Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 163 Digging sweet potatoes, sweet potato powder and fern root powder

After the meal, Lin Heng's uncle and aunt were a little drunk, and they were very happy.

The food at Lin Heng's house was like a dream for them. The food was so delicious that they drank too much wine without paying attention.

After the meal, Lin's mother helped them to the old house to rest.

Lin Heng asked his eldest brother and Li Shiwei and others to help move the wood.

"Brother, did you ask Dad to go out this morning to get these rotten wood?" Lin Yue asked curiously.

Li Shiwei also looked curious: "There are so many rotten woods, why do you have to pull them from Shimen Village."

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Speaking of rotten wood, if you can pick up one section by yourself, I will give you one dollar."

"You said that?" Li Shiwei immediately became energetic.

Lin Heng nodded: "I said that."

"Then I will try it too." Li Baiquan also said with a smile, not for money, but for a bet.

When they got down to the road and saw the cross section of the wood, they were surprised: "This is really not an ordinary wood."

Father Lin also laughed: "Of course, no one can move this one."

After dismantling the rope, Li Shiwei wanted to move the wood down by himself, but found that he couldn't move it at all.

He was shocked: "Damn, this wood is so heavy?"

Lin Heng laughed: "Rookie, you thought this was an ordinary wood. These are things that have been buried underground for thousands of years. The density is not comparable to ordinary wood."

"Is this ebony?" Li Baiquan showed a shocked expression.

"Uncle, you still know ebony." Lin Heng showed a little surprise. The dark wood is also called ebony.

Li Baiquan smiled and said: "I heard that ebony can cure diseases. This thing is also valuable for benches and furniture."

"No more talking, help move it." Lin Heng smiled, walked over and carried the roots of the ancient red toon back with everyone.

He moved all these things directly into the house and put them upstairs. He didn't plan to sell it. He would find a time to make a set of furniture out of the wood.

The red toon tree root was a top-grade product. It could be made into a tea tray or a root carving.

"How much are these woods worth?" After moving them, Lin Heng's uncle asked curiously.

Xiulan, who was holding Xiaoxia, was also curious. What her husband said about making a fortune in the morning was just a few pieces of wood that looked rotten?

Lin Heng glanced at everyone and said with a smile, "Since we are all family, I will tell you that those few pieces of wood can be sold for four or five hundred yuan, and they will become more and more expensive in the future.

And if the root of the tree is also the blood red color when it is cut, it will be worth thousands of yuan without any problem. It will be even more expensive in a few years."

"Four or five hundred, thousands!!"

"Oh my God!"

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. The price was far beyond their imagination. Their eyes were as big as copper bells.

"Really?" Li Shiwei was a little unconvinced.

Lin Heng nodded: "Of course, you can also keep an eye out for it in the future. If you come across it, buy it. I can find a buyer for you."

"I will definitely look for it when I go back." Li Baiquan said immediately.

Li Shiwei even suggested: "Why don't we go to the river dam to look for it now?"


Everyone immediately decided to go to the river to look for it.

"You go, I won't go, it's yours if you find it." Lin Heng smiled.

"Well, don't regret it." Li Shiwei said with a smile.

Anyway, there was nothing to do at noon, so everyone went to the river dam together.

Lin Heng took the red dates to the horse pen and fed them with grass, and went home to help clean the floor.

Then he told his wife that he was going to renovate this house next month, paving bluestone slabs with cement, and plastering the outside of the house.

"With the plaster, it would cost more than 200 yuan, so why not forget it." Xiulan felt a little sorry for the money.

Lin Heng waved his hand and said, "It's nothing to spend money at home. Otherwise, it will be muddy everywhere when it rains, and I will be so annoyed."

He was used to walking on hardened roads everywhere, and it was really hard to stand this kind of yellow mud. When it rained, his feet would be covered with five or six kilograms of yellow mud, and it was so sticky that he couldn't shake it off.

He couldn't make all places hardened, but at least he had to harden his home and yard.

"Then it's up to you." Xiulan blinked and said.

Lin Heng looked at his wife and smiled, "Let's go to the backyard, and you can pick my ears again."

"Okay." Xiulan wiped her hands and went to get the ear pick and paper.

Lin Heng took his daughter to the backyard. It was cloudy today, and it was quite comfortable to stay in the backyard at noon, and there were no mosquitoes to bother.

Xiaoxia arrived in the yard and looked at the fish in the pond curiously. The giant salamander lay in the hole and didn't come out, the carp swam at the bottom of the water, and the black fish in the water attacked some stream groupers from time to time, one by one, fiercely.

Xiongba has enjoyed eating fish these days, rubbing against Xiaoxia. He is now almost as tall as Xiaoxia and is becoming more and more powerful.

However, when Xiaoxia throws a small wooden stick, he will still rush out to pick it up. Even if Xiaoxia pulls his ears, he will not be angry. He knows his position very well.

Xiulan brought the ear pick, and Lin Heng lay horizontally on the bench in the pavilion, put his head on her legs, and closed his eyes comfortably.

"You are not picking your ears, but you really want to sleep with your head on my legs." Xiulan looked at him.

Lin Heng closed his eyes and smiled, rubbing against his wife's legs.

Xiu Lan gently cleaned his ears for a while, let him sleep for half an hour, then woke him up and lay on his legs to rest.

"Sit still and don't move." Xiu Lan glanced at him and squinted her eyes.

Xiao Xia was playing hide-and-seek with Xiong Ba in the backyard, but no matter where she hid, Xiong Ba could find her quickly.

Lin Heng leaned back in the chair, looking at his wife who was taking a nap on his legs, his daughter and wolfhound playing in the yard, and felt extremely comfortable and enjoyable.

At two o'clock, Xiu Lan opened her eyes and climbed up to look at Lin Heng and said, "Go uphill. Go dig up the sweet potatoes in the afternoon so that we can make sweet potato vermicelli in a few days."

"Then I'll help you. Hongfeng Mountain doesn't need me for the time being." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiu Lan glanced at him and said, "It's not that they don't need me, but you're lazy."

Lin Heng grinned, "How can adults' affairs be called laziness? I'm afraid you'll get tired."

"Then let's go. You have to work hard." Xiu Lan smiled and rolled her eyes at him.

"Okay, I'll go to Hongfeng Mountain first." Lin Heng nodded.

Riding on horseback to Hongfeng Mountain, everyone just started working, Lin Heng lit the fire and boiled a pot of water.

Although there was no meal, there was definitely enough tea.

"Li Shiwei, did you get anything?" Lin Heng set up the fire, walked over and asked with a smile.

Li Shiwei shook his head helplessly: "We found a small tree root, and it was your dad who found it. We brought it back and put it next to the cement."

"I'll go and see." Lin Heng was a little surprised that he really found it.

He ran to the cement and saw that it was a tree root with a light gray appearance, and the surface texture looked a bit rough.

He lifted it and it didn't look big, but it weighed more than 100 kilograms. It was undoubtedly a dark wood, but there was no sawing, so there was no way to tell what kind of dark wood it was.

If it was the same beautiful blood red as his red toon dark wood root, it would be worth a lot of money.

"Dad, you are lucky, maybe this one can also be worth a few hundred yuan." Lin Heng walked over and said.

Father Lin grinned: "I found it in the sand. It was buried and only one corner was left. Maybe I can find it again when the water rises in the future."

After chatting for a while, Lin Heng looked at the progress of everyone's work. He estimated that it would take more than ten days to level the remaining two rows of land.

After taking a look, he said something to his father and ran away.

When he came to the sweet potato field at home, his mother and sister-in-law were already digging sweet potatoes. Xiulan was picking sweet potatoes with gloves, and Xiaoxia and several nephews were playing games on the edge of the field.

"Mom, give it to me, I'll do it." Lin Heng walked over and said.

"Okay." Mother Lin nodded, and rarely did she insult Lin Heng.

There is no skill in digging sweet potatoes. Just dig out the sweet potatoes with a hoe at the root of the sweet potatoes. Five or six sweet potatoes were dug out with a hoe, which added up to four or five pounds. The yield is much higher than other crops.

"The yield is not bad. If you want to plant it next year, plant all the inside and outside yellow. I'll go buy it. This sweet potato is not delicious." Lin Heng said with a smile.

There are many kinds of sweet potatoes. The ones they planted have red skin and white inside, and they taste very ordinary.

There are also those with yellow skin and yellow inside, which are called yellow inside and outside. This is the most delicious, and the roasted sweet potatoes taste the most fragrant.

The ones with red skin and red inside are purple sweet potatoes, which they don't have here.

Lin's mother nodded: "I told your father to buy some yellow inside and outside sweet potato seeds two years ago, but he thought it was too expensive and didn't buy it."

"That's okay, I'll buy it next year. The dried sweet potatoes made from these sweet potatoes are not delicious either." Lin Heng nodded and said.

His father saves money in everything he does, and he knows it very well.

"This year's sweet potatoes are good. I estimate that the yield per mu can reach 1,500 kilograms, and we can make a lot of flour." Liu Juan said with a smile.

Their family planted more than five mu of sweet potatoes, and it is estimated that they can harvest 8,000 kilograms of sweet potatoes. After making flour, there will be a lot of sweet potatoes to feed pigs.

Compared with sweet potatoes, the yield of wheat and rice is much lower. Lin Heng also dug vigorously, and the harvest made people happy.

Lin's mother and her friends have been digging sweet potatoes recently, and the two acres here are the last. In one afternoon, the four of them dug more than half an acre of sweet potatoes weighing 800 kilograms.

At six o'clock, the work on Hongfeng Mountain stopped, and Lin's father and his friends came to help carry the sweet potatoes.

The old house, where Lin Heng and Xiulan used to have their bedrooms, is now full of sweet potatoes. The joy of the harvest makes everyone smile from ear to ear.

"But when I think that so many sweet potatoes are not as good as the few rotten woods you picked up, Lin Heng, I really don't want to talk." Lin Yue shook his head and laughed.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "Brother, those woods of mine have also been underground for thousands of years, and they are not ordinary woods. But growing crops really doesn't make much money."

Lin's father shook his head and sighed, "Lin Heng, I'll move the gloomy wood tree I picked back with you later."

"Okay." Lin Heng didn't refuse, and he would just sell it when the time comes to give money to his father.

In the evening, the eldest brother Lin Yue called his third uncle and aunt to have a meal, and Lin Heng and others naturally followed.

The next morning, the two said goodbye and left. Father Lin and others gave them some meat and dried fish to take back.

The two were still very happy here. When they left, they held the hands of Lin Heng and others and repeatedly told them to come over and play when they had time.

After they left, Father Lin shook his head and said, "Hey, it's not easy for them either. Their son and daughter-in-law are not filial."

"Go back." Lin Heng smiled. Ninety percent of the people in this world have a hard time.

He only wants to lead his family to rise, and others are not in the mood to help for the time being.

The sun was very bright today. Father Lin and his friends continued to help at Hongfeng Mountain, while Lin Heng went to dig sweet potatoes with Xiulan and her friends.

After digging for a day, there was still half an acre left to dig. On November 3, they dug for another morning.

In the afternoon, Mother Lin and her friends began to wash the sweet potatoes and prepare to make sweet potato powder.

Pour the sweet potatoes into a large wooden basin, fill it with water, and use bamboo roots to pound them vigorously. The small raised roots on the bamboo roots can pound away the mud and sand very well, and the sweet potatoes will only be damaged on the surface at most.

After pounding once, check the sweet potatoes and pound them again with a new wooden basin, which will generally be completely clean.

After washing the sweet potatoes, they are ground by hand, using the same grinding plate as for grinding konjac.

This type of grinding plate is generally made of small holes nailed on the iron plate with iron nails. The protruding sweet potatoes on the small holes can be ground into powder by grinding the rough side.

After the sweet potatoes were washed, Xiulan and her friends began to grind them slowly. After grinding them into sweet potato puree, they added water to wash the slurry, and then filtered it with a cloth bag to obtain a slurry containing sweet potato starch. After precipitation, they obtained sweet potato powder.

However, in order to ensure the purity of the sweet potato powder, the sweet potato powder is usually dissolved in water and washed twice, and then precipitated to obtain sweet potato refined powder.

Because there is no machine, it is too troublesome to transport thousands of kilograms of sweet potatoes to the town, so they do it themselves here.

Generally, it takes nearly a month to grind thousands of kilograms of sweet potatoes. One hundred kilograms of sweet potatoes can get ten to fifteen kilograms of sweet potato starch.

The remaining sweet potato residue is cooked and fed to pigs, and the pigs at home are fattened before the New Year.

Lin Heng had no choice. There was no electricity in the village, so he couldn't buy a machine, so he could only do it slowly, and every household did the same.

But fortunately, it was not particularly tiring, and it was good to take it slowly.

"Xiu Lan, I want to dig some fern root powder to make some fern root powder to eat." Lin Heng looked at his wife and said.

Cold bracken root vermicelli is one of his favorite delicacies, and the taste is simply too good.

Xiulan nodded and said, "Sure, go dig it, and then make vermicelli together."

There is basically no farm work during this period. Wheat and rapeseed have been planted. All that can be done are some odd jobs, and the family members also have free time to make various foods.

"Okay, then I will go dig it in the next two days. There are bracken roots over Hongfeng Mountain." Lin Heng nodded.

The next morning, when he went to Hongfeng Mountain to work, Lin Heng took a hoe to dig bracken roots.

Life is moving forward steadily. The weather is cloudy and sunny for several days without rain. The dried fish at home has been almost dried.

The sausages are also dried. Xiulan fried some for Lin Heng to eat. This kind of dried sausage is full of meat flavor and chewy. The more you chew, the more fragrant it is, and people can't stop.

As time goes by, the autumn wind becomes more and more bleak, and the leaves become more and more yellow. Finally, they can't bear it and fall one after another. Even the sturdy cotinus and red maple are not immune.

The ginkgo in the center of the village also fell completely in the raging cold wind overnight, and the nearby thousands of square meters were covered with a golden color.

It was like a golden carpet, which attracted many children to pick it up and scatter it everywhere. Lin Heng also picked up some and made a ginkgo bouquet and gave it to Xiulan. The flowers made of golden ginkgo were deeply loved by her. After drying, they were placed in front of the bedroom window.

At noon on November 11, Lin Heng returned home with a basket of fern roots. He estimated that he had dug two or three hundred kilograms of fern roots in the past ten days.

"Wife, how much flour can be made from this?" Lin Heng pointed to the pile of fern roots in the house and asked. He and his wife lived a comfortable and warm life.

"This thing is not as good as sweet potatoes. I estimate that fifteen or sixteen kilograms can produce one kilogram of flour." Xiulan thought for a while and said.

"Then I have about three hundred kilograms of fern roots, which can produce twenty kilograms of flour. I won't dig it. This is enough." Lin Heng gave up. More than twenty kilograms is enough.

Xiulan blinked and smiled and said, "Then let's not do it. Wash your hands and eat. I made fried bacon with Chinese toon in the morning. Let's eat all the last bit of Chinese toon."

"Okay, I said it smelled so good. It turned out to be fried bacon with Chinese toon." Lin Heng immediately became interested. He washed his hands and scooped up the rice.

Fried bacon with Chinese toon is also one of the impeccable dishes that go well with rice. It smells so good when eaten with rice.

The family of three was eating happily, and suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Lin Heng stood up curiously and walked out with the rice bowl.

My headache got better in the afternoon, but I still rushed out a chapter. Everyone should pay attention to their health recently. There are many infectious diseases during this period.

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