Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 167: Unexpected Surprise and White Rabbit Milk Candy with Coconut Milk Flavor

"what is this?"

Lin Yue asked in a very low voice.

There were two huge red toon trees in the direction of Lin Heng's finger. The moonlight fell from the other side of the red toon trees, causing the shadow of the red toon trees to cover the trees below.

And just on the branch in the shadow of the red toon tree, a black shadow was entrenched there.

They didn't turn on the flashlight, but they could feel that the guy was already watching them. Definitely discovered them early.

"I can't see clearly, and I don't know."

Lin Heng shook his head, placed the bow bag on the ground, opened it and took out the compound bow and hunting arrows.

The two sides were about seventy meters apart, and the black figure on the tree had no intention of escaping.

Lin Heng was about to take aim with his bow when the black shadow suddenly jumped down from the tree, which made him look helpless. This thing was too vigilant.


Suddenly, Lin Heng let out another cry of surprise. It turned out that the black shadow was not falling from a tree.

It went down to a branch near the red toon tree and jumped to the red toon tree next door. Then he ran around twice and climbed directly to the top of the red toon tree.

Does it think that red toon trees are taller and therefore safer?

Lin Heng couldn't help but smile in his heart.

I thought there was no hope, but I didn’t expect it to be even better.

The trees are taller and there are fewer obstacles. An ordinary bow and arrow may still be difficult, but he has a modern compound bow. A tree more than ten meters high is not a problem.

Moreover, Xiongba has quietly touched the foot of the tree, and now this guy is riding a tiger, unable to get off.

Lin Heng took the bow and arrow and changed the direction, avoiding the branches and branches, and aimed again.

The red toon tree at this season has no leaves, and this black shadow can be clearly seen on the light green trunk.

Now about fifty meters away, Lin Heng waited for the mountain wind to subside and then shot out an arrow.

With a hiss, the hunting arrow made a perfect arc in the air, and then passed under the black shadow.

Lin Heng let out a cry of surprise: "Hey, it seems the wind at this high altitude is a little stronger than I expected."

"It's okay, you try again, it didn't run away." Lin Yue comforted.


Lin Heng nodded. The autumn wind in the sky at night was stronger than he expected.

But fortunately, the black shadow only climbed a little higher, and he could try again.

Lin Heng took aim again, and this time he drew a full bow.

Based on the experience last time, this time the hunting arrow drew a beautiful arc in the night sky and plunged into the black shadow's body with a plop.

Almost at the moment of the hit, the black shadow fell from the top of the tree more than ten meters high, making a muffled sound.


Lin Heng pulled his eldest brother and said something, ignoring the motionless golden rooster on the tree behind him, and ran towards the red ton tree.

The ground was a little soft and the two men's Jiefang shoes sank in and became completely wet.

However, this did not dampen the excitement of the two people.

"What do you think it is? White rice, wild cat, or leopard?" Lin Yue asked in a very small, but very excited voice.

"I'm not sure. I can't see clearly without a flashlight." Lin Heng shook his head.

"I guess it's a wild cat that climbs trees too fast." Lin Yue whispered.

"I guess so." Lin Heng nodded.

The two trotted over, and soon they arrived under the red toon tree. Xiong Ba was guarding the side. This black shadow was too dead to die.

The two turned on the flashlight and finally saw its true face.

"Holy shit, it's actually a leopard." The two of them exclaimed at the same time.

Lin Heng originally thought it was just a big wild cat, but he didn't expect it to be a leopard. This was so unexpected and surprising.

His arrow penetrated its chest horizontally, and since it fell so high, it made no sound at all.

"This is a clouded leopard. Strictly speaking, it's a cat that looks like a leopard." Lin Heng looked at it and said with a smile.

There are several kinds of leopards in the Qinling Mountains. This is the clouded leopard, which is small in size. The largest one only weighs forty or fifty kilograms, and there are many in number.

Leopards, also known as golden leopards, are very rare. Lin Heng felt that the clouded leopard that was bitten to death in Chestnut Mountain might have been caused by a leopard.

"This one is not too small. This is a male leopard. I estimate it weighs forty pounds." Lin Yue said in surprise, grabbing the leopard and looking at it again and again.

"What a surprise. Who would have thought that when hunting a golden rooster, we would hit a leopard? It's crazy, brother." Lin Yue was completely incoherent.

"This is not a surprise, this is such a fucking surprise!"

It's like your fishing target was melon-seed crucian carp, but a big grass carp came in while fishing, and not only did it come, but it was also caught by you. Suddenly a new prey was unlocked, how could Lin Heng not be excited.

After getting excited, Lin Heng added: "But hunting is like this, it often depends on luck. Brother, your novice aura is too powerful."

Lin Yue grinned: "You are the best."

The two looked at the clouded leopard again, pulled out the arrow, and a large amount of blood gurgled out. The bully quickly ran over to lick the blood, and his main goal was not to waste a drop.

"Should we go back now?" Lin Yue asked, looking at the leopard.

Lin Heng looked at his watch. It was just eleven o'clock and said, "Put the leopard here first. Let's search nearby for a while. Didn't you just see a golden rooster? Try it yourself."

"There are two of them, both on that tree branch. How about we go together, one each?" Lin Yue suggested.

Lin Heng nodded: "Okay, you attack first, and I will take action after you attack."

He wanted to practice his reaction ability, and it didn't matter if he didn't shoot.

The two of them discussed and walked over. The benefits of using bows and arrows were revealed. They killed a clouded leopard here without making too much noise, and they could continue to shoot golden roosters.

As for the hunting arrow that just flew away, they could only wait for a while to find it. It would be easy to scare the golden rooster if they searched with a flashlight.

Lin Heng walked to a distance of ten meters from the golden rooster and stopped. Golden roosters are easy to recognize. Both male and female have long tail feathers, which can be seen from a distance.

Lin Yue continued to move forward and approached a distance of only five or six meters. He calmed down, took the bow and arrow, aimed at the lower one and shot an arrow.

With a bang, the arrow flew away, brushing against the golden rooster's feathers. The two golden roosters were frightened and flew up directly with a click.

One of them had just taken off when it was shot down by a hunting arrow flying in the air and fell to the ground with a snap. The other one flew all the way to the other side of the mountain and disappeared.

"I'm so bad, I can't even shoot accurately." Lin Yue went to pick up the hunting arrow and said frustratedly.

Lin Heng patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "It's normal to be nervous for the first time, just try a few more times."

His elder brother's current archery skills can only try to shoot golden roosters and pheasants at night, and he can get very close. It is impossible for him to succeed in hunting during the day. Bows and arrows require not only talent but also a lot of practice.

"Thanks to you, otherwise these two golden roosters would have run away." Lin Yue sighed. He used to think it was very simple to watch Lin Heng hunting, but he found that it really requires skills after getting started.

He has been practicing for twenty days, and he can't shoot accurately even at five or six meters. And Lin Heng used to use his bow and arrow to shoot wild rabbits and pheasants at thirty or forty meters, which is really terrifying.

"Don't be nervous, you have already harvested today, it doesn't matter if it flies away." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded.

After the discussion, Lin Yue continued to look for golden roosters, while Lin Heng went back to find his hunting arrows.

He searched for a long time with a flashlight before he found that the hunting arrow was stuck in the tree. Fortunately, the white tail feathers were very obvious, otherwise he would not have found it.

After finding the hunting arrow, Lin Heng continued to search in the forest. After searching the mountain here without much gain, he went to a higher position.

"Brother, come here quickly!"

Lin Heng just came over and heard his elder brother calling.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Heng asked curiously.

"I'll come later."

Lin Yue said and walked in front to lead the way. In a few minutes, they came to another small ravine.

This ravine is one of the sources of Shibadanggou. On both sides of the ravine are dense Xiangzi forests, and there are many tall camphor trees and thorny fir trees scattered among them.

These trees are evergreen all year round, and the shadows cover many trees.

"Look, there is a group of bamboo partridges on that branch. What should I do?" Lin Yue said excitedly.

When Lin Heng came over, he had already seen that there were at least more than ten bamboo partridges resting on the tree next to the thorny fir tree.

This thing is much smaller than a golden rooster, but there are many in each group.

Golden roosters are no longer in groups now, at most three or four, because they are afraid of being beaten.

And when encountering bamboo partridges, hunting rifles are the most useful, but unfortunately they don't have them.

"There is no other way. Brother, you can try to touch them. Maybe after being frightened, they will not fly far away. It will be easier to fight them if they are scattered." Lin Heng looked at him and said.

Lin Yue nodded: "That's the only way."

He wiped the sweat from his palms and touched them with a bow and arrow. He failed last time, so this time he decided to go directly under the tree. As close as possible, it is best to get close to the face.

However, this time he seemed to get too close. As soon as he got under the tree, three or four bamboo partridges flew out.

Lin Heng saw that they were on two other trees not far away, and his eyebrows were immediately overjoyed. He put on the bow and shot down two bamboo partridges with two arrows.

At the same time, he also heard a whoosh, turned his head and saw a bamboo partridge fall to the ground, and a group of frightened bamboo partridges scattered.

Some of these bamboo partridges flew far away, and some landed on nearby trees.

"I succeeded." Lin Yue came out with a bamboo partridge, smiling.

"Okay, leave the rest to me." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He took the bow and arrow and shot four more in a row. The largest of these things was only six taels, and the smallest was three or four taels. The number looked large, but in fact it was not much.

So far, they had harvested a total of seven bamboo partridges, a golden pheasant, a egret, and a clouded leopard that night.

In addition to the unexpected clouded leopard, the harvest was not bad.

This is almost normal in autumn and winter, which is the hunting season.

Of course, if it weren't for the bow and arrow, the other things might have been scared away when the egret was shot.

"Keep looking."

Both of them were in high spirits, even though it was already twelve o'clock.

Men's love for hunting is engraved in their bones, and they will continue after they have caught it.

After searching the three source valleys, there was nothing to be gained. Lin Heng also went to the water pool to look, and there were only some stream groupers, and they were not big.

Seeing that it was already past one o'clock, Lin Heng said, "Let's go home."

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded.

The two brothers walked back, put all the prey into the backpack, and took turns carrying them back.

Back to Hongfeng Mountain, the two got off the road and walked back along the main road.

"Look, there is a flashlight on the mountain." Lin Yue pointed to the mountain and said.

"I don't know who it is." Lin Heng said curiously, he also saw it.

The two should have gone in another direction. They heard gunshots over there at dusk.

The two people obviously noticed them and came down quickly.

"It's Lin Heng, right? You didn't call me when you were hunting." Not long after, a rough voice came.

When Lin Heng heard that it was Old Man Tian, ​​he immediately laughed and said: "Old Man Tian, ​​I'm taking my brother to have fun. It's inappropriate to call you a master."

"Wait for me, come down and talk." Old Man Tian shouted.

Walking with him was a hunter from the village named Wang Qiang. He was in his forties, with a Chinese character and a mustache.

Wang Qiang looked at Tian Baishun and whispered: "I guess they are afraid of missing. Hunting with bows and arrows is unreliable. It doesn't look like hunting with a novice."

He had always thought that hunting with bows and arrows was just a joke, and that you needed a shotgun to be powerful.

Tian Baishun glanced at him, shook his head and said, "You look down on bows and arrows. The compound bow in Lin Heng's hand is more powerful than your shotgun.

And don’t underestimate that kid’s ability, he’s very powerful, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to make a fortune. "

Wang Qiang didn't take it seriously and smiled arrogantly: "A bow and arrow are more powerful than my shotgun? I don't believe it."

"Well, you'll know when I meet you." Old Man Tian shook his head. This man is too proud. He has a shotgun but he despises others who play with bows and arrows and set traps.

After a while, the two walked down.

"We each shot three golden roosters. How was your harvest?" Wang Qiang asked first, shining the flashlight on Lin Heng's face.

Lin Heng frowned and felt uncomfortable, and said, "It's okay."

He had met this person before, but had no interaction with him.

"What did you hit?" Wang Qiang felt like he didn't hit him, otherwise he wouldn't have said that.

He turned to look at Tian Baishun, with a sense of showing off, feeling that he was right.

"Nothing, just two golden roosters." Lin Heng said casually.

"Two golden roosters?" Wang Qiang was stunned, a little unbelievable. He only managed to shoot three with his gun, and Lin Heng could also shoot two.

He quickly walked up to Lin Heng and the two of them, and said with a smile: "Let me see how big the golden rooster you shot is."

He took a flashlight and took a photo, and was stunned in place. He saw not only a lot of birds in the basket, but also a leopard lying at the bottom.

"Did you beat them or pick them up?"

He blurted out these words because he had never thought that a bow and arrow could hit so many things, and subconsciously thought it was a mistake.

But Lin Heng and Lin Yue immediately felt bad, especially Lin Heng, who was very angry just after the flashlight shone in his eyes.

"This has nothing to do with you, Xiongba, let's go."

Lin Heng said something and left quickly with his eldest brother.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Wang Qiang was so anxious that he wanted to stop him, but he didn't dare when he saw the big dog.

"You don't know how to talk. Have you ever seen anyone who can pick up a leopard?" Tian Baishun shook his head. Wang Qiang was an honest person, even though he was stupid, he was also arrogant.

Wang Qiang argued: "I was wrong, but that is a leopard. It is too false to say that it can be hit with a bow and arrow."

In all his years of hunting, he had only seen a leopard once from a distance, and he had no chance to draw his gun.

When he saw someone hit a leopard with a bow and arrow, he didn't believe anything he said. He now felt that Lin Heng didn't hit the leopard by himself.

"Lin Heng, why are you running so fast? Let me see the leopard you beat." Old Man Tian roared.

"You can watch it if you want, but forget it, Uncle Wang. If he's not in a good mood, don't let him watch it."

Lin Heng smiled and said, I won't let Wang Qiang see it anyway, it's too insulting to this person.

This is worse than seeing a fisherman holding a fishing rod and carrying a fish saying that the fish is bought. It is really disgusting.

Wang Qiang: "..."

He was so anxious in his heart that he really wanted to see the leopard up close.

"Okay, let me see." Tian Baishun walked over with a smile.

Wang Qiang wanted to move forward, but Xiongba stared at him with his teeth bared, as if he would give you a bite if he got close.

"How do you like it? Are you awesome?" Lin Heng put down the backpack and looked at Old Man Tian and said with a smile.

When letting Tian Baishun look, he also blocked Wang Qiang's view.

"You are not only awesome, you are awesome! You don't even call me when you hunt big prey now. Please tell me how you caught it."

Tian Baishun is not very curious about those bamboo chickens and golden chickens. It is normal for Lin Heng to have this ability.

But this clouded leopard made him sore. After hunting for more than ten years, he had never caught such a thing.

Looking up, it was obvious that he was shot to death by Lin Heng's arrow. This young man was too fierce.

"Hahahaha!" Lin Heng couldn't help but laugh, wanting to hear this.

Tian Baishun urged: "Hurry up and tell me how you were beaten. You are really the biological son of the Mountain God."

"I think it's because I'm a newbie. I met it at the top of the red chrysanthemum tree in Shibadang Valley. I shot two arrows at it when it was on the tree," Lin Heng said with a smile.

When he set out today, he didn't even think about hunting clouded leopards or anything like that. It was just a matter of luck that he encountered one.

After hearing this, Tian Baishun was extremely envious: "You are really taking advantage of me. This is a leopard."

"Haha, as long as you have hands." Lin Heng grinned and packed the things.

Tian Baishun's face was distorted by what he said: "You kid scolded me for being incompetent, right?"

"I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going home to find a wife." Lin Heng said again and left with his things on his back.

Tian Baishun felt like he had been stabbed in the heart again.

Damn it, this guy is so capable and has a beautiful and virtuous daughter-in-law. He himself is not bad looking. God is so partial.

"What? Was it really him who shot it?" Seeing Lin Heng running away, Wang Qiang couldn't help asking, and was very dissatisfied with Lin Heng's narrow-mindedness.

"Of course, you don't know how powerful the compound bow he carries is. It can kill a golden chicken at a hundred meters." Old Man Tian nodded.

Looking at Wang Qiang, he was in a good mood again. This guy was even more miserable. He couldn't even see the clouded leopard.

"So powerful!" Wang Qiang widened his eyes.

Tian Baishun glanced at him: "Didn't I tell you before?"

"I thought you were bragging and didn't care." Wang Qiang smiled bitterly, and he was very jealous of the clouded leopard.

Especially when I heard that it was a male, the leopard whip must be very nutritious when used to soak in wine.

"You will understand when you have a chance to see it." Tian Baishun shook his head.

On the other side, Lin Heng had already returned home with his eldest brother, and his parents had already gone to bed.

"Just leave the things at your house. Anyway, I only shot a bamboo partridge." Lin Yue said with a smile. Although he didn't shoot anything, he was really happy tonight.

"Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow morning." Lin Heng did not refuse. It was really late now.

After returning home, Lin Heng took the key to open the door of the front yard and walked into the yard. After a while, the main door of the hall was opened and Xiulan walked out of the house.

"Didn't you say it was just on the side of the road? Why did you run for so long?" Xiulan asked curiously.

"You will know when you see the harvest." Lin Heng grinned and knew that his wife was waiting for him.

He put the backpack on the ground and turned on the flashlight.

When Xiulan saw the things in the backpack, she was stunned for a moment, her eyes widened and her mouth opened wide: "Oh my God! So many things, and there is a leopard?"

"How did you kill a leopard?" She had never heard of anyone killing such a thing. Her husband was too awesome.

"Is it powerful?" Lin Heng laughed.

Xiulan nodded repeatedly, her expression like a little fangirl, her eyes shining: "Awesome, you are so awesome."

Lin Heng was praised and held his head high, very happy: "What a coincidence, I was absent-minded thinking about you at the time, and I saw it by chance on the tree, and then I shot it down."

"Speak nicely, stop talking so much." Xiulan rolled her eyes at him.

"Really." Lin Heng said it again.

Xiulan smiled and said: "It's really awesome, I'll get you shoes and clothes, you pour water and take a bath yourself."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, took a wooden basin and poured water, and took off all his clothes to take a bath.

Xiulan came over with clothes and shoes and said: "At least you should close the door, what if you catch a cold."

Lin Heng waved his hand: "It's not cold tonight."

Xiulan closed the door, took a flashlight to the kitchen and made a bowl of clear soup noodles for Lin Heng.

Lin Heng took a quick bath, Xiulan cooked the meal and Lin Heng had finished bathing for a while.

Although it was clear soup noodles, Xiulan not only added eggs to it, but also two slices of black truffles.

She put it on the table for Lin Heng, and she held her chin with one hand and watched him eat.

"Open your mouth."

Lin Heng tore half of the fried egg and fed it to her. One of them enjoyed the pleasure of feeding, and the other enjoyed the pleasure of being fed.

After eating the fried egg, Xiulan went to rinse her mouth, and Lin Heng ate the noodles with relish, and then brushed his teeth.

The leopard and golden chicken will be processed tomorrow morning. If they are processed now, they will have to be busy all night. In this weather, they will not go bad if they are left overnight.

The two went back to the bedroom together. Lin Heng went to see his daughter first. She was sleeping soundly, with a smile on her little face.

Turning around, he opened the cabinet, found a coconut milk flavored White Rabbit milk candy, opened it and handed it to Xiulan.

"I'm not a child, why are you giving me candy?" Xiulan looked puzzled and helpless.

"No, it's mainly because I want to eat it." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan was stunned, and immediately remembered the scene when Lin Heng gave her candy at noon that day. Her pretty face turned red: "You are so bad."

"Be good, eat it quickly." Lin Heng stuffed the candy to her mouth.

Xiulan looked at him and was forced to eat the candy.

Lin Heng grinned, took off his clothes and got into bed with his wife, eager to taste the coconut milk flavored mouth.


To know what happened next, please see the next chapter. ヾ( @^▽^ @)ノ

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