Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 171 Mushroom Hot Pot in Winter

Lin Heng came over and took a look, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise. The dead tree that Xiulan pointed at was not growing anything else, but snow-white Tremella.

This thing is extremely rare. Walking in the mountains all year round, there are very few.

"These can be picked to stew Tremella and Lotus Seed Congee twice." Lin Heng said with a smile. Tremella has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, beautifying and nourishing the skin, and is very suitable for women to eat.

Xiulan smiled and nodded, took out a small bag and picked all the Tremella.

Not far away, Lin Heng saw a dry lily stalk at the edge of the forest. Unlike the ones he had encountered before, this stalk was particularly thick, and it was still as thick as a thumb when it was dry.

Lin Heng dug for a while, and the lily in the soil was exposed. It was about the size of his palm, light red on the outside, and pink and white on the inside, like a lotus blooming in the soil.

Xiulan opened her eyes and said, "It's really big. It's probably half a pound."

"I guess it's more than that."

Lin Heng said with a smile, and dug it out completely with a hoe. After shaking off the soil, his big hand could just hold it. The diameter of this lily was nearly 15 centimeters.

Lin Heng handed the lily to Xiulan and said with a smile, "This is completely edible. Go back and process it, dry it and cook porridge with lotus seeds and white fungus."

"Well, this is really big."

Xiulan took a look and put the lily into Lin Heng's backpack. This kind of thing is a pleasant surprise, encountered by chance.

After walking up a distance, there was suddenly no trace of mushrooms, whether it was enoki mushrooms or oyster mushrooms. There was only a tree tongue growing on the dry trunk, and each one was bigger than the other.

This thing is useless, at most it can be used for burning.

But fortunately, the enoki mushrooms they picked up added up to more than 30 pounds, which was a good harvest.

In a blink of an eye, the two came to the valley where they had hunted yellow muntjac before. In the summer, the harvest was good when the two came here, but today there was nothing to harvest.

And the wind was even stronger, the branches whistled, and some trees that were hollowed out by longhorn beetles snapped in the wind.

The two stepped on the leaves and made crisp crackling sounds. Xiongba took two steps to urinate, smelled the ground, and raised his head from time to time, with his ears erect and his eyes looking around, so that he could detect any movement.

Lin Heng looked at his wife: "Let's go to the other side and take a look."

Xiulan put her wind-blown hair behind her ears, reached out and held Lin Heng's hand and nodded: "Then let's go and take a look."

The two walked to the other side on the scattered pebbles and scattered sand in the valley. In winter, the water in this mountain stream was very dry, only 50 centimeters wide, and the two could easily cross it.

Xiulan saw the traces left on the tree and said, "It seems that the hericium here has also been picked by others."

Lin Heng pointed to a wooden stake in the distance and said, "There are still some left. Let's pick some and take them back to eat."

After a pause, he grinned at Xiulan again: "It doesn't matter what it sells. No matter who picks it, they will sell it to me in the end, so that we can make money."

This made Xiulan laugh: "That's not as profitable as picking it ourselves."

The two searched in the forest and occasionally picked up a few newly grown small hericiums.

This thing has high nutritional value, but the taste is not very good. It tastes a bit bitter if it is not blanched. It tastes dry when fried. It is usually dried and made into biscuits.

After walking a few hundred meters, Lin Heng saw a big kiwi vine with scattered kiwis on it, most of which had fallen to the ground.

"Xiulan, come and eat kiwis." Lin Heng said to Xiulan not far away.

Wild kiwifruit matures late and is small in size, but the fruit that softens after falling to the ground tastes very good.

After peeling off the furry skin, the flesh is emerald green, full of juice and sweet.

Lin Heng peeled one, and it tasted crunchy, sweet with a hint of sourness, and tasted very good.

"Try it, this kind of automatic ripening tastes better than the ones picked in advance." Lin Heng handed one to Xiulan.

He likes the ones that fell from the tree. Some people in the village started picking kiwifruit a month ago. The taste of those picked in advance and ripened is not as good as this one.

Xiulan also gave affirmation: "This kind is sweeter, better than the ones picked by mom and others."

"Then pick some and take it back."

Lin Heng said, and the two of them sat here and ate enough before talking about it, and then pick it up.

Xiongba squatted beside Lin Heng, looking at him eagerly. Lin Heng glanced at him: "Can't you pick it up and eat it yourself? Do you still need me to peel it for you?"


Xiongba stuck out his tongue, indicating that he didn't eat the skin.

Lin Heng looked at it, shook his head, peeled a few and fed it. After eating five Xiongba, he shook his head and ran away, as if he was disgusted by the sourness.

Lin Heng and Xiulan ate a lot, but it was not sour at all for them.

They took a bag and picked up about ten kilograms before leaving. There are too many wild kiwis. Some mountains are full of wild kiwis. People here often pick hundreds or thousands of kilograms to make kiwi wine. It is said that the taste is not bad.

"Listen, is this the call of the golden rooster?"

Xiulan pointed to the location halfway up the mountain and said that as time gradually approached dusk, these golden roosters also began to crow.

Lin Heng listened for a while and nodded in affirmation: "It is indeed a golden rooster, but it is a bit far away, so forget it."

The golden roosters and bamboo chickens that were caught at home have not been eaten yet, and he is too lazy to track them so far.

The two walked down along the Baishigou side. There were very few mushrooms on the road. Lin Heng even climbed into the pine forest to turn over the soil, but unfortunately he couldn't find any more black truffles.

There are fewer types of mushrooms in winter, so picking them is much more difficult. Even after coming so far, there is still no good harvest.

Lin Heng sighed: "In a few days, I guess only enoki mushrooms can be picked."

Xiulan nodded: "Yes, let's just pick this one this year. It's enough to eat the dried mushrooms we have at home."

Braving such a strong wind and running so far, they only picked up a few mushrooms. Both of them lost interest.

In a blink of an eye, it was more than four o'clock in the afternoon. The sun had disappeared long ago. Although the sky was blue, it was very gloomy.

This is typical winter weather. The sun only comes out at noon and disappears quickly.

The two walked together in the woods and didn't want to continue looking.

Just as they were about to leave the valley, Xiongba suddenly called out cheerfully on the hillside not far away: "Woof woof~"

"Let's go and take a look."

The two looked at each other and walked over together.

After walking a few steps, the two saw something next to Xiongba. Xiulan was surprised and said, "I didn't expect to find so many oyster mushrooms when we were about to go back."

"We can pick more than 20 kilograms of this." Lin Heng was also a little surprised.

This is a fallen and rotten willow tree. There are clusters of oyster mushrooms growing on the trunk. The caps are silver-gray, which is different from the very white color of the oyster mushrooms bought.

After walking in the mountains for many years, they can be sure that this thing is oyster mushrooms.

With smiles on their faces, the two ran over and started picking them swiftly. They felt at ease only when they put these things in their pockets.

Originally, the things they picked today could only fill Lin Heng's backpack. After picking the oyster mushrooms from this tree, Xiulan's backpack was almost full.

Lin Heng rubbed Xiongba's head hard and said happily, "Let's go home."

The two of them and the dog walked home together. They didn't have such good luck on the way back. The closer they got to the door, the fewer mushrooms there were.

After leaving Baishigou, they went back along another forest path. Lin Heng looked for prey everywhere, but unfortunately he didn't see any prey until he got home. He just heard a few golden roosters calling from afar.

Back to the village, the two met Liu Lan who had also returned from the mountain.

As soon as Liu Lan saw Lin Heng, she couldn't help but come over and asked, "You didn't pick up black truffles again, did you?"

Lin Heng shook his head repeatedly: "How is it possible? I was lucky last time. I can really encounter them every time."

Xiu Lan also said, "It's just some oyster mushrooms and winter mushrooms. I didn't encounter many hericium erinaceus."

Liu Lan took a closer look at the two people's backpacks and felt relieved. She was just about to find black truffles every time, but her heart couldn't bear it. He smiled and said, "Li Baigen has picked all the Hericium erinaceus. He and his son each carried a tall basket back yesterday."

Lin Heng showed a hint of understanding: "Is that so? No wonder we didn't pick any."

Liu Lan shook her head and said, "During this period of slack farming, there are too many people going to the mountains. Those who dig kudzu root, yam, medicinal herbs, pick mushrooms and kiwis can only go deep into the mountains if they want to harvest."

The two nodded and were about to leave. Wang Kaidian, who had asked Xiulan to help him braise the pig's head before, came over with a gun and shouted when he saw Lin Heng, "Lin Heng, didn't you catch anything?"

He was obviously preparing to go up the mountain to hunt. This man often went up the mountain alone and was not afraid at all.

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head: "No, Uncle Wang, I just picked up some mushrooms today."

Wang Kaidian didn't believe it: "You killed the leopard and you didn't look for it properly."

Lin Heng helplessly spread his hands: "Really, I went to Baishigou and didn't find anything."

Wang Kaidian reluctantly believed it: "It's the same for me these days. I saw a musk deer a few days ago. I have been tracking it for several days. I guess there is no hope. This thing is too alert."

Hearing this, Lin Heng was shocked and a little envious. He was actually looking for musk deer today, but he didn't find any traces. The forest is too big, and it's really not easy to find prey.

Thinking about it, he said: "Uncle Wang, if you give up, tell me the location, I want to go and see it too."

Wang Kaidian didn't refuse, nodded and said: "Okay, but this thing is running around, I can't be sure it's still in the original place."

He didn't think highly of Lin Heng either. The musk deer was too cunning, and even the hope of shooting it with a bow and arrow was very slim.

"Thank you then." Lin Heng said with a smile and left.

This period is not only the time when the musk deer is in heat, but also the time when the musk in the male musk deer is the most abundant and fullest.

He plans to look for the traces of musk deer in a few days. If he can kill a male musk deer, he will get at least 1,500 yuan, which is also a fortune for him.

If he can catch one alive, he will be even richer. However, this kind of thing is hard to come by, and it is almost impossible without an anesthetic needle.


As soon as he walked into the yard, Xiaoxia ran towards him, but was stopped by Caiyun.

"Come, let me hug you."

Lin Heng put down the backpack, held his daughter in his arms and shook her, tossed her in the air a few times, and she immediately laughed.

"Sister-in-law Xiulan, you have a good harvest." Caiyun looked at the mushrooms in the backpacks of the two and said with a smile.

"It's okay, here are kiwis for you to try."

Xiulan said with a smile and handed the kiwi to Caiyun. Lin Heng also took one and peeled it for Xiaoxia to eat.

"It's so sweet." Caiyun's eyes lit up.

Xiaoxia finished several bites in a row and wanted to lick Lin Heng's finger. When she didn't succeed, she said coquettishly: "Dad, I want more~"

After feeding his daughter another kiwi fruit, Lin Heng put her down.

While handling the fungi, Xiulan asked, "Would you like to have hot pot tonight?"

Lin Heng nodded: "Okay, just the three of us will eat it and give it a try first."

It would be too much if everyone was called, and we couldn't prepare so many things in a hurry.

It is very simple to feed three people, just prepare a few dishes.

Caiyun said in surprise, "Then I'll take advantage."

Lin Heng glanced at her and said with a smile, "You deserve this."

After saying that, he got up and got ready. He was already hungry.

Xiulan and Caiyun prepared vegetables and other items. He took the dried crucian carp and cooked a pot of crucian carp soup, lit the charcoal and added it to the copper stove.

This copper stove is a mandarin duck pot. On one side, he added the hot pot base ingredients he had prepared before, and on the other side, some soybeans and dried morels, porcini, matsutake and other mushrooms were thrown away.

Let the charcoal fire slowly heat and simmer, Lin Heng cut some leopard meat, pork, sausage, leopard belly, and leopard small intestine.

A hot pot cannot be without meat, otherwise it will lose its soul.

"Are these vegetables ready?"

Xiulan said while holding a bamboo sieve of vegetables, the most abundant of which were the wild enoki mushrooms picked today.

"That's enough, that's enough. Come and eat quickly. It's already cooked."

Lin Heng nodded. He was short of time, so he only prepared spicy and sour dishes.

Hot pot has been popular in China for a long time. Many people know about it, but only the rich can afford it.

Xiulan and Caiyun were both eating hot pot for the first time, and they were a little curious.

"Is it okay to just dip it in the soup?" Xiulan asked.

"Yes." Lin Heng smiled and demonstrated to the two of them.

This bacon tastes very good when cooked, and the wild enoki mushrooms are a joy to eat. It is a dual enjoyment of taste and aroma. It is simply perfect. It is worthy of being a hot pot divine dish.

"It's really delicious. It's much better than stir-frying. No wonder rich people like to eat hot pot." Caiyun said with emotion after eating a piece of belly slice.

The tripe slices are already very fragrant when cooked in a red soup pot, and when dipped in the hot and sour dipping sauce prepared by Lin Heng, the taste becomes even more amazing and the texture is very good.

"Yeah, I'll eat it more often in the future." Xiulan fell in love with this hot pot instantly.

Just cook it like this, and you can eat all kinds of dishes. It's simple, delicious and quick.

"Haha, this is relatively simple. Next time I will make sesame sauce and mix the dipping sauce, it will taste better."

Lin Heng said with a smile that hot pot has this charm, otherwise it would not have developed into a popular delicacy that is loved by people all over the country.

Xiulan nodded fiercely: "Call everyone next time. It's much better than working in the kitchen for a long time, and it tastes better."

"Yes, eating a little bit in the winter will keep you warm all over." Caiyun nodded.

The three of them talked very little and kept eating. The hot pot made by Lin Heng using the fish soup became more and more fragrant as it cooked. Whether it was red soup or clear soup, people couldn't stop eating.

Xiaoxia was waiting for food next to Lin Heng with her mouth open. She was also very satisfied with the taste of the hot pot.

Slices of leopard meat are also delicious when eaten in a rinse, while slices of leopard belly and leopard intestines are even more delicious when eaten in a rinse.

Although it is not as good as Maodu, it is also very elastic, has a good taste and has its own special fragrance.

The four of us chatted while eating, which was happy and warm. Another advantage of hot pot is that the food will not get cold, which is perfect for eating in winter.

The three of them were enjoying their meal when a shout came from outside the yard: "Xiulan, open the door."

"Mom and Dad, what are they doing here now?"

Lin Heng was stunned.

"I'll open the door."

Caiyun said something, got up and ran to open the door.

There should be another chapter in the party, please give me a monthly ticket.

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