Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 155 The aroma of braised meat and the love of my wife

"I'll go and have a look."

Throwing the rice under the eaves, Lin Heng walked out and opened the gate.

After opening it, a middle-aged man stood outside, carrying tools for killing pigs on his back.

This man was Li Niu, the village butcher. He looked at Lin Heng with a smile on his face and said, "I heard that you also killed a wild boar. Do you need help to kill it?"

Lin Heng understood that this was someone who took the initiative to take the job after hearing the news. He smiled and shook his head and said, "The wild boar weighed only 70 or 80 kilograms. We killed it ourselves. Sorry, Uncle Li."

"It's okay. I just asked. I won't bother you anymore." Li Niu smiled and waved his hand.

"Uncle Li, come in and have some tea."

Lin Heng was polite, but he definitely couldn't come in. He left quickly with his things on his back.

Back in the house, Xiulan had brought him hot water and soap.

"Are you not injured?" Xiulan looked at him and asked.

"No, this is all wild boar blood." Lin Heng grinned.

"That's good. Wash your hands and face and go into the house to change clothes. I'm afraid that the blood will take too long to be washed off." Xiulan winked at him and said.


Lin Heng nodded, washed his face and hands, and washed his hair.

Entering the bedroom, Xiulan had already found a change of clothes for him and put them neatly on the bed.

She took out the changed clothes, Xiulan took them and threw them into the wooden basin to soak.

"Come and eat quickly." Lin's father shouted, and they had already sat down to eat.


Lin Heng nodded. Xiulan made rice, and the dishes were three dishes and one soup.

Lin Heng drank half a bowl of spinach and egg soup first, and then ate.

The woman and the child sat in the house and asked curiously about the process, especially Lin Tao and his brother Lin Wei, who were very curious.

Lin's father and the other two talked about the process, and they couldn't hide the smile on their mouths.

Lin Heng also had a lot of fun today. It was a great sense of accomplishment to confront a little wild boar head-on. He felt excited and excited.

After chatting for a while, the eldest sister-in-law went back to boil water, and Xiulan filled the two pots at home with water.

After the meal, several people started to deal with the prey.

Lin Heng took the white rice to peel the skin, and his second nephew Lin Tao helped on the side.

Lin's father and his wife were responsible for the soup pig and slaughtering the pig.

After a while, Lin Heng peeled the white rice skin and stretched it on a wooden frame to dry. The fur can also be sold for more than 20 yuan.

Looking at the delicate white rice meat, Lin Heng missed it a little. He hadn't eaten it for many years. Scrape open the belly and take out the internal organs and clean them all. Xiongba drank a belly of pig blood, so he didn't need to feed it for the time being.

The braised small intestines and stomach were also very delicious. I couldn't bear to feed it to Xiongba, so I left it with a lung and continued to feed pork for the next meal.

Lin Heng killed the pheasant and cleaned it. Lin's father had just plucked the hair off the pig, and he went to make soup for the pheasant. The poor pheasant's internal organs were all crushed by the sharp arrow.

After Lin Heng took out the gizzards that he liked to eat, he could only wash the rest and feed them to Jinbao. The little guy was a little shocked to see such a large pile of meat, and ate it for a long time.

After the pheasant was done, Lin Heng came to help kill the pig. After plucking the hair, it weighed only 75 kilograms, which was about the same as they expected.

Liu Juan smiled and said, "This kind of small wild boar is the most beautiful and tender. Those that weigh hundreds of kilograms are all old pigs of six or seven years."

"Yes, this little pig is the best." Lin's father also nodded.

The three of them chopped off the wild boar's head and took out the internal organs bit by bit. The wild boar was shot in the hind legs, and the internal organs were not damaged.

After taking out the internal organs, the pure meat was a little more than 50 kilograms. The pig was not thin, mainly because of its young age. After the head was taken out, there were only 40 kilograms of pure meat left.

After the meat was divided, Lin Heng looked at his father and eldest brother: "Pick some for yourselves. Ten kilograms per person is enough. I don't know what parts you want to eat if I divide them."

Seeing that the two wanted to talk, Lin Heng added: "Don't refuse. It's annoying to do this every time. We are all family. Just take it and eat it."

Father Lin looked at his eldest son Lin Yue and said with a smile: "Take it, take it. He doesn't need this little meat. Don't be hypocritical."

As Father Lin said this, he picked up a ten-kilogram pig front leg and handed it to him, and got three or four kilograms of white rice meat for him.

"That's right, don't be embarrassed." Lin Heng waved his hand. His family couldn't finish the meat at all. There was still a lot of wild boar meat left, and there was still some dried deer meat.

"Haha, then I'll take it shamelessly." Lin Yue smiled shyly and didn't refuse again. His three sons were too good at eating meat.

Father Lin also took a pig's front leg, and then took a pig's liver that he liked to eat.

"We can dry sausages in autumn, let's dry these pig's small intestines into sausages." Xiulan suggested.

"Then I'll help you." Mother Lin said with a smile.

Xiulan nodded, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law took the pig's small intestines and a few pounds of pork to the kitchen.

Lin Heng marinated the pork with salt and fennel seeds. The weather in autumn is very suitable for drying bacon. He left a pig's hind leg meat uncut and prepared to use it to dry into ham.

After finishing the pork, Lin Heng did not go to rest. It was past five o'clock now. He was afraid that he would not be able to sleep at night.

After cleaning his hunting arrows, Lin Heng took Xiaoxia to watch Xiulan and others make sausages, while Father Lin and his eldest brother were peeling the pig's head.

The production of sausages is very simple, just cut the meat into small pieces, marinate it with salt, soy sauce, five-spice powder and other spices, add white wine and pour it into the pig's small intestines, and it is almost done.

Then blanch it in boiling water, and then hang it in the yard to dry. The autumn wind is dry and cold, and the sausage can be completely dried in about a week.

After the sausages were dried, Xiulan fried a little more sugar, added the previous brine, and began to braise the meat.

"I made it just like the New Year, I made a big pot of meat." Mother Lin looked at the pot of meat and said with a smile.

"What the heck, let's get some beef to braise during the Chinese New Year. Mom, please eat it better." Lin Heng said with a smile.

The aroma of braised pork wafted out, not only did the children run into the kitchen from time to time to watch, but people passing by outside the yard also suffered, and their mouths watered when smelling the aroma of braised pork.

Mother Lin glared at him: "Don't waste money. Just have meat to eat. Pork and beef are the same."

"But we will have no shortage of meat when we go to barbecue in a few days." Father Lin said with a smile.

A few people found a deck of cards and chatted while playing. Father Lin is planning to dig some fern roots and kudzu roots in the next few days. It is estimated that he can dig a lot.

Lin Heng said that he could only wait to eat, and let him and his elder brother go. Digging kudzu is similar to yam, and it is not easy at all.

Towards evening, someone knocked on the door again. Lin Heng opened the door and saw Wang Kaidian. He smiled and said, "Uncle Wang, what can I do?"

"Is your family braised pork? Can you braise some pig head meat for me? I'll pay." Wang Kaidian said with a smile.

He likes to eat braised pig heads, but there is no braised ingredients at home. He heard that the aroma of Lin's braised pork spread far away, so he came here shamelessly.

"No need to pay. Uncle Wang, you can go back and get it. My meat is also finished braised." Lin Heng said with a smile.

When Father Lin saw it was Wang Kaidian, he also came out to chat with him. The two of them started making dirty jokes. After a few words, Wang Kaidian ran back to get the meat.

Not long after, he took out a large peeled pig head weighing more than 20 kilograms, as well as pig liver, small intestine and pig belly.

"Excuse me, Xiulan." He put the meat down and said with a smile.

"It's okay, it doesn't take much effort." Xiulan shook her head and entered the kitchen with the meat.

Lin Heng and his father left Wang Kaidian to eat. They were able to catch the wild boar because of Wang Kaidian.

Wang Kaidian was a little flattered when he saw that the Lin family had set up a long table of sumptuous dishes. He smiled and said, "The food at your house is so good. My mouth is watering when I pass by."

"Then you come in and eat. Don't run away quietly." Father Lin looked at him and said.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Lin Heng asked with a smile: "Uncle Wang, how many wild boars did you encounter last night?"

Wang Kaidian replied: "There were three of us guarding, and a total of six or seven wild boars came. My shotgun was good, and I knocked down the big ones with one shot.

Two others shot and wounded several of them. They found the most seriously injured little wild boar in the afternoon, which weighed more than 60 kilograms. The rest could not be found at all. "

Father Lin said with a smile: "It seems that we have some luck with you. We found blood stains in Tongshugou, chased several mountains and came across this one, and our hind legs were slightly injured."

Wang Kaidian waved his hand and said with a smile: "This is your skill. Whoever hits it belongs to whoever it is. It is a wild thing. If you really want to say it, I will be the first. If you encounter it, the big wild boar Lin Heng's compound bow will Arrows can kill too."

After taking a sip of wine, Wang Kaidian added: "It's just that your tracking skills are great. You can catch him. They chased him almost to death all afternoon."

"Haha, my dog ​​has a sharp nose." Lin Heng said after taking a bite of the braised pig belly.

Among the braised meats, Lin Heng’s favorite is the pig belly and small intestines, as well as pig ears and pig tails.

Although the pig tail is meatless, it becomes more and more delicious the more you eat it, and the bones are still crispy. You can't stop eating it after eating it for a while.

Therefore, Xiulan was not willing to take out the pig's tail and cut it. She only cut the pig's belly, pig's ears, and pig's heart.

After the meal, everyone was full.

The pork head braised in the pot for Wang Kaidian was ready, and Xiulan fished it out and put it in a bucket.

"This small intestine is given to you. You don't need any money, so just take it and taste it."

Wang Kaidian took out the small intestine and put it on the chopping board.

No matter how Lin Heng tried to persuade him, he persisted, and finally ran away with the bucket. This man had been a soldier, and they couldn't catch him.

Lin Heng was embarrassed because he had already soaked up all the pork, but he still had a pair of pig intestines left over when he was braised for someone else.

"Take it, he's like that, he's very polite in everything he does." Father Lin said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded helplessly.

After clearing the dishes, Lin Heng was so tired and sleepy after washing up that he almost fell asleep while telling Xiaoxia a story.

After a lot of effort, he was finally able to go to bed and rest. It could be said that he fell asleep.

The next day, he slept until the sun was shining on his buttocks. When he came out to wash his face, Xiulan was drying sausages and bacon in the backyard.

After breakfast, Lin Heng lay in the backyard and basked in the sun for a while. The sun at the end of October in the Gregorian calendar was no longer as bright as before.

For lunch, I ate stir-fried rice meat. The meat was very delicate and had no fishy smell. This may be because Bai rice likes to eat fruits.

After finishing lunch, Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said, "There's nothing to do in the afternoon. Let's go to Hongfeng Mountain to catch shrimps. It's quite delicious."

Lin Heng nodded: "Okay, I will accompany you to catch shrimps for a while, and I will finish the unfinished work on the wooden house."

The two cleaned up and went to Hongfeng Mountain with their daughter and dog. Mother Lin happened to be grazing cattle here and helped.

This time Lin Heng took two small earth dragons he made and threw them into the pond full of shrimps. After catching them for a while, he went to continue the construction of the cabin.

The wooden piers were buried last time. This time, we just used wooden boards to build the beams, and then nailed other wooden boards on top.

The process of nailing the wooden boards was very fast. Lin Heng installed wooden floors around the wooden house. The front of the wooden house was the largest, extending for fifteen meters.

Standing on the outside, you can see the scenery on both sides of the river, and you can also have a panoramic view of the fish ponds at the foot of the mountain. It is an excellent viewing platform.

After the floor was laid, Lin Heng got some tree trunks to make railings. Although the wooden floor was not high from the ground, it was still easy for children to knock on it.

After working on it for a while, he gave up. He couldn't make the mortise-and-tenon structure, so he might as well find a time to ask his father to come over and help.

Back at the creek, Xiulan was fishing in a pool, and Xiaoxia was applauding next to her.

"How's it going? Is fishing fun?" Lin Heng looked at his wife and asked. When he came, he not only brought a ground cage, but also a small fishing rod.

Xiulan nodded: "It's quite fun. I've caught forty or fifty stream groupers."

"Now do you believe that the fish I caught before was real?" Lin Heng asked with his hands on his hips.

Xiulan nodded obediently, satisfying his strange psychology: "Yes, yes, I was wrong."

"That's good, you're so good." Lin Heng grinned and went to collect his cage.

He lowered a total of three small cages, which were filled with meat cut from home. When he picked up the first cage and took a look, he was immediately happy: "Blast the cage, there are half a catty of shrimps here, and there are still There are seven or eight streams of rock."

Lin Heng was so excited that he immediately went to look for the remaining two cages. As expected, he found a lot of money from all of them. The three cages added up to two kilograms of shrimps.

"Honey, look at what I gained, it's more than what you caught all afternoon!" Lin Heng smiled and ran to Xiulan to show off.

"Awesome!" Xiulan nodded and praised her husband, making him feel comfortable.

Lin Heng happily poured the shrimp into the small fish protector made of fine mesh. Adding the one pound of shrimp caught by Xiulan and the others, there were already three pounds, and there were two or three pounds of river grouper.

After pouring out the shrimps, Lin Heng found another puddle and threw the cage into it. He would come over tomorrow, so he could collect it then.

I went home and made shrimp fried rice, which was so delicious.

In the evening, Lin Heng and Xiulan discussed the meaning of life, because soon she would have relatives again, and Lin Heng would have to endure it by himself for several days.

So he had to release his energy in advance, otherwise he would really not be able to sleep when Xiulan held him to rest.

Early on the morning of the 22nd, Lin Heng asked his father and elder brother to carry the white ash on their backs, go to Hongfeng Mountain to spread the line, nail the wooden stakes to find the level, and spread the specific terrain map. When the workers arrive tomorrow, they can start work directly.

The construction of fish ponds here is still in accordance with the previous plan. It is enough for each row of fish ponds to be level. The cost of leveling them all is too high.

From the edge of the road at the bottom of Hongfeng Mountain, there are three rows going up. Each row is about 400 meters long and 16 meters wide. Seven fish ponds can be built in one row, with a road in the middle.

Lin Heng's task today is to spread these lines well and find the level. Lin Heng worked on construction sites all his life, so he is familiar with these things.

"Lin Heng, look, someone is coming!" Lin's father pointed not far away and said.

Lin Heng looked up and smiled immediately: "You finally have time to come down!"




ps: Four thousand words, ten thousand words per day is really difficult. I have no inspiration recently, and I am not feeling well. However, I will still work hard to fulfill the promises I made.

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