Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 160 Unprecedented Fish Catch

"My God, this fish is too big. There are such big catfish in this river!"

Several people were stunned. A catfish more than one meter long was turned out of the river. Its tail was still swinging, and it seemed that it was not completely dead.

"It must be thirty or forty kilograms!" It was also the first time that Lin Heng saw such a big catfish in the river.

"This is really a good place. Look, another big grass carp has turned out. It must be more than ten kilograms." Lin Yue grabbed Lin Heng's shoulders and pointed to the front.

"Too many, too many." Li Shiwei also said excitedly.

There were many grass carps and carps weighing more than ten kilograms. It seemed that there were some other strange things that could not be seen.

"Brother, you and Li Shiwei go in to catch fish. I will stay here. The water flow is not fast here. I can guard it alone." The eldest brother Lin Yue said with a smile.


Lin Heng did not refuse. He really wanted to catch fish.

He and Li Shiwei climbed over the steep slope and started to scoop with a scoop net.

Lin Heng grabbed the head of the big catfish and pulled it directly to the shore. His uncle Li Baiquan came over and grabbed the head of the fish and pulled it to the shore.

He laughed as he pulled it: "Hey, this big catfish must be 40 kilograms. The effect of explosives is good."

"If you don't explode, you won't know there are so many big fish here. I thought there were no big fish when I couldn't catch them. It seems that they just don't bite the hook." Grandpa Gao also sighed.

"It's just that the fish are cheap." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Facts have proved that no matter where the fish are from, they are cheap bones. I feed you delicious food and drink, but you won't catch any of them. You have to use tricks.

Now it's good, the whole army is wiped out, and there are almost no fish left in these two places.

Lin Heng and his men first grabbed the big fish back. The biggest one was the big catfish, followed by four big grass carps weighing more than ten kilograms, and five carps weighing more than ten kilograms.

The other fish were not very big. There were many fish weighing less than ten kilograms, and they couldn't be counted.

"Hey, this turtle is so miserable, its belly is blown up." Lin Heng found an old turtle weighing five or six kilograms by the water, and it was dead.

"Mine is okay, it was not blown up." Grandpa Gao also brought one up.

There were many blown-up fish in the river, many of them were smashed to pieces, and only the fish head could be seen.

Several people didn't have time to pick them, and they used the scoop nets to scoop up the fish on the shore regardless of size.

After working for more than an hour, except for the blown-up ones and some fish that flowed downstream, most of them had been scooped up on the shore.

All the fish were piled up in four small hills on the shore.

"Too many, this must be more than 300 kilograms." Grandpa Gao shook his head and sighed, it was too cruel this time.

"I didn't expect so many fish in two places, I estimate that it is possible to have 400 kilograms." Lin Heng was also shocked.

The power of this detonator to blow up fish is too strong, with a simple and rough beauty. No wonder foreigners often use grenades to blow up fish and AK to scoop fish. Lin Heng understands it a little.

"Let's quickly sort out the fish and take them back. It's getting late." Lin Yue said.


Everyone sorted the fish first. There was no need to sort the small fish such as white striped wheat ears and horse mouth. They were all thrown into a pile.

The main thing was to sort out some other fish. Except for the super large ones that were stored separately, the rest were a pile of crucian carp, a pile of carp... and so on.

After sorting them out, they found that the most were crucian carp, followed by small fish such as white striped wheat ears, then carp, catfish and yellow croaker, and finally grass carp.

There were five black carps, four turtles, one sea bass, and the rest were gone.

"Put it in a bag and take it away." Li Baiquan smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

"Well, put it back." Lin Heng and others nodded.

Take out the snakeskin bag, put the fish in it, and four people carried it. Grandpa Gao helped to get the fishing rod, scoop net and fish guard, and carried the red carp that Lin Heng raised in water.

After returning to the town, someone soon discovered that they had caught so many big fish and asked curiously, "Where did you catch them?"

"I caught them in the Huangtan River. Do you want to buy them?" Lin Heng replied with a smile.

"Haha, I won't buy them."

Even in the town, most people would not buy meat and fish casually.

They didn't buy them, but there were many people watching. When asked, they said they caught them.

But everyone naturally didn't believe it. They thought they probably caught them with a net. No one would think they were fried.

Lin Heng and others took the fish directly to the backyard. Wang Zhou was shocked when he saw the catch of everyone.

"This is too much." He sighed.

"Whatever fish you want to eat, take it." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Yes, take it." Li Shiwei also echoed.

"I'll take a crucian carp to eat, I don't want the others." Wang Zhou said with a smile.

Lin Heng said again, "Grandpa Gao, you can take some to eat too."

"Then I'll take a black fish to eat." Grandpa Gao thought about it and said, and didn't refuse.

Lin Heng felt that it was too little, and took out the old turtle with its internal organs fried out: "This old turtle is also rotten, you can use it to stew soup to nourish your body, it is good for your health in winter."

"No, no, you can eat it yourself." Grandpa Gao shook his head. After all, it was not his explosives, and he couldn't take such expensive ones.

"It's okay." Li Baiquan also smiled.

But Grandpa Gao insisted on not taking it, and Lin Heng was too lazy to talk nonsense. He took the old turtle and processed it directly, chopped it into pieces, blanched it in water, and stewed it in Grandpa Gao's pot, and added some Tianma and Codonopsis purchased in the store.

"Hey, you are too polite." Grandpa Gao was helpless, but also very happy. It was rare for a young man to treat him so sincerely.

Lin Heng waved his hand and said with a smile: "You are old, eat one to replenish your body, we often catch fish, so we don't need this one."

He did this out of his heartfelt admiration for these heroes who defended their country, not for his background or anything else.

Although this era is poor, it is at least peaceful and has its own sovereignty. These are all won by these heroes. Naturally, we can't let them suffer when we meet them.

"Then I appreciate this favor. Let's go hunting in a few days." Grandpa Gao patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Okay, I will come down to pick you up in person when the time comes." Lin Heng nodded with a smile.

"We have weighed the fish here. Guess how many catties it is?" Li Shiwei said with a smile when Lin Heng walked out of the hall.

"Four hundred catties?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

"More than that, four hundred and twenty catties of fish, the largest catfish is 42 catties, and the three grass carps are more than 15 catties." Li Shiwei said.

"That's fine." Lin Heng said in shock.

"Small fish like whitebait weigh 53 jin, crucian carp weighs more than 100 jin, and most of the rest are carp and grass carp." Lin Yue said happily.

"Not bad, not bad, uncle, you guys are rich, quickly load them on the carriage and take them back to kill and make dried fish." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He came here mainly to play, and there were many fish at home, so it was enough to take only two fresh ones to eat. He asked them to take all the rest home.

"We are rich." Li Baiquan said with a smile.

"Okay." Everyone loaded the fish and dragged them back on the carriage. Several big fish were thrown directly on the carriage without covering it, and they didn't want to cover it.

It was half past five in the afternoon, and it took an hour to pull the fish home.

We met a lot of people along the way, and a few people discussed it and said that they caught it by fishing, which scared a group of people.

Lin Heng laughed all the way, no wonder the fishermen always get lost after catching big fish.

"It's a pity that I didn't catch it, otherwise it would be so cool!"

Lin Heng sighed as he looked at the scenery all over the mountain.

"You're not bad, that black fish is not small either." Lin Yue patted his shoulder and said.

Li Shiwei also laughed and said, "Besides, we can say that we caught it, and it's okay to pull it up from the river with your hands, isn't it considered fishing?"

Lin Heng nodded and smiled, "You're right, it was fishing, and we each caught one."

The few of them returned to Hongfeng Village, talking and laughing, and they all walked with high spirits.

Lin's mother and father were digging sweet potatoes today, and they were also shocked to see so many fish.

"So many were caught with two shots?" Lin's father didn't dare to believe it.

"I said I caught it, Dad, do you believe it?" Lin Heng said with a smile.

Lin's mother said first: "Unless the sun rises from the west."

Lin Heng: "...Mom, you will lose your son if you continue like this."

Lin's mother sneered: "I don't believe it."

Lin Heng spread his hands: "Okay, it was indeed blown up. The main reason is that the place was chosen well this time. The water flow in the backwater bay is slow, and it is a place where big fish are hidden."

Li Baiquan looked at everyone and said: "Stop talking, get a mat quickly, let's kill the fish, salt it and hang it up."

"And we have divided the fish, 70% for us and 30% for you." He said with a smile again.

Father Lin shook his head and said: "What's there to divide? We just need to take a few to eat. You brought the explosives."

Li Shiwei shook his head: "Uncle, don't say anything. This is all what we have discussed. It's enough for us to take 70%."

"Yes, Dad, let's start, don't worry about so much." Lin Heng waved his hand and said.

This distribution is still reasonable. Although he and his eldest brother did not provide explosives, they also helped a lot. It is impossible for them not to take any.

"Yes, hurry up and dry them before taking them back. Otherwise, it will be fatal to carry these hundreds of kilograms of fish up the mountain." Li Shiwei also said with a smile.

"Okay then." Lin's mother turned and went into the house to get a mat.

Lin Heng took all the black fish, carp and crucian carp that he and his friends had caught and threw them into the fish pond. These fish have a long life span. As long as there is water, they will not die in an hour or two.

These live fish can be eaten fresh in the fish pond, which is much more delicious than dried fish.

"I'm really tired. Come and give me a massage." Lin Heng sat in the pavilion and said to his wife.

Xiulan looked at him and blinked, and smiled, "It stinks. I won't give you a massage."

"If it weren't for the strong fishy smell on me, I would make you dirty too." Lin Heng said deliberately.

But his wife smelled so good, he really couldn't bear to leave.

"Come in, I've prepared delicious food for you." Xiulan said with a smile. Xiaoxia was taken away by Caiyun, and she and Lin Heng were the only ones at home.

After entering the house, Xiulan heated up the stir-fried pork with sour beans, brought it out with the soft pancake, rolled it up and handed it to Lin Heng.

"Why don't you feed me? My hands smell fishy." Lin Heng laughed.

"Then I'll reluctantly satisfy you." Xiulan looked at him and sat next to him to feed him.

"That's great, the taste is much better." Lin Heng said with satisfaction. It's great that his wife still feeds him after a day of playing.

Xiulan puffed up her cheeks, took a bite herself, and hummed: "Eat the rest of mine."

Lin Heng laughed: "Thank you for the reward, my wife."

He ate it with big mouthfuls.

Xiulan: "..."

I really admire this person.

After taking care of their stomachs, the two went to the old house. Lin Heng pointed to the big catfish on the bamboo mat and said with a smile: "Xiulan, this is what I caught. Do you believe it?"

"Don't lie to me." Xiulan blinked her eyes, looking unconvinced.

Lin Heng: "..."

"Xiu Lan, you have changed. You don't believe me." Lin Heng cried.

Xiu Lan spread her hands and said innocently: "It's mainly because you have never caught a grouper before."

Lin Heng was silent.

"Hahaha, I'll tell you, no one will believe it." Lin's mother laughed.

Lin Heng looked at his mother and said resolutely: "Mom, I have broken up with you. Don't recognize me as your son."

Lin's mother didn't care at all: "Yo Yo, I'm so scared. Then you can herd horses and sheep by yourself?"

"The breakup has nothing to do with this." Lin Heng suddenly lost his temper.

Suddenly the whole yard laughed, and the house was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"Mom, wait, next time I will definitely catch a big fish of fifty or sixty kilograms by myself." Lin Heng looked at his mother and said.

"Well, I believe it." Lin's mother patted his shoulder to show her belief.

Lin Heng didn't want to talk to his mother anymore. It was so boring. She only knew how to bully him.

Everyone poured all the fish on top, and Lin Heng said, "Let's divide the work. Some people will remove the scales, some people will cut open the belly of the fish, and some people will be responsible for removing the internal organs and gills."

After the work was divided, the family went into battle and began to process the fish. Lin Heng gave his dagger to his wife and asked her to cut the fish.

It hurts your hands to remove the internal organs and gills, and it is easy to get yourself all over the scales, and it is not easy to wear gloves. He didn't want his wife to do these.

After the division of labor, Lin Heng and Li Shiwei were responsible for removing the scales, and the work of removing the internal organs was handed over to Lin's father, uncle, eldest brother and others. They all had calluses on their hands and couldn't get hurt.

"Frying fish is fun, but killing fish is really tiring."

After working for a while, Lin Heng missed the electric scaler, which was really fast.

"My back hurts." Li Shiwei also shook his head. This work of scraping fish scales is really not fun.

When everyone was killing the fish, many villagers came to watch, and they were amazed by so many fish.

Someone curiously asked where the fish came from, and Lin Heng and others naturally said that they caught them from a net, not fried.

The group did not eat, and worked from 6:30 to 9:00, and only then did they clean all the fish.

Everyone smelled of fish, and the fish entrails were filled in two large basins. Xiongba was so full of fish that he lay on the ground and did not want to move.

Except for some fish and white strips prepared for the next two days, all other fish were split in half, which made it easier to dry.

The two large wooden basins were full of pickled fish, and they could be hung up to dry tomorrow morning.

In the evening, everyone just ate some pickled cabbage noodles and rested.

Lin Heng took a bath several times before he got rid of the fishy smell on his body.

Fortunately, there were all kinds of cleaning products he bought from the city at home, otherwise it would be impossible to wash it off.

The next morning, Lin Heng opened his eyes and saw that his wife was not sleeping next to him, so he immediately pulled her over and hugged her.

"Are you not feeling well?" He touched his wife's head, and she did not have a fever.

"No, I was in a daze." Xiulan shook her head and smiled, tied her hair with a rubber band, and returned to Lin Heng's arms.

In the past six months, Lin Heng has been going up and down the mountains and rivers, shooting bows and arrows and exercising regularly. His muscle lines have become more and more obvious, and Xiulan feels more comfortable leaning on him. She is deeply attracted by Lin Heng's strong male hormones.

And because Xiulan is not as tired as before and does not have to do heavy farm work, coupled with Lin Heng's moisturizing and skin care products, she has become whiter and more beautiful than before, as if she were made of water.

"It's drizzling outside, do you want to continue today's barbecue?" Xiulan asked, leaning against Lin Heng's chest.

Lin Heng inhaled the fragrance of his wife's hair: "If it's just this kind of drizzle, then go, you don't want to go."

"I want to go, everything is ready." Xiulan nodded, and now this kind of small life is what she has been looking forward to.

"But I still want to rest for a while, don't move around." She changed her posture and lay on Lin Heng's chest like a kitten.

Although Xiao Lin Heng inevitably goes online every morning, he can still control it, and it is good to stay quiet.

After staying in bed for half an hour, Xiulan said: "Get up, we have to make fish balls in the morning."


The two got up and washed up. Lin Heng took Xiulan to do Tai Chi to exercise her body. After that, he did fifty push-ups and dozens of training exercises for abdominal muscles.

Archery is naturally indispensable, and the ability to eat cannot be lost.

Xiulan went to cook, and Lin Heng woke Xiaoxia up.

Xiaoxia had a runny nose recently, so Lin Heng put on an extra piece of clothes for her and took out a small stove to make some ginger and brown sugar water for her to drink.

After drinking tea, Xiulan also made breakfast. Because she had to go to the barbecue at noon, she simply made a mixed soup in the morning.

"Look, the sun is out." After dinner, Lin Heng pointed to the sky and said.

Xiulan shook her head and said, "This weather is really strange, but the sun is good, we can dry the fish."

Looking at the sky, Xiulan went to take out half of the catfish and said, "Let's make fish balls with this catfish."

This is the 42-pound catfish. After it was separated last night, Xiulan took half back.

"Okay, I'll help." Lin Heng nodded. The fish balls he made were delicious and suitable for Xiaoxia to eat.

"I'll press it, and you scrape it." Xiulan handed the kitchen knife to Lin Heng.

They didn't chop the fish meat directly to make fish balls, but scraped it bit by bit with a knife, which made it more delicate.

From 7:30 to 9 o'clock, the two took turns to scrape all the fish meat off, and scraped a large basin of snow-white fish meat.

After the fish balls were hung, Xiulan handed them to Lin Heng: "You stir it in one direction, and I'll get some green onion and ginger water."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

After stirring the fish for a while, Xiulan got a large bowl of green onion and ginger water and added it to it, then added two egg whites, some salt and lard, and stirred them together.

Keep stirring until the fish sticks to your hands and stops coming up and down. At this time, you can make the fish balls. After the fish balls are put into the water, they will be white and smooth, and full of the fragrance of the fish.

Authentic fish balls do not require starch. After making them, Lin Heng felt that his hands were almost useless. It was really not easy.

Xiulan took the fish balls into the house and cooked them over low heat until they were completely set.

Lin Heng couldn't help but taste one directly. It was smooth and smooth, with the fresh aroma of fish and almost no fishy residue.

"Come on, Xiaoxia, try one." Lin Heng fed his daughter half.

Xiaoxia was instantly captured by the delicious fish balls, hugging Lin Heng's legs and acting coquettishly: "Great time! I want more, dad."

"I'll make some for her, just in case she wants to eat barbecue later." Xiulan said, the fish balls are easy to digest, so she made them just for Xiaoxia.

I stewed a soup with fish bones and winter melon, and soon a bowl of fish soup with milky white color and full of fragrant winter melon fish balls was ready.

"It smells so good~" Xiaoxia followed Xiulan like a puppy. The winter melon and fish balls were added with a little coriander. Lin Heng couldn't resist the deliciousness.

"Sit on the bench and feed you." Xiulan looked at her and said.

Xiaoxia immediately sat down obediently, Xiulan divided the fish balls into two halves and fed her slowly.

Not only did Xiaoxia finish the bowl of fish balls and winter melon, but she also didn't leave any soup behind, which showed that the taste was indeed good enough.

Lin Heng also prepared and packed up everything he needed for the barbecue.

"Let's go directly." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said.

"Okay." Xiulan pulled Xiaoxia away.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law are also ready, and their three sons can't wait to have a picnic.

For children in rural areas, it is incredible for their parents to take them on a picnic together.

"Brother, why did you bring a chicken? Fish and beef are enough." Lin Heng looked at his eldest brother and said helplessly.

"There are many people, and when we finish eating, the roast chicken is so fragrant that I want to eat it myself." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Sister-in-law Liu Juan is also very kind now, and said with a smile: "There are five of us, it would be outrageous if we didn't take anything."

"That's okay." Lin Heng was helpless.

In the old house, Li Shiwei had also gotten up, carrying a ten kilogram large grass carp and two kilograms of small white strips, and they went directly to Hongfeng Mountain.

Mother Lin also prepared a lot of dishes and planned to call Lin Heng and his third father over for dinner at noon.

Today is already November 1st. As autumn arrives in the north of the Qinling Mountains, it gets cold very quickly. It has been chilly in the mornings these days.

"I want to play on the swing!"

When they got to Hongfeng Mountain, Lin Wei and Lin Tao took the lead and ran to fight for the swings. Fortunately, there were two of them and they could both play.

Xiaoxia looked at Lin Yong, who was about the same age as herself, and wanted to speak but didn't dare.

"This place is so beautiful." Liu Juan said with emotion, it was her first time here.

Lin Heng laughed, looked at everyone and said, "Let's start first. Let's raise the charcoal fire, skewer the beef and pork, and marinate the fish."

"Okay!" Several people were very motivated and started to work.

After a while, Caiyun came with Lin Hai and Tian Yan.

Tian Yan attended the Lin family's party for the first time. Although they were all young people, she was a little shy.

Lin Hai's face was full of joy, and he took her hand and introduced to everyone: "This is my partner Tian Yan, everyone must know her."

"Hello everyone." Tian Yan greeted with a smile, let go of Lin Hai's hand, and pulled Caiyun.

"Of course we know each other. Brother Lin Hai, you have to treat my teacher well." Caiyun said with a smile.

After Tian Yan finished greeting everyone, Caiyun took her to play here.

Tian Yan was a little shocked by the scenery of Hongfeng Mountain, and the cabin in the forest made her look at Lin Heng with admiration. She didn't know that this man actually had such a sentiment.

But she knew that all this was caused by Lin Lian's daughter-in-law Xiulan. She heard Caiyun talk a lot about Lin Heng and Xiulan, so she instinctively went to play with Xiulan with Caiyun. I want to see what kind of woman Xiulan is.

If it’s too late tomorrow, I’ll slap myself live on air

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