Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 157 Spending money like water, the season of colorful forests has arrived [6k]

"Brother Lin, come with me, someone gave you something."

Wang Zhou looked at Lin Heng and said something, then led him to the backyard.

Lin Heng was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Who is it and what did you send?"

"Brother Lin, that's the uncle who sells your red dates. He came here last time from the market and said that his old father didn't survive the ordeal and passed away. Then he thanked you for bringing this to you."

Wang Zhou walked to the backyard and pointed at the things in the basin.

"Salamfish!!" Lin Heng was stunned. In the barrel was a giant salamander that seemed to weigh two or three kilograms. It was a little frightened when it saw the person wagging its tail.

"Yes, if you don't come down, I want to send it to you. I'm afraid I won't be able to pay the job if I die." Wang Zhou said as he looked at Lin Heng and spread his hands.

"Don't worry, this thing won't die that easily." Lin Heng smiled.

He looked at the giant salamander in the basin and said with emotion: "I didn't expect this man to repay his kindness."

In this day and age, these things are wild, and the price is not cheap. It is really thoughtful to give him one.

The reason he gave the extra fifty yuan was to gain a reputation and facilitate business, and he didn't care whether he returned the favor or not.

This is an unexpected surprise.

There were a lot of these things in the creeks in the mountains a few years ago, but they have been rare in the past two years. He has not encountered them this year.

This thing will be protected in 1988, and catching wild ones will be against the law.

Giant salamander breeding is also very promising. He had done research on related technologies in his previous life, but it was too late to enter the industry at that time and he couldn't make money, so he didn't engage in it.

When you have capital in a few years, you can start your first giant salamander breeding business, and then sell the seedlings to others to earn crazy dividends.

"Indeed, most people would have sold it long ago. That uncle is really a good man." Wang Zhou nodded.

"That's all?" Lin Heng asked, thinking something big had happened.

"Yes, that's all." Wang Zhou said with a smile.

"Be careful next time. I won't let you pay even if I die. I'll scare you." Lin Heng smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Okay Brother Lin." Wang Zhou nodded.

After Lin Heng finished talking to him, he went to the storage room to take a look. There were a lot of mulberry and turmeric piled inside. These were all goods that Lin Heng had deliberately saved and not sold.

Because the prices of these two things will increase next year. Although the magnitude is not large, only about one yuan, you can still make a small profit.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't sell out, but he sells one-tenth each time and keeps nine-tenths.

This is also a way to avoid people in the city thinking something is abnormal and use it to cover it up.

After taking a look, he looked at the account book again, then found a bag to put the giant fish in and left.

Then he went to the only sand and stone store in town. Unlike the cement resellers in town, the sand field was state-owned.

The price is also very fixed, 7 yuan per square meter of sand and 5 yuan per square meter of gravel. If it is to be transported to Hongfeng Village, each party has to add 3 yuan for travel expenses.

In fact, Lin Heng could also find someone to dig secretly in Shiban River. Many people did this.

But when I thought about the trouble of hiring someone, I just bought ten square meters of stones and sand.

However, we can't load the goods for him right away. We have to wait until tomorrow morning.

He signed the contract and paid the deposit, turned around and went to the cement seller, and led the tractor back.

It was past eleven o'clock when we arrived at Hongfeng Mountain. A group of people at the flat site stopped and looked curiously when they heard the roar of the tractor.

"What did you buy here?" someone asked curiously.

"What I bought is cement, which is used to build factory buildings and lay stone ridges." Lin's father replied that Lin Heng had told him these things.

"Building a brick house?"

The people on the construction site were stunned for a moment, a little shocked.

"The houses you live in are all mud houses, right? Instead of raising fish, you build brick houses?"

"The price is too high, it's not worth it."

A group of people didn't understand what was going on. If you have money, you can really build something. Wouldn't it be better to build a brick house yourself?

"It's all the same, there's no difference in living there." Father Lin said with a smile.

Anyway, if the brick house is built there, it won't break down, and it won't be a loss no matter what.

"Everyone, please continue working. I'll go help." Lin's father said and walked to the side of the road.

The road from the highway to Hongfeng Mountain was originally not wide. Lin Heng used the extra soil from the last fish pond dig to widen it so that the tractor could come up.

Lin Heng rode a horse and took the tractor all the way to the ground.

"That's it." Lin Heng said.

"Okay." The two people in the car nodded. They were going to unload it.

"Dad, go get some wood and put cement on it, otherwise it will be useless if it rains and gets flooded." Lin Heng looked at his father who was walking over and said.

"Okay." Father Lin turned around to find someone to move the wood.

The wood was moved and propped up, and the cement mover brought a large waterproof tarp, laid it out, and then began to move the cement.

I originally wanted to buy this waterproof tarpaulin, but because Lin Heng bought too much cement, the boss gave it to him directly.

Lin's father and elder brother wanted to help, but Lin Heng stopped them. Moving cement is not good for your health.

"When will the bricks be delivered? And where are the sand and stones?" Lin's father looked at Lin Heng and asked.

"We can only bring him here tomorrow. I'm going to another place today." Lin Heng said, spreading his hands.

"There's no rush anyway, I can't do much work today." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Yes, there's not much work to do. Just watch. I'll take the giant salamander home and keep it. Don't do it to death."

Lin Heng said while holding the bag.

"Baby fish! Did you buy it or catch it?"

Father Lin was stunned and asked, and both of them came over to check the giant salamander.

"No, someone else gave it to me." Lin Heng told the story again.

Both of them felt a little incredible, there are so few people who are so grateful.

"Are you going to eat it?" Lin Yue asked.

"Let's keep it for now, I'm not going to eat it." Lin Heng shook his head. If he was going to eat it, he wouldn't put it in the water and bring it back.

"This thing is very nutritious, it's better to keep it first. Banhe has been almost extinct in the past two years." Father Lin nodded.

Lin Heng rode his horse back home. Xiulan was taking care of the baby at home. Seeing him bring the giant salamander back, she was also curious.

Xiaoxia was so scared that she hid behind Xiulan and didn't dare to look.

Lin Heng looked at his wife and asked, "Do you want to eat it? If you want to eat it, I'll kill it and stew it for you right away."

Xiu Lan shook her head: "There's a lot of meat at home recently, keep it, and talk about it when there's no meat."

"Then keep it."

Lin Heng nodded, went to the backyard and threw the giant salamander into the fish pond, letting it stay with the grass turtle, grass carp and grouper.

And built a hiding place for it with stones in the stream channel. Whether it's the fish pond or the stream area, there are big stones surrounding it, and it's fifty centimeters high, so it can't run out.

And even if it comes out, it can't run out of the yard.

"Drink the water I poured for you."

Lin Heng entered the house, and Xiu Lan brought him the cooled black tea.

"Didn't you drink the brown sugar water?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

"No, but I cooked brown sugar lotus seed and red date porridge. Xiaoxia and I ate it, and I left some for you." Xiu Lan said with a smile.

"I also bought you pears from the town. Do you want me to make brown sugar snow pears for you?" Lin Heng asked again.

"Dad, I want candy~" Xiaoxia ran over and hugged him and started to act like a spoiled child when she heard about candy.

"Just one." Lin Heng gave her a White Rabbit candy.

"Then cook it for me at noon." Xiulan thought about it and said that she really wanted to eat it.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, drank a sip of water, chatted with Xiulan for a few words, and then rode to Hongfeng Mountain again.

This time he came to call people to disperse. The people working didn't wear watches and didn't know the time.

Lin's father wanted to call Lin Heng's third father and Lin Hai to go home for dinner, but he didn't call them.

In the end, Li Baiquan and Li Shiwei returned to the old house together, and Lin's mother cooked for them.

Lin Heng brought Xiulan and Xiaoxia to eat directly, without any courtesy. After eating, he went home and stewed a rock sugar snow pear for Xiulan.

"Try one." Xiulan took a bite and picked up a piece of pear from the bowl for Lin Heng.

Lin Heng shook his head: "You eat it, if I want to eat it, I will just take a pear and eat it."

Xiu Lan blinked, puffed her cheeks, stared at him and said: "What's the matter, do you dislike me for having eaten it?"

"Okay, okay, I'll eat it." Lin Heng opened his mouth helplessly and was fed a mouthful, mainly because it was a little too sweet.

Xiu Lan nodded with satisfaction and fed her daughter some more.

After eating, Lin Heng read a story book to them for a while, and then set off to the construction site at 1:30.

There was no change in the afternoon work. The cement delivery was delivered four more times, and the rest was delivered the next day.

"You know how to mix cement, right?" Lin Heng asked, looking at the six people who were laying stone steps.

"Not really." Several people forced a smile, a little embarrassed.

"One part cement, two parts sand, three parts gravel, and then add water and mix it." Lin Heng said, and took the six people to the creek to dig some sand and gravel, and taught them how to mix cement.

When using it, it was found that the quality of the current cement was too poor, so Lin Heng asked to increase the proportion of cement, otherwise it might not have much effect.

After the reconciliation, they could use a small bucket to carry the embankment. Lin Heng also taught them how to use cement to build the stone embankment.

His three rows of fish ponds from the bottom to the mountain are of different heights, so they definitely need stone embankments to retain the soil. However, embankments built with stones are definitely not enough. They must be built with concrete to have sufficient strength.

Dig a 50-centimeter foundation underground, and build it up little by little with large stones that require two people to carry, and use cement as a binder.

This work is not easy at all, but fortunately it only needs to be built two or three meters high.

The next day, gravel and sand began to be transported in one after another, and the work became much easier.

Until the fourth day, all the work materials were transported, and Lin Heng went to the town to settle the money. Cement cost 1,350 yuan, sand and gravel cost 180 yuan, which added up to 1,530 yuan.

After this money was paid, Lin Heng had only 7,500 yuan left in his hand. Things like building fish ponds really cost money like water.

There are also red bricks and tiles being transported here. When all are transported here, he will owe the owner of the Tuanjie Brick Factory one thousand yuan.

"I have to continue to work in the mountains to make money." Lin Heng sighed.

Early in the morning of October 29, Lin Heng walked to the construction site. The first row, that is, the grass carp pond and the row on the west side, had been leveled, and the stone steps were almost built.

"Lin Heng, is our work speed okay?" Third father Lin Xutao asked with a smile.

"Yes, of course." Lin Heng nodded with a smile. This speed was much faster than he expected.

Farmers are like this. As long as the money is in place, they can do any work for you.

"But your price is really a bit high. Just these materials cost a lot of money, right?" Li Shiwei asked curiously.

Lin Heng grinned: "It's not a bit high, but very high. When all the red bricks and tiles are brought here, I will spend almost five thousand yuan."

"Oh my God!!"

"Five thousand!!"

The construction site was filled with gasps. They couldn't even think of spending so much money, let alone spending it like Lin Heng did.

Lin Hai sighed, "The investment in digging a fish pond is so huge, and we haven't even started raising fish and shrimp yet."

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head, "You can't spend so much money just digging a pond. My scale is large, and I have to build several houses, so it's definitely different."

However, as all the materials were gathered, it didn't cost much money. The remaining big money was the workers' wages.

"Anyway, if we had so much money, we would never dare to spend it like this." Li Baiquan shook his head. Lin Heng's hand was too big, which was incredible for farmers who earned one or two hundred yuan a year.

"Everyone continue to work, help dig the foundation, and build the stone steps of the second row of fish ponds." Lin Heng said with a smile, and stopped discussing this issue.

After arranging the work, he slipped away again.

This time he didn't go to the city, but took the money to Liu Ciwen's house. He heard that a calf in Liu Ciwen's family fell to death, so he went to buy some beef, which was also considered to help his family.

Before he arrived, he saw Liu Cihua grazing cattle on the hillside, and immediately walked over with a smile.

"I want to go to your house to buy beef. Is your father at home?" Lin Heng asked.

Liu Cihua glanced at Lin Heng and nodded: "At home, he should be growing vegetables behind the house."

"I know."

Lin Heng nodded and said: "By the way, let me ask you a question. Do you have someone you like now?"

"Ah!" This startled Liu Cihua, and she immediately lowered her head, very shy.

"Do you have any?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

Liu Cihua looked at her feet and shook her head: "Why are you asking... asking this?"

"I'm introducing you to someone. It seems that you don't have anyone you like. I'll bring him to meet you next time."

Lin Heng said with a smile and walked towards her house, while Liu Cihua was still standing there in a daze, not knowing whether she was frightened or looking forward to it.

Although Liu Cihua's father Liu Haizhou was a little demented and hard of hearing, he was still sensible. Lin Heng told him to buy beef, and he quickly understood and took Lin Heng into the house.

There was a lot of beef hanging in the house, which showed that the calf that fell to death was not small, and it was estimated to be one or two hundred pounds.

"I'll buy this beef hind leg." Lin Heng pointed to the uncut beef hind leg meat and said.

He took the meat down and weighed it, a total of more than 35 pounds.

"How much?" Lin Heng looked at Liu Haizhou and shouted loudly, but he was afraid that he couldn't hear it if he spoke softly.

"How much do you think is appropriate?" Liu Haizhou smiled honestly, and he was not sure about the price.

"Then one yuan per pound, that's the price." Lin Heng took out 35 yuan and handed it to him.

Liu Haizhou counted it, put the money in his pocket at the heart position, and smiled honestly: "Thank you, go in and have a drink of water."

"No, I'm going back now, there is still work to do." Lin Heng waved his hand and left directly.

On the way back, Lin Heng saw Liu Cihua and said a few more words: "I bought 35 pounds of beef, one yuan per pound for your father, you tell Liu Ciwen."

"Okay." Liu Cihua nodded quietly.

Lin Heng went home with the meat. Xiulan was speechless when she saw him carrying so much meat: "I told you to buy less, it must be 30 or 40 pounds."

"Not much, we will go to Hongfeng Mountain for barbecue the day after tomorrow, this may not be enough to eat." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He plans to let everyone rest for two days tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and come back the day after tomorrow, so that his family can relax.

During this period, the leaves have turned yellow and red. Looking up, there are red and yellow trees on both sides of the river in Hongfeng Village, especially maple trees. This is also the origin of the name of Hongfeng Village, because there are many maple trees here, and the autumn is very beautiful.

If you want to know which tree is the most dazzling, it must be the ginkgo in the center of the village, with golden leaves and fan-shaped leaves. No tree can compare with it.

If you want to say which place has the most beautiful scenery, it is undoubtedly Hongfeng Mountain. It can be said that the forest is dyed with various colors of red and yellow. It is definitely a fairyland.

"Are all going?" Xiulan asked curiously.

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head: "No, I told my parents that they are entertaining the third father, uncle and others at home, and the young people of our generation will go to Hongfeng Mountain for barbecue.

It's not fun for the two generations to play together, so let's separate. After a few days, our family will go to reunite again."

Anyway, we must call other people to have a barbecue now, and it is impossible to have only our own family, so we might as well separate and have a gathering for young people first.

It just so happens that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are both Sundays, and Caiyun doesn't have to go to school, so they can come over for dinner together.

"That's fine, then I'll prepare some things today, and we'll go get them tomorrow morning." Xiulan nodded and agreed.

"You prepare first, and do it the day after tomorrow. We're going to fry fish tomorrow." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll prepare first." Xiulan nodded.

"Then I'll go first." Lin Heng nodded and turned to go to Hongfeng Mountain.

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng's leaving figure, exhaled, pouted, and turned to deal with the beef.

Lin Heng walked to the road, wearing a double-layer coat that was just right. This place is in the north, the altitude is still high, and it gets cold quickly.

Walking under the ginkgo tree in the center of the village, Lin Heng looked up and saw that the golden ginkgo leaves were hanging all over the treetops. With the autumn wind swaying slightly, it looks sparkling, and from time to time a few leaves fall down, as if it is a rain of time.

Lin Heng bent down and began to pick up ginkgo leaves, just like some other children around him.

"Why are you picking up these leaves?" Uncle Liu San asked curiously.

Lin Heng smiled slightly: "Nothing, just picking them up for fun."

"Young kids are just weird." Uncle Liu San shook his head and went back to the house. His old cold legs started to hurt again with the change of seasons, and he needed to go back to warm himself by the fire.

After picking up a bunch of ginkgo leaves, Lin Heng took them to Red Maple Mountain. Walking on both sides of the path up the mountain, red and yellow leaves were everywhere, as if they had arrived in a fairyland.

After crossing the stream, they came to the location of the wooden house. A lot of red maple leaves had fallen on the ground, and they felt soft when they stepped on them.

Walking in the maple forest, maple leaves fell slowly from all around from time to time. The small wooden house under the autumn scenery also looked very harmonious. Lin Heng opened the door and found that a lot of things had been moved here.

Pots, pans, charcoal, etc. were all moved every time they came here. The stove for cooking was also ready. In order to prevent fire, the surroundings were also protected from the wind.

After being busy here for a while and feeling the beautiful autumn scenery in the forest, Lin Heng went down to call people to disperse and go home for lunch.

When he went back, Lin Heng looked at his uncle and Li Shiwei and said with a smile: "I plan to take two days off tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Let's go to Huangtan River to fry fish."

Li Shiwei smiled and said: "Okay, I just want to ask you when you can go."

"Yes, it won't be good if it's later." Li Baiquan also nodded.

"Dad, big brother, you guys go together, take you fishing." Lin Heng asked.

Lin's father shook his head: "I won't go, I'll do other work, let your big brother go."

"Then let's go, and go fishing with Dad next time." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Lin Heng had no choice, that was the only way.

Back home, the Lin family had lunch, and there was also stir-fried beef with green peppers. Needless to say, the taste of beef is delicious no matter how it is processed.

"This calf meat is better than old cow meat." Lin's father sighed.

"Of course, I bought a lot, everyone can eat as much as you want." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After a pause, Lin Heng continued: "Let's fry a few big fish tomorrow, and we will grill the fish with beef and pork the day after tomorrow."

"That will have to be a whole big grass carp. Let's get up early tomorrow morning to find two places to make a big nest, and then fry it directly in the afternoon." Li Shiwei said with a smile.

"Hey, as long as the nest is well made, it is not impossible to catch a big fish of fifty or sixty kilograms." Li Baiquan smiled.

A group of people finished lunch with laughter and rested for more than an hour, and then set off again to work in Hongfeng Mountain in the afternoon.

Lin Heng did not leave. After his wife packed up the things and put them in the backpack, Lin Heng took his daughter and walked towards Hongfeng Mountain with the things.

"Didn't you say that you would take it the day after tomorrow? Why did you start today?" Xiulan looked at him helplessly and said.

Lin Heng smiled: "It's the same today. I changed my mind."

Xiu Lan shook her head: "I can't do anything about you!"

Helplessly carrying her things, she went to Hongfeng Mountain with Lin Heng. Walking into the forest of Hongfeng Mountain, Xiu Lan was a little stunned by the beautiful scenery around her.

It's so beautiful!

She didn't have time to appreciate it before, but now her life is better and she pays attention to the scenery. Only then did she understand how beautiful Hongfeng Mountain is, especially the slow and leisurely red maple rain.

Xiao Xia was also stunned. She stretched out her hand to catch the fallen maple leaves. Her big eyes were full of curiosity. She couldn't understand why the leaves turned red and yellow at this time.

"Dad, what is this~"

Her little head was full of questions.

"This is a yellowing leaf. The leaves will turn red and yellow in autumn." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"What is autumn?" Xiao Xia asked curiously.


After explaining all the way, they finally arrived at the cabin. Lin Heng put his daughter down and let her pick up the maple leaves on the ground to play.

Then he took out the key, opened the door and walked in, and packed things with Xiu Lan.

"What's in this?" Xiulan asked as she looked at the wooden basin on the table and removed the wooden cover.

"Oh my god!"

The moment she removed the wooden cover, Xiulan was stunned and couldn't believe it.

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