Lin Heng came over and said: "Try it, please, otherwise I will bully you."

Xiulan couldn't resist him, mainly because she was threatened, so she put on her clothes and helped move the wooden barrel filled with most of the water into the house.

The water inside was clean and had been heated by the sun. Lin Heng went to add some water from the bucket in the house and hot water from two electric kettles.

Then we took a bath with my wife who was reluctant but didn't resist.

This wooden barrel is very big, so it's no problem for two people to take a bath.

Taking a bath is really a very enjoyable thing, especially when the water temperature is relatively hot, your whole body is warm, and all the fatigue of the day seems to be melted into the water and dissipated.

The fire room was only 6 square meters. A red candle was lit in the room. The candlelight flickered and the water vapor evaporated slightly. Xiulan rested her head on the edge of the barrel and fell asleep. The snow-white skin of the slender neck was looming in the mist, making Lin Heng look a little obsessed.

Thanks to him not making his wife suffer this summer, her beauty is even better than before, and she is much whiter.

Just when Lin Heng was about to move, Xiulan stared at him: "Just take a bath, if you don't move, I'm out."


Lin Heng nodded in agreement and played with Hercules Palm in the water, pushing the water flow and hitting his wife's body, which made her roll her eyes.

After playing for dozens of times, Xiulan finally couldn't help it anymore and sprinkled a handful of water on his face: "You're very skinny, aren't you?"

For no reason, the two started to play and fight, and finally Xiulan, who was soaked all over and soft, was held in Lin Heng's arms. Her cheeks were red and her whole body was weak, as if she was a little angry at someone's shamelessness.

"It's truly a fairyland on earth." Lin Heng sighed, this was the happiest thing for him.

Out of anger, out of shyness, Xiulan still liked leaning on Lin Heng like this, it gave her a completely different and wonderful feeling.

After soaking for half an hour, the water was almost cold. Xiulan gave Lin Heng a bath and the two of them got up and dressed.

"I'll hold you." Lin Heng put on shorts, smiled slightly, picked up his wife by the waist.

"Why are you always so thoughtful?" Xiulan blinked and hugged his neck.

Lin Heng looked at her and smiled: "Then you don't like it."

Xiulan thought for a while and replied: "I like it, but I have to keep... um~"

As soon as she finished speaking, she was put on the bed by Lin Heng. Then, the big bad wolf showed his claws and was about to eat the white rabbit.


Although white rabbit is delicious, it is always easy to harm the body.

About half an hour later, Lin Heng fell asleep while stroking his somewhat empty lower back and hugging his moist-skinned wife.

Lin Heng was woken up by his daughter the next day. After getting up, Lin Heng went to the backyard to practice a set of eight Vajra exercises. This was a exercise he often practiced in his previous life.

When she returned to the house, Xiulan had already brought the fried rice, and she wanted to laugh when she looked at him.

Lin Heng held his head high. He was not embarrassed anyway, he just got up a little late in the morning.

After dinner, Lin Heng ate some dried chestnuts and mulberries, and drank some wolfberry and epimedium tea.

Then I took a wooden pier as a target and practiced bow and arrow for a while to improve my skills.

Xiaoxia sat under the eaves eating Schisandra chinensis and serving as a cheerleader. She clapped her hands and cheered whenever Lin Heng shot an arrow, regardless of whether he hit the target or not.

When Lin Heng finished practicing, Xiulan looked at him and asked, "I'm going to wash clothes, will you go?"

"Go, how about you go to Hongfeng Mountain and build a house with me." Lin Heng suggested.

"That's okay." Xiulan didn't refuse and took the things with Lin Heng.

Lin Heng took some work tools and bows and arrows, and took his daughter and wife to Hongfeng Mountain.

My father and eldest brother were planting wheat today, not with him, just the three of them.

"Is the cabin not bad? This is our holiday house. If you don't want to live in the village, you can come here. It's clean and beautiful here."

Lin Heng took his wife and daughter to see the newly built wooden house.

"That's great." Xiulan said with a smile.

There were seven points of happiness and three points of emotion in her eyes.

In the past, building a new house was a luxury, but now I have free time to build a holiday cabin to live in.

"Haha, when I finish building it, I will bring you to live there for a few days."

Lin Heng grinned, and then went to the stream to set up a slate for his wife's laundry.

"So many shrimps."

When Lin Heng was washing the slate, he discovered that there were a lot of black-shell shrimps under the shrimp grass. He could catch a lot of them with a bamboo sieve.

"You can grab some and let's go back and fry it. It's very fragrant and can also be used as a seasoning."

Xiulan looked at Xiami and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng took the bamboo sieve and started scratching.

Xiaoxia was wearing sandals and applauding nearby. She had to take a look at the shrimps she caught first, put them into the bamboo basket to keep, and then gave her mother credit for catching the shrimps.

After catching two or three pools, it’s almost half a catty of shrimps. There are so many shrimps in mountain streams in autumn that it doesn’t take much effort to catch them.

After catching about a kilogram, Lin Heng stopped and went to build his own wooden house.

After a busy morning, I dug the hole for the wooden piles, buried the wooden piles, and found the level.

It is difficult to work alone. This result is the result of Xiulan's help for a while.

I didn't rest here at noon, but took my wife and children back home.

The fresh paint on the wooden house contains high formaldehyde content, which is not good for them.

After returning home, Xiulan cooked corn and red dates porridge, which tasted sweet and delicious after cooling. It was very enjoyable to drink such a bowl of porridge in the middle of the day.

Although the corn had been harvested long ago, there were still some that were planted later for eating tender corn, so they could still be eaten now.

After eating, Lin Heng pulled out the green bean stalks that had been abandoned in the garden at home. Xiulan had asked him to plant some radishes in the afternoon, but he didn't.

Because he wanted to reorganize the vegetable garden in a few days, the front yard looked too messy now.

In addition, he planned to renovate the mud house while digging the fish pond, and apply white plaster inside and outside the house.

The floor in the house is going to be upgraded to wooden or marble floors, so that not only will the house have a longer service life, but it will also be warmer and more beautiful.

Even if a big villa is built in the future, you can come here to experience life.

He told Xiulan about his idea, and Xiulan nodded: "Okay, but does it have any impact on growing radishes?"

"Of course it does. The courtyard wall also needs to be plastered, and the vegetable garden is going to be surrounded by wooden boards into a square shape, and the soil is also rearranged in a composting mode, so that the vegetables grow better.

Then, except for the vegetable garden, all other areas are paved with stones as floors, so you don't have to worry about your feet getting muddy when you go to pick vegetables in the rain."

Lin Heng nodded and said that he just wanted to make his home beautiful and live a leisurely life.

"Then I'll help you." Xiulan blinked, and she saw Lin Heng's determination to build this home.

"I'll help too!" Xiaoxia also said in a baby voice.

"Okay, let's build a home together." Lin Heng said with a smile, and poured another cup of herbal tea and drank it.

While chatting, the front door creaked open, and Lin's father and Lin Yue walked in from outside.

"Brother, go and guard the wild boars and white rice at night. The soybeans on the beams have been dug up by wild boars again, and the persimmons next to them have also been eaten." Lin Yue walked into the yard and looked at Lin Heng and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng agreed without thinking too much. He also wanted to get some big prey to eat.

He hasn't been exploring the mountains recently, mainly because he feels that the weather is not cold enough. He can go after the leaves fall again.

"Then let's go back and prepare. You wear something thicker at night. Let's try to guard the wild boars then." Lin's father nodded.

Lin's father and the others left, and Lin Heng went to pack up his things.

You don't need to bring too many things to hunt at the doorstep. After packing up, Lin Heng went to help cut some pig grass.

At about six o'clock in the afternoon, the three people and the dog met up. The three of them got thick coats to take with them. Lin's father and the eldest brother also cut two bamboo sticks for self-defense.

"Do you want to take my bow and arrows?" Lin Heng asked.

"Forget it, we can't shoot accurately again." Lin's father shook his head.

"Yes, you alone are enough." Lin Yue also said with a smile.

"Let's go." Lin Heng rubbed Xiongba's head, and the three of them and the dog set off to Daliang.

Not long after, the three of them came to the soybean field on Daliang. There were few golden chickens here, and there were no hunters.

Lin Yue pointed to the traces of soybeans being killed and said, "Brother, look, this wild boar should have come from the direction of Tongshugou. Do you think it would be better for us to squat there and guard?"

Lin Heng didn't say anything, but walked over to see the traces of soybeans being eaten.

The land on Daliang was planted with small late soybeans, which were not yet old. The soybeans on the ground were all pressed down, and a small part was eaten and most of them were wasted.

Judging from the footprints on the ground, there were more than one wild boar here, but a group. The small ones might only weigh a few dozen kilograms, while the big ones must weigh one or two hundred kilograms.

"Xiongba, smell the smell and find the way they came." Lin Heng touched Xiongba's head, and it was now more majestic and powerful.


Xiongba called out and started searching on the ground.

Through Xiongba's search, the wild boar's route was determined.

"It's basically correct. It came over the beam from the direction of Tongshugou." Lin Heng nodded.

"I decided that it would be good for us to stay in this position. The distance is 60 to 70 meters, which is good." Father Lin suggested.

Lin Heng shook his head: "It's too close. Let's find a place below to wait and wait for the movement again before sneaking up.

Sometimes wild boars may not take the original route. It's not safe to get close to the beam, and they may be scared away."

"That's fine. I'll listen to you. Anyway, we don't understand." Father Lin grinned.

"Then go down and find a place to squat. It's almost dark." Lin Yue nodded.

The three of them went down and found a suitable place to sit down and squat.

When it was just dark, there were so many mosquitoes in the forest that they could only cover their hands, heads and necks with thick clothes.

Today is the seventh day of the ninth lunar month. When it was completely dark, a half moon appeared in the sky, with silver light shining down, and it could be seen clearly without a flashlight.

Lin Heng looked at the watch and it was nine o'clock. They had been squatting for three hours and had not heard any movement from the wild boar.

Their butts were sore from sitting. The mountain wind was still strong at night, and they felt a little cold even with thick clothes.

There were some small movements in the forest from time to time. I don't know if it was a mouse or a hedgehog.

In a blink of an eye, it was already 12 o'clock in the evening. Lin Heng was cold and hungry, and began to miss the warm embrace of his wife.

"What's going on? The wild boar didn't come." Lin Yue couldn't help but speak out.

"Since you're here, just keep watching." Lin's father was quite patient.

"If not, wait until tomorrow morning. We must not return empty-handed." Lin Heng nodded. He would never be an air-less guy.

At one o'clock, Lin Heng leaned against the acorn tree behind him and fell asleep. When he woke up again, it was already four o'clock in the morning.

Fortunately, Xiongba could hold him to keep warm. It was really cold at night on the top of the mountain. He looked at his father and eldest brother. They were also asleep and had not woken up yet.

Touching Xiongba's dog head, he waited silently.

However, until more than seven o'clock, there was no sign of the wild boar. The three knew that they had waited in vain that night.

This reminded Lin Heng of the painful experience of fishing at night without catching a single fish.

"Go home, take a rest and come back tonight. I still don't believe that we can't wait for the wild boar." Lin Heng gritted his teeth.

"Well, go back. This damn wild boar is good at calculating." Lin's father shook his head.

When he got home, Xiulan knew the result as soon as she saw his expression. She poured him some water to wash his face and made him sauerkraut noodles.

After Lin Heng had his meal, he went back to his room and lay down on the bed. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when he woke up.

"Are you going tonight?"

Xiulan was picking vegetables at home. Seeing him coming out, she asked.

"Yes, continue." Lin Heng nodded. He had to teach those wild boars a lesson. He was actually left empty-handed.

"I made you some soft pancakes. Eat some and take the rest to the mountain to eat." Xiulan nodded.

"Okay." Lin Heng agreed and went to the kitchen to have lunch.

Xiulan put the black-shelled shrimps she had caught before into cans. Lin Heng took some out and put them in the soft pancakes. It tasted like shrimp.

After dinner, he played with Xiaoxia for a while. Lin Heng went to find the village party secretary Tian Dongfu and asked him to find workers. He would start digging the fish pond in two days.

Originally, it was scheduled to start tomorrow, but because of the need to guard the wild boars, it was postponed for two days. The day after tomorrow is the tenth day of the ninth lunar month, which is October 24 in the solar calendar, and is also a good day.

"How many people are you going to call this time?" Tian Dongfu asked while pulling Lin Heng to play chess.

"Sixty people, or eighty cents a day without food, this time it will take at least two months.

I plan to dig out all the twenty acres of fish ponds. If it's not enough, I will call more people temporarily." Lin Heng looked at Tian Dongfu and said.

"So many, I can call people if you are sure." Tian Dongfu was a little shocked. Sixty people worked for two months, and the salary alone would be nearly three thousand yuan.

"Of course, Uncle Tian is sure, and the salary will be paid in one lump sum on the day of completion." Lin Heng nodded and said.

"Okay, I will spread the news in the afternoon, and then pick sixty strong laborers for you." Tian Dongfu nodded and agreed.

"That's troublesome." Lin Heng nodded. He could actually call people himself, but it was troublesome.

Tian Dongfu was an upright person, so it would not be a problem for him to find people. If there was any problem, he could help solve it together.

After playing this game of chess, Lin Heng returned home. After feeding Xiongba, he went up the mountain with his father and eldest brother to guard the wild boar.

"There should be no problem today. The wild boar can't be hungry for two days." Lin Yue was full of confidence today.

Father Lin also nodded and said: "That's right, we keep guarding, it will come."

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, if it doesn't come, we will keep guarding. I don't believe it's not hungry."

He and the wild boar just got on.

Of course, the main reason is that the probability of guarding the wild boar during this period is higher, which is much easier than looking for it all over the mountains.

The three of them still chose the same position as yesterday to continue squatting.

Squatting in the same place without talking or moving around is really a tormenting thing, and it tests your endurance too much.

The three of them kept guarding until dark, but never saw the wild boar.

Lin Heng looked at his watch and saw that it was already ten o'clock. He was a little depressed: "Damn, I'm not going to be empty-handed again tonight."

Lin Yue was about to speak when he was suddenly held down by his father. He pointed to the distance and whispered: "Look, there's something, over there by the persimmon tree."

Lin Heng and the others hurriedly looked in the direction of the persimmon tree. Under the moonlight, a slender figure climbed up the persimmon tree.

"It's Bai Mizi!" Lin Yue whispered excitedly.

"I'll take Xiong Ba to try and see if I can hit it."

Lin Heng said this and decided to teach this Bai Mizi a lesson first.

With Xiong Ba, he touched over from the stone step below, and with his waist bent, he could block the view of the Bai Mizi very well.




ps: Thank you for your enthusiastic voting, thank you so much or2.

Today is still 6,000 words, and tomorrow I guarantee 10,000 words. I've been too weak recently. I'm sorry for your enthusiastic voting. I'll try to make up for it with more.

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