Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 170 Celadon Antiques? And Mushrooms in Early Winter

This person was none other than Zhang Zhigen, as his uncle Li Baiquan said. This person didn't come yesterday, so Lin Heng thought he wouldn't come.

"What's going on?" Lin Heng stopped and looked at him and asked.

Zhang Zhigen didn't say anything. He walked up to Lin Heng, glanced at Xiulan, pulled Lin Heng aside and asked in a low voice: "Well, I heard that you shot a leopard. Is the leopard whip still there?"

Lin Heng nodded and said: "While it's still there, I only sold a little bit of meat and I didn't want to sell the rest. Mainly, I couldn't sell it for much money."

Zhang Zhigen was overjoyed when he heard this. He looked at Lin Heng and said, "I want to buy your leopard whip. What price is suitable for you?"

Lin Heng glanced at him and said with a smile: "Uncle Zhang, actually I really don't want to sell it. I'm not sure if I can get a second piece of this good stuff. I want to dry it and keep it."

Zhang Zhigen was not stupid, and he quickly understood that as a householder with ten thousand yuan, Lin Heng was not short of money at all, and leopard whips were hard to come by, so it was unrealistic to buy them with money.

He thought for a while and said, "What if I exchange the antiques? I have some old objects left over from the past at home. I wonder if you can appreciate them?"

Hearing this, Lin Heng was not eager to express his position, but looked embarrassed: "That's okay, but I can't be sure whether the old things in your house are genuine or fake."

Zhang Zhigen patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, I can guarantee that at least they are from the Qing Dynasty, and some may be from earlier."

Lin Heng thought for a while: "Let's do this. I'll go to your house tomorrow and talk about it then. Now I'm going to go up the mountain and I really don't have time to do this."

He was not anxious at all, what was anxious was Zhang Zhigen.

In fact, he felt that something like the leopard whip might not be that effective, but he couldn't help but most people believed it.

But of course he wouldn't refuse if he could get a good price.

Zhang Zhigen couldn't wait any longer and said anxiously: "Can't we do it now? People say the fresher the food is, the better. You and I can go look at it now and I can give you some compensation."

"No, I agreed today that I will go hiking with my wife. Tomorrow my sister will go to school and there will be no one to take care of the child." Lin Heng shook his head. He is not particularly interested in antiques.

Zhang Zhigen was anxious and went directly to Xiulan to put in a good word.

Xiulan was helpless and glanced at Lin Heng: "Then go with Uncle Zhang. His home is not far away. You should be able to get back in time."

Lin Heng could only nod, looked at him and said, "Okay, Uncle Zhang, whatever you want to buy, I will take it directly to your house."

Zhang Zhigen thought for a moment and said, "Let's do this. You take the leopard whip, balls and heart with you, and I want them all."

Lin Heng looked at him and said, "That's no problem, but these three things are the essence of leopards, and they are not cheap."

Zhang Zhigen waved his hand: "Then I can use three old things to change my career. It's really unpleasant for you, a young man, to talk."

Lin Heng was not annoyed and said with a smile: "It depends on what kind of old item it is. Different items have different prices."

Zhang Zhigen looked at him and said: "Let's put it this way, I have a lot of old items in my house. You can choose them yourself. It depends on your discernment. I don't know the specific value."

"That's okay." Lin Heng nodded, and the three of them went back to the house to get the leopard whip, eggs, heart, and a piece of leopard meat with bones.

After telling Xiulan something, Lin Heng and Zhang Zhigen went to his house together. His house was halfway up the mountain on the other side of the river. The two of them walked up the mountain for half an hour to get there.

There was a large lotus pond in front of his house, with a ditch on the left. The two of them walked along the edge of the ditch to his house.

Zhang Zhigen's family also has a mud house. Since he is over 40 years old and has no heirs, his family consists of just him, his mother, and his wife.

"Lin Heng, would you like to drink some water before reading?" Zhang Zhigen looked at Lin Heng and asked.

"I'm in a hurry, so I don't need to drink water." Lin Heng shook his head. He wasn't thirsty either.

Zhang Zhigen didn't waste any time, nodded and said, "Okay, follow me upstairs, and I'll show you around."

Lin Heng put down his things, and the two of them went up to his earth building together, and saw his so-called antiques in a room upstairs.

There are quite a lot of things. At first glance, there are thirty or forty items, but I don’t know if these are all.

"All the things are here, pick up three of whatever you like." Zhang Zhigen handed the flashlight to Lin Heng and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng took a flashlight and looked carefully.

Most of them are pottery, which looks really simple. There are only a dozen pieces of porcelain, mostly bowls and plates, and four porcelain vases.

Lin Heng looked at the pottery first and found that there was nothing special about it, so he focused his attention on the porcelain. Most of them are blue and white porcelain plates with bright blue flowers on them, and the styles are also very ordinary.

He picked one up. There was a red seal on the bottom, but he didn't recognize it. There is no way, I have never come across anything like this in my previous life.

But there was a porcelain plate in there that he recognized. The porcelain plate was really light blue in color, and it had dense cracks on it that looked like it was broken.

But it is smooth and soft in the hand, and the color is also pleasing to the eye, as if it is the color of the sky after the rain has cleared.

He had seen a similar introduction in his previous life, saying that this kind of thing was celadon fired from the Ru kiln in the Song Dynasty, and it was said to be very valuable.

But as a layman, he couldn't tell whether this thing was real or fake.

"I'll take this." Lin Heng thought for a while and took it directly.

Anyway, if you can't tell the truth from the fake, then just look at the valuable and beautiful things and take them. If they are real, you will make money, if they are fake, then treat them as a good deed.

"I want the vase and the jar for the remaining two." Lin Heng then took out a long-necked, round-bellied, trumpet-mouthed porcelain vase, and a round, round-bellied porcelain vase.

Both of these have blue patterns on them, which are different from the cyan porcelain plate just now.

"Are you sure you've made your choice?" Zhang Zhigen said with a smile.

Lin Heng nodded: "I don't know the goods either. I always choose whichever one looks good."

"I don't know anyone, and I don't know where to sell it. If you know the channel, I can give you an introduction fee." Zhang Zhigen said with a smile,

After saying that, he grabbed a handful of copper coins from the window sill next to you and gave it to Lin Heng. He said with a smile: "This thing is not valuable. You can take it back and play with it."

"Okay." Lin Heng took it and looked at it. There were four characters written on it: Yongzheng Tongbao. This was a copper coin from the Yongzheng period and it should not be fake, but he didn't know if it was worth anything.

Lin Heng went downstairs and wrapped the porcelain with some bristles. He looked at Zhang Zhigen and said again: "Uncle Zhang, I advise you to go to the hospital for a check-up if you have time."

He still believes in modern medicine more than folk remedies.

"You don't have to worry about it." Zhang Zhigen shook his head.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Lin Heng spread his hands. This was just a suggestion. He had nothing to do if people didn't appreciate it.

The journey home was all downhill, and he ran back home in more than ten minutes.

Xiulan was a little surprised to see him come back so soon: "Come back so soon?"

Lin Heng said with a smile: "Of course, I still want to go to the mountains. It's not even ten o'clock yet, so there's still time."

Caiyun hugged Xiaoxia and said, "Second brother, show me the porcelain you returned."

Lin Heng nodded and took out the porcelain one by one.

Caiyun said in surprise: "These three are all very beautiful. Even if they are fake, it's a big loss."

Xiulan held up the blue floral porcelain plate and said, "This porcelain plate is so beautiful. Why don't you get two more of these?"

Lin Heng spread his hands and smiled: "I think about it too, but this is the only one."

"Okay then." Xiulan said with some pity.

The two put the three porcelain pieces into the cabinet in the bedroom, then coaxed Xiaoxia, picked up their tools and set off with Xiongba.

Xiongba walked in front to clear the way, Xiulan walked in the middle, and Lin Heng walked in the back.

This time there was nothing to delay. The two of them reached the beam and entered the tall oak forest.

"After walking so far, I finally saw one."

Lin Heng saw a cluster of yellow-brown mushrooms on a dry tree stump. Like the tea tree mushrooms, these mushrooms grew out of a growing point, with dozens or twenty mushrooms growing in clusters.

Wild enoki mushrooms are also called winter mushrooms here, and they are one of the mushrooms that can still come out in winter.

The cap of this thing is yellow, with a maximum diameter of no more than seven centimeters, and the average diameter is only three or four centimeters. There is no stipe on the stipe, and there are tiny hairs on it.

The morning frost will have just melted, causing the caps to feel slimy to the touch.

Xiulan looked over: "You are so lucky, I found some fungus."

Lin Heng grinned: "This one is only half a catty. I guess others have already visited this forest."

Wild enoki mushrooms are much more delicious than artificially cultivated ones. The fungus has a richer flavor, has a good taste and will not clog your teeth. It is a very good fungus.

Xiulan also nodded: "Yes, so let's just look along the road and go further."

The two of them took Xiongba to the Tongshu Valley very quickly, and picked up a cluster of oyster mushrooms on the way. These mushrooms also grew in clusters, growing on tree stumps. They were large white clusters that were easy to identify.

Whether it is enoki mushrooms or oyster mushrooms, you can harvest a lot as long as you find them. They are clustered so that each cluster weighs at least half a catty.

On both sides of Tongshugou, the two of them didn't get much. This place supposedly had a lot, but it was obviously already visited.

"We can only go further." Xiulan pouted and said.

When she goes into the mountains, she always puts her hair into a ponytail, hanging down from her shoulders to her chest. She has the charming temperament of the sister next door.

Lin Heng nodded and said: "This is the only way."

The two of them climbed along the pine forest next to them in the direction of Baishigou. The pine needles were so slippery that they would fall down from time to time and had to be beaten with wooden sticks to continue going up.


When they were about to go up the mountain, Xiongba called out from a position thirty meters ahead and to their left.

"what's that?"

The two walked over together with curiosity.

I was stunned when I saw the thing. I thought it was an oyster mushroom or a enoki mushroom, but I didn't expect that there was a piece of morel here.

Xiulan said in surprise: "This is really an unexpected surprise, quite a lot."

Lin Heng also nodded repeatedly. Morels rarely bloomed this season, so it was a surprise to see them.

After picking them all, there were more than 30 morels, weighing almost two kilograms. The fresh morels are even more delicious when you take them home to make mushroom soup hot pot.

"Good dog, I'll give you some meat when I get home." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Woof woof~~"

Xiongba turned around in a circle and hugged Lin Heng's legs, as if to say that you are really a good master.

After crossing the mountain, the two of them didn't search much in the woods, because the places where enoki mushrooms grow are closer to the valleys, so there wasn't much hope on the mountain.

Occasionally, Xiongba would notice something, and the two of them would run over and take it off.

Accelerating all the way, the two of them arrived at the lower reaches of Baishigou at noon. Going up from here is the place where they last hunted yellow muntjac and caught old turtles.

This place is also an old forest. The trees are all big trees with a diameter of 30 cm. There are also many fallen trees in the forest. It is the place where mushrooms are most likely to appear.

Xiulan pointed to a group of elm stumps in front and said: "Look, there are so many enoki mushrooms. No one should have been here before."

Lin Heng was also excited: "This is the nest of enoki mushrooms."

The two hurried over to pick them up. It was so refreshing to pick up a cluster of mushrooms that weighed at least half a pound. After a while, the two of them each picked up more than ten pounds, which was heavy.

Lin Heng couldn't believe how fragrant it would be when cooking hot pot with this stuff when he smelled the tempting aroma of mushrooms.

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said: "Should we take care of our stomachs or continue to look for it?"

"Let's look for it again. I'm not very hungry yet." Lin Heng shook his head.

The two had already discussed that they would go to the left bank when they went up and the right bank when they came back, so that they would not fall behind on both sides.

There seemed to be no oyster mushrooms nearby, and Hericium erinaceus was not seen much. Enoki mushrooms could be seen in a cluster every few meters.

On the way, he also found the feces of wild boars and muntjacs. Although it was not very fresh, it would not be more than a month old.

He brought a bow and arrow today, and naturally had ideas about hunting. He was observing along the way. He did hear the sound of birds, but they were all far away.

The wind in the valley was not small, but fortunately the two had been exercising, so it was not very cold.

After walking up five or six hundred meters, they came to a large bluestone that was slightly sheltered from the wind. Xiulan said: "Let's rest here for a while and eat. I'm hungry."

"Okay, I'm actually hungry too." Lin Heng nodded.

The lunch Xiulan brought was a pie made of leopard meat and pork that was made yesterday. They gathered around a stove and made a fire, and the two baked the pie and ate it.

The baked pie was crispy on the outside, soft and fresh on the inside. It was full of meat filling when you took a bite, and the fragrance could spread far away.

Xiongba watched eagerly from the side, almost drooling.


Lin Heng threw one to it, and Xiongba took it and ate it crazily.

After eating, he looked at Lin Heng eagerly again.

"The last one, work hard in the afternoon." Lin Heng looked at it and gave it another one. He was reluctant to give more.

After eating the pie, Xiulan took out the big water cup, drank a sip, and handed it to Lin Heng.

"Let's take a break before we go." Lin Heng said after drinking a sip of water. Their legs were a little sore from rushing all the way here.


Xiulan nodded and leaned on Lin Heng's shoulder.

The scenery in early winter was not good, but the silent forest made the two of them enjoy it. There was a sense of tranquility and quietness.

After roasting the fire for a while, Lin Heng urinated to put out the fire, and then buried it with soil, and the two continued to set off.

On the way forward, the mushrooms they picked were all enoki mushrooms, but they were not bored because the mushrooms were really delicious.

As she was walking, Xiulan suddenly stopped and looked at the things in front of her with a look of surprise: "Husband, come here quickly, I found something good."

It was really beyond her expectation to find such a thing in this forest.

Please give me a monthly ticket. This chapter is counted as the 14th. I updated 8,000 words and paid back some of the updates I owed. I will also try my best to update 8,000 words on the 15th.

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