Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 158: Three-year wedding anniversary

There was nothing else in the tub, but a handful of flowers hand-tied from ginkgo and red maple leaves, nine in total, full and dazzling, wrapped in two newspapers.

What's more important is that there is a golden ring in the center of the flower, inlaid with a red agate gemstone.

"Like it, I didn't buy you a ring when we got married, so I have to buy it now." Lin Heng came over and said with a smile.

Today is their third wedding anniversary. On October 29, 1980, Xiulan came to Hongfeng Village from Lushui County and married him.

He had bought the ring a long time ago, three grams of gold and an agate gemstone for a total of one hundred and fifty, but he never took it out.

"I like it!" Xiulan choked and nodded, so moved that she burst into tears.

"What's there to cry about? Come here and I'll put it on for you."

Lin Heng smiled and wiped her tears, took her left hand and put the ring on her ring finger.

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng with eyes like autumn water, and said softly: "I also prepared a gift for you, thinking that if you can't remember what day it is, I won't give it to you."

As she spoke, she took out a small cloth bag from her pocket. After opening it, there was a handkerchief inside. When she opened the handkerchief, she revealed a shiny sterling silver ring.

She used the money she earned to find someone to order this when she went to the Baisha Township market last time. She never told Lin Heng.

If Lin Heng couldn't remember this day, she would give it to him when he was in a better mood next time. If he remembered it, she would give it to him immediately.

Xiulan grabbed Lin Heng's hand and brought the ring up fiercely: "Now it seems that you have remembered it a long time ago. You have been deliberately pretending not to remember today. How bad."

"Thank you, wife." Lin Heng pushed his wife against the wall and kissed her hard.


Xiulan's eyes widened unexpectedly, her cheeks flushed, she looked at Lin Heng, then quickly closed her eyes and pretended not to know anything, her body honestly cooperated with Lin Heng.


Three minutes later, Xiulan felt that she would suffocate to death if she continued, so she pushed Lin Heng away with a blushing face.

"That's enough, no more."

Seeing that Lin Heng still wanted to come, she quickly put her hand on his chest, fearing that she would not be able to control herself if he continued.

Lin Heng grinned: "You want to continue so much, I just want to wipe away your tears."

He reached out and wiped the tears on her face.

Xiulan blushed when she was told that, and said angrily: "If you continue to bully me, you can sleep on the floor tonight."

"Are you willing?" Lin Heng chuckled. Even if he didn't believe that his wife would have the heart to let him sleep on the floor today.

"Just laugh." Xiulan glared at Lin Heng.


Before she could go out, Lin Heng pulled her back and hit her full in the arms. Fortunately, it had soft and huge shock absorption.

"What are you doing?"

Xiulan glared at him fiercely.

"What not to do? Feel the real feeling."

Lin Heng hugged her tightly, making her feel even a little suffocated, but Lin Heng's broad and warm chest still made her intoxicated.

And Lin Heng also felt the pulsation of his wife's heartbeat and her truly attractive figure.

"Mom and Dad!!"

Xiaoxia walked into the room with a bunch of maple leaf diamonds and looked at the two people strangely, not understanding what they were doing.

Xiulan's face suddenly turned red and she struggled out of Lin Heng's arms in panic.

Lin Hengze smiled leisurely and said, "Dad is hugging mom, expressing his love."

"I love daddy too!" Xiaoxia stretched out her little hand, not understanding the difference between the two kinds of love.

"Dad loves you too." Lin Heng kissed his daughter. Her daughter's little face was also very kissable, second only to his wife's little mouth.

Seeing Lin Heng's calmness, Xiulan regained her composure and glared at him accusingly.

"It's okay. She just saw it when she saw it. Sooner or later she will have to contact him." Lin Heng said with a smile. This is something that doesn't matter.

I have gradually understood this since I was a child, and I will not mess around if I know the strong relationship.

If you keep it secretive and don't let her know, she will probably study and try it out of curiosity. Domestic education in this area has always been too repressive and is not the correct approach.

"I love my mother too!" Xiaoxia wanted to kiss her mother again. She didn't even care what the two of them were doing just now.

Xiulan reluctantly let Xiaoxia kiss her. Really, Lin Heng's saliva was in her mouth, and her daughter's saliva was also on her face.

But being happy meant being really happy. She picked up the flowers in the pot and looked at them again and again, and she couldn't let go of the ring on her hand.

"This leaf is already half-dried. If you dry it again, it can be stored permanently. It took me a whole morning to make it." Lin Heng said with a smile. It took him a lot of effort to make this thing.

"So you bought the beef this morning and came here to cook it?" Xiulan blinked, she was really manipulated both physically and mentally by this man.

Lin Heng smiled, everything was self-evident.

"It's really disgusting. I was so sad this morning. I thought some people had forgotten this." Xiulan glared at him, then looked at her ring and flowers, unable to put them down.

"I also secretly took the beef. Let's roast it and taste it first." Lin Heng said as he walked away with his baby daughter in his arms.

Both his daughter and wife are so cute, he likes them so much.

He and Xiulan got married in November of the Gregorian calendar in 1980. Xiulan became pregnant with Xiaoxia in March of the following year and gave birth to her on the Lantern Festival of 1982. Xiaoxia would be two years old by the Lantern Festival of the next year.

Bringing his daughter to the stove made of yellow mud outside the wooden house, Lin Heng took the firewood piled next to it and started a fire.

Xiaoxia watched curiously, and when Lin Heng lit the fire, her eyes showed an expression as if she had seen a miracle, clapping her hands and jumping, saying: "Great!!"

After jumping twice, she took firewood and leaves and threw them in, thinking it was fun.

"Don't play with fire, it's easy to hurt yourself, and it hurts more than your mother beating you." Lin Heng looked at her and said.

Hearing this, Xiaoxia immediately covered her buttocks and stepped back a little, and immediately understood the danger of fire.

Lin Heng pulled her away a little, then threw some charcoal in, and when the open fire was extinguished, the charcoal had already ignited. Seal the side of the stove with a stone slab, put a wire mesh on it, and you can start grilling.

Entering the house, Xiulan had already cut the beef he had secretly prepared. Seeing him come in, she looked up and asked, "Can we use these bamboo sticks on the table directly?"

"Yes, they are all barbecue sticks we prepared, and they have been washed with water." Lin Heng nodded and came over to help skewer the meat.

"I took two or three pounds of beef. Can you finish it?" Xiulan looked at him and asked.

"Cut it all. I will definitely finish it. If I can't finish it, I will go downstairs and ask Li Shiwei to come up to help." Lin Heng said with a smile.

I only took one lettuce and coriander as vegetables, and didn't take the others. There are three people in my family, so I can only eat meat.

Three pounds of meat were skewered ten times, and Lin Heng took it to the stove to roast at once.

Xiulan washed her hands and took Xiaoxia to watch beside her. After a while, the roasted beef sizzled with oil and exuded an attractive burnt aroma.

"It smells so good!" Xiaoxia sniffed and was about to drool.

"It will be ready in a while." Lin Heng said with a smile.

You can't turn the meat frequently at the beginning. Wait until one side is fixed, then brush oil and turn the other side.

Because Xiaoxia also wanted to eat, Lin Heng grilled the cilantro and lettuce for ten minutes.

"Okay, it's ready to eat." Lin Heng took out three skewers of barbecued meat, two of which were sprinkled with homemade barbecue condiments.

Xiaoxia couldn't eat too much, so Lin Heng cut it into small pieces for her with a dagger, sprinkled some pepper and salt and fed it to her little by little.

"How is it, my cooking skills are not bad?" Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and asked with a smile.

"Yeah, it's delicious, fragrant and spicy, the more you chew, the more fragrant it is." Xiulan nodded repeatedly, puffing her cheeks and couldn't stop eating.

"Delicious!" Xiaoxia also nodded and praised.

Lin Heng said happily: "The lettuce and cilantro are also grilled."

He couldn't stop eating himself. The yellow cattle raised on the mountains in the countryside have never been fed with feed, and they are still calf meat. The taste and taste are really great.

It is very chewy in the mouth, but it is not like the old pig skin that can't be chewed. Coupled with the taste of homemade barbecue condiments, he can't stop eating at all.

The family of three just sat in the maple forest, eating barbecue and looking at the scenery. This scene was really like a paradise.

In his previous life, Lin Heng had imagined it countless times in his dreams.

"I thought we couldn't finish it, but I didn't expect that the two of us could finish it." Xiulan ate a piece of lettuce raw and said with emotion.

"It looks a lot, but it's not much." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Dad, you eat it." Xiaoxia imitated her mother and ate a piece of lettuce raw. If she felt it was not delicious, she stuffed it into Lin Heng's mouth.

"You are really my good baby." Lin Heng pinched her face and didn't dare to give it to her mother, so he let him eat the leftovers.

But there was no way, who let this be his baby daughter, not only to eat lettuce, but also to hold her.

Lin Heng finished the coriander, and Xiulan finished the remaining leftovers.

The cabin lit a fire for the first time, and the barbecue that lasted more than an hour ended. In addition to Xiaoxia's laughter, there were birds singing and the sound of the mountain stream flowing in the distance.

Lin Heng took his wife to the fence to take a look. There were beautiful scenery on both sides of the river.

On the opposite bank, clusters of cotinus coggygria exude bright red, as if clusters of flowers are dotted among the yellow leaves of various shades all over the mountains, which makes people feel relaxed.

In the slopes of the fields, you can see the figures of villagers working, and the water of Shiban River is like a long jade belt winding down from the southwest.

Xiulan leaned on Lin Heng's shoulder and stared at the scenery in a daze, enjoying this tranquility and beauty. Xiaoxia was playing with maple leaves in Lin Heng's arms, babbling to herself.

Lin Heng was thinking about building a dam for Shiban River at the entrance of the village to raise the water level by one or two meters, and the scenery would become more beautiful.

After watching for a while, the wind suddenly got stronger, and the three returned to the wooden house. The wind in the forest was much smaller.

Xiulan sat on the swing with interest. Seeing Lin Heng coming over, she hurriedly said, "Don't push hard."

"Hold it tightly." Lin Heng grinned and pushed hard, and the swing swung violently.

But it was only a swing of 70 or 80 degrees, not as scary as the men's.

"Too fast, too fast, slow down!!" Xiulan grabbed the rope and was a little scared.

"It's fun, isn't it?" Lin Heng said with a smile.

"You did it on purpose, you're dead, stop it now." Xiulan said fiercely.

However, Lin Heng's swing speed became faster, and Xiulan gradually turned into a plea: "Slow down, please."

"Call me brother! Be sweeter." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan glared at Lin Heng and gave in: "Brother, good brother~"

"Good sister!" Lin Heng was satisfied, and Xiulan's soft voice really made people's hearts melt.

"Dad, I want to play too!" Xiaoxia danced with joy and thought it was so interesting.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you to play."

Lin Heng held her and sat on another swing next to him, slowly swinging.

Xiulan did not get off the swing to pick up Lin Heng, but sat on it and slowly swung.

The quiet cabin in the woods did have a different atmosphere.

"How about it, do you want to stay here for a few days? When it snows in winter, the scenery will be very beautiful." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then find a time, let's come and stay." Xiulan nodded, she also fell in love with this place.

After playing for a while, the three of them went downstairs, packed up their things, locked the door and walked back.

Just halfway through, they heard someone say at the foot of the mountain: "I said I couldn't find you, it turns out you ran to the mountain to play."

The person who spoke was Li Shiwei, with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

"Nothing, it's just that I'm about to get off work, and I can't find you, so your dad asked me to come and look for you." Li Shiwei said with a smile.

"I'll send my daughter back and come over." Lin Heng said.

"I'll go with you." Li Shiwei nodded.

After sending his daughter home and saying something to Xiulan, Lin Heng and Li Shiwei came to the Hongfengshan construction site.

The first row of retaining stones has been built, the land has been leveled, and the mountain road left in the middle has been dug out.

Now everyone is digging the foundation of the retaining wall of the second row of fish ponds.

Lin Heng led people to spread the lines of the remaining five fish ponds in the first row and nailed them with wooden stakes to mark them.

Then they worked for a while and it was almost six o'clock.

"You don't need to come tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Take a rest for two days and come back to gather early the day after tomorrow."

Lin Heng announced the news when he took out the work book for everyone to sign.

Naturally, everyone had no objection to this. It was also good to have two days to go back and deal with the work at home.

After the disbandment, Lin Heng asked Lin Hai if he wanted to go fry fish with them tomorrow.

He came over and smiled: "I don't have time tomorrow, Brother Lin, Tian Yan will find me."

"Okay, you kid." Lin Heng shook his head. This guy is immersed in love and can't extricate himself.

Then Lin Hai said shyly: "There is one more thing. The day after tomorrow I want to take her to a barbecue. Do you think it's okay, Brother Lin?"

"No problem. As long as you can call people over, it's your ability." Lin Heng patted his shoulder, and naturally there was nothing to disagree with.

"Thank you, brother." Lin Hai nodded gratefully, and then couldn't wait to slip away.

Lin Heng turned around and went home with his father and others. Several people couldn't wait to prepare the equipment needed for frying fish tomorrow.

"Make a few more scoop nets, and take the ground traps and fishing rods." Li Shiwei said with a smile.

"That's a must." Lin Heng nodded. This time he went to make a big one. It wouldn't be considered a success if he didn't bring back one or two hundred kilograms of fish.




ps: I had a fever today. I wanted to take a leave, but I felt too sorry for everyone's monthly tickets, so I got up and wrote 4,000 words.

I'll update 6,000 words during the New Year. I will make up for the 2,000 words I missed today. After the New Year, I will start to update 10,000 words a day.

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