Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 174: Taking the female musk deer up the mountain

Because it snowed, the three of them didn't sleep anymore. They got dressed and opened the back door.

The cold wind blew outside, and everything was white. It was like a spring breeze that suddenly came overnight, and thousands of pear trees blossomed.


Xiaoxia smiled foolishly and reached out to grab the snow on the steps. Lin Heng and Xiulan hadn't played in the snow for a long time. They both reached out and pinched a handful of snow. Lin Heng quickly threw the snowball into his wife's neck.

"Ah! You're dead!"

Xiulan screamed and beat and chased Lin Heng.


Xiaoxia watched the two people playing, and staggered to pick up a snowball and hit them.

After playing for a while, Lin Heng was blocked in the corner by Xiulan, who ravaged him with snow and stuffed a pair of icy hands into his clothes.

Lin Heng was completely a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water, and stuffed his icy hands into his wife's clothes.


Xiu Lan screamed again because of the ice, and then she was so angry that she pulled Xiao Xia to ice Lin Heng together.

Xiu Lan froze him with one hand, pinched his face with the other hand, and said with a puffed mouth: "Do you dare to do it again?"

Xiao Xia also imitated her mother's way, and said in a baby voice: "Do you dare to do it again?"

"I was wrong, but I will dare to do it next time!"

Lin Heng laughed and broke free from Xiu Lan, then picked up Xiao Xia and spun in the air to teach this leaky little cotton jacket a lesson.


However, whether she was spinning or freezing her, she had a smile on her face.

"Okay, be careful of catching a cold, go back to the house." Xiu Lan reminded.


Lin Heng nodded, and he had played enough for a while. It is indeed easy to catch a cold for a long time.

Xiu Lan poured water from the electric kettle to wash her face, and Lin Heng lit the fire in the fire room and hung up the kettle to boil water.

The snow is fun, but it is really cold after playing. The three of them are wearing cotton clothes and cotton pants, and they can't stand it.

After the fire was warm, the two took Xiaoxia to the kitchen to cook, but they didn't dare to leave her alone by the stove.

There were no vegetables left last night, but there was a lot of rice left. Xiulan cut some sausages and beat two eggs to make a pot of fragrant egg fried rice.

"It smells so good!"

Lin Heng ate it with big mouthfuls, and finally added a little garlic sprouts to make the taste of this bowl of rice a level, as if it had a soul.

Xiaoxia also took a wooden spoon to her mouth, but she couldn't eat much each time, and she came to feed her after Lin Heng finished eating.

After eating, Lin Heng didn't go to Hongfeng Mountain, but took a ladder to the backyard to see the bees.

Climb up and open the beehive. The bees were afraid of the cold in the morning and huddled together, almost motionless.

He hasn't taken care of the bees since he collected them, but he can often hear the healing buzzing sound.

Now open it and see that these hardworking little guys have occupied half of the super-large beehive, with six honeycombs and four honeycombs.

The population size has increased by more than three or four times, and it is estimated that there are 20,000 bees.

"Xiu Lan, there are four honey combs now. Do you think we should cut the honey?" Lin Heng asked Xiu Lan.

Xiu Lan glanced at the beehive and shook her head, saying, "There is still a lot of honey in the house, and there is still space in the beehive. Let's keep it for them to spend the winter."

"That's fine, then let's wait until next spring to cut it."

Lin Heng nodded. In fact, he still wanted to eat the honey produced by the bees he raised. He broke off a little bit and put it in his mouth. It was sweet and had a strong floral scent.

Now there are very few people who use pesticides, so honey can be said to be absolutely zero pollution.

After covering the beehive again, Lin Heng asked Xiu Lan to bring two bristle mats to cover the beehive to keep warm.

"This musk deer is really noisy."

Xiu Lan complained.

Lin Heng was also a little helpless. The musk deer was indeed a bit noisy these two days, especially in the morning and evening.

He came down the ladder with a piece of honey and fed it to Xiulan and her daughter, saying, "Then I'll take it to the forest today and give it a try?"

He told Xiulan yesterday about the idea of ​​using a female musk deer to seduce a male musk deer.

Xiulan puffed her cheeks and nodded, "I suggest you go today. If it stops barking after the estrus period, your plan will fail. As for making the fireplace and plastering the wall, it won't be too late to do it in a few days."

Lin Heng thought about it and realized that this was the truth. He immediately said, "You're right, let's go today."

After going to the back mountain to take a look at the musk deer, Lin Heng went to find his eldest brother and Li Shiwei and asked them who wanted to go to the forest with him.

Father Lin took a sip of noodles, looked at the three of them and said, "Why don't you go together? Dig some kudzu root and yam by the way."

Li Baiquan also nodded, "It's okay to go together."

"Then go together. We'll leave after you eat." Lin Heng nodded and said.

After that, he turned back home and fed the female forest musk deer some grass, but the guy didn't eat it at all and kept howling.

"Forget it, just go."

Lin Heng took it out and replaced it with a strong brown rope to tie it around its neck. He also made a shackle on its legs with a thin rope so that it could walk, but it couldn't run.

Preventive work must be done well, he didn't want to lose both the wife and the army.

"I should have had this idea earlier and put a nose piercing it." Lin Heng looked at the little guy and said.

These ropes may break free, and it is 100% safe to put a rope through the nose like a cow.

Xiulan was speechless: "You are too careful, it will definitely not run away."

"Haha, that's right." Lin Heng laughed, put the female musk deer into the backpack, and covered her face with branches.

This thing originally weighed only a dozen pounds, but Xiulan took good care of it for half a year and now it has more than 20 pounds. It can be said to be fat and strong, and it is a good time to breed.

After telling Xiulan, Lin Heng carried the musk deer, took the bow and arrow, and left with Xiongba, and called his eldest brother and Li Shiwei to go to Ge Tenggou together.

"There is a tractor!" Li Shiwei pointed to the road and said.

Lin Heng turned his head and saw that the tractor was pulling a black wooden pole. He immediately understood: "This is for pulling electric poles. It seems that electricity will be turned on soon."

In this era, there are still few cement electric poles. Rural areas are all black wooden electric poles boiled with asphalt. The anti-corrosion effect is also very good, and it will not break for thirty or forty years.

"It's good to have electricity, otherwise it will be dark at six in the evening and light at six in the morning in winter. I really can't sleep." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Yes, with electricity, I can play cards at night and eat later." Li Shiwei also nodded.

Since they were talking and walking, they saw Tian Dongfu and Zhao Xiancheng coming towards them after just a few steps.

"Uncle Tian, ​​Uncle Zhao." Lin Heng nodded and called out.

Tian Dongfu said, "Lin Heng, I was just about to find you. Are you going up the mountain?"

Lin Heng nodded, "Yes, I'm going to breed this musk deer I caught."

"Then wait a moment, come over and we have something to find you." Tian Dongfu said, pulling his shoulder.

"Okay." Lin Heng gave the musk deer to his elder brother and went to the side with them.

Tian Dongfu looked at Lin Heng and said, "There are mainly two things to find you. The No. 8 power management station will come to pull electricity. The wires are only delivered to the doorstep. The wires and light bulb switches in the house need to be bought by the farmers themselves.

I mean you can buy a batch of them for our village at a lower price. It's not that you can't make money. Small profits but quick turnover. After all, there are not many households. What do you think?"

Lin Heng had thought about these things a long time ago and had this idea. He could make one or two hundred yuan by dealing with more than two hundred households.

After thinking about it, he gave Tian Dongfu this face: "Okay, then listen to Uncle Tian, ​​I'll take care of it."

It doesn't matter if I earn a few dozen dollars less, it's also good to have a good reputation.

Tian Dongfu grinned, very satisfied with Lin Heng, and then looked at Zhao Xiancheng.

Zhao Xiancheng patted Lin Heng's shoulder and said: "You have to go to the town with us on the 12th, and you can participate in the commendation meeting at that time, which is the publicity of the ten thousand yuan households I told you last time."

Lin Heng nodded: "Okay, I know."

Tian Dongfu smiled and said: "Okay, that's all, you go and do your thing."

Lin Heng said, then turned and left.

"Let's go." Lin Heng looked at his eldest brother and Li Shiwei and said.

Li Shiwei asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

As they walked, Lin Heng said, "It's nothing big. I just want to attend a commendation meeting for households with an annual income of 10,000 yuan, and by the way, I want to buy a batch of light bulbs, wires and electric lights for the village at a lower price."

Hearing this, Lin Yue was shocked: "Damn, you are going to be on the newspaper and become a celebrity."

In this era, being on the newspaper is a great thing, and being commended is a great honor.

Lin Heng waved his hand indifferently: "It's not as great as you think."

Li Shiwei envied: "It's really enviable. This can be regarded as a glory for the family. If I can be commended once, my wife will definitely not dare to show off in front of me in the future."

Lin Heng grinned: "I don't need to, Xiulan is very virtuous."

Li Shiwei's back teeth were about to break, and he really wanted to give Lin Heng two hammers.

The three of them came to Ge Tenggou with laughter and chatter. This place is very far away and it took more than two hours to get there.

After entering the ditch and walking up, we didn't hear the howling of the forest musk deer, but the female forest musk deer in Lin Heng's backpack kept howling.

When they reached the middle of the waist, Li Shiwei pointed to the top of a bush and said, "Look, there are big yam bells."

The so-called yam bells are the seed clips of female yam, which look very obvious grayish white, while male yam is black fluffy.

Lin Yue nodded: "It's not small, then the two of us will go and dig, brother, you can slowly find the male forest musk deer."

Lin Heng nodded in agreement, and he continued to search around with Xiongba, and saw fresh forest musk deer feces on a mountain in the forest.

Lin Heng put the female forest musk deer down on a small platform of more than ten square meters, and said to himself: "I'll put you here."

Let the musk deer continue to howl, Lin Heng first took the noose and put down several Yanwang hangings nearby, almost all the necessary roads that the forest musk deer might pass through.

This was a trap for both the male musk deer and his own female musk deer. After finishing it, he released the musk deer and went to guard it.

Waiting for the male musk deer to be attracted, Lin Heng believed that as long as it had not completed mating, it would definitely be attracted. After all, the female musk deer in his family was fat and strong, with shiny hair, and was definitely a beautiful musk deer.

He went back to the ditch to guard it, mainly to prevent hunters from coming here to shoot.

No matter who it was, he had to persuade them to go back today, and he couldn't let them shoot and delay his big business. As long as this musk deer completed mating, his musk deer breeding business would be a good start.

After resting for a while, Lin Heng took Xiongba down to find his elder brother. They had dug out the yam just now, a big yam one meter long and as thick as an arm.

"It's amazing." Lin Heng admired it very much. It was easy to dig it up when he dug it himself.

Lin Yue grinned: "Look, the one we dug now is big, weighing seven or eight pounds."

"Awesome." Lin Heng said with a smile. He was watching from the side, looking around to see if there were enoki mushrooms or oyster mushrooms.

Don't worry about the forest musk deer, just let it bark. If the male forest musk deer appears, he will definitely respond and he can hear it.

It didn't snow during the day. The sun came out at noon and the snow melted, but the temperature became even colder. There were still translucent ice cones everywhere in the ravine.

Coupled with the howling mountain wind, it was really cold and life-threatening. The cotton-padded jacket looked like a fake, and I was shivering from the cold.

The only way to stay warm is by digging yams or picking mushrooms.

Lin Heng searched around in the forest. The snowier it was, the more he liked the enoki mushrooms. After wandering around for a long time, he picked up more than ten kilograms. Not much was found about oyster mushrooms.

I ate some tortillas and fried soybeans at noon to fill my stomach. I decided in a hurry today and didn't have time to prepare anything delicious.

In the afternoon, Li Shiwei and Lin Yue also ran out of energy after digging for two hours. After all, they didn't eat very well at lunch.

Lin Yue pointed to the basket and said: "Today's harvest is not bad. There are twenty kilograms of yams and one hundred and fifty kilograms of kudzu root."

Lin Heng gave a thumbs up. His eldest brother has been very sensible since he was a child. He belongs to the family and is very capable. There is no farm work that he cannot do.

It's a pity that he went on this wrong path and never got rich after working all his life. If he started a small business, he felt that he would definitely make a fortune with his eldest brother's down-to-earth attitude.

But it doesn't matter in this life. With him leading the way, he will ensure that his eldest brother can become a multi-millionaire.

Li Shiwei looked at Lin Heng and asked, "What time is it? Are you going to fail? It's been a day and your female forest musk deer is barking on the mountain."

Lin Heng glanced at his watch and said, "It's only five o'clock. I'm not sure whether it will be successful or not. Let's wait until dark."

The activity time of forest musk deer is early morning and dusk, so wait for him slowly and don't be in a hurry.

"Then just wait."

Lin Yue said something, and a few people found a leeward cave and lit a fire, warming themselves while waiting, otherwise it would be really difficult to survive in this cold weather.

After waiting until half past five, it was almost dark and there was still no movement. Lin Heng began to doubt his life. This male forest musk deer couldn't be so smart, right?

Or is it because you have found a mate, so you are no longer interested in the female forest musk deer?

Li Shiwei was a little impatient and asked, "Do you still have to wait?"

"Wait a minute, I've been waiting all day, it's not more than an hour." Lin Heng shook his head.

By 6:10, it was dark and the wind was howling.

Lin Heng shook his head and said: "It seems there is no hope. This bitch has probably found another female forest musk deer."

Lin Yue looked at him: "Then the three of us will go up together?"

"No need, I can do it alone, and I can still hunt a lot by the way."

Lin Heng shook his head, patted Xiongba who was warming himself on the fire, stood up and walked up.

Somewhat unmotivated on the way, the female forest musk deer suddenly stopped barking halfway through the journey, which surprised Lin Heng: "Damn, could it be that she broke free?"

If he loses his wife and loses his troops, he will be so angry that he vomits blood.

But he thought it was impossible. The brown rope was very strong, and there were no rocks nearby. How could it be broken by friction?

Suddenly he thought of a possibility: Is it possible that the male forest musk deer ran away secretly without making a sound from the beginning to the end?

"Yeah, it's definitely possible."

Lin Heng was convinced, and the pace slowed down, and he called Xiong Ba back to follow him, not to run around.

When they were about to reach the mountain row where the Gonglin Musk deer was, Lin Heng opened the compound bow, picked up the hunting arrows, and quietly touched it.

The snow in the forest had melted, causing the leaves to become damp and almost silent when stepped on, which was perfect for Lin Heng's hiding place.

Moving forward, it didn't take long to reach a place where Lin Shek could be seen. Lin Heng looked up and his breath was held.

On the small platform, there was a forest musk deer. It was lying on the mother forest musk deer. After finishing the work, it smelled again, and after a while it started again.

Lin Heng waited carefully. He could not disturb them at this time. He would wait until they were done.

I watched the forest musk deer film here for more than ten minutes, and the male forest musk deer finally finished it. During this period, it mated three or four times.

After it was completed, Lin Heng saw it walking along the path beside the platform, which made him stop breathing again, because he set up two Yama hangings on that path.

This means that he is expected to catch another live forest musk deer.

How could this not make him excited? This is a male forest musk deer, and it costs 1,500 yuan to walk.

His buying station only makes so much profit in a year, and one head can last him a whole year. And if they are captured alive, they will have a stable income of 1,500 yuan a year from now on.


Just when Lin Heng was excited, the roar of forest musk deer suddenly came from the forest, and the branches were still being shaken wildly.

Lin Heng punched the ground in excitement and couldn't help but laugh in a low voice: "Hahaha, I've been fooled, I really have been fooled, here comes one thousand five hundred dollars."

After laughing wildly, he grabbed the bully who was about to attack and lectured him: "Don't bite me to death, or you will die."


Xiongba let out a cry of grievance

Then one person and one dog walked past quietly.

When they were less than fifty meters apart, the male forest musk deer immediately discovered them and struggled even more fiercely.

Lin Heng held Xiongba down, rushed over and hugged him, and laughed wildly at the same time: "Hahahaha, I got it, I got it."

He was like a wretched big man, holding Gong Lin's neck and getting close to him crazily.


The male forest musk deer let out a pitiful cry. It couldn't resist at all. It weighed only 18 or 19 pounds, so how could it possibly resist an adult human being.

"Hahaha, I knew you would fall into a trap, but don't worry, I won't kill you."

Lin Heng chuckled, took out a rope from his waist and tied it up. His feet were also tied up with a rope. The main thing was a five-flowered tie.

Then he untied it, carried it over and put it into a backpack, and sealed it with a wooden stick.

In order to prevent it from being too stressed, Lin Heng blindfolded its eyes. He was relieved when he saw it slowly calming down in the carrier.

But the excitement in his heart still couldn't be calmed down. A living forest musk deer was just caught by him.

But it's normal to think about it. It is estimated that the forest musk deer has never thought in his life that a human being would be so insidious as to use tactics against a forest musk deer.

Sorry, my father bought a wardrobe today, and I spent a long time installing it. There are only 5,000 words. I guarantee 8,000 words tomorrow, otherwise I will apologize in women's clothing.

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