Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 169: Musk deer in estrus and wild hog badgers about to hibernate

"I know someone who definitely wants to buy your leopard whip." Li Baiquan said with a smile.

When Lin Heng heard this, he immediately lost interest and said casually: "Who wants to buy it, how much can you give?"

Even if the villagers wanted to buy it, they probably couldn't give much money.

Li Baiquan explained: "It's Zhang Zhigen. That person is not good in that aspect and has no son. He has been looking for folk remedies everywhere. Knowing that you have killed a leopard, he will definitely come to buy it.

Although his family is not rich, it is said that he has a lot of antiques at home. You can ask him to exchange antiques."

Hearing this, Lin Heng was shocked: "Antique?"

If it is really an antique, it can indeed be worth a lot of money, and exchanging is a good deal.

Li Baiquan nodded: "Yes, it is said that Grandpa Zhang Zhigen went to the tomb with someone and got a lot of porcelain antiques. Some were smashed at the time, and some were secretly hidden.

I told you this to remind you not to refuse it outright when the time comes, so as not to miss the good things."

"Okay, I got it." Lin Heng nodded in agreement, but this kind of thing is not uncommon in Qinling Mountains, and there are still many tomb robbers in this era.

This land has experienced too many dynasties, and there are countless tombs.

But Lin Heng was a little curious: "He has antiques, why doesn't he sell them?"

"He can't read, his grandfather died early, and his family doesn't know who to sell them to.

It is said that he sold some a few years ago, but was cheated." Li Baiquan said with his hands spread out.

"Okay." Lin Heng understood that there are indeed many illiterates in this era, and this situation is indeed normal.

Li Shiwei patted Lin Heng on the shoulder and said, "Come on, let me see your leopard skin."

"Okay." Lin Heng took him to see the leopard skin. The skin had been stretched straight on a wooden frame and dried in the sun at noon.

Li Shiwei touched it and said with emotion, "It feels really good. It can be sold for two or three hundred yuan. Leopard skin is very rare."

Lin Heng nodded, "About the same."

But he didn't want to sell it for the time being. This thing is very valuable if he finds a suitable seller.

He plans to tan it and keep it for his own use, or sell it when he is short of money.

Two or three hundred yuan is not much for him now.

After looking at the leopard skin and chatting with Li Shiwei for a while, Lin Heng fed the livestock at home.

He walked to the chicken pen in the back mountain, opened the chicken coop, and let the chickens and ducks out.

After such a long time of caged breeding, now these chickens will go home by themselves at night even if they are released, and they will lay eggs in the cage.

Letting them out is to let them exercise and eat some small insects, so that they will be chewier and more delicious when they are killed.

Also, they can find some food by themselves, so the cost of feeding them will be lower.

In the afternoon, Lin Heng went to Hongfeng Mountain to work for a while, and all the soil from the pond was poured into the mixed woods outside the road.

Lin Heng estimated that after all the soil was poured in, a large flat land could be built there.

Digging the soil was too tiring, so he ran to the side to rest after working for two hours and boiled water for everyone.

He also persuaded his father and eldest brother, but they insisted on helping to dig, thinking that it was too unreasonable for his family members not to do it.

After boiling the teapot, Lin Heng walked around nearby and picked up some jujubes on the ground to eat.

This thing looks strange and has a deformed beauty that does not belong to the earth. There are many seeds on it, but it is still very sweet as long as it is ripe.

Picking the small black seeds, putting the whole one into the mouth to chew, and drinking the sweet juice is also a rare happiness.

He ate two and saw Caiyun coming over with a backpack. She had two ponytails and a smile on her face.

"Is it delicious, second brother?" She asked with a smile.

Today is Saturday. After finishing her homework, she came to help her family pick up jujubes. These things are used to make wine. Every year, they are picked up after they fall naturally.

After this rain, the frost in the morning was very heavy. These jujubes were even sweeter after being frozen.

"It's very sweet, you try it." Lin Heng handed her one.

"It's really sweet, second brother, please help pick it up." Caiyun said with a smile.

Lin Heng nodded, and while helping her pick it up, he asked about her recent situation: "How is school? Is there anything you don't understand?"

The teaching staff of the high school in the town is very poor. There are not many educated people in this era, and even fewer educated youth who can come to the countryside.

Caiyun shook her head: "Except English, I've done well in all other subjects. I ranked second in the grade in the midterm exam, and I'm working hard to improve my English."

Lin Heng smiled and gave a thumbs up: "Great, you're really a good student."

Caiyun was not bad at studying, she had talent in this area and worked hard, so even if the teachers were poor, she could still study very well.

Caiyun smiled brightly: "Second brother, you spent money to support me to study, I must study hard and not let you down."

"Just be happy, I don't have much money, don't be too tired." Lin Heng waved his hand.

He planned to send Caiyun to a good high school to train her well after she graduated from high school. It is essential for a family to have intellectuals.

"I know my second brother." Caiyun said with a smile. It was impossible not to work hard. The more she studied, the more obsessed she became with knowledge.

"By the way, who is the first in your class?" Lin Heng asked with a little curiosity.

"It's Liu Ciwen. He learns English very quickly. I'm a little slower than him, but I'm sure to surpass him at the end of the semester." Caiyun held back her anger and wanted to get the first place at the end of the semester.

"Liu Ciwen is so good, you have to work hard." Lin Heng pretended to be surprised, but he had expected this.

As they chatted, they picked up all the jujubes and piled them together.

Lin Heng went to the construction site to get a backpack to help carry them back. Tian Yan was chatting with Xiulan in the yard of the old house, teasing Xiaoxia from time to time.

She just nodded to Lin Heng, and she was a little happy when she saw Caiyun: "Caiyun, come and play."

Caiyun smiled and said: "Wait until I finish carrying the jujubes, Teacher Tian."

"It's okay, you go and play, I'll carry the rest, you just need to help take care of the children tomorrow." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you, second brother." Caiyun didn't pretend, and after putting down the jujubes, she went to chat with Tian Yan and Xiulan.

Lin Heng took Xiongba out to go to Hongfeng Mountain together. After this guy came out, he rubbed his legs and howled.

Lin Heng threw a wooden stick for him to pick up, and the man and the dog had a lot of fun.

After carrying all the jujubes home, Lin's mother cooked in the evening. While the meal was not ready, Lin Heng took Xiaoxia for a walk in the village to satisfy her curiosity.

"Dad, what is this~" Winter was also new to him, and he looked around with his big eyes.

"This is a ginkgo tree." Lin Heng replied with a smile. Xiaoxia didn't recognize the ginkgo tree with leaves fallen.

She seemed unable to understand the change of seasons.


After walking back home, Lin's mother's meal was ready. There was stir-fried leopard meat and a large table of other dishes. Everyone had a delicious meal.

Li Shiwei sighed: "Hey, don't say, this thing is delicious."

Lin Heng's third father Lin Xutao also smiled and nodded: "Not only is it delicious, but it also has good effects. We all benefited from Lin Heng."

"That's right, let alone leopard meat, we can't even eat pork for a few meals. This year, we really benefited from it." Lin Hai agreed.

If you want to talk about benefiting from it, he is the luckiest one. Lin Heng helped him find a cultured and beautiful object like Tian Yan.

"Everyone, stop praising me. It's really lucky to catch this leopard." Lin Heng smiled and took a sip of wine.

After dinner, Lin Heng took his daughter home. The cold wind was howling at night, and it was still a bit cold wearing a coat.

"Give Xiaoxia a bath tonight." Xiulan said, tightening her clothes. She also drank two glasses of wine tonight. Her cheeks were flushed and she was slightly drunk.

Lin Heng nodded and agreed: "Okay."

After returning home, Lin Heng lit the fire in the fire room, and heated up the small room of six square meters while boiling water to prevent Xiaoxia from catching a cold.

After giving Xiaoxia a bath, Lin Heng also took a bath himself. Xiulan didn't do any work and didn't sweat, so she washed her face and feet.

After coaxing Xiaoxia to sleep, the two of them fell asleep after being together for a while.

The effect of leopard meat seems to be really good. Lin Heng slept until dawn and felt warm all over. Xiulan's hands and feet are prone to coldness, and the effect has also improved after eating this leopard meat.

"Let's go, I'll take you to pick mushrooms today and bring some back for hot pot." Lin Heng looked at the little face in his arms and said with a smile.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and agreed softly.

She got dressed, washed her face and brushed her teeth. The weather in the morning was very cold. Since the last rain, the weather seemed to have completely entered winter. The ground in the yard was covered with white frost, and only the pine, cypress and orchid grass were still green.

Lin Heng and Xiulan exercised for a while, then one went to make breakfast and the other went to feed the animals at home.


Lin Heng took a basin, opened the chicken and duck cages, and called out, and the chickens and ducks at home ran out directly.

The chickens, ducks and cats at home are at least six or seven pounds, and they can be fed with corn, but Lin Heng still insists on feeding them with the feed he prepared himself, mainly to ensure the egg-laying rate of the chickens at home.


In the front yard, the musk deer made a howling sound and hit the railing with its head.

"It looks like it's in heat. I'll see if I can find a companion for you in a few days." Lin Heng threw some grass in and said helplessly.

Musk deer are in heat during this period of time every year, and then they are pregnant for five months and give birth in May or June next year.

The female Musk deer at home has been very quiet, and recently it has started to call, obviously in heat.

But it is so difficult to catch another male Musk deer alive. It is a great luck to get this female Musk deer.

The Musk deer didn't eat well after losing the grass, and ran around in the pen.

Lin Heng shook his head helplessly, and then went to see the hog badger. This hog badger is a male, and now it is 30 kilograms and can be said to be fat and strong.

But as the weather gets colder, its appetite has greatly decreased, and there are signs of hibernation. Normal hog badgers hibernate. Although this animal has the word pig in its name, it is completely different from a pig.

"You'd better not sleep, otherwise I can only kill you in advance." Lin Heng said helplessly.

Hibernation means getting thinner, so they can only be slaughtered and made into bacon.


Lin Heng fed the fodder, and the hog badger snorted and climbed up to eat two bites, paused for a while and ate another bite. It was not known whether it was because it was not tasty or because it felt sleepy.

It had no idea that the human outside had already had the intention to kill it and was ready to teach it a lesson.


Xiongba was having fun beside him, hugging his legs from time to time, or putting Lin Heng's hand in his mouth, in short, trying to attract Lin Heng's attention.

"Silly dog."

Lin Heng rubbed his head and went to open the gate of the yard. He shivered in the cold wind.

But he still went to his parents. It was just seven o'clock now. His parents and others had just gotten up and were washing their faces.

"Mom and Dad, you haven't cooked yet, let's go to my house to eat chicken offal noodles." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Mother Lin shook her head and said, "You guys eat, we'll also prepare some noodles and eat the leftovers from last night."

"Yes, you guys eat." Father Lin shook his head. He knew that there were not many chicken offal, and it would definitely not be enough for five people here.

"Okay, Caiyun, are you coming?" Lin Heng didn't force it.

"Okay, I'll go eat chicken offal noodles." Caiyun smiled and nodded, and went back home with Lin Heng.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, went home and told Xiulan to cook more noodles.

The chicken offal sauce had been fried long ago, and Lin Heng also smashed a garlic chili. When the noodles are cooked, pour the chicken offal whistle, add some garlic chili, and the fragrance will come up immediately.

Lin Heng squatted under the eaves with a big bowl of noodles in his hand, eating noodles while squatting. It seemed to taste better when squatting down.

This noodle was full of sour and spicy flavor, with the aroma and taste of chicken offal, and the addition of garlic and chili really made people want to swallow their tongues into their stomachs.

Caiyun sat on the bench and praised while eating: "It's delicious!"

"Xiu Lan's cooking skills are beyond words, so fragrant." Lin Heng also praised, his body and mind had been conquered by this woman.

He ate two bowls, Xiu Lan and Cai Yun also ate one and a half bowls, the taste of this chicken offal noodles was really extraordinary.

After eating, Lin Heng went to the construction site with his father, elder brother and others. There would be 40 more people on the construction site today, and he had to go to roll call and assign work.

After everyone arrived, he re-mixed the new 40 people with the original 60 people. In addition to his relatives, he promoted four more people to be team leaders, and the team leaders would get more bonuses when they finally settled their wages.

With the combination of the old and the new, he didn't have to explain it bit by bit. He went home after watching here for half an hour.

"I have prepared everything. Shall we set off directly?" Xiulan asked.

Lin Heng took the bow bag and hunting arrow quiver, threw them into the backpack, and nodded, saying, "Let's go."

"Okay." Xiulan nodded, and set off with Lin Heng, and Xiongba followed them happily.

Caiyun studied at his house and took care of Xiaoxia.

The two's target was Baishigou, that area, and the target mushrooms were mainly wild enoki mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, and hericium.

"I don't know what we can harvest today. I guess hericium must have been picked almost."

Xiulan said with some regret that they went up the mountain a little late, and yesterday was the best time.

"It's hard to say, it's impossible that all of them have been picked. Besides, there are other mountain products without hericium." Lin Heng said with a smile.

They took ropes and hoes, and they would definitely not let go of other mountain products if they saw them. Going up the mountain is a matter of luck, and often the goals you have in mind cannot be achieved.

"It can only be like this." Xiulan nodded and walked forward behind Lin Heng.

The two of them had just walked a short distance when they were stopped by someone from a distance: "Wait a minute, I have something to do with you."

Lin Heng looked back and immediately recognized the person. He thought he would not come.

This chapter has 4,000 words, but there will be another chapter in the evening.

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