Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 173 ‘The Story of the Beautiful Musk’ and the First Snow of Early Winter [6k]

In the following days, Lin Heng first rebuilt his fish pond and well.

The process was not very difficult, just temporarily get the water and fish out, and then harden the surrounding walls.

After the inner wall was hardened, he still put the stones that were originally piled on the inner wall back. The cement inner wall was still not as beautiful as this stone wall.

After it was done, there was no big change from the outside, but the inside had completely changed. There would be no risk of water seepage, so the house would not be very damp.

The toilet was also handled in the same way. The fermented material in the toilet was dug out and poured into the ground for fertilization, and then a large septic tank was built with cement and stones.

He originally wanted to build a toilet in the house, but because there was no toilet room in the house in advance and the workload was a bit large, forget it.

However, he has already repaired this toilet. In the future, he can just flush it after using the toilet, and he will not smell any odor in the yard.

His original idea was to build a biogas tank, but he gave up because the workload was too large.

Then he hardened the ground for his parents and eldest brother, and even laid cement floors in the corridors outside the three courtyards.

Their respective dry toilets were also covered and piled with cement. Although they were not rebuilt, they were greatly improved.

The pigpen in the yard of the old house was also moved to the back mountain this time. Most of the original location of the pigpen was paved with cement, and a part of it was built into a flower bed.

These projects were completed by Lin Heng, his eldest brother, Li Shiwei and Lin Hai. These were all physical work and were tiring, but he had a sense of accomplishment and happiness in building for his own family.

Li Shiwei and Lin Hai were both envious. Sometimes, money may be just a number, but it will shock people when it is converted into a physical object.

The two people were more eager to make money, and the frequency of asking Lin Heng related questions became more and more.

Time unknowingly came to December 1st in the busyness.

During the days when Lin Heng was hardening the ground, Lin's father and others lived in the wooden house in Hongfeng Mountain or Lin Heng's home. This morning, the cement paving had reached two days and had been completely hardened.

Early in the morning, the whole family gathered in front of the door.

Lin Heng opened the door, looked at his parents and said, "Let's go in and feel it."

Lin's father and mother nodded, walked into the yard, and stepped on the hardened cement floor with some emotion. They looked around the yard and then went to the house.

The whole yard was smooth and flat, without the rustling and squeaking of the past, and there was no need to worry about mud everywhere when it rained.

After looking around the house, the two returned to the middle of the yard, smiling and nodding, saying, "That's great, that's great!"

Father Lin patted Lin Heng on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Dad is blessed by you. I never thought that our house would have a cement floor this year."

Mother Lin also nodded, "You are no longer a rebellious son in the future. You have really grown up."

Lin Heng laughed, put his arms around his parents' shoulders and said with a smile, "This is nothing. It's just to make you live more comfortably for the time being. I will build two small Western-style buildings for you to live in in two years."

He didn't plan to apply plaster to the exterior walls of his parents' and eldest brother's houses. This time, he applied cement to the walls of the first floor of his parents' house, which was mainly to facilitate their temporary residence.

Because he will definitely demolish his parents' house and build it into a building in the future. It may take only two or three years, so there is no need to decorate the exterior walls.

It's the same with his eldest brother. He estimated that in two years, his eldest brother will definitely build a building after he makes money with him.

So there is no need to do any decoration on the outer wall, as long as it does not leak rain or wind.

He is not going to demolish his house. He has decided to build a house in Hongfeng Mountain in the future. This house will retain the structure of this earthen house and come back to experience life sometimes.

Therefore, the outer wall must be smoothed with plaster and cement. He will do it slowly after a few days. It has not started yet.

Father Lin smiled and shook his head: "It's fine now. Let's talk about the small western-style building when you really have hundreds of thousands."

Mother Lin also said: "Yes, it's good now. You have spent a lot of money to get these for us, so don't bother for the time being."

The two elders would definitely not believe what Lin Heng said before. But now they are only afraid that Lin Heng will spend money recklessly, and they no longer doubt Lin Heng's ability to make money.

"It doesn't cost much, we just need to live comfortably." Lin Heng said with a smile, and it's comfortable for him to look at it now.

After saying a few words, Lin's father and mother went to clean up the house. The cement floor was made in the past two days, and the house was in a mess. The furniture and food were piled upstairs and in Lin Heng's house.

Li Shiwei and others came to help move and put them. There were also many people in the village watching in the yard, envious.

Li Caifeng envied: "This cement floor is really good. We don't need bamboo mats to dry food in the future."

Grandpa Liu San nodded: "Yes, we don't have to worry about getting mud on our feet when it rains, and the mice in the house can't dig holes in the ground."

"It's great to have money!"

Most of them couldn't even afford to build a mud house, let alone build it like Lin Heng's family. The envy in their eyes was about to materialize.

If they walked into Lin Heng's house, they would be even more impressed. It turned out that mud houses could be built so beautifully.

Lin Heng helped his parents for a while and then went to his eldest brother's house.

Lin Heng had just entered the house when his sister-in-law Liu Juan poured him a cup of water and tea and said with a smile: "The furniture in the house is not tidied up, it's very messy, don't mind, come to my house for dinner in two days."

She is a woman who can judge the situation very well. Now she is very kind and amiable to both Lin Heng and Xiulan. Because she knows very well that her family will have to rely on Lin Heng for a long time, whether now or in the future.

Lin Heng's strong rise in the village, everyone who has a relationship with him has felt the change in attitude from others, and they all understand the meaning of the saying that one person ascends to heaven and the whole family will benefit.

"It's nothing, I came here to help, and by the way, I'll go to my house for dinner later, my parents will be there too." Lin Heng said.

Liu Juan nodded quickly and said with a smile: "Then we won't be polite."

She knew that Lin Heng didn't like people to be polite, so she agreed immediately. She was going to help Xiulan more in a few days and get some wild vegetables and pig grass.

There is strength in numbers. Together with Li Shiwei, Lin Hai and his uncle Li Baiquan, the furniture and other things were soon ready.

Xiulan cooked pickled cabbage noodles, and everyone ate in the yard and then went to the construction site. The rest of the work in the house was left to the women to sort out slowly.

There are about a hundred people on the Red Maple Mountain side, and someone must be watching, otherwise it will be easy to get into a mess.

Lin Heng handed the workbook to his father and said with a smile: "Dad, I won't go today. Have a good rest. Let's get off early in the evening and make a hot pot."

Lin's father knew that Lin Heng had been very busy these days, so he naturally had no objection and nodded: "Just leave it to us."

Lin's father and others left, closed the gate of the yard, and the wind was weak. The yard suddenly became very quiet.

Xiongba and Jinbao had just finished their meal and were lying on the bluestone yawning boredly. Xiaoxia was touching the dog's ears next to them, causing Xiongba to shake his head from time to time.

Xiulan was sweeping some small garbage on the ground with a broom. Lin Heng came over and hugged her willow waist from behind and held her in his arms.

Xiulan turned her head and rolled her eyes: "What are you doing~"

Lin Heng felt his wife's soft and warm body, put his head on her shoulder, and said with a smile: "Nothing, just hug for a while, can't I?"

Xiulan puffed her cheeks: "Okay, you can sweep the ground later."

"I'll sweep it if I want to." Lin Heng didn't care. It was really comfortable to hug his wife's waist, and her hair also smelled of conditioner.

Holding his wife, Lin Heng looked at the house. When the earth wall was whitened with plaster, it would be perfect.

Let him hug for a while, Xiulan said softly: "It's ready now, help clean the yard and let's plant vegetables."

"Okay, listen to you." Lin Heng could only agree. In fact, he still wanted to hug for a while. His wife's figure was really comfortable to hug.

Xiulan cleaned the yard, and Lin Heng went to wash the dishes. He knew that his wife liked to cook but didn't like to wash dishes.

The kitchen is different now. The previous earthen stove was partially dismantled, and a stove with a chimney was rebuilt with cement and bricks.

The remaining bluestone slabs were used to build a cooking table, and a rectangular water tank was made to hold water. The house has already buried the tap water pipes in advance. When the electricity is connected, buy a water pump and you can use tap water directly.

The same is true for the parents' and eldest brother's house. The water pipes were bought when he dug the first and second fish ponds before, and they have been stored for a long time.

After his transformation, the kitchen is much cleaner and tidier than most rural kitchens, although it cannot be compared with modern kitchens in later generations.

"Open your mouth!"

Seeing Lin coming out after washing the dishes, Xiulan fed him a peeled orange.

"Let's go and plant vegetables with me."

She handed the hoe to Lin Heng, and took some vegetable seeds herself.

Lin Heng looked at his wife and said, "You can plant whatever you want. Just cover it with film after planting. It can grow fast in winter."

There is the film bought before in the house. Cut two bamboos and cut them into bamboo strips to bend in the ground. Cover the surface with film to make a small greenhouse.

"Okay, then I'll get some more seeds." Xiulan nodded and went to the cabinet to get some more seeds.

The two planted radishes, coriander, small greens, mustard greens, spinach, garlic, shallots, peas and other vegetables. Basically, as long as they don't need to climb and have a short maturity period, they planted some.

After planting, Lin Heng went to cut four golden bamboos and cut them into bamboo strips to bend the vegetable field.

While accompanying him to work, Xiulan asked, "Did you plan to make the vegetable field into this long strip a long time ago?"

Lin Heng nodded: "Of course, this is both beautiful and convenient. I thought about it a long time ago."

He actually thought about the planning of the small courtyard for a long time, and he didn't change it wherever he thought of.

After covering it with film, the transparent film turned silvery white by the evaporating water vapor in a short while.

It was already noon when they finished planting vegetables. Farming is time-consuming, and half a day passed unknowingly.

They had a simple lunch, and then started to prepare the hot pot for the evening.

Lin's mother and sister-in-law Liu Juan came to help after cleaning up their own house. They picked a bunch of vegetables in their own vegetable garden.

Lin Heng chopped up the golden chicken he had shot before, added some leopard bones and soybeans into the pot to make a base soup.

He had already eaten the bamboo chicken and egret he had shot before. The bamboo chicken was stir-fried with hot and sour sauce, which was delicious. The egret stewed a soup, and Xiaoxia liked stewed egrets very much.

This golden chicken was deliberately left behind to make a soup as a hot pot soup base.

As for the meat, there is only bacon and sausage left, and there is also dried fish.

Except for the part of leopard meat sent to his grandmother and Mr. Gao in the town, the rest of the family ate almost all of it, so they kept three pounds of it and made it into dried meat for preservation.

There were not even a few bones left, and today was the last two.

These days, Lin Heng did not go up the mountain to hunt, and was busy with family affairs.

The only time he went up the mountain was to look for the musk deer mentioned by Wang Kaidian, but he did not find any traces after wandering around the mountain for a whole day.

Boil the soup in the pot, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan who was picking vegetables and said: "Xiulan, watch out for the chicken soup in the house and be careful not to burn it dry. I'll go to the village to see who has freshly picked enoki mushrooms today and buy some."

"No need, the dried mushrooms at home are enough." Lin's mother shook her head and said.

"I want to eat it myself." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After asking someone in the village, he learned that Liu Lan had just picked some enoki mushrooms yesterday morning. When he arrived at her house, Lin Heng found that Tian Baishun was also roasting a fire here.

"Lin Heng, what wind blew you here!" Seeing Lin Heng, Liu Lan smiled charmingly. It's just that his face is full of pockmarks and looks a bit scary.

"I heard that you picked up some winter mushrooms yesterday. I'll buy some." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Liu Lan smiled and said, "That's no problem. I picked up eight pounds yesterday and just cleaned them. Do you want them all?"

Lin Heng nodded and said he wanted them all. When Liu Lan went to get the mushrooms, Lin Heng chatted with Tian Baishun and Liu Sanye.

After a few words, the topic shifted to hunting. Tian Baishun wanted to ask him to go to the mountains again. Now that it was winter, he went up the mountain almost every day and said that he encountered a musk deer.

"You also saw a musk deer in Ge Tenggou? When did it happen?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

The musk deer that Wang Kaidian found before was also in Ge Tenggou. It was a ravine full of kudzu vines. In summer, almost no other trees could be seen. It was all kudzu leaves. In winter, there were also many people digging kudzu roots.

He went there for a day and did not find any traces of musk deer. Unexpectedly, Old Man Tian found it again.

Tian Baishun took a puff of welding smoke and said, "I found it the day before yesterday. I was on this side of the ditch and it was on the other side of the ditch, 700 to 800 meters away, but I can be sure that it is a male musk deer. I walked past there yesterday and heard it howling."

Lin Heng nodded and said, "Then I will go and have a look in the next two days."

He now has a new idea, named "Mei Musk Record". The musk deer is very cunning, so he plans to bring the female musk deer at home and tie it under a tree to seduce it.

Set some traps nearby. If it falls into the trap, catch another one alive to make a pair, so there is no need to worry about breeding in the future.

If it doesn't fall into the trap and successfully mates with the female musk deer at home, so that the female musk deer can borrow the seeds to give birth to a baby musk deer, he will also make a lot of money.

Even after mating, he can ambush it and maybe hunt it down, which is super profitable.

The more he thought about this plan, the more satisfied he was. The only worry was that his musk deer would break free from the rope and run away.

But as long as he took precautions, he believed it should not be a problem.

Tian Baishun said, "Tell me when you go, so I can try your luck."

Lin Heng was about to agree when Liu Lan brought the enoki mushrooms and a beam scale: "A total of eight kilograms, take a look."

"No problem." Lin Heng took four yuan from his pocket and gave it to her.

Enoki mushrooms are delicious, but they are not as valuable as hericium erinaceus. Fresh ones are only fifty cents a kilogram.

After taking the mushrooms and saying something to everyone, Lin Heng left.

On the way back, he was still thinking about the feasibility of his plan.

The mushrooms have been picked clean, and he gave them to Xiulan to clean. He went to cut bacon and sausages to prepare for hot pot in the evening.

After the bacon was cut, he made the soul sesame sauce for hot pot by himself this time, and made chopped green onions, minced garlic, soy sauce, chili and other spices. Everyone can choose according to their own taste at that time.

At four o'clock, everyone finally got everything done. Lin Heng wiped his hands and said, "I'll go to Hongfeng Mountain to call people."

On Hongfeng Mountain, after so many days of excavation, the ten newly dug ponds are about to take shape, and it is estimated that they will be completed in another week.

After these 10 ponds are completed, only 4 ponds are left to be dug, plus the original 2 ponds, a total of 16 fish ponds, that is, 16 acres.

There are also some construction of indoor breeding houses in the storage room. With the four fish ponds and these, Lin Heng estimates that it will be completed before January 15 of next year in the Gregorian calendar at the latest.

The villagers are also down-to-earth and hardworking, and there are very few who cheat.

"Everyone leave work early today, come and sign, and then you can leave. The salary is still 80 cents." Lin Heng glanced at everyone and said.

"Great, thank you, Boss Lin!"

"You are such a good person!"

Everyone was so excited when they heard this, and they ran to sign in and leave work after finishing their work.

After everyone left, Lin Heng looked at Lin's father and others and said, "Let's go quickly, the hot pot is ready in the house."

"Okay, let's try your hot pot today." Lin's father nodded.

Everyone was a little excited, as they had never eaten hot pot before.

After returning to the house to wash up briefly, a total of more than a dozen people sat down around the table.

The hot pot had been prepared long ago, bubbling, and filled with various dishes. The strong aroma made everyone's appetite whetted.

Lin Heng picked up a chopstick of enoki mushrooms and smiled, "Eat it directly, it's already cooked."


Then everyone started to pick up the dishes and eat. Their dipping sauces were also prepared by Lin Heng, as they were all eating for the first time and didn't know how to make these.

After eating two bites, they all nodded, "It's delicious, the hot pot is really delicious."

"This mushroom is so fragrant and tastes better than the ones made by my mother and grandma." Lin Wei praised.

He was so honest that he was glared at by Liu Juan and Mother Lin, which made everyone laugh.

"It's really enjoyable." Lin Heng's third father, Lin Xutao, shook his head. He had never thought that hot pot was so delicious, and he didn't understand it before.

"This is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten." Lin Heng's uncle Li Baiquan said after taking a bite of the cooked bacon. He had enjoyed enough at Lin Heng's house these days.

Lin Heng laughed: "There are enough dishes prepared today for everyone to eat."

What I drank today was still rice wine. It has a low alcohol content and a sweet taste, which is very popular.

Drinking wine and eating hot pot, the room was full of laughter.

Children's fighting ability is the worst. After eating for a while, they ran out to play, doing somersaults and hide-and-seek in the yard. When they were hungry, they came back to take a few bites.

The women's fighting power was also relatively poor. The strongest ones were a group of men. Eight pounds of enoki mushrooms were wiped out, and a total of twenty pounds of vegetables and meat were eaten. Not much was left.

We started eating at 4:30 and it got dark after 6:00. It was quite fierce.

This fresh way of eating hot pot has been well received by everyone.

Lin Heng felt that beer, Coke and Sprite were missing, and it would be better to have beer when eating hot pot.

After finishing eating, everyone left with satisfied expressions. Sister-in-law Liu Juan and Caiyun helped clear away the dishes.

After everyone left, Lin Heng took Xiaoxia for a walk in the yard to eat and count the stars.

It is also a kind of enjoyment to have a lively meal with a group of relatives and friends. This kind of slow time makes people feel very comfortable.

After a while of cold wind, Lin Heng was pulled into the room by Xiulan, fearing that he would catch a cold.

"Eat a few hawthorns to help digestion." Xiulan took a few washed hawthorns and handed them to Lin Heng.

This thing was given by his third father, who had a big hawthorn tree in his field.

"Okay." Lin Heng ate five pills. They tasted sour and sweet. He also fed Xiaoxia half a pill.

Although she only eats some vegetables, Lin Heng is still afraid of her indigestion.

It is difficult to treat illnesses these days, so he pays special attention to this aspect and puts prevention first.

After eating hawthorn, Lin Heng let Xiaoxia play for a while while he went to take a bath.

Hot pot is delicious, but it can easily stain for a lifetime, so it needs to be washed thoroughly.

After washing, he went to coax Xiaoxia to sleep.

After he coaxed Xiaoxia to sleep, Xiulan also finished washing and came out.

"Lie in quickly and keep me warm." Xiulan pointed to the quilt and said, chewing a piece of refreshing White Rabbit toffee in her mouth.

"I have a way not to be cold, but to be even hotter."

Lin Heng chuckled, picked her up and got into bed.


Xiulan screamed, but Lin Heng blocked her mouth and took a hard taste of the refreshing White Rabbit toffee.

Taking advantage of the situation, she also ate a large snow-white paper packet that was too big for one person to carry, and exercised her waist and abdominal muscles for half an hour, which made Xiulan feel the warmth of 37 degrees in this cold winter.

"Isn't it cold now?" Lin Heng looked at his wife in his arms and said with a smile.

"Bad guy~"

Xiulan whispered, feeling so tired in Lin Heng's arms that she couldn't bear to deal with him. She was so happy.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Heng laughed happily, and Xiulan and she put on their underwear and went to hug Xiaoxia, and the three of them hugged each other to sleep.

The main reason is that the weather is cold and I'm afraid she won't be warm enough and will freeze.

However, the three of them still felt a little cold at night and huddled together.

At dawn the next morning, Lin Heng woke up and opened the window. He wondered if it was snowing.

Opening the window, a gust of cold wind hit me instantly. When I looked again, I saw that the ground outside was indeed covered with a thin layer of snow, about two or three centimeters thick.

"Xiulan, it's really snowing." Lin Heng said with a smile.

The first snow in the winter of 1983 came so quietly, but the snow did not continue to fall from the sky. It is estimated that it will melt as soon as the sun comes out.

"It's so beautiful." Xiulan looked out the window. The snowy scene was so intoxicating.

"Snow!" Xiaoxia also cheered, full of curiosity about the vast white world.

Lin Heng closed the window, got into bed and said, "I'm going to the town today to see if the fireplace I bought from the city has arrived."

The weather is getting colder and colder, and it is no longer enough to survive the night without a fireplace.

This is only 6,000 for today. Sorry, I will work hard for 8,000 tomorrow.

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