In the cabin, Xiulan and her elder sister-in-law Liu Juan were cutting meat together.

In the past, Liu Juan had many dissatisfactions and dislikes towards Xiulan.

Part of it was because of Lin Heng, because Lin Heng was running around and not doing anything productive.

More of it was jealousy of Xiulan's appearance and Lin's mother's preference for her.

She was always sarcastic and said bad things about her from time to time.

But since Lin Heng made a lot of money from trading mulberry fungus, she was no longer the same as before.

It was as if she had become a different person. When she saw Xiulan, she called her kindly and spoke kindly, and there was no trace of her previous appearance.

The reason for this change was very simple. The previous conflicts disappeared.

Lin Heng had money, not only did he not have to rely on his elder brother Lin Yue, but the whole family had to rely on him.

Therefore, Liu Juan not only had no conflicts with Xiulan, but also took the initiative to build a good relationship with Lin Heng.

Even the elder brother Lin Yue had a lot of say in the family because of his younger brother Lin Heng.

And Lin Heng, needless to say, if it was before, his uncle came to borrow money, Lin's father would have made his own decision.

Now, the whole family is waiting for Lin Heng to come home and listen to his advice.

"Sister Xiulan, this is my teacher Tian Yan, and also the girlfriend of Brother Lin Hai." Caiyun pulled Tian Yan into the house and said with a smile.

"Hello, Xiulan, is there anything I can help you with?" Tian Yan said with a slight smile.

Although they are in the same village, she and Xiulan don't have many opportunities to get close to each other. The last time Lin Heng took Xiulan to her house for dinner was the most recent time.

Xiulan looks much more beautiful now than she did then. Her hair is tied into a high ponytail, with a beautiful gauze head flower, a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and her eyes are calm, as if she is in a deep conversation.

"Hello, you can help skewer the meat." Xiulan smiled.

"Okay." Tian Yan and Caiyun came over, and the four of them quickly started chatting.

During the chat, Tian Yan soon discovered the difference between Xiulan and other rural women.

Although she is not well educated, she is different from most rural women she has seen.

She is less talkative, has no desire to compare, and doesn't say bad things about others. These few items alone are better than most rural women.

Moreover, talking to Xiulan without someone coming would make people feel comfortable. She seemed to be able to take care of other people's emotions.

She understood a little bit. This kind of woman really has the ability to change Lin Heng.

Outside the house, Lin Heng and his friends had already started the fire. There were two stoves made of loess, one for barbecue and the other for cooking.

"What should we grill first?" Li Shiwei asked.

"Let's grill the fish first. This is the most difficult to grill, and it has been marinated last night, so you can grill it directly." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

"Then I'll go in and get the fish." Lin Hai went in and got the fish directly.

Take out the grilled fish, put it on the grilled fish splint made of iron wire, brush it with oil and start grilling.

"This ten-pound grass carp will probably take an hour to grill. I might as well take your waterwheel to the waterside to grill the chicken." Lin Yue looked at the fish and said.

"That's fine." Lin Heng nodded.

"Then the two of us will move the long table in the house out so that we can eat later." Li Shiwei took Lin Hai into the house.

After a while, the aroma of grilled fish filled the air, but it was still early. The surface of the fish had to be grilled crispy to allow a lot of water to evaporate.

"We have all the skewers on, fifty skewers of beef and pork, and fifty skewers of vegetables. Can we finish them?"

Xiulan, Tian Yan and others prepared the dishes and brought them out and asked.

"It will definitely be no problem. You underestimate the fighting power of so many people." Lin Hai said affirmatively.

"Then let's grill it." Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said.

"You can put it there, I'll grill it." Lin Heng said.

"There is extra charcoal, get some out and grill it yourself." Xiulan shook her head and said.

"Yes, it's fun for everyone to grill it themselves." Caiyun also said.

"That's fine." Lin Heng nodded. He was mainly worried that they would not be able to grill it well by themselves. Grilling also requires skills.

"Then I'll build a grill." Lin Hai was very attentive.

A temporary grill was built next to it with stones, and the charcoal was ignited. Everyone took the skewers and grilled them themselves.

Lin Heng also took some beef skewers and placed them next to the grilled fish. His grilled fish was almost ready.

Another half an hour later, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said, "The grilled fish is ready. Bring the plate."

"Okay." Xiulan nodded, went into the house and took out a paulownia plate.

This is a fish plate that Lin Heng used to dig out of the paulownia tree.

The grass carp was sprinkled with barbecue ingredients and placed on the long table, along with a dozen skewers of beef that Lin Heng had just grilled.

On the other side, the eldest brother Lin Yue also brought over the honey grilled chicken, which was bright red and very tempting.

Lin Wei and other children had already gathered nearby, swallowing their saliva and stretching their necks to watch.

"Sit down, let's eat." Lin Heng said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Wei and Lin Tao were the first to rush to sit at the table, and they stood up again when they were seen by their mother Liu Juan.

"It's okay, sit anywhere."

Lin Heng said with a smile, and sat down with Xiulan and his daughter first.

"Everyone, please sit down." Lin Yue also said. Everyone was young, so there was no need to be polite or follow so many rules.

The wine on the table today was brought by Lin Hai from home. It was yellow wine made from glutinous rice. The children drank the freshly made glutinous rice sweet wine.

Xiaoxia and Lin Yong drank pure sugar water.

"Have a drink." Everyone raised their glasses and drank a sip of yellow wine, then started eating barbecue.

"This grilled fish is really good." Li Shiwei praised after taking a bite.

"Yes, it's very tasty, especially the fish skin." Lin Hai also affirmed, and even took a piece for Tian Yan.

The table was full of joy, drinking and chatting.

Lin Heng didn't say much, listening to everyone chatting, he drank a sip of the sweet wine in Xiulan's bowl and exclaimed that it was addictive, better than rice wine.

Xiulan rolled her eyes at him, handed her a skewer of roast beef, and motioned him to eat his own.

Lin Heng smiled, ate the meat and looked at the scenery in the distance. A gust of wind came, and the maple leaves in the forest fell down rustling, and the scenery became more beautiful.

Now he and Xiulan are in a mood to appreciate it, because they already have the confidence and capital.

And most rural people, like Lin Heng in his previous life, were blocked by this ruthless mountain for decades.

Many rural people have never been to the city in their lives, and many people have never seen a computer in 10 years.

It took half a lifetime to climb out of this mountain valley to reach the starting point where people in big cities were born.

So most rural people don't care about the scenery because their stomachs are still growling.

Lin Heng recalled the past and felt that the wind was so quiet. The voices of the crowd seemed to be separated by a layer of mist and could not be heard clearly.

"It seems that the meat roasted by the second brother is more fragrant. Why is that?" Caiyun asked curiously.

"Yes, I also found that the meat we roasted is not as delicious as Lin Heng's." Li Shiwei also said.

Everyone nodded and looked at Lin Heng. The same roasted meat tasted much better than others.

Xiulan touched Lin Heng, making him feel like he was back in front of him, and his voice suddenly became enthusiastic.

"Haha, you can't keep turning the roasted meat. You have to roast it to lock in moisture, otherwise it will be a bit dry."

Lin Heng said with a smile, picked up the rice wine and drank it all, thinking that everything will change in this life.

Everything has changed, and the future will continue to move in a good direction.

"So that's how it is." Everyone understood.

After taking another sip of wine, Lin Heng turned around and put the other skewers on the stove to grill.

While grilling, he ate beef skewers.

They were talking and laughing, and their voices could be heard far away in the forest.

There were people passing by with cattle and sheep in the forest on the mountain, and some people went up the mountain to hunt.

Most of them were far away, and they left in a hurry after taking a quick look. They swallowed their saliva and shook their heads and sighed as they smelled the barbecue aroma that spread far in the air.

Who wouldn't envy the ten thousand yuan households in the village, but after envy, they still have to face life.

Not everyone can be like Lin Heng, eating fish and meat every day.

"Dad, it's Lin Heng and his friends. They are grilling meat. I want to eat it too."

The little girl Li Shixia said as she looked at the wooden house in the distance. They went to the mountain to look for Hericium erinaceus this time, but the harvest was not great.

Li Baigen glanced at his daughter and shook his head, saying, "Let's go back and ask your mother to cut some bacon for us to eat."

He was a little hesitant, wondering if he should pretend to get in by mistake and say hello, so that he would definitely be dragged to eat meat.

But after thinking about it, his dignity still didn't let him do so. His family was at least a thousand-yuan household, and they could afford to eat meat every five days.

"Dad, I heard that they caught hundreds of kilograms of fish yesterday. Why did this man get so much when he went out?"

Li Baigen's second son Li Shixing didn't understand.

The Lin family caught hundreds of kilograms of fish yesterday, and many people in the village knew about it.

"I don't know, let's go home." Li Baigen shook his head. He was also very confused. Even the fishing nets were not so powerful.

With doubts and envy, several people quietly left here.

On the other side, the barbecue party was still going on.

The children ran to the nearby forest to play wild after eating and drinking. Lin Heng and others were still sitting at the table chatting, among which Lin Hai was the most enthusiastic.

The fact that he could be with Tian Yan really shocked everyone, especially Li Shiwei and Lin Yue, who had never thought that Lin Hai would be related to Tian Yan.

Only Xiulan knew that the initiator of all this was Lin Heng. She looked at Lin Heng, and Lin Heng also looked at her.

"Here you go. You can't finish it." Xiulan handed the remaining half of the barbecue to Lin Heng.

Lin Heng nodded: "Then I'll help you solve it with reluctance."

Xiulan blinked and poured some of her sweet wine for Lin Heng. She wanted him to drink what she left for no reason.

Lin Heng took it all. What was the leftovers? He ate his wife's saliva every day, and even ate more outrageous things.

After eating, Lin Heng smiled and said, "Come on, let's play another game."

He just led everyone to play the simplest guessing game, and now he is going to play other games. The loser can choose to drink some wine, eat something, or drink water.

They don't care so much here, the main thing is to have fun.

"What game is this?" Caiyun had been drinking sugar water mixed with a little bit of sweet wine. Everyone was tipsy, but she was still sober.

Tian Yan and others also looked over curiously. Lin Heng really livened up the atmosphere at the table. Everyone had a lot of fun today.

"This game is called Visiting Three Gardens. Everyone takes turns to be the banker and choose a garden to visit. It can be a zoo, a fruit garden, a furniture garden, etc. Others have to say related items, such as a fruit garden, and the rest have to quickly answer various fruits..."

As soon as Lin Heng said this, everyone understood that the rules were very simple.

"I'll go first!" Caiyun was very interested.

"Which garden do you want to visit?"

"Fruit garden!"


"Red dates."


After two rounds, all the common fruits were mentioned, and Lin Hai got stuck.

"You can't remind me." Everyone looked at Tian Yan.

"I'll drink, I'll drink!" Lin Hai shook his head helplessly.

"There are many more, such as chestnuts." Tian Yan smiled.

Lin Hai slapped his head: "Oh, I just can't think of it, but it doesn't matter, I'll think of a difficult garden..."

However, after a round, he got stuck again and drank a big mouthful of rice wine.

The three gardens were only halfway through, because the rice wine was finished, the meat was finished, and everyone was almost done, so it ended.

After packing up, everyone started playing. Lin Hai drank the most, but he didn't get drunk. The rice wine was not strong, just a little higher than beer.

Everyone sat on the railing and looked at the scenery for a while. Lin Yue and Liu Juan left first. They were going back to make dried persimmons.

"Have you climbed Taibai Mountain?" Tian Yan asked curiously.

"No." Everyone shook their heads.

"It's not easy to climb Taibai Mountain now. You have to go to Taibai Village." Lin Heng said. He was also interested in climbing it, but he wanted to take his wife and children with him.

"We went there in the summer, but it was not easy to climb. The mountain road was too steep." Lin Hai said.

Tian Yan nodded: "We also saw golden monkeys on the mountain and takin running in the forest below the mountain."

"Takin?" Lin Heng asked curiously. This was a new prey he had always wanted to unlock. It was a species unique to the Qinling Mountains and was about the same size as a cow.

This guy was as sturdy as a cow, but with a small head and short tail, like an antelope. In addition, the sound was like a sheep, so it was called takin.

Locals also called it a four-legged beast. The population of this thing is quite large, and he has always wanted to kill one.

"We saw takin on the mountain. More than a dozen of them were crowded in a bush to eat grass." Lin Hai nodded.

"I know, I'll go and look for it next time. Maybe I can kill one." Lin Heng was already hungry and thirsty for hunting such large herbivores.

"Do you want me to lead the way for you?" Lin Hai asked.

Lin Heng shook his head: "No, I'll find it myself."

This thing is everywhere, and it's not in its original place now.

As he spoke, he taught Xiulan to make flowers with maple leaves.

Caiyun suddenly asked: "By the way, second brother, do you know that there are a lot more crystal stones in the Shiban River after the last flood?"

"Crystal stones?" Lin Heng shook his head. He had never heard of this.

Caiyun explained: "There are people from Shimen Village in our school. I saw them showing off with stones in the school. I asked them and they said they picked them up by the river after the flood."

"Is that so? Then take a few cents and buy one tomorrow and let me see it." Lin Heng was really curious.

Caiyun nodded: "Okay."

Everyone chatted for a while, Tian Yan and Lin Hai played on the swing for a while and left. They were very satisfied with today's party.

Only Lin Heng's family, Li Shiwei and Caiyun were left at the scene.

Lin Heng taught his wife to make flowers, which made Li Shiwei eat a mouthful of dog food. He couldn't help but go to the forest.

Caiyun and Xiulan were still watching Lin Heng making flowers with interest.

"Here, I give it to you." After Lin Heng finished making it, he put it on his wife's head.

Xiulan blinked at him and said nothing.

"Second brother, you won't give me one, I'll hold Xiaoxia for you." Caiyun looked at him and said.

"Dad, I want one too!" Xiaoxia pouted and acted like a spoiled child.

Lin Heng smiled: "Okay, okay, one for each of you."

Then he made another one for Caiyun and Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia took it in her hand and played with it for a few seconds before breaking it into a pile of messy leaves, and then looked at Lin Heng innocently with her big eyes.

"Dad, give me another one." She looked at Lin Heng.

Lin Heng shook his head. What else could he do? Of course, he would make a new flower for his daughter.

After playing for a while, Lin Heng took his wife's hand and looked at the watch. It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

The pots, pans, and other utensils were washed before everyone left. Lin Heng looked at his wife and asked, "Do you want to rest here tonight?"

He brought all the sheets and quilts here, all bought at once in the city.

Xiu Lan blinked: "It's up to you, it's all right."

"Then let's go back now and come back to rest in the afternoon." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

The scenery in the backyard of the house is beautiful, but he wants to experience the early morning here.

"Okay." Xiu Lan nodded.

After deciding, the three of them moved the bench into the house, locked the door and walked back.

As for Li Shiwei, he didn't know where he ran off to.

When he returned home, Lin Heng found that there were guests at his parents' house, a middle-aged man and woman, whom he didn't know very well.

While they didn't notice him, Lin Heng quickly pulled his wife over, and Caiyun followed him.

As the news of his making a lot of money spread, relatives who hadn't been in touch with his family for several years, and even some people far away in other towns, reconnected.

"This year's New Year will probably be very annoying, there will definitely be a lot of relatives." Lin Heng said helplessly with his hands spread out.

"You are the culprit, second brother, they all came to see you." Caiyun said with a smile.


Lin Heng sighed, let his parents worry about this matter.

As soon as he returned home, his eldest brother brought him a basket of red but not soft persimmons. Lin Heng didn't want to make persimmon cakes, but now he had to do it.

Making persimmon cakes is also very simple, just peel off part of the persimmon skin, as for the pattern, it doesn't matter, you can have any pattern you like.

Just let most of the flesh be exposed so that it can be dried in the sun.

In more than an hour, several people made several strings of dried persimmons. After drying, they were sweet and delicious. This thing is very popular in the countryside, especially for children.

After making the dried persimmons and feeding the animals at home, the family of three quietly went to Hongfeng Mountain. As for the relatives at home, they would see each other tomorrow morning.

If they went to see them tonight, they would definitely stay for a drink, but Lin Heng didn't want to drink.

After putting the things away, Lin Heng took his wife and daughter to climb the back mountain to watch the sunset and autumn scenery.

After climbing to the top of the mountain, the three found a big rock to sit down. At this time, the sun was about to set, and the sky in the west was dyed blood red. Several wild geese formed a human shape in the sky and flew south.

"This is called the setting sun and the lonely wild geese flying together, and the autumn water and the sky are the same color." Lin Heng sat with his daughter in his arms, and stretched out his hand to hug Xiulan, laughing happily.

"It's really beautiful." Xiulan looked at Lin Heng, then at the scenery, her eyes were like autumn water, full of love.

Xiaoxia also imitated her mother and said: "It's really beautiful~"

Lin Heng looked at his daughter and wife, smiled and said: "Then look well, I will take you to see the sea, desert, snow-capped mountains, and travel around the world in the future!"

In this life, making money has never been his first goal, enjoying life with his family is the most important thing.

"Travel around the world?" Xiulan was a little stunned, what a strange word it was to her.

She didn't think the scenery was so good before, but now it always feels different to watch it with Lin Heng, so she can rely on it for a lifetime.

"Yes, we go all the way to the east and finally come back from the west to prove that the world is round. We have to enjoy the romance of this world. So we have to take good care of ourselves, and when we travel around the world, you will still be young and beautiful, and I will be handsome and charming."

Lin Heng turned his head and looked into her eyes and nodded.

"Okay!" Xiulan nodded and wrote down this sentence.

"Okay~" Xiaoxia also waved her hands, very happy, but she didn't understand what traveling around the world meant.

Xiongba also cheered and had fun.

In the eyes of the three people, the red sun fell to the other side of the mountain little by little. The mountain wind was strong, Xiulan's hair and Lin Heng's clothes were swaying in the wind, and various birds chirped in the forest.

When the red sun finally fell completely, Lin Heng pulled his wife over and kissed her, and then kissed his daughter's cheek, giving a very romantic sunset kiss.

Then, the three of them went down the mountain along the ridge in the autumn wind and sunset.

The yellow and orange fallen leaves also went with them, which made the forest seem to be covered with a carpet, soft and smooth.

Back to the cabin, I took Xiaoxia to play on the swing for a while, and ate fish balls stewed with winter melon in the evening.

Lin Heng propped up the bed board, Xiulan spread the sheets and quilts, the three washed their faces and feet, lit a candle and went to bed to rest.

Xiongba lay on the floor, upside down and played by himself.

It was dark outside, the candlelight flickered in the room, and when Lin Heng told Xiaoxia a story, there was the sound of a nightingale outside, which gave her a different feeling.

"Dad~" Xiaoxia fell asleep while hugging his arm.

Lin Heng put her to sleep beside him, Xiulan blew out the candle and leaned against Lin Heng.

Lin Heng hugged her in his arms, and she hugged his neck in cooperation, and soon the two kissed each other.

"Huh! Rest, dear~"

After a long time, Xiulan couldn't hold her breath and took the initiative to beg for mercy. She reached out and took the big hand off her chest and tidied her underwear.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, and didn't want to do anything more.

In the night, he hugged his wife and fell asleep peacefully with a smile on his lips.

The next morning, Lin Heng was woken up by his wife because it was very high here and he could get the sun early in the morning.

The sunlight outside the window turned into a vertical line and sprinkled in front of the bed. Through the window, you can see the beautiful maple trees in the forest and a touch of scenery on the mountain on the opposite bank.

The two stayed in bed for a while, staring out the window in a daze, and waited for their daughter to wake up before getting dressed.

The sea mist in the forest in the early morning looked very hazy, and the fresh air made people feel comfortable and relaxed, with a feeling of floating in the air.

Practicing Tai Chi in this place seems to really be able to become an immortal.

Go to the mountain stream to get water to wash your face, eat the fish balls left over from last night, and the three of them went down the mountain together. On the way, I picked some military rations (pyracantha fruit) for Xiaoxia to eat. It was sour and sweet, and she liked it very much.

When they got to the foot of the mountain, Xiulan took her daughter and Xiongba back home, and Lin Heng went to the construction site.

There were already quite a few people on the construction site at this time. Seeing him coming, Li Shiwei hurriedly said: "Lin Heng, you are finally here, we have something to find you."

"What's the matter?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

"The things you told us before have been settled." An uncle replied with a smile.

This is not considered late

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