Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 168 The Leopard Full of Treasures



The watery moonlight shines through the translucent window and falls on the windowsill. The dried flowers made of red maple and ginkgo emit a faint bright luster.

The scattered moonlight makes the whole room slightly bright. In the light blue printed quilt, Lin Heng and Xiulan are tasting the delicious coconut milk flavored White Rabbit Milk Candy together.

"Hmm... Have you tasted enough now!"

Xiulan hugged Lin Heng's neck and said breathlessly. Her voice was charming and the air she exhaled was sweet with the taste of coconut milk.


Lin Heng grinned, shrank his head down, and tasted the real White Rabbit Milk Candy.


More than half an hour later, Xiulan lay soft in Lin Heng's arms, her snow-white skin glowing with a faint red light.

"You bad guy~"

She pinched Lin Heng's flesh and hummed softly: "I'm waiting for you to come home with good intentions, but you still bully me like this."

"I feel sorry for my wife. Look at your skin getting more and more moist and fair." Lin Heng inhaled the fragrance of his wife's hair and said with a smile.


Xiu Lan bit Lin Heng's chest and taught him a lesson.

"Don't, wife."

Lin Heng hugged her and put his face against hers, feeling each other's warmth, and both sides could feel each other's heartbeat.

In the silent night, people can feel more lonely. It is really a great happiness to have such a person who loves you wholeheartedly.

Xiu Lan pressed against Lin Heng, her red lips opened and closed beside his ears: "It's definitely three o'clock now. I have to deal with the prey tomorrow morning. I definitely don't have time to go to the mountain to pick mushrooms."

Although her tone was blaming, it was more of overflowing love.

"It's okay, then we'll go the day after tomorrow." Lin Heng pressed against her, wanting to take good care of her for no reason.

"Of course it can only be like this. Can I beat you up?" Xiulan pouted and pressed against him.

In such late autumn, it was unusually warm and comfortable to be so close to each other, especially when they both loved each other deeply.

They fell asleep in a daze, and when the goddess of night was awakened by the dawn and the moon fairy was driven away by the sun, they were still close to each other.

Whenever he opened his eyes and saw the little face in front of him, Lin Heng felt that the day was beautiful and smoothed her messy hair.

Xiulan opened her eyes and smiled at him, stretched out her hands to hug his neck, blinked and asked in a low voice: "Do you still want to taste the coconut-flavored milk candy?"

Before Lin Heng spoke, she took the initiative to let him taste it, wanting to be with him for no reason.

After several minutes, Lin Heng looked at his wife's rosy and plump lips, and said with lingering feelings: "The coconut-flavored milk candy is really delicious~"

"Okay, I've had enough today, and I'll give you a different flavor next time." Xiulan whispered, and found her underwear that she had lost somewhere and got up.

After washing her face, she sat in front of the mirror and combed her hair, used the skin cream and lipstick that Lin Heng bought for her, and drew her eyebrows.

She didn't dress up every day, but she often used things to protect her skin, and she found that these really made her better.

Lin Heng washed his face and went out to see the clouded leopard. It looked even more ferocious in the morning. It was really a lot of luck that he could catch it last night.

Shaking his head, he called his wife to go to the backyard to exercise together.

After the exercise, the two were just about to cook when the front door of the front yard was knocked: "Lin Heng, open the door quickly."

"I'm coming."

Lin Heng walked over and opened the door. His parents and his eldest brother and sister-in-law were all outside.

Father Lin was standing outside the door and couldn't wait to ask: "Did you kill a leopard?"

"Yes." Lin Heng grinned and took the two into the house.

Father Lin looked at the clouded leopard hanging on the pole with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"It's incredible that such a big leopard was killed." Father Lin shook his head and sighed.

"No one thought of it at the beginning." Lin Yue also sighed, and was even more shocked to see this big guy during the day.

Liu Juan envied Lin Heng more and more, and sighed: "This is luck, it can't be stopped."

"It's just right, let's peel it." Lin Heng said with a smile, he was not so excited now.

Father Lin smiled and nodded: "Okay, an hour should be enough."

It's half past six now, and it should be less than eight o'clock before the peeling is finished.

"You peel it, I'll go to boil chicken soup."

Lin Heng said with a smile, handed his hundred-tempered steel dagger to his father, and handed the leopard skin peeling to them.

He was a little tired, and seeing that his father looked very interested, let him experience it too.

"Leopard meat is a good thing. As the old saying goes, it can heal the wounds and strengthen the five internal organs. I can't get it at ordinary times, so I can get some for your grandmother to nourish her body."

Mother Lin looked at the big clouded leopard and said that this thing is different from ordinary prey and has great medicinal value.

The so-called deadly injury refers to the kind of person who is extremely sick, with a blue face, and a spirit of fatigue that is about to be saved.

The old prescription circulating in the countryside says that leopard meat can cure this disease and heal the wounds.

"Yes, this leopard meat is two or three yuan per catty and there are many people who want to buy it. You don't see this kind of thing at ordinary times." Liu Juan also said enviously. This thing is very tight.

Lin Heng also knew this, but he had never eaten leopard meat, so he didn't know whether it was true or not, but it should be true.

After returning to the house to boil water, Lin Heng watched them peel the leopard skin next to him.

Wait for the water to boil. They peeled half of the leopard, and Lin Heng was about to scoop out the boiling water to make chicken soup, when the gate of the yard was pushed open.

Old Man Tian followed several people from the village and walked in.

"What's the matter?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

"You are peeling the leopard, sell the leopard meat, we are here to buy meat." Tian Baishun said with a smile.

"Lin Heng, you are really amazing, you can even hit this thing, you will make a fortune."

"Your skills are unmatched, I have never seen anyone who can hit a leopard."

"This is a good thing, it can replenish the five internal organs, replenish qi and blood, strengthen the bones and muscles, and treat kidney deficiency and strengthen yang."

The five or six people who followed in were very envious of the clouded leopard that Lin's father and others were peeling. This thing is too precious.

"How are you going to buy it?" Lin Heng asked Tian Baishun.

Tian Baishun smiled and said, "I will buy a pound to replenish it. You can only sell it for three yuan at most."

"I don't really want to sell it, but since you are here, then three yuan a pound." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

"Okay, give me a pound." Tian Baishun didn't hesitate.

"I'll buy a pound, too, to nourish my youngest son."

"I want a pound, too, to feed my old man back home."


Some other people also said that they were very enthusiastic about the leopard meat.

"Okay, I'll weigh it for everyone after I peel it off." Lin Heng nodded.

"Lin Heng, do you sell leopard whips?" someone asked curiously.

The people around him suddenly started to make a noise and made dirty jokes.

"Yes, but the price is different. Do you want to buy it?" Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Haha, forget it, I'm just asking." The man waved his hand immediately. It's not cheap to think about this thing.

Lin Heng scalded all seven bamboo partridges, golden pheasants, and egrets, and Lin's mother and sister-in-law Xiulan came to help pluck the feathers.

The villagers who came to buy leopard meat nearby saw these prey and drooled with envy. Lin Heng's hunting skills are so amazing.

If nothing else, just these bamboo partridges and golden pheasants can prove that who can catch so many in one night.

"Finally it's peeled, let's see how much meat it is."

After Lin Heng and his friends cleaned up all the chicken feathers, Lin's father and eldest brother finally peeled off the leopard skin.

They peeled it very slowly, because they were afraid of scratching the skin, which would greatly reduce the price.

"I'll go get the scale." Lin Heng ran into the house and got the beam scale.

After weighing it with the scale, it still weighed 42 kilograms after peeling the skin.

"It's so heavy." Lin Heng was a little surprised.

Tian Baishun smiled and said, "Of course, what prey is not fat in autumn, your leopard meat can sell for more than 100 yuan, not to mention the leopard skin."

"Not so much, there are also internal organs, and I don't want to sell the rest." Lin Heng shook his head.

There are not many of these things, and they can't be sold for much money, so it's better to keep them for yourself.

"Yes, you are a millionaire, and you don't need this little bit of drizzle." Tian Baishun said sourly, he was so envious.

He watched Lin Heng take off step by step.

Hang the leopard up, cut open its belly, and the internal organs will be exposed.

The whole body of the leopard is a treasure. The leopard heart is said to have the effect of strengthening yang and nourishing the kidney. The leopard gall is even more precious, with good effects of reducing swelling and pain, detoxifying and clearing heat.

Father Lin took these out one by one and put them in a bamboo sieve. There is a lot of lard in the clouded leopard.

After all these, the leopard meat looks not much, the meat is bright red and delicate, and there is almost no fat.

Father Lin separated it, cut six pounds of pure meat and sold it to several people who bought meat.

"If you meet someone, tell them that I won't sell the rest." Lin Heng gave them the meat and reminded them again.

"Okay, don't worry." Tian Baishun said with a smile.

After these people left, Lin Heng asked his father to cut the meat into small pieces.

Bones and so on don't matter. The skeleton is no different from that of a cat, and it's not very good to make a skeletal specimen.

After taking out the internal organs of the bamboo chicken and golden chicken, Lin Heng gave his eldest brother three bamboo chickens and three catties of leopard meat, and his parents five catties of leopard meat.

"Don't refuse, take it back and eat it to replenish your body. I'll keep the meat for my grandmother." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then I'll give you some kudzu root powder and yam when the time comes, don't refuse." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"I never refuse." Lin Heng nodded with a smile.

After his parents and eldest brother and sister-in-law took the meat away, Lin Heng squatted and took the leopard meat into the house and hung it up, and then started to deal with the chicken internal organs. He wanted to make some chicken offal to eat.

Although it is difficult to deal with, it tastes really good. The texture of the chicken gizzards, chicken hearts and chicken intestines is very chewy, and the more you chew, the more fragrant it is.

"Do you want to make rice?" Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and asked.

Lin Heng looked at his wife and nodded with a smile: "Okay, let's fry some leopard meat and try it."

"Okay, then you're going to eat it after you go to Hongfeng Mountain, right?" Xiulan looked at him and said.

"Yes." Lin Heng nodded.

Chicken hearts, livers, and kidneys don't need to be processed, and it's not difficult to process chicken gizzards. Only the chicken intestines need to be cut open with scissors and cleaned. In order not to retain the original flavor, it's best to use cornmeal to wash them.

After finishing, Lin Heng told Xiulan and went to Hongfeng Mountain with his father and eldest brother.

We can't dig the pond today without his guidance.

When they came to Hongfeng Mountain, everyone was there, and a group of people sat together to discuss Lin Heng's killing of the leopard.

"Brother Lin, you are too awesome." Lin Hai admired.

"You have the ability." Lin Heng's third father Lin Xutao also patted him on the shoulder.

"It's good luck. Come to my house for lunch to eat leopard meat." Lin Heng smiled and said a few words to everyone, and then began to arrange the work.

Li Shiwei and his uncle-in-law had not come down yet, but he still dug in a group of eleven people, led by his father, eldest brother and six others.

Six groups, one for each pond. After explaining everything, he led everyone to start working.

"Dad, why don't we call a hundred people? It will take a long time for sixty people to work on so many ponds."

Lin Heng discussed with his father. Now that all the land has been leveled, all the ponds can be started at the same time.

Father Lin shook his head: "One hundred is too many, it's hard to manage. You can call forty more, which will add up to ten groups. I think that's enough."

Lin Heng thought about it and felt that this made sense. He was busy recently and might not have time to manage. It's really not easy to have too many people.

"That's it."

Lin Heng nodded, stayed at the construction site for a while, and then left. He went to Tian Dongfu to talk about this matter and asked him to help find another forty people.

Tian Dongfu naturally agreed to this matter. He just moved his mouth and got a lot of benefits. Why not do it?

When Lin Heng returned home, Xiulan not only prepared the adults' meals, but also minced the leopard meat into minced meat and made a garlic fried pork rice for Xiaoxia. When Lin Heng walked into the house, Xiaoxia was eating with a spoon.

"You scoop some rice for me, I'll serve the dishes." Xiulan said to him.

"Okay." Lin Heng washed his hands and served two bowls of rice.

In the morning, Xiulan not only made leopard meat fried with pickled radish slices, but also made spinach and egg soup, and stir-fried winter melon slices.

Lin Heng took a bite of leopard meat, chewed it for a while before swallowing it, and commented: "It's pretty good. The meat is very delicate and chewy like beef, without the sour taste they said."

"I think it's delicious, too. It's a little more delicate than beef, and there's no fishy smell." Xiulan nodded.

Leopard meat also tastes unique to it, which is different from other animals.

"Well, let's eat more. Lean meat won't make people fat." Lin Heng nodded. This dish goes well with rice.

Stir-fried winter melon is also good, with a sweet taste, Xiaoxia likes it very much.

After dinner, Lin Heng took a rest and went back to bed to catch up on a nap. He was too tired last night and didn't sleep well.

Xiulan took her daughter to continue to help grind sweet potato flour, so she couldn't go to the mountain to pick mushrooms today.

When Lin Heng woke up, it was already one o'clock. He rubbed his eyes and felt energetic and a little warm.

"It seems that this leopard meat is really effective." Lin Heng said to himself.

Go out to dry the leopard whip, prepare to dry it and soak it in wine, and grill the leopard eggs directly.

When he went out to his parents' place, he found that his uncle and Li Shiwei came down and were chatting enthusiastically.

"Lin Heng, you came at the right time. I have something to tell you." Li Baiquan said hurriedly when he saw Lin Heng.

"What's the matter?" Lin Heng showed a hint of curiosity.

Sorry, I'm updating later and later recently. It's almost the New Year and there are many things to do during the day. I always don't have time to write.

I can only write 4,000 words today, but I will definitely make up for it, believe me.

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