Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 154 How dare you be so reckless without fangs? [First update]

Every two steps, Lin Heng would stop and look to observe the situation of Baimiaozi.

This guy didn't seem to be very alert. He was very relaxed sitting on the branch eating red persimmons.

He heard that Tian Baishun and his friends used to fight Baimiaozi in the same way. After Baimiaozi climbed up the tree and someone came down from the tree, they would lie on the branches and dare not move.

This persimmon tree was in the middle of the soybean field, and there were no other trees around. If Baimiaozi jumped down, Xiongba would probably catch him.

Therefore, Lin Heng was not very careful. It took him more than ten minutes to get closer to more than 50 meters, and he was discovered by Baimiaozi.

There was nothing he could do about it. The view from the top of the tree was too wide. After getting close, even if he used a stone step to block the view, it couldn't be blocked.

After discovering Lin Heng, it was stunned and motionless at first. When it found Lin Heng continued to lean under the tree, it immediately jumped to the highest branch.

And Lin Heng had already come under the tree. Xiongba stood under the tree without saying a word, looking up at it.

Lin Heng glanced at the white rice on the top of the tree. Under the moonlight, he could vaguely see its brown hair and its white spotted face.

He put on a hunting arrow, aimed and shot it without much hesitation.

The sharp arrow easily broke through the leaves of the persimmon tree in the night sky, and pierced into the flesh with a hiss.

With a miserable roar, the white rice jumped down from the tree. The blocking of the leaves prevented Lin Heng's arrow from ending its life.

However, Lin Heng still had one last insurance. The moment it jumped down, Xiongba chased it. It ran less than three meters before landing and was held down by Xiongba. He bit it to death and dragged it back in two bites.

"Well done." Lin Heng patted its head. It was worth feeding it meat every day recently.


Xiongba rubbed Lin Heng's leg and walked back quickly with him.

"How heavy is it?" Before Lin Heng arrived, his eldest brother Lin Yue asked excitedly.

"This one is not big, about 10 to 20 pounds."

Lin Heng came back with the tail of Bai Mi Zi, and Xiong Ba kept licking the blood around it.

"Not small anymore, Bai Mi Zi is almost this big." Father Lin whispered.

"Then do we have to continue to wait tonight?" Lin Yue asked again in a low voice.

"Wait, they are here now." Lin Heng said affirmatively, he just went up with these wild boars, he didn't believe they wouldn't come.

At 11 o'clock in the blink of an eye, several gunshots came from the ridge on the opposite bank, and no one knew what they were shooting.

Recently, there are many people watching wild boars. For many hunters who don't know how to find wild boars, waiting is the easiest way.

After waiting until one o'clock in the morning, the three fell asleep with little interest, because with Xiong Ba there, they were not afraid of anything approaching suddenly.

At five o'clock the next morning, they were awakened by a very close gunshot, followed by another gunshot.

"This is on the Wutong Ridge in the east. Did the wild boar run over there to eat?" Lin Yue asked.

Father Lin nodded, somewhat helplessly: "Most likely, it's two kilometers east from here, and it's possible to go there to eat, but I don't know who is guarding it, and I don't know if they have killed it."

Lin Heng shook his head and muttered: "Damn guy, it's better to come here to eat. Even if he dies, it's the bad luck of a wild boar. If he shoots over there, he will be injured. Why bother?"

"Fortunately there is a white rice, otherwise it would be a waste of two days to guard." Father Lin sighed. After firing, it would be impossible to guard the wild boar next.

Lin Heng stood up and stretched his body: "No more waiting, let's go directly to Tongshugou to see if there are any pheasants or something to shoot two, and go home if we can't kill them."

"Okay, maybe we can meet a wounded wild boar running over here." Lin Yue thought this method was feasible.

Lin Yue carried Bai Mizi and walked behind with his father, while Lin Heng walked in front with Xiongba.

The forest in the early morning was cold and quiet, the ground was very humid, and there was some mist.

Looking up, many leaves have already turned yellow.

I walked all the way to the Tongshugou, but I didn't see any trace of prey.

"Snake!" Lin Yue suddenly said.

I saw a small green snake as thick as an index finger spitting out its tongue on a treetop in front of me, which looked a little cute.

Lin Heng reached out and grabbed it and played with it in his hand for a while. The green snake looked like a jade carving, very beautiful.

And it didn't have any odor or toxicity, and its temperament was also very docile. It was cool and comfortable to play with it in my hand.

After playing for a while, Lin Heng let it go and continued to look for prey.

There were also several plots of land in this ditch, but the crops had been harvested. Lin Heng walked up along the path beside the land.

Just as he got on a stone step, Lin Heng retreated and whispered, "Hush! There are pheasants."

He quickly opened the bow bag and took out the compound bow, and quietly looked out.

The two grayish female pheasants were still digging for insects under the bushes on the stone steps and did not notice them.

The distance was only 30 meters, and with a modern compound bow, Lin Heng shot an arrow without much aiming.

"Ga ga ga!!!"

Lin Heng shot an arrow into the butt of the largest female pheasant, piercing it directly into the ground. The other two screamed and flew away without looking back.

"Great, brother, it seems that you never miss." Lin Yue gave a thumbs up and praised.

"When we go back, I can teach you to practice archery. Anyway, my bow and arrow are useless." Lin Heng looked at his elder brother and said.

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded, and did not refuse this time.

He thought that once he learned how to do it, he could hunt in the mountains with Lin Heng, and he wouldn't be so useless and could only watch from behind.

Walking over to pick up the pheasant, Lin Heng couldn't bear to pull out the hunting arrow because the internal organs would inevitably be taken out.

"The power of your bow is indeed terrifying. One arrow penetrated the pheasant and penetrated several centimeters into the ground." Father Lin said with emotion.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "This is not the greatest power."

He is currently using a force of forty pounds. This bow can be adjusted to a maximum force of seventy pounds, which is a force of sixty-eight or nine kilograms.

For him, the current pulling force is actually a bit difficult. Even if the pulley saves effort, it still has a pulling force of thirty kilograms.

But he purposely used it to train himself. He needed a strong body.

After giving the pheasant to his father, Lin Heng continued to look for it to see if there were any other harvests.

But after being disturbed just now, he probably had no hope.

Xiongba wandered around randomly, and they walked all the way to the top of Tongshugou.

When we reached the top, it was already past seven o'clock or almost eight o'clock. Except for a tree ear, we didn't find anything else.

The three of them washed their faces at Qingshui Beach and sat on the rocks to rest.

"The sun has come out. There is no hope. If I go back and scald the rice, it's not a wasted trip." Father Lin said with emotion, he was already very satisfied.

"I want to know if the person who fired the gun this morning hit anything." Lin Heng also nodded and said it was time to go back.

The dew gradually evaporated, and the sun hung high in the sky. In the distant forest, the dividing line of sunlight was rapidly spreading towards them.

"Leave Xiongba." Lin Heng turned around and shouted.

Turning around, he saw that Xiongba had disturbed the top of the beam.

"Woof woof!!"

Xiongba did not come back, but called to Lin Heng.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yue asked in confusion.

Lin Heng shook his head: "I don't know, I'll go over and take a look."

He probably found a mushroom or something.

After crawling for a few minutes and reaching Xiongba's side, Lin Heng noticed something was wrong and was suddenly startled: "It's blood!"


Lin's father, Lin Yue, heard this and ran up quickly.

"Look, you guys, these should be the blood stains of the injured wild boar, and there are also footprints. It looks like the direction is towards Baishigou." Lin Heng pointed to the marks on the ground and said.

He was obviously injured by others and escaped.

"It looks like the footprints are not big. Let's chase them. No one is following them anyway." Father Lin pondered for a moment and said.

"Yes, they are wild animals. Whoever catches them belongs to them. If someone finds them, they can just share them out." Lin Yue also felt that they should be tracked. If you don't chase them, you won't chase them.

"Okay, Xiongba will give chase." Lin Heng said, and asked Xiongba to go ahead, and a few people followed the blood trail.

The gunshots were fired at around five o'clock, but now it's eight o'clock and no one has come. He probably lost track of him and couldn't find him.

The three of them followed Xiong Ba along the blood trail and soon climbed over two mountain ridges.

"This wild boar is so good at running. Even though it was injured, it still ran so far. It's almost reaching Baishigou." Lin Yue was shocked.

"The more injured you are, the farther you run. I heard that in the past, some wild boars in the village chased them up seven or eight mountains." Father Lin said with a smile.

Lin Heng said nothing. He knew how well the wild boar could run. Now he could only chase it silently.

After climbing another mountain, the blood stains became less and less and began to become intermittent.

"It seems that the injured wild boar is not a critical point. I wonder if there is a chance."

Lin Heng sighed with emotion, if he hadn't caught it and let it escape, he would have climbed several mountains in vain.

After walking a few steps, the blood stains became less and less, and the three people and the dog were all dumbfounded.

"What should we do now? Could it be that we really can't catch him?" Lin Yue was stunned.

The three people and the dog were chasing after each other with hungry stomachs. They were already cooing with hunger, but they just kept holding on.

"Eat the August melon and take your time. I guess it's not that the blood has disappeared, but that it's too little and can't be found due to the leaves."

On the contrary, Lin Heng was very calm. He glanced at the August melon that had exploded on the vine in front of him, picked it and gave it to his father and elder brother.

"We can only take our time." Father Lin took an August melon and started eating it.

Although this thing is full of seeds, it is very high in sugar. The intake of sugar made the three of them feel much better and regained their confidence to continue chasing.

After searching around, Lin Heng found new blood stains on a leaf: "Come here quickly, the wild boar ran this way."

"There are blood stains here too." Lin Yue shouted.

"Ah, let's take a look separately first." Lin Heng was a little dazed. Could it be that the wild boar was confused and spinning around here?

He led Xiongba to continue chasing along the blood trail, and he was sure that he was doing the right thing.


Lin Heng looked at the footprints in front of him, and then at the cliff in the distance. He estimated that the wild boar should be inside these cliffs.

Not long after, my father and eldest brother also chased me.

"Our route there shouldn't be the real route. The bloodstains will be gone after half the chase." Lin Yue said.

Father Lin looked at Lin Heng and said, "Be careful. I think we are right here. Injured wild boars are most likely to bite with jealousy."

"Yes." Lin Heng nodded, having already taken out the bow and arrow, and nocked the arrow to be on guard at any time.

After arriving at the gravel cliff, after walking a few steps, I saw a wild boar under a cave.

It's not big, just a small wild boar weighing 70 to 80 pounds, maybe one or two years old.

The wild boar was lame when it retreated, and wanted to run away when it saw people, but Lin Heng had already prepared the bow and arrow in his hand, and the arrow was shot almost instantly.


Accompanied by a tragic howl, the arrow hit the wild boar's buttocks, piercing five or six centimeters. The triangular hunting arrowhead caused a very large penetration damage, and blood flowed out.

"Be careful!"

Lin Heng shouted and retreated while looking for a weapon. This arrow made the wild boar red-eyed and rushed directly towards them.

Not only was the target moving, but the time for aiming was extremely limited, and he couldn't hit the vital point.

"Woof woof!"

Xiongba rushed over to bite the wild boar, but he didn't care and rushed towards Lin Heng.

"No, you don't weigh hundreds of pounds, so you are so arrogant!"

Lin Heng picked up a wooden stick and rushed up to hit the wild boar's head with a stick. With a bang, the wooden stick broke into two pieces, and the wild boar's head was buzzing.

It shook its head twice fiercely and rushed towards Lin Heng again.

Xiongba bit its tail again, and Lin Heng took the opportunity to rush up and kicked it with both feet, knocking it down directly.

The previous encounter with the 300-jin long-tusked male wild boar was afraid that it was too fierce, and it was too big and had tusks, so he didn't dare to fight it head-on.

You, a wild boar with 70 or 80 kilograms and no tusks, dare to come to me? Lin Heng rushed up and did it.


Lin Heng knocked the wild boar down, and Xiongba pounced on it, and his father and eldest brother also rushed up. One pressed the head, and the other rode on it to hold it down, and the wild boar immediately let out a miserable howl.

"Kill it quickly, it's really hard to hold it down!" Lin's father looked at Lin Heng and said hurriedly.

Although Lin Heng had never killed a pig, as a man, he did not hesitate at this moment. He pulled out the 100-tempered steel dagger from his waist, rushed up and stabbed it into the wild boar's neck.

Puff! !

As the dagger was pulled out, bright red blood immediately spurted out more than a meter away, and Lin Heng's hands and one of his shoes were instantly stained red.


Xiongba opened his mouth and drank the blood directly.

As the blood flowed, the wild boar gradually lost its breath.

"Awesome! Brother, you are so fierce!" Lin Yue said in shock. He was shocked by Lin Heng's actions at the first time.

He didn't run but rushed forward. He was really brave.

Lin's father shook his head and advised: "Don't do this next time. It's too reckless."

Lin Heng smiled: "I know my limits. This wild boar is not big and injured. It's not that powerful."

He was not reckless, but strategizing. With Xiongba interfering with the speed of the wild boar, when would he go up and teach it a lesson?

But he was still a little excited at this time. It was a bit too exciting to kill the pig with his own hands.

And Xiongba's belly was so round from drinking pig blood. He had to do some deworming on it when he returned.

Lin Heng wiped his hands with leaves and sat down to rest.

Looking at the brown-haired wild boar lying on the ground, this was the fourth wild boar he had killed this year, and if the piglets were counted, this would be the sixth.

He now wanted to hunt more valuable prey, such as takin, clouded leopard, black bear, or at least forest musk deer.

However, compared to wild boars, these things were too few in number, so he had to go to the deep mountains and uninhabited areas to look for them.

If he went to the deep mountains, he would probably have to wait until all the leaves fell, so it was meaningless to go now, and he still had to guide the construction of the fish pond.

It was almost time to rest, so the three of them cut vines and sticks to tie up the wild boar and carry it back.

"Where is this place, and what is the shortest way back?" Lin Heng looked around, chasing the wild boar so hard that he couldn't tell where this was.

He didn't get lost, he could just go back the same way, but he wanted to find a shortcut.

"I know the way, follow me." Father Lin said, and he and Lin Yue carried the wild boar and walked in front.

Lin Heng walked behind with white rice and pheasants.

After more than three hours of walking through the forest, he finally found the way.

It was already past three in the afternoon when he got home.

"Hey, you have a big harvest, white rice pheasants, and a big wild boar."

Liu Kai, a middle-aged man walking into the field with a hoe, said in shock.

"Uncle Liu, has anyone else in the village killed a wild boar?" Lin Heng asked with a smile. This Liu Kai was the father of his childhood friend Liu Sheng.

"Yes, Wang Kaidian and his friends killed a 200-jin wild boar this morning. Three or four people carried it back. I guess they have just divided it up now." Liu Kai nodded.

"Is that so? It's really amazing." Lin Heng nodded. No wonder no one was tracking it. I guess everyone's eyes were on the big wild boar.

But this is also good. If no one is tracking it, then this wild boar is theirs, and they don't have to share it with others.

"Although yours is not big, the meat is tender, better than that big wild boar." Liu Kai said again.

"No comparison! The bigger one is definitely better." Father Lin shook his head and said with a smile.

After chatting for a few words, the three of them hurried back home.

Along the way, this harvest also made many people jealous and envious.

Lin Heng's record of killing another wild boar spread in the village.

This year he has killed three big wild boars, which is really enviable. His skills and luck are beyond words, so enviable.

"Another wild boar and a white rice seed?" After Liu Lan, Jin Yan and others knew about it, they all opened their mouths and didn't know what to say.

They knew that Lin Heng had just dug up black truffles a few days ago, how could this man be so powerful.

Women of the same age as Lin Heng in the group secretly regretted every time they heard this kind of news. Why didn't they marry Lin Heng in the first place? They actually let a woman from another village take advantage of them.

As soon as Lin Heng and his group arrived at the door, Lin Tao shouted: "My dad and my second dad are back!!"

The three carried the wild boar into Lin Heng's house, and Lin's mother Liu Juan and others all rushed over.

When they saw that the father and son had not returned early in the morning, they knew that they had probably caught prey.

When they saw that there were not only wild boars but also civet cats, they were all shocked. This harvest far exceeded their expectations.

"You are so powerful this time. You caught two prey at once." Lin's mother said in shock.

"You are so powerful. How can you have such a big harvest?" Liu Juan also looked incredible.

"Dad is awesome!" Xiaoxia shouted with her hands and feet dancing.

Xiu Lan went into the house to serve food to everyone. She estimated that several people were starving.


Just at this time, someone knocked on the door.

Lin Heng and the others were all stunned. Could it be that someone came to ask for pork right after they came back?




ps: There will be another update later. I am rushing to finish the manuscript. I have been writing slowly recently.

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