Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 159 The fisherman's anger is dangerous

When packing up, no one noticed that Lin Heng had an extra silver ring on his hand.

During the meal, Caiyun found the beautiful ring on Xiulan's hand and said in surprise: "Sister-in-law Xiulan, this ring is so beautiful. Did my second brother buy it for you?"

When Caiyun said that, everyone realized that Xiulan's beautiful hand had an extra shiny ring.

"Gold ring, and it's inlaid with agate, it's so beautiful." Sister-in-law Liu Juan said enviously.

Diamond rings are not popular in this era. Everyone likes to inlay agate or jade.

Xiulan nodded gently and said softly: "Well, it was given to me by Lin Heng."

Mother Lin clapped her hands and said: "I remembered that you have been married for three years today. Lin Heng, this bastard, has finally grown up and knows how to love his wife."

"Mom, I have always been very distressed, okay." Lin Heng replied dissatisfiedly.

"Humph, do you want me to bring up the old things again?" Mother Lin glared at him.

Lin Heng stopped talking, mainly because he didn't want to argue with his mother, not because he was afraid.

"So beautiful." Caiyun grabbed Xiulan's hand and looked at her repeatedly, feeling happy for her.

"No wonder Xiulan is so virtuous, brother, you are also good at this." Li Shiwei put his arm around Lin Heng's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Xiulan is still virtuous even if I don't send her, you can't envy her." Lin Heng smiled.

Some things can only be understood after careful thinking. Many rural men dislike their wives for all kinds of bad things. In fact, a large part of the reason is caused by themselves.

Before they get married and after they get married, they are completely different. It seems that women are their personal property when they get home, and they beat and scold them at will.

The barbaric and rude ones treat women as people, and think that serving water, pouring tea, washing clothes and cooking are all taken for granted.

You don't treat your wife as a person, and you still expect her to be virtuous?

Sometimes you don't have to buy things, sending flowers, getting small items, etc. is also good.

But looking at the countryside, few men are willing to do this.

"Damn it!" Li Shiwei felt his back teeth broken when he heard this.

Lin Heng glanced at him, showing his white teeth and smiled. He liked to see this kind of expression.

After dinner, Lin Heng took his wife and children home.

After coaxing his daughter to sleep, Xiulan asked helplessly: "Why don't you let me take off my clothes to sleep?"

Lin Heng grinned and said: "Because I want to peel them off bit by bit myself."

This made Xiulan stunned, and her face was covered with red clouds.

"You~ are so bad!!" She gritted her teeth.

Lin Heng laughed evilly, threw his wife to the ground, and took off her clothes one by one by hand, just like opening a gift bit by bit, it was so wonderful.

In his heart, he was thinking about buying more clothes for his wife. The experience of different skins is completely different. No matter how hard it is, he can't let his wife suffer.

Xiulan turned her head to the side when she was looked at by Lin Heng, and she felt nervous as if she had just got married.

Under the glimmering light, Xiulan's white skin was like a peeled egg, her neck was like a swan, her figure was bumpy, her long legs were together, and her hands were holding the sheets, which was a bit pitiful.

Lin Heng suddenly became more excited, and he rushed over to his beautiful wife.



The next morning, Lin Heng was woken up by Xiulan. When he opened his eyes, Xiulan was looking at him with her chin in her hand.

"It's half past five, you have to get up to fish, and they will probably call you soon." Xiulan said with a smile.

"Okay, get up immediately."

Lin Heng didn't stay in bed for a moment, and got up and put on his clothes.

"Is fishing so attractive?" Xiulan was surprised. She thought Lin Heng would stay in bed, after all, he was so tired last night.

"Of course, this matter can't be delayed, wait for me to catch a big fish and come back."

Lin Heng said with a smile, put on his shoes and went out.

After washing his face and eating the potato shreds sandwich made by Xiulan yesterday, Lin Heng made a large bowl of corn paste to feed the red dates.

After it finished drinking, it was led to the road. At this time, Li Shiwei and his father, Lin Yue, also got up.

"Lin Heng, you got up early enough." Li Shiwei shouted with a smile.

"That's a must. Hurry up and get the carriage ready. We'll set off directly." Lin Heng waved his hand and smiled. Although his waist was sore, it would never stop him from going fishing.

Several people quickly assembled the carriage and packed the things prepared yesterday.

"I'm leaving, wife." Lin Heng went back to the house and said to his wife.

"Be careful and don't go swimming in the river. The Huangtan River is too deep." Xiulan took his hand and warned him.

"Don't worry, I can't bear to see you become a widow."

Lin Heng smiled and hugged his wife and kissed her.

"Puh, puh, puh, don't say unlucky words!" Xiulan gave him a slap and glared at him.

"I'm leaving."

Lin Heng said with a smile, turned around and ran away. He didn't take Xiongba with him, leaving him to protect his wife.


As the carriage drove, the four people quickly rushed towards Huangtan Town.

From Hongfeng Mountain to Huangtan Town, most of the road was downhill, so Hongzao ran very fast with four people.

At this time, the sky had just brightened up, and the sun was still on the other side of the mountain. The four people were discussing fiercely.

"Where should we go to fry fish? Upstream or downstream of the Huangtan River?" Lin Yue asked.

"By the way, where did you go to fry fish before?" Lin Heng also asked curiously.

"Definitely go to the downstream. Go down along the river. There is a section below where there are no people. We will go there to make a nest and wait until the afternoon to fry it twice." Li Baiquan said with a smile.

"Okay." Everyone nodded.

It was chilly in the early morning of autumn, and it was a bit cold in the wind. The wild chrysanthemums on the roadside were all withered. There were red cotinus and yellow maple trees on both sides of the river, and there were trees of pyracantha full of red fruits on the roadside.

This scenery was so beautiful that I couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion when I looked up and admired it.

Not long after, everyone arrived at Huangtan Town and came to Lin Heng's store.

In front of the store, Grandpa Gao was doing morning boxing exercises. When he saw Lin Heng and the other four people appear, he asked curiously: "Xiao Lin, why are you here so early?"

"We are going to go fishing in the lower reaches of the Huangtan River, Grandpa Gao, are you going?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"Fishing, then I will definitely go." Grandpa Gao's eyes lit up, and he stopped practicing boxing and went into the house to pack up.

"Brother Lin." Wang Zhou came out to greet him after washing his face.

Lin Heng nodded, looked at him and said, "I'll tie the horse in the backyard in a while, you can get me some grass to feed it."

"No problem, Brother Lin, leave it to me." Wang Zhou smiled and nodded.

"By the way, I told the girl myself that she doesn't like anyone either, you and I will go up to meet her in a few days." Lin Heng patted his shoulder again and said.

Wang Zhou smiled shyly, grateful but: "Okay, thank you Brother Lin."

Lin Heng shook his head and smiled, this kid was really nervous, how could he be so scared.

After tying the horse, several people took their things and set off. This time, the bait they carried was 20 kilograms of boiled corn and sweet potatoes for nesting.

There were also two bottles of fishing bait specially prepared by Lin Heng, which was made of sweet potato honey.

"Let's go." After packing up, the five people set off together and walked towards the lower reaches of Huangtan River.

"The scenery in this autumn is really beautiful." Grandpa Gao said with a smile.

As we walked down, the Huangtan River was sandwiched by steep mountains. There were few tall trees on the mountains here, and they were all small trees such as cotinus coggygria. The red and yellow colors contrasted with each other. Because they were close, they gave people a more shocking feeling.

"It can be said that I am just a grain of sand in the vast ocean. I feel sad about my short life." Lin Heng sighed. At this time, he always felt his own insignificance.

"You are well-educated. You said it well." Grandpa Gao praised.

"Haha, Grandpa Gao, which place do you think is more suitable for fishing? We also brought explosives this time and are ready to blow it up." Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"Is that so? Then I really know a place. There must be big fish there." Grandpa Gao nodded.

"What place?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

"Not far, just walk down one or two kilometers." Grandpa Gao nodded.

Going down, the river became narrower and the water became much deeper. Everyone walked on a mountain path.

About two kilometers later, the five people came to a big backwater bend. The protruding mountains on both sides made the river turn an S-shaped bend.

The river water was emerald green, dark and dark, and the flow rate became much slower. As soon as everyone arrived, they saw a big carp jumping out of the water, and its beautiful scales emitted a golden glow.

"Is this place nice?" Grandpa Gao asked with a smile.

"It's really nice. I must catch this big carp today." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then let's get started in this place. Let's make a nest in the two confluence bays inside and outside. When we finish fishing in the afternoon, we will start fishing directly." Li Shiwei said with a smile.

"Okay, let's start. The earlier the nest is, the earlier the fish will come." Li Baiquan nodded.

Lin Heng divided the nesting materials into two parts, one place made ten kilograms of homemade sweet potatoes and corn, and the bamboo poles for fishing were also prepared. He put on his homemade seven-star floating fishing line and started fishing.

The five people dispersed and found their positions.

Lin Heng found a place with a water depth of more than three meters, hung a corn, and pressed the purple bamboo fishing rod with a stone. He leaned on the big stone behind him to rest.

Grandpa Gao chose a place three meters downstream of Lin Heng, which was also about two and a half meters. He also hung the corn made by Lin Heng.

Li Shiwei was upstream of Lin Heng, got a five-meter-long bamboo pole, and fished far away.

He glanced at Lin Heng and said with a smile: "I will definitely catch a big fish today."

"I hope so." Lin Heng smiled, thinking that even if Li Shiwei was lucky as a novice, he would probably not be able to grasp it.

His elder brother and uncle-in-law were further downstream, where the water was one and a half meters deep. They were all using earthworms and preparing to catch crucian carp.

Just a few minutes after everyone threw the fishing rod into the water, Lin Yue cheered: "Damn, I caught a fish!"

A few people looked over and saw that a small crucian carp was pulled up by him, and they were very excited.

"It seems that there are a lot of fish." Grandpa Gao said with a smile.

"This crucian carp feels really good to pull up." Lin Yue caught the fish and threw it into the homemade cloth bag fish guard while saying.

"I caught a fish too, oh, it fell off!" On the outside, Li Baiquan also suddenly exclaimed in surprise, pulling up a big white striper, but it ran away as soon as it flew out of the water.

"The hook is too big, I advise you to change to corn to catch big fish." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Just use earthworms, it's very useful." The two shook their heads, they just wanted to catch fish, no matter the size.

Lin Heng shook his head and looked at the water surface, thinking that it was impossible to get nothing today, there should be a lot of fish in this river.

Time passed little by little, and Brother Lin Heng and his uncle caught a crucian carp every now and then, and they were so happy that they had to watch the float when they peed. They were already two qualified fishermen.

In a blink of an eye, an hour had passed, and there was no movement from the corn they hung. Li Shiwei couldn't stand the loneliness and ran to Lin Heng to chat.

While chatting, Lin Heng suddenly said: "Your float is moving."

Li Shiwei looked back, rushed forward, grabbed the fishing rod with both hands and pulled it hard. A fish was directly pulled out of the water and fell on the stone wall behind. With a snap, the fish did not move.

Lin Heng shook his head and gave a thumbs up: "Awesome, you are so unlucky to catch this fish."

If the line and the rod were not strong enough, it would have broken by now.

"Haha, I was a little excited. I thought it was a very big fish, but it turned out to be only half a catty." Li Shiwei laughed and threw the half-dead carp into Lin Heng's homemade fish guard.

Lin Heng could only shake his head and sigh that the luck of a novice is good.

"It seems that your bait is good. You caught a fish so quickly." Grandpa Gao said with a smile.

As he was talking, his seven-star float also moved. With a slight pull, the purple bamboo fishing rod instantly became a big bow.

"Damn, a big fish!" Lin Heng was startled and quickly picked up the fish guard.

Grandpa Gao was not in a hurry to play the fish, unloading the force left and right, with skillful and graceful movements.

A few minutes later, the fish came out of the water. It was a carp weighing more than two kilograms. Lin Heng seized the opportunity to scoop it up with a net.

"Hey, your bait is really good." Grandpa Gao looked at the fish and laughed.

"Of course, this is what I have carefully studied after summarizing the habits of fish." Lin Heng said with a smile.

The fish of 1983 would never have thought that the fishermen of later generations had studied how many bait formulas to catch them, and they didn't know to what extent the fishermen of later generations had a tug-of-war with the fish. It can be said that various schools of thought were rampant in the rivers and lakes.

Now, Lin Heng just made a move casually, and the fish of this era had no resistance at all.

He just made a slight move and was already invincible.

I just don't know why his fish float has not moved for more than two hours. Lin Heng couldn't help but wonder if his aura was too strong and all the fish were scared away.

Li Shiwei seemed to have noticed this as well, and asked with a smile: "Why haven't you caught anything yet?"

Lin Heng was still calm and composed: "Haste makes waste, and small gains lead to big failures. What do you know? I'm trying to catch a big fish."

Grandpa Gao smiled and gave a thumbs up: "You have a realm."

Snap! !

A big carp jumped out of Lin Heng's float and fell into the water again.

Lin Heng was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Keep going crazy, I want to see how crazy you can be."

"I guess the bait in that place is too heavy, and the fish don't even like your bait. Change the location." Grandpa Gao said with a smile.

"I think so too." Lin Heng smiled and nodded, took the rod and went out to find a new place to fish.

He walked towards the bend below and decided to try the water there.

He found a place close to the cliff, and a few seconds after he dropped the fishing rod, the seven-star float suddenly moved. Lin Heng quickly reached out and grabbed the fishing rod. After the seven-star float went down a little more, he instantly lifted the rod to complete the fish-piercing action.

Feeling the pulling force from the fishing rod, Lin Heng was not panicked at all. He lifted it and waited for it to exert force before releasing it, repeating the cycle. He had a lot of fun. It was not easy to catch a fish, so he had to have fun.

"It's true that a tree moves and a person moves. I caught a fish immediately after changing to a different place." Lin Heng shook his head and sighed. He didn't catch any fish in the morning, but he caught one in seconds after changing to a different place.

Fishing is so magical and full of unknowns.

When he pulled the fish out of the water, he was shocked: "I actually caught a red carp. This is too lucky."

"Red carp?" Lin Yue ran over with a scoop net to see.

I saw that a beautiful red carp had been slipped over by Lin Heng. He immediately smiled and said: "It seems that I can make a fortune by catching a red carp."

As he said this, he scooped up the fish.

Lin Heng took a look. The fish was not big, just a little more than one pound, but he was still very happy to catch a red carp.

"It's really good luck. I'm going to take this back and keep it in the fish pond." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"I'll release the fish for you." Lin Yue nodded.

After catching this fish, there was no movement here, but he was not in a hurry. He lay on the big bluestone and looked at the beautiful scenery on both sides of the river, feeling the autumn breeze blowing across his cheeks.

Time slowly came to 12 noon, and the others stopped eating. In addition, the sun was a bit hot, so they found a place to eat.

"What time will the frying start in the afternoon?" Li Shiwei was already a little impatient.

Who would want to fish if they could fry the fish to death?

"Frying will start at four or five o'clock." Li Baiquan thought about it and said with a smile.

"Okay." Everyone ate steamed buns and was full of expectations for the afternoon frying fish.

After dinner, when Lin Heng went to see his fishing rod, he suddenly found a huge black figure floating on the water by the river.

Plop! !

Seeing him, the black figure flicked its tail and dived into the bottom of the water.

"Damn, such a big black fish." Lin Heng exclaimed.

As soon as Lin Heng mentioned the black fish, Grandpa Gao immediately remembered what happened before: "You said before that there is a way to catch black fish, what is the method?"

"I'll find something first, and then show you." Lin Heng said, and went to the upstream river to find something.

He found a small pool on the riverbed, and he saw his target in it - a green frog, not too big or too small.

After catching it, Lin Heng took it back, took out the fishing line and the hook, tied it up, and hung the hook on the frog's belly.

"Is it done?" Grandpa Gao asked curiously.

"Yes, that's it." Lin Heng nodded. He got a ten-meter-long fishing line, tied a frog on one side and a wooden stick on the other side and stepped on it.

Lin Heng threw the frog out to the place where the black fish just appeared, and the frog immediately struggled on the water surface.

Lin Heng pulled the fishing line back little by little, and if there was no effect, he changed the direction and continued to throw.

Just when he threw it near the opposite shore for the eighth time, a huge splash suddenly turned up, and a black shadow in the splash swallowed the frog in one bite, and then swam towards the deep water with a flick of the tail.

"I caught it!" Lin Heng said in surprise, picked up the wooden stick and started to play the fish, and the black fish frantically exploded on the water surface.

"I really caught it, it's amazing." Grandpa Gao said in shock. This was the first time he had seen this fishing method.

Lin Heng smiled as he reeled in the fishing line and said, "Black fish like live bait. You can catch it with frogs or live white stripes."

"So that's it." A group of people understood.

Lin Heng dragged the big black fish for five minutes before pulling it to the front and scooping it up.

"Oh my god, this one is half a meter long." Li Shiwei said in shock.

Lin Yue was also surprised and said, "It must be seven or eight kilograms. This fish is probably the biggest fish caught today."

Lin Heng held his head high and smiled, everything is self-evident, this is the skill of a master.

Everyone looked at the black fish again and again, it is much more delicious than carp.

"I don't know if there are other black fish in this pond. I hope I can catch a few fish in the afternoon." Li Baiquan sighed.

"It's hard to say, maybe there are." Lin Heng smiled and shook his head.

Everyone returned to their fishing positions with laughter, but fishing in the afternoon was not as good as in the morning.

It stands to reason that this season is the time when fish are fattening up for the winter, and they should open their back teeth to bite when they see food.

But everyone was fishing for some small fish, and Lin Heng was even more angry. He used corn, and the damn horse mouth actually ate it, which made him have no game experience.

"Why don't we just blow it up? Give these cheap fish a lesson!" Lin Heng said angrily. This is not the future. No one will care if we blow up fish. We must teach these ignorant fish a lesson.

"Okay!" Lin Yue nodded.

"I've wanted to blow it up for a long time! This fish is too cheap." Li Shiwei said with a smile.

"Then blow it up." Grandpa Gao didn't want to fish anymore, mainly because frying fish is more attractive. Real men like to watch explosions.

"Okay, let's pack up and take all the fish upstream, otherwise they will all be blown to death." Li Baiquan said.

Lin Heng waved his hand: "Except for black fish and red carp, just throw the others on the shore. It doesn't matter whether they live or die."

After packing up, Lin Heng and others took the scoop net to the downstream, waiting to salvage the fish when they float down.

Grandpa Gao and Li Baiquan were responsible for firing the cannon. They each had a kerosene bottle with explosives and detonators stuffed inside.

"Stay away, I'll count to five, and we'll throw together." Grandpa Gao glanced at Lin Heng and the others, and then said to Li Baiquan.

"Okay." Li Baiquan nodded.

The two lit their cigarettes, and Grandpa Gao said, "Five, four, three, two, one, throw!!"

The two lit the fuse and threw it into the water. The kerosene bottle was tied with iron blocks, so it quickly sank into the water.

After about a few seconds, two huge splashes of water splashed up with a bang, and exploded seven or eight meters high. Then Lin Heng and the others heard a loud explosion.

The explosion was transmitted in the valley and kept echoing.

"Damn it!" Lin Heng was shocked. It was so spectacular.

Everyone ran upwards. As the dense bubbles on the water surface disappeared, they saw a white color, and fish of all sizes floated all over the river.

"Damn it, it's so exciting! This is the end of not eating bait." Lin Heng couldn't help but cheer. It was so cool.

"Oh, so cool!" Li Shiwei also cheered loudly.

"Damn, look over there, what a big fish!" Lin Yue suddenly cheered and pointed upstream, and a fish bigger than expected flipped out

Sorry, the update is late again today

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