Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 162: The wealth I got for free

"I just found out that there are stones in Shimen Village. Lin Heng, didn't you say you wanted to buy them before?"

The person who spoke was Zhang Zhigang, who had a beard and a smile on his face.

"What kind of stone?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

He had indeed told everyone before that he wanted to buy stones because there was no stone seller in the town and he had to buy them from other places.

He just wanted to spread the news and ask, maybe he could gain something.

Unexpectedly, there would be news in just a few days.

“There are two mountains in Shimen Village that are specialized in producing bluestone. In the past, many of us used to build our houses with slate mined there.

That bluestone is easy to open. I asked, and there are still people opening slate. If you want to buy it, you can talk to the village party secretary of Shimen Village. "Zhang Zhigang said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll find time to ask." Lin Heng nodded.

He knew that stone slabs could be opened in Shimen Village, but it was unknown whether they could meet his requirements.

I didn't go there before because I didn't really believe in this kind of privately produced stone. If you want to buy it, you have to buy it cut by someone else's stone factory.

But since someone said it, it wouldn't hurt for him to go and take a look.

It is said that the scenery of Shimen Village is not bad, you can go in and have a look.

After a pause, Lin Heng continued: "Today's work is still the same, continue to level the ground."

After everyone signed the work book, he assigned the work one by one.

After watching the scene for half an hour, he felt that everything was fine, so he said something to his father and left.

"Leave this here to me. You go back and see Third Aunt and Third Uncle. They have been here for a day, so it would be inappropriate not to see them." Father Lin looked at him and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded,

After returning home, Xiulan was taking Xiaoxia to chat with his third aunt and uncle in the yard of her parents' house. They were having a great time talking.

"Third uncle, third aunt, I was in Hongfeng Mountain yesterday and didn't even know you were here. I'm really sorry. You must go to our house for dinner at noon soon."

Lin Heng also smiled and came over to say hello.

Looking at their faces, he remembered that he had been to their house when he was a child, and he seemed to be a relative on his father's side.

He still remembered that their daughter was very beautiful, and he teased the girl a lot at that time, but that was all six or seven years ago, and he didn't know if she was married now.

"Your mother told you that you are busy, it's nothing." His third uncle said with a smile.

If Lin Heng was like this before, he would definitely be worried, but now he believes from the bottom of his heart that Lin Heng is very busy.

Her third aunt also held Lin Heng's hand and said with a smile: "You were not very tall when you came to my house six years ago, and now you are so tall all of a sudden, and you are married to a beautiful daughter-in-law like Xiulan, that's great."

In recent years, they have also wanted to come to visit relatives, but their son has not allowed it. Now that the Lin family is rich, his son has taken the initiative to let them come to see the situation.

"Haha, thank you Third Aunt for the compliment. You will definitely come to my house for dinner at noon." Lin Heng said with a smile. He could feel Third Aunt's sincerity.

After chatting for a few more words, Lin Heng took the person to his home. After entertaining for a while, he asked his mother to help accompany him.

"Honey, please take care of me while I ride to Shimen Village to have a look."

In the backyard, Lin Heng held his wife's hand and said, it would be unkind to leave such a matter to her alone.

"It's not appropriate for you to come back for lunch when you don't even come to the wine table." Xiulan removed the leaves from his hair and said with a smile.

This was just a normal thing for her, but Lin Heng's words made her feel warm and happy.

"Okay, I promise to come when the time comes."

Lin Heng nodded in agreement, went out to say something to his third uncle and third aunt, then went to the back mountain to ride on the red dates and set off.



As Lin Heng slapped the horse's butt, Hong Zao suddenly neighed and started running wildly on the dirt road.

In the past two days, the sky has been cloudy and sunny. There was still sun in the morning, but now it has disappeared, and it is a little muggy.

While riding a horse, the autumn wind suddenly became cooler, and the scenery on both sides of the road quickly swept behind me.

At the junction of Shimen Village, the road narrowed a lot, only about 11.78 meters.

But for Hongzao, this road can still go crazy.

After walking for about a kilometer, we entered Shimen Village.

The mountains on both sides of Shimen Village are very steep, with slopes of 70 or 80 degrees. There are a lot of cotinus growing there. Walking all the way in, it's like going deep into a peach orchard, with the mountains covered with red cotinus.

This kind of tall and steep mountain looks more majestic, gives people a greater shock, and makes people feel incomparably small.

After walking for about two kilometers, the mountains on both sides suddenly moved away, and the slope became much gentler.

Lin Heng knew that he had arrived at Shimen Village, which was also a small valley basin.

The Shiban River is much smaller here, and there are farmlands along the river.

It seems that because of the last seven days of heavy rain, many farmlands were ruthlessly washed away.

"Come on, I'll take you to drink water."

Lin Heng took the red dates to the river to drink water.

While Hong Zao was drinking water, Lin Heng washed his face and took a walk by the river.

He heard from Caiyun that someone had picked up crystals in the river, and he wanted to try his luck. If he could pick up ultra-high purity crystals, they would be worth a lot of money.

Even if it was an ordinary crystal, it would be good to use as an ornament at home, so he started looking for it seriously by the river.

Don't worry about the red dates. It drank the water and ate grass by the river obediently.

"Hey, this wood is a bit strange."

As he walked, Lin Heng discovered something was wrong.

This is a rotten wood three or four meters long, about 40 centimeters in diameter, but only half of it is rotten.

He felt something was wrong because the texture of this wood was not like ordinary rotten wood.

Taking out the 100-refined steel dagger from his waist, Lin Heng found an inconspicuous place to chop it twice, and his expression gradually became dull.

"Oh my God, this is a dark wood."

He exclaimed in a low voice. Although he couldn't tell what kind of dark wood it was, the dark wood alone was already very valuable.

This surprised him a little. This time the flood not only washed out crystals, but also dark wood.

But it seems that no one noticed this and didn't care about these dark woods.

This is normal. There are rotten woods everywhere in the countryside, and no one cares about this seemingly shabby wood.

And even if they knew it was dark wood, most farmers didn't know how to sell it.

This is great news for Lin Heng. The wood in the river is ownerless. Whoever finds it will own it.

He can pick it up and take it home directly. It's free and this is what makes him most excited.

After taking a look at the red dates, he went upstream again and continued to search.

If there were more, he would have to say hello to the Shimen Village Committee and buy some stones for them to send along.

If there were fewer, he would just take them home himself.

After searching upstream for several hundred meters without finding anything, he went downstream again.

He found three pieces of wood and a large tree root downstream, which surprised him a little: "It seems that these dark woods are all downstream, maybe there are some in the village, I have to go back and look for them."

It is still unknown what kind of tree the dark wood is. Many trees can form dark wood. Common ones include cycads, willows, camphor, red toon, nanmu, as well as red sandalwood, cypress, etc.

Among them, nanmu takes the longest time to form, more than 8,000 years, and is the most expensive, followed by red sandalwood, camphor, and other tree species.

Before he was reborn, these dark woods cost hundreds of dollars per kilogram, and a small dark golden nanmu tree tumor could sell for hundreds of thousands.

But he picked them up for free, any tree can be used, and it is a huge profit.

After taking another look at the wood, he rode his horse into Shimen Village.

When walking there, he always felt that the dark wood was stolen, and he wanted to pull it home impatiently.

Shaking his head, Lin Heng looked at the old man on the side of the road and took a cigarette, and asked with a smile: "Uncle, where is the mountain where the stones are mined in the village?"

"Just keep going up, walk to the left and you will notice it."

The bald old man grinned and looked at the cigarette again and again. Daqianmen cigarettes, this is a good cigarette.

"Thank you." Lin Heng nodded and rode up.

There are much fewer people in Shimen Village than in Hongfeng Village. There are only sixty or seventy households. Most of them live in this small valley, and some live in the mountains farther away.

In addition to the common earth houses, there are also many stone houses built simply with stones, which look very retro.

After passing through the village, the road has completely disappeared, and the road has become a 50-centimeter-wide mountain road. Lin Heng rode his horse for about four or five hundred meters and saw the stone mountain.

From a distance, this is a green stone mountain, and there are two people digging stones on the hillside.

After tying the horse to the side of the road to graze, Lin Heng walked closer to check.

There are many gravels on the side of the road, but they are all very smooth and hard, which is beyond his expectation.

"Uncle, are you digging these stones to build your own house?"

Lin Heng handed a cigarette to the two people digging stones on the mountain and asked with a smile.

"Yes, I am going to build my own house." The older uncle nodded.

"This stone is getting harder and harder to dig. The good ones have to be dug inside, and the outside has been dug away by others." Another shorter uncle lit a cigarette with a match and sighed.

"How do you sell this stone?" Lin Heng asked curiously again.

"We can dig as we please in our village. If you want to buy from other villages, you have to find the village party secretary, whether you dig it yourself or buy ready-made."

"You are from Hongfeng Village, right? Someone came to buy it before. The stone slabs of one meter by one meter are 50 or 60 cents each. If you bring it to your door, you have to pay more."

"I don't think it's worth it. You can find a place in your village to dig some stones."

The two people smoked and talked to each other.

"Thank you." Lin Heng nodded, chatted for a few more words, looked at the stone slabs they had opened, and left.

He looked up along the river and looked for traces of the dark wood, but unfortunately he didn't find it upstream.

On the way back, he saw a stone foundation in the road. It is estimated that these two uncles are also preparing to build a house with stones.

The pure stone house looks like a kind of beauty that does not belong to modern times. It doesn't cost money, and it will take one or two years to build it.

After finding the village party secretary of Shimen Village, Lin Heng told him about this matter.

He meant that Shimen Village would cut the stone slabs for him, and he would come up to pull them.

"How much do you want?" The village party secretary of Shimen Village was a tall, thin middle-aged man named Zhang Lei.

"Three hundred yuan, at least three centimeters thick." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"That's fifty cents a piece, and you have to make it regular after cutting it. It takes half a day to cut one piece. If it's rotten, you may not be able to make one piece in a day." Village party secretary Zhang Lei said.

"This is a bit expensive. I can accept forty cents a piece." Lin Heng shook his head.

Zhang Lei nodded and said, "Actually, this price is fine, but I guess there are fewer people willing to cut stones. Fifty cents a piece, I can get it done for you in a month.

And you can also move other gravel on the mountain as you like. Many of those stones can be used. "

"That's okay." Lin Heng thought for a while and agreed.

The two parties wrote a contract in duplicate and the matter was settled.

"By the way, Uncle Zhang, there are some rotten wood in the river. I think we can move it back?" Lin Heng asked again.

"Don't mention the ones in the river, but the ones on the mountains. As long as they weren't cut down by others, you can move them if you want." Zhang Lei didn't care about rotten wood at all.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, folded the contract and put it in his pocket, then rode away.

He rode his horse all the way and went home first to get a chain saw and a rope.

"Xiulan, where is the thick brown rope?" Lin Heng asked aloud.

"In the fire room, do you want to go up the mountain? It's already ten o'clock, and we're going to have dinner soon." Xiulan came over and asked.

"Well, I'm going to Shimen Village to transport some wood back. If we're lucky, we might make a fortune." Lin Heng found the rope, walked out and said with a smile.

"Get rich?" Xiulan looked confused.

"I'll tell you slowly when luck comes back. I'll leave first." Lin Heng grinned and went out with the rope.

After thinking about it, he went back to the house and made a pot of corn paste and fed some red dates before leaving.

When he arrived at Hongfeng Mountain, he found his father who was working. Lin Heng shouted on the road: "Dad, stop what you are doing. I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Father Lin came over and asked.

"Dad, pull down the wooden cart and tie it to the horse. Let's go pull something." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"What? Why are you still holding the chainsaw?" Father Lin looked curious.

"You'll know when we get there." Lin Heng let it slip.

Father Lin showed a helpless expression: "Okay, just wait a moment."

He turned around to arrange the work, and then pulled the wooden cart onto the road.

After tying up the carriage, Lin Heng took him away with the carriage, speeding towards Shimen Village.

"Can you say anything now?" Father Lin glanced at him.

Lin Heng looked at his father and explained with a smile: "Let's go pick up a few pieces of wood. If we're lucky, we can earn several thousand yuan. If we're not lucky, we can earn several hundred yuan."

"Why is wood so expensive?" Father Lin was stunned and couldn't believe it.

"Yinchenmu, the high water washed out the gloomy wood." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Father Lin was even more confused: "What is dark wood?"

"There is also something called ebony, which is a type of wood that has been buried in the ground for thousands of years and is about to carbonize..." Lin Heng explained.

Very few people in rural areas know about gloomy wood, and have no idea about these things.

The price of gloomy wood in this era was not very high. The ordinary price was four to five hundred yuan per ton, and the price of golden nan wood might be thousands.

But no matter how you say it, this is wealth picked up for nothing.

Father Lin looked shocked: "The rotten wood buried in the ground is so valuable!"

When he arrived at the place, he couldn't believe it when he saw the rotten wood with a gray appearance.

"Come on, Dad, let's see if we can lift it." Lin Heng looked at his father and said.

This wood is four meters long, and the dark wood is very dense and heavy.

"Hey!! It's so heavy." Father Lin was shocked.

The two of them tried their best to lift the wood.

"This is five hundred pounds." Lin Heng said through gritted teeth.

The two of them lifted it for a few steps before putting it down. Father Lin took a deep breath and said, "It can only be cut into two pieces, otherwise it won't be able to be lifted."

"Then let's saw." Lin Heng also shook his head.

The two padded the wood, and Lin Heng started sawing directly.

Unlike ordinary sawing of wood, this dark wood is too hard and extremely difficult to cut. Fortunately, it is not carbonized, otherwise there will be sparks.

Father Lin got some water and spent five or six minutes sawing the wood into two pieces.

When the cross section is poured with water, it shows a fine light yellow texture, which is a little gray, but the texture is very hard.

"It looks like dark camphor wood, and it smells fragrant, but I can't be sure, but the dark wood is right." Lin Heng smelled it and said, as long as it is dark wood, it's fine.

"I didn't expect that this wood looks gray on the outside, but it's quite beautiful on the inside." Father Lin said with some surprise. He somewhat believed that the wood was valuable.

"Come on, hurry up and get in the car. There's still a tree root down there."

Lin Heng said with a smile that the gloomy tree root was his favorite thing. It had many scars on it and the beads used to make the tea tray were all top quality.

If the internal texture is good, it is even more valuable.

After carrying the two pieces of wood onto the carriage and driving down for a while, Lin Heng took his father to the location of the second gloomy wood.

These three gloomy logs are two meters, five meters, and six meters in length respectively. Their diameters are more than thirty centimeters, but they have many cracks.

None of the three seemed to be complete pieces of wood, but rather like parts of a particularly large piece of wood that had been cracked and had a burnt black appearance.

The two used a chain saw to cut it into a length of more than two meters.

The three sawn logs are the same as the gloomy wood above, with a grayish-yellow color inside.

"How did you find out?" Father Lin asked while moving the wood.

Lin Heng's ability is so great. He went to see a slate, got such a lot of good wood, and made hundreds of dollars.

It feels like it’s too easy for him to make money.

"I have to thank Caiyun for this. It's all the result of knowledge." Lin Heng grinned. Without Caiyun talking about the crystal, he might not have gone to see it specifically.

Again, there is a lot of wealth in the mountains, you just need eyes to discover the wealth.

Just like this gloomy wood, many people can't recognize it. If there are still people who want it in good condition, no one will look at this tattered one.

"Do you know where to sell it?" Father Lin asked again.

"I don't want to sell it yet. When I have the opportunity, I will find someone to carve it or make it into a tea tray or something. It will be more valuable." Lin Heng shook his head. There is no shortage of money for the time being. There is no need to sell these wood. It will increase in value in the future.

After loading the wood into the car, they walked half a kilometer down to the last gloomy wood Lin Heng found.

A big black tree root looked rotten.

"Is this useful?" Lin's father said in surprise. This thing is useless no matter how you look at it.

"This is probably the most valuable." Lin Heng grinned.

Whether this shape is used for carving, tea trays, or beads, it is more valuable than the few pieces of wood just now.

It's normal for his father not to understand. How can rural people imagine that city people pursue these things?

Wenwan, etc., are all played by rich people.

Holding the electric saw, Lin Heng cut open a little to see what color it was inside.

There were many knots at the root of the tree, making it even more difficult to saw. It took a lot of water to manage to saw it open.

"Oh my God, blood red!!!"

The moment he sawed it open, Lin Heng was stunned. The root knot, which looked dark on the outside, was actually a beautiful blood-red color inside.

"This wood is so beautiful!!" Father Lin was also shocked. After cutting out this piece, the texture turned out to be so beautiful.

"I'm so rich!" Lin Heng was so excited that he couldn't close his mouth. He was so rich for nothing.

If you put this tree root in your home, it won't be a problem to get a new apartment in a few years.

"Is this the root of the red toon tree?" Father Lin asked curiously.

Lin Heng nodded: "The only red ones I know of are red sandalwood and red toon trees. We don't have red sandalwood here, so it must be the ancient red toon tree."

"Then take it home quickly to avoid long nights and dreams." Father Lin also became excited.

This small tree root weighed more than 300 kilograms, so the two of them reluctantly carried it onto the road and onto the carriage.

The total weight of the wood in this car weighs more than 2,000 kilograms, and the tires are so compressed that it feels unbearable.

Fortunately, the road back to Hongfeng Village is downhill or flat, with very few uphills, otherwise we would never be able to get back.

After tying up the wood, Lin Heng and his father held on to each other and walked back slowly.

It took more than forty minutes to reach the road in front of the door. When I looked at the time, it was almost noon.

Lin Heng's uncle and aunt were all waiting for them to come back for dinner.

When I saw them bringing back a cart of wood, I curiously asked, "What kind of wood is this?"

"Ebony, it's not worth much. I took it back and wanted to make something. Let's go have a meal." Lin Heng said with a smile, not wanting to expose his wealth.

"We won't talk about it until we move back?" Lin's father asked.

"No, come back after dinner." Lin Heng said with a smile. He was already back, so he didn't worry anymore.

Now this thing has changed from ownerless to owned.

I have it installed in my car, but no one dares to come and touch it.

"That's okay."

After going back to the room and washing her face, Xiulan had already served the dishes.

After the nine dishes were served, his third uncle and third aunt couldn't help but look shocked on their faces.

"This dish is too good." His third uncle said in shock.

I thought that the meal Lin Heng's parents had was sumptuous enough, but now it seems that it was just a small meal.

Lin Heng's nine dishes include all fish, pork, and beef, as well as braised pig offal, and a little fish ball and winter melon soup, with black truffle added.

Just the smell made the two of them salivate and their stomachs growl.

It's good to have one pork meal a month at home. As a result, Lin Heng's house only has five or six meat dishes, as well as braised pork.

For a time, they had a very profound idea of ​​Lin Heng's wealth, and they were envious from the bottom of their hearts.

"You're too polite, just do whatever you want." Aunt Lin Hengsan also said quickly.

"It's nothing special. There is a lot of meat during this period. Uncle and aunt, let's drink and eat."

Lin Heng said something and took the initiative to eat. He was almost starving.

"Yes, you're welcome." Father Lin and Mother Lin also said.


The two agreed with a smile, took a sip of wine and couldn't wait to eat a piece of braised pork liver.

Even if they want to be polite, their bodies are out of control.

The two of them wanted to cry when they ate it in their mouths. It was so delicious, it felt like they were in a dream.

"Thanks to Lin Heng, I haven't eaten braised pork for a long time." His uncle sighed.

"Then eat more, it's enough." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Sorry, it’s too late today. My dad went back to his hometown this morning. It’s already eleven o’clock when I got back. I just finished the manuscript, and I know the plot a few hours longer than you do.

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