Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 156: Happiness between brothers, the fish pond starts construction [65k]

Chapter 156 The happiness between brothers, the fish pond construction starts【6.5k】

There were two people coming, and the one walking behind was Lin Heng's uncle Li Baiquan. Naturally, he would not surprise Lin Heng like this.

What really surprised Lin Heng was the young man walking in front, Li Baiquan's second son Li Shiwei, Lin Heng's youngest son.

Li Shiwei looks more like her mother. She is 1.65 meters tall, with a wheat complexion and regular facial features. There is a suture mark on her cheek, which was caused by a fall injury when she was a child.

He looked at Lin Heng and shook his head and sighed: "Oh, it's not easy to come out. I'm here to help you dig a fish pond this time. Firstly, I want to make some money from you, and secondly, I want to play with you."

"Haha, you're most welcome. I'm short of people here." Lin Heng came over and patted his shoulder, grinning.

He knew that Li Shiwei was currently being pinched by his wife, and it was really not easy for him to get out.

Li Baiquan shook the bag in his hand and said with a smile: "I have packed everything. Let's go fry fish someday!"

"No problem, find a day to fry fish." Lin Heng nodded and agreed. He also wanted to try out the effect of this killer fish frying weapon.

The two chatted with Lin Heng's father and elder brother before coming over to help with the work.

Lin Heng was not polite and took them with him, and the five of them worked together.

"You have called sixty people this time. Are you really preparing for a big fight? Are you not afraid of failure?"

Li Shiwei asked curiously. Looking at the scale, he was a little scared. How much would he lose if he lost it?

Lin Heng waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid. If you want to do it, just do something big. At worst, I can continue to hunt. Besides, there is a buying station, so I won't be so unlucky that I can't afford to eat."

"Yes, you are so rich now, how on earth did you learn archery." Li Shiwei sighed with emotion. He rarely played with Lin Heng since he got married.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but his wife doesn't agree to it and won't allow him to play with the second-rate guy.

Now that Lin Heng has become rich, his wife has changed her mind, which makes him a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Lin Heng himself has not changed at all.

"Some things are just talents." Lin Heng laughed.

While spreading the line, several people chatted. It took a whole morning to finally spread the line and nail the horizontal wooden stakes.

When the workers arrive tomorrow, we can start working directly.

Then he took Li Shiwei to see his fish pond. Grass carp lived well in the grass carp pond. He sprinkled some cornmeal he brought into it.

"I also built a cabin on the mountain. I will take you to see it in the afternoon."

After looking at the fish pond, Lin Heng smiled again.

"That's great. Now, what do you think I would do if I want to start a project to get rich?"

Li Shiwei became more and more envious. Lin Heng was so awesome. He had never thought that Lin Heng would become so rich before.

Lin Heng put his hand on Li Shiwei's shoulder and shook his head: "To be honest, your Mujia Liang doesn't even have a dirt road. It's too difficult to get rich."

After all, they still have dirt roads here that can be opened to traffic. There is only a mountain road less than half a meter above Mujialiang. Anyone who walks on it will be almost dead from exhaustion.

"Oh, it's true." Li Shiwei nodded and sighed, feeling that living on that mountain, the future would be really dark.

"It's not practical to dig ponds or plant fruit trees on your mountains. At present, it's more reliable to just raise cattle and sheep." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

In my memory, Li Shiwei did not have any tragic experiences in his previous life, but he did not become rich either. Like countless ordinary people, he drifted with the crowd, had no goals, and did not dare to fight.

In this life, Lin Heng decided to wait until he has money in two years and give him a hand. It's too early now. He is just a small household with ten thousand yuan and has no ability to lead others.

"I think so too. I'm going to buy two ewes and breed them slowly." Li Shiwei nodded. He was not as rich as Lin Heng, so he could only save little by little.

After returning home, Lin Heng took people to his home for dinner.

When the two learned that Lin Heng had recently guarded another wild boar, they didn't know what to say.

"From now on, all the wild boars on the mountain will turn away and run away when they see you. They have caused harm to six of them in half a year. How cruel." Li Shiwei shook his head in admiration.

"Didn't you guard it? There have been a lot of people guarding wild boars recently. It should be easier to fight on your mountain." Lin Heng grinned and asked curiously.

"It's not easy to guard. We guarded for five nights. We fired a shot and wounded the wild boar but couldn't catch it." Li Baiquan shook his head and patted his thigh helplessly.

"That's it, that's really unlucky." Lin Heng shook his head and sighed, but this is normal, this kind of thing happens every year.

Even if there are blood stains left behind, it may not be easily found. The less injured the more difficult it is to find.

After the meal was ready, Lin Heng went to help bring it to him. He made six dishes in the morning, three braised pork dishes, one fried rice dumpling, and two vegetarian dishes.

Li Shiwei hadn't eaten meat for many days, so he started eating like crazy after taking a sip of wine.

"The meat is so delicious." Li Shiwei said with emotion after having had enough wine and food.

This was the first time this year that he was satisfied with eating meat, that is, at Lin Heng's house. He was embarrassed to eat like this in other places.

"You can eat whatever you want when your meat tube is full." Lin Heng said with a smile. There was so much fat in the house that no one had to deal with it.

After eating, Lin Heng helped Xiulan wash the dishes, and then took Li Shiwei to visit his house and let him take a look at his modern compound bow.

Whether it was the garden in the backyard, the fish pond, or the compound bow, Li Shiwei was envious and felt that it was great to be rich.

He estimated that if he was so rich, his wife would definitely be as virtuous as Xiulan and would not dare to point fingers at him.

Lin Heng's wealth now was completely upper-middle-class, and any random things would make many people envious.

However, he was not showing off, but simply sharing his gains and joy with his childhood friend.

"Let's go, take you fishing." After looking at the things in the house, Lin Heng took Li Shiwei out to fish.

Although Li Shiwei had never fished before, he fell in love with this sport after a while, and sat by the stream and fished for a whole afternoon.

Lin Heng didn't want to play after fishing for a while, mainly because he was tired of fishing for stream grouper and there was no surprise.

He took a nap on the stone under the shade of the tree and talked to Li Shiwei.

"Fishing is really interesting." Li Shiwei laughed.

"Of course." Lin Heng said with a smile while sitting on a rock under the shade of a tree. He was very happy to see a novice fisherman fall into the trap.

They had almost finished fishing. The two killed the fish and took them home to fry them with oil. They kept a part and brought the rest to the table.

Lin Heng took one and fed it to Xiulan, smiling, "We had a good harvest at noon, right?"

"Yeah, it's OK." Xiulan accepted Lin Heng's courtesy.

Her husband and Li Shiwei rarely met, so she naturally wouldn't say anything. She let them go and play. She could handle the housework by herself.

Lin Heng grinned and thought that Xiulan was considerate, unlike Li Shiwei's wife.

He remembered that when he went to play with Li Shiwei before, his wife came over before half an hour had passed and sent him back to do this and that for her. It wasn't a big deal, but it was just this kind of trivial matter that was annoying.

Some things could obviously be done by herself, but she insisted on calling Li Shiwei back. Every time he went up the mountain to play, he was not happy, so Lin Heng stopped going later.

In the afternoon, Lin Heng called his father and several people to go to Hongfeng Mountain to help build a cabin.

Lin Heng, his elder brother and Li Shiwei were working and laughing. Building a small house like a paradise was their common dream when they were young.

At this time, they were all very enthusiastic about building it. The three of them unanimously decided to build a swing.

They built a swing frame next to the house, cut palm hair and twisted a four-strand palm rope with a diameter of two centimeters on the spot.

"Who will climb the tree?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

They chose two large maple trees to make a swing. Now they need someone to climb up and tie the crossbar to the tree branch.

"How about we compete with each other? See if your tree climbing skills have declined?" Li Shiwei looked at Lin Heng and said.

As people who grew up in the countryside, they are all experts in climbing trees. They can climb bamboo, let alone this kind of tree.

When I was a kid, I often played tree climbing competitions. Sometimes I accidentally tore my pants and didn't dare to go home. I would kneel down and hug my legs to beg for mercy in front of my mother, so that I could avoid being beaten.

Now, all I think of are memories. For the reborn Lin Heng, these memories are even more distant.

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you." Lin Heng grinned.

"Then I'll start." Lin Yue said with a smile.


The two came under the tree, and as Lin Yue said start, they took the rope and started climbing the tree.

For this kind of tree with few branches, climbing the tree tests the strength of the hands and legs, as well as the skills of climbing the tree. I can clamp my legs tightly and hold the tree with both hands to quickly jump up.

Lin Heng had only climbed halfway when he heard Li Shiwei shouting with a smile: "Lin Heng, you lost. Drink one more glass tonight."

Lin Heng turned his head and exclaimed: "Good guy! You are a monkey."

He thought he was fast enough, but Li Shiwei had already climbed up and sat on the tree branch.

"You rookie, I can tell you haven't climbed for a long time. You still have to rely on me, big brother." Li Shiwei laughed.

"Swimming is better than climbing a tree." Lin Heng said, and he also climbed up the tree branch and sat down.

This place is more than four meters above the ground, and the maple tree is very smooth. It's good to be able to climb up. Li Shiwei is a monkey.

"Here, tie the crossbeam."

Lin Yue tied the crossbeam to the end of the rope below. Lin Heng and Li Shiwei pulled the rope and pulled the crossbeam up.

After tying it on the tree branch, tie the swing rope made of brown hair to the horizontal bar and it's done.

It is said that it is easy to climb a tree but difficult to get off a tree. Those who can't get off a tree rely on the prostate brake.

Lin Heng was much more relaxed at this time. He grabbed the rope and climbed down easily, much faster than Li Shiwei.

Take the prepared board and tie it with the brown rope, and a swing one meter above the ground is ready.

As soon as Lin Heng sat on it to try it out, Li Shiwei and Lin Yue rushed up and started pushing.

"Damn it, don't do that. If it's not strong, I'll be crippled!" Lin Heng said hurriedly, but it was too late to get down.

"Let's go!"

The two laughed and said, and then let go. The swing made a 160-70 degree swing in the air, which was really thrilling and exciting.

The swing for men and women is not the same thing at all. The two good brothers are really nice and pushed it crazily.

Fortunately, the brown rope is very strong, otherwise it really can't bear such tossing.

But it's really fun. When I was a child, I often made a swing with rattan and played like this. Sometimes the rattan broke and it hurt a lot when I fell, and I had to continue after getting up.

After playing for a while, Lin Heng came down, and the three of them took turns playing, just like the children in the village.

Then they built another swing next to it.

Lin's father and uncle-in-law Li Baiquan, both of them knew some carpentry work, and helped to fix the fence. They sawed some wooden boards and smoothed them with wooden pushers, and put them together to make a long table two meters long and one meter wide.

Lin Heng and the other two came to help make six small benches. This thing is not difficult, just a piece of wood plus four legs.

The required mortise and tenon structure is not difficult either, and it was done in a short while.

After the tables, chairs and benches were made and moved into the house, the wooden house looked a little lively.

"We have to get a stove in the house, right? Don't we have to get one for cooking?" Li Shiwei asked curiously.

"The stove for cooking is going to be set up outside. After all, we don't come here often to cook, so we can use charcoal for the fire in the house."

Lin Heng thought for a while and said. If we want to make a stove and a stove, it will be too troublesome. We need a lot of fireproof materials, otherwise the wooden house will easily catch fire.

So we just decided to go outside. Anyway, we only stayed here occasionally, and charcoal was enough for heating.

"What about the bed? Do we need to make one?" Lin's father asked with a smile.

Since he had a diesel saw and could cut wood boards by himself, making ordinary furniture has become much easier, and he likes to make things by himself.

It was too tiring to saw wood boards with a hand saw before, and he could not saw a few pieces in a day.

"Make a bed board, and two long benches. Put them up when needed, and lean them against the wall when not needed, and they won't take up space."

Lin Heng nodded.

"Okay." Lin's father nodded and went to get the wood boards to work.

Lin Heng and the other two uprooted all the small trees in the forest near the house, leaving only the big trees. The whole forest looked very clean and tidy, and it felt like a dream forest.

It was easy and happy for the three of them to work together, as if they were reminiscing about their childhood.

"That's about it. We'll have a barbecue here in a few days." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then I'll practice bow and arrow." Lin Yue said with a smile. He took the wooden bow that Lin Heng had used before and began to practice.

Li Shiwei knew how to use a hunting rifle and was also very interested in bows and arrows, so he followed him to play.

Ordinary bows and arrows are much more difficult to practice than modern compound bows, but the two were still very interested.

Lin Heng taught him all the methods and techniques of use, but it was not an overnight achievement to master them all.

Even if he had talent, he played for a year in his previous life before he could master it, and he became a master after two years.

It is difficult for ordinary people to persist, and drawing a bow is not an easy thing. After drawing a bow for two hours, the body can be sore for a whole day.

In ancient times, those who drew bows and shot arrows were all super tough guys, unlike the delicate beautiful girls who play bows and arrows in modern games.

Even if they were women, they should be beautiful girls like King Kong Barbie.

The two of them were quite strong, and they couldn't play after playing for half an hour.

"This is really tiring." Li Shiwei rubbed his shoulders and sighed.

Lin Yue also nodded and said, "Yes, I don't feel anything after pulling it once or twice, but if I do it more times, my whole arm will be sore."

"Of course, otherwise you think it was so easy to be an archer in ancient times."

Lin Heng smiled. He now exercises himself every morning, warms up with the Eight-part Vajra Kung Fu, and then practices archery with his left and right hands respectively.

Otherwise, he is afraid that he will be like a crab, with one hand thick and the other thin.

After returning home, the three of them went to the river to take a bath, and competed in holding their breath and swimming. In this regard, Lin Heng crushed his eldest brother and Li Shiwei.

He can hold his breath for one minute, and can reach one and a half minutes after practicing in the water, which can be said to be a complete defeat of the two.

In the evening, a group of people had a nice drink, and Li Shiwei and his father were all arranged to stay at Lin's father's house.

The Lin family is small, and the house is full of quicklime, so there is no place to live.

After Lin Heng coaxed Xiaoxia to sleep and lay on the bed, Xiulan came over and said with a smile: "Have fun today?"

"Have fun, thanks to my virtuous wife." Lin Heng hugged her and said with a smile.

"I thought you were going to the wooden house with Li Shiwei, but you came back at night." Xiulan blinked and said.

If Lin Heng didn't come back at night, she would be a little sad, but fortunately this man is very sensible and well-behaved.

"How is it possible? It's enough for brothers to play together during the day. It's better to hug my wife at night. It's fragrant and soft."

Lin Heng said, and sucked on his wife like a cat.

"You are really good at talking." Xiulan rested next to him and stopped talking.

Lin Heng didn't say anything either. He hugged his wife for a while, and they let go when they were about to fall asleep and fell into a normal sleeping position.

The next morning, Lin Heng got up very early, boiled hot water for his wife, and went to exercise by himself.

"What are you doing? It's weird." Xiulan shook her head.

"It's for exercise. If you want to learn it, I'll teach you in a few days. It can prolong your life. Or I can teach you Tai Chi. It can make your body look better and your complexion better." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He has also learned Tai Chi and is quite proficient in it. But it's all for exercise, not as powerful as in martial arts.

"Then let's talk about it later." Xiulan was a little excited when she heard that it could make her look better.

After Lin Heng finished his exercise, he shot another fifty arrows at the target, exercised his body, and then went to make breakfast.

After dinner, just at seven o'clock, workers came to the Lin family one after another.

"Come in and sign in. You can go directly to Hongfeng Mountain at once."

Lin Heng said with a smile, and took out the workbook for people to sign in.

At 7:30, everyone arrived, including the relatives of the Lin family, the uncle Li Baiquan and his son Li Shiwei, the third father Lin Xutao and his son Lin Hai, as well as his father and eldest brother, a total of 66 people.

After signing in, Lin Heng asked his father and eldest brother to take a group of people to go first.

On Hongfeng Mountain, Lin Heng divided the people into six groups, five of which were responsible for leveling, and dispersed from east to west. Led by their own family members to work, there are corresponding indicators every day, which can effectively prevent laziness.

There is also a group responsible for laying stone steps, directly dismantling the stone steps that were not needed originally, and then laying some more according to his plan.

"Okay, I have arranged the work, everyone work hard, and my salary will be paid on time.

As I said, we are all from the same village and don't want to cause unpleasant things." Lin Heng said with a smile, indicating that everyone can work.

After assigning the work, Lin Heng rode away on his horse, without taking anyone with him, which made everyone puzzled.

After riding to Huangtan Town, Lin Heng went to the only cement-selling place in the town, where the cement was being loaded.

Yes, it was loaded for him.

"Boss Lin, this tractor is one ton of cement, and it's already loaded."

Seeing Lin Heng riding over, Boss Zhang, who sells cement, came to greet him immediately with a smile on his face.

"I'll lead the way for you in a while. Someone will check it when you get there. When all the goods are pulled, you can come to me to settle the bill."

Lin Heng looked at Boss Zhang and said that he bought ten tons of cement at one time, one ton of cement was 135 yuan, and ten tons was 1,350 yuan. This boss couldn't help but be attentive.

Even if Lin Heng asked him to do a Yangko dance now, he would do it without hesitation.

"Okay, Boss Lin, don't worry, I promise to do it well for you."

Boss Zhang is a fat man, and his smile is more like a ball.

After finishing here, Lin Heng ran to the Tuanjie Brick Factory. The brick factory now employs more people. The technology provided by Lin Heng has improved his competitiveness and has a lot more orders.

As soon as Lin Heng came, the boss Wang Jie came to greet him personally, shook hands with Lin Heng warmly, and said with a smile: "Boss Lin, what brings you here?"

He was so enthusiastic not only because Lin Heng wrote the plan for him, but also because Lin Heng now opened a purchasing station and became a real boss.

The news that Lin Heng squeezed out the original Liu family purchasing station had already spread throughout the town's business circle. It was clean and neat, and he hit the nail on the head, making it impossible for him to stand up. Anyone who heard it would break out in a cold sweat.

Especially in the end, Liu Qicheng was still in prison. Many people felt that it must have been done by Lin Heng. They were a little afraid of him and felt that he had an unusual background.

Therefore, Wang Jie's attitude now was really respectful, and he was a little afraid of Lin Heng.

Lin Heng understood this, but he never explained it. It was better to be mysterious so that people could not see clearly. The unknown could bring fear, so that he could do things.

"To be honest, I came to ask for money. I have been investing in building a fish pond recently, and I am a little tight on money." Lin Heng said with a smile.

This made Wang Jie's face tense, and he quickly took him into the house, smiling and saying: "Boss Lin, it was agreed to be half a year. Now I have invested all the funds, but I haven't recovered them yet."

"What should I do? I am also very anxious." Lin Heng said distressedly.

Wang Jie thought about it, his eyes lit up and said: "I wonder if you will use bricks to build the fish pond? I can use bricks to pay off the debt."

"No, it's not cost-effective. I can use stones, why use a head." Lin Heng shook his head.

Wang Jie thought about it and said: "I will give you bricks at cost price, which are much better than stones."

Lin Heng wanted this result, but he was not in a hurry. He drank tea and pondered for a while before asking: "How many bricks can you buy with one thousand yuan?"

"Thirty-five thousand, this is the most. If it's more, I will lose money." Wang Jie smiled bitterly.

Lin Heng held up four fingers: "How about 50,000 bricks?"

"50,000 is not okay. I might as well borrow money to pay you back. I will lose a lot of money." Wang Jie shook his head repeatedly.

"Then borrow money. Do you really think I don't know the approximate cost price?" Lin Heng said with his hands spread out.

Wang Jie smiled bitterly and poured tea for Lin Heng again to apologize: "So, 42,000, this is my limit."

"Then pay 40,000 for the pottery at the end of the year. What do you think?" Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

Wang Jie waved his hands and smiled bitterly: "Okay, okay, you can't make a penny by doing business with Boss Lin."

"Do you want me to calculate it for you? With this price of pottery, you can make a hundred without any problem, right?" Lin Heng smiled slightly. He knew the cost of these things best.

"Boss Lin, don't say anything. It's decided. We will send someone to transport the goods for you." Wang Jie didn't want to say anything more. It was too difficult to make money by doing business with insiders.

"Okay, I'll leave first." After the negotiation, Lin Heng smiled and rode away.

To dig a fish pond, you need bricks, and you also need to build a feed house and a hatchery. It is impossible to just have some open ponds.

After finishing, Lin Heng took the red dates to exchange for a horseshoe, and then went to the store to find Wang Zhou.

"Brother Lin, you finally came down. If you don't come down, I will go to find you."

Seeing Lin Heng, Wang Zhou said excitedly.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Lin Heng was stunned. Looking at his expression, it seems that something big has happened.




ps: Sorry friends, the update is late, only 6,000 words, I will try to write 10,000 words tomorrow, I really can't do it.

But I promise to update at 12 o'clock tomorrow.

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