Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 175: Plan to collect musk and raise forest musk deer

Putting the newly caught male musk deer away, Lin Heng put the compound bow back into the bow bag and dismantled the trap.

Then he went to lead the female musk deer back. The female musk deer had been well-fed and had no stress response.

Holding the flashlight, the guy walked forward slowly.

Lin Heng liked it more and more. He was a little unhappy when he caught it half a year ago and wanted a male.

Now it seems that females are better. Not only can they give birth to cubs, but they can also seduce males.

It's really a profitable business.

Lin Heng shook his head and sighed: "The word sex is a knife above your head."

I think Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu couldn't resist the beauty trap, let alone this stupid male musk deer.

Fortunately, he only likes Xiulan and won't be tempted by other girls.

Lin Heng walked down a short distance and saw the flashlight. It was his elder brother Lin Yue and Li Shiwei running up.

Lin Yue asked from a distance: "Brother, what's wrong? Why did you suddenly stop making any noise? Did the musk deer run away?"

"Keep quiet, don't scare the musk deer I just caught!" Lin Heng reminded in a low voice.

"Newly caught?"

The two looked at each other and were stunned.

Then they rushed up at the same time and soon came to Lin Heng's side and saw the female musk deer he was holding.

"Where's the other one?" Lin Yue asked excitedly in a low voice.

Lin Heng turned his back and let them take a look.

Li Shiwei opened his mouth wide: "Oh my God, it's really caught alive, why does it feel so easy!!"

Lin Yue was also full of surprise: "Damn, you're rich, brother!!"

Catching it alive is not 1,500 yuan. As long as you keep it and don't let it die, it's 1,500 yuan per year.

In this era, in this poor and backward mountainous area, what an amazing number.

And Lin Heng has a pair of them, and they produce two cubs every year. In a few years, they will have a group. What a huge fortune that will be?

For a moment, both of them couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and they didn't know what to say.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Lin Heng laughed, looked at his elder brother and said, "Brother, bring the backpack and carry this female musk deer back."

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded, and was still very excited when he walked back.

"Your luck is really invincible." Li Shiwei sighed.

"This is not luck, this is strength." Lin Heng smiled.

He was in a good mood today. He thought he would waste several days, but he didn't expect to succeed in one day.

Even though it was cold and windy now, he felt a little warm and happy.

Walking down, Lin Yue took out the backpack and put the female musk deer in it, extinguished the fire, and the three of them walked back with flashlights.

Halfway through the journey, probably due to the bumps, the male musk deer began to howl and urinated on Lin Heng's back.

"Damn it, if it weren't for your value, I would have killed you and eaten your meat." Lin Heng was speechless, his urine was smelly and stinky.

"Haha, you should suffer, otherwise this wealth comes too easily." Li Shiwei laughed.

He was happy for Lin Heng and envious.

But he also knew that this was not luck, but skill.

It took a certain amount of luck to catch a female musk deer, but it was all skill for a male musk deer.

Even if it doesn't work today, it will definitely work in a few days.

"Okay, okay, I originally wanted to give you two musk deer to raise in a few years, but now it's gone." Lin Heng said deliberately.

"Brother, big brother, I was wrong, let's not do this." Li Shiwei quickly flattered.

"Hahaha..." Lin Yue laughed.

The three of them walked back, talking and laughing, joking on the way.

Lin Heng will definitely not only engage in musk deer breeding as a project. When the scale is up, both big brother and Li Shiwei will get a share of the benefits.

When they were almost home, the musk deer in Lin Heng's backpack finally got tired and stopped barking.

The three of them returned home quietly. It was almost 9 o'clock and almost 10 o'clock. Except for the occasional barking of dogs, most people in the village were resting.

Lin Heng called the door, and soon Xiulan ran out with Xiaoxia to open the door.

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng first, then asked curiously: "Did it succeed?"

"Of course, look."

Lin Heng turned around and let her see the musk deer in the backpack.

"It really succeeded, amazing!"

Xiulan was stunned. This news made her feel a little unreal.

One thousand five hundred yuan, under normal circumstances, a family may have to save six or seven years to have this much.

"Let's talk inside."

Lin Heng grinned and pulled Xiaoxia into the house.

Put the musk deer on the ground. This guy was tired and didn't struggle much now.

Everyone looked at it again and still felt a little unreal.

"What should we do? Where to put it tonight?" Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and asked.

Lin Heng spread his hands: "We can only use the wooden frame to frame it in the house. There is no way to build a circle for it in the middle of the night."

After mating, it is not suitable to put the male and female musk deer together.

Lin Heng led the female musk deer to the circle built for it in the back mountain. The male musk deer was locked in the house. There was no way to deal with it peeing, so he could only deal with it tomorrow.

After finishing, Lin Yue and Li Shiwei went back directly, and Xiulan brought them the pies prepared in the house.

"Find me some clothes, I want to take a bath."

Lin Heng said to Xiulan, and then took the wooden basin into the warming room.

After a while, Xiulan brought him a set of clothes and said: "You should buy another cotton-padded jacket. I guess you can't wear this cotton-padded jacket anymore."

"Well, let's go shopping together next time." Lin Heng nodded, washed himself and put on his clothes. The navy blue cotton-padded jacket that Xiulan took was indeed broken.

Lin Heng remembered that these were the clothes he wore when he was fifteen years old. They were at least five years old and had small patches on them.

"It's pretty good." Lin Heng laughed.

Xiulan rolled her eyes at him and brought him the pie she had made in the afternoon, which had been kept warm by the stove.


Lin Heng chatted with Xiulan while eating, and fed Xiaoxia a little from time to time. Xiongba lay beside the stove and watched eagerly, and Jinbao squatted on a chair to warm himself.

Lin Heng ignored Xiong Ba, Xiulan had already fed this guy just now.

"Can you take musk from this living forest musk deer?" Xiulan was a little curious about this question.

Lin Heng nodded: "Of course I can, it's not difficult."

He was engaged in breeding in his previous life and was familiar with many related industries. How to obtain musk for forest musk deer naturally depends on what others have done.

Then he briefly talked to Xiulan about the feeding method of forest musk deer. Farmers are most afraid of diseases, so we can only focus on prevention in this regard.

First of all, you must ensure that the forest deer eats and drinks healthily, and do not feed it anything that may be bad.

Secondly, the place where it lives must be clean and sanitary, and disinfected with lime regularly.

Generally speaking, as long as prevention work is done well, 90% of safety hazards can be eliminated, and the rest are uncontrollable factors.

The only way to deal with uncontrollable factors is early detection and early isolation and treatment.

Lin Heng looked at his wife and said his plan: "I plan to build a forest musk deer breeding factory directly in Hongfeng Mountain for small-scale forest musk deer breeding. When the number increases in the future, I will build a forest musk deer breeding farm. "

If you want to breed well, you must first have a good closed environment.

The main battlefield in the future will also be on Hongfeng Mountain. After the year, he plans to buy two more big wolf dogs and tie them up there. Hongfeng Mountain is also planned to be surrounded and closed for management.

Xiulan nodded: "Okay, I suggest that we don't tell this secret for the time being. Otherwise, such a huge wealth will definitely make other people have ideas, which will lead to some unnecessary things."

Lin Heng held his wife's hand and smiled and said, "We really have a good understanding. I think so too. I will keep this male forest musk deer next to the grape trellis in the backyard for the time being and won't tell anyone about it."

"Dad~tell a story~"

Xiaoxia yawned and said she was so sleepy.

"Okay, okay, let's go to bed."

Lin Heng kissed his daughter, buried the fire with ashes, and the three of them went to bed to rest. Put her in the middle, then blow out the candle and tell her a story in the dark.

Xiaoxia lay in Lin Heng's arms and fell asleep after listening to it for a while.

Early the next morning, there was no snow outside, there was white frost on the ground, and the weather seemed a bit gloomy.

The first thing Lin Heng did after getting up was to take a look at the forest deer he caught yesterday. He was relieved to see that it was still alive.

After lighting the fire, the three of them were about to wash their faces when there was a knock on the door outside.

Lin Heng walked over and opened the door. His parents, uncle, and others were outside.

"Let's take a look where Lin Musk is." Li Baiquan said with a smile.

Lin Heng had known this would happen, so he nodded and said: "You all should keep your voices down, this thing is very scared of people when it comes back."

After locking the door, Lin Heng led them into the house and asked them to help keep it a secret and not to tell anyone about it.

Several people understood this and nodded repeatedly.

When they saw Lin She, everyone fell silent. This thing is not very good-looking. It has a gray body with two vertical white stripes on its chest. It has no horns and has canine teeth growing backwards at the corners of its mouth.

But everyone felt that it was like an elf in the mountains, and they could smell a musky smell from a distance.

Retreating to the courtyard, Father Lin shook his head and sighed: "Don't tell me, Lin Heng just has an idea."

"My second brother has been full of ideas since he was a child." Caiyun said with a crooked eyebrow.

Li Baiquan also sighed: "Yes, no ordinary person can think of such a method. No wonder he can become a household worth ten thousand yuan."

He has now decided to hug his nephew's thigh tightly and follow his footsteps. Even if he drinks some soup, his family will become rich.

Liu Juan also had this idea.

Lin Heng laughed out loud when he was told that, without any embarrassment.

Mother Lin said: "Let me know what fodder you need in the future, and we will take good care of it."

"I told Xiulan, mom, you don't have to worry." Lin Heng smiled slightly.

Father Lin asked: "You are going to raise it in the backyard. Do you need my help to make a circle?"

"Of course." Lin Heng nodded.

"This won't take long, let's start now." Father Lin nodded and went home to get some tools and wooden boards. It took a few people 40 minutes to build a small rectangular circle for the forest musk deer.

A hollow cover is added to this small circle, which can be connected when encircling the grass. It is always covered.

"Should we wait for a date to install it?" Lin's father asked.

"No need, it's too much trouble." Lin Heng shook his head.

Then he brought a box of small transparent glass bottles from the house and said, "Help hold down the forest musk deer, and I'll get the musk."

This glass bottle was specially bought by him to hold musk. Hunting forest musk has always been his goal, and he must have prepared all the relevant tools.

"Okay!" His uncle Li Baiquan was the first to agree and was very interested in this matter.


Accompanied by pitiful howls, the male forest musk deer was pinned to the ground by the two men, and it pulled away again in fear.

The scent sac of the forest musk deer is just in front of the reproductive organs under the abdomen. Lin Heng took a small iron spoon and reached in to dig it out bit by bit.

Musk is brown and looks a bit like soil. Because the fragrance is too strong, it smells a bit smelly and makes people dizzy.

Lin Heng stopped when he had almost finished digging. It is definitely impossible to scrape the musk of a living forest musk without leaving any.

After taking out the musk, Lin Heng plugged the rubber stopper of the glass bottle, carefully placed it on the cabinet, and then comforted the male forest musk deer and put it into the circle.

"If you are willing to eat, you will grow!"

Lin Heng touched its head and blessed it.


The male forest musk deer hid in the corner directly, trembling at Lin Heng. Humans are too scary.

Xiulan brought a basin of water and put it in. After taking a look, she covered the lid and stopped feeding it for the time being. Let it slow down.

"I'm afraid there is only one or two of this?" Lin's father looked at the musk taken out and said.

"Definitely not. If all of them are scraped off, there should be one or two taels. This is probably about thirty or forty grams." Lin Heng said while looking at the glass bottle.

Musk costs about thirty yuan per gram. These will definitely not be sold for more than 1,500 yuan, but no matter who chooses, they will definitely want a live musk deer.

"That's enough." Lin's father nodded.

"Once it's well-raised, you can get one or two taels by taking it a few times a year." Lin Heng said.

After a few words, the meal was ready. After eating sauerkraut noodles, Lin Heng's father and his friends went to Hongfeng Mountain to see the situation.

He looked at this place for a while and then went back. There are a lot of things to do recently, and there is no time to delay here.

On the way back, he met Tian Baishun who was walking towards him. He looked at Lin Heng and said, "I heard that you went to Ge Tenggou yesterday. Did you get anything?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "I was freezing to death. I waited until seven o'clock in the evening and there was no movement."

Hearing this, Tian Baishun immediately laughed happily: "Haha, this is normal. I don't know how many times I have failed. Musk deer are not that easy to hunt."

Lin Heng smiled bitterly, chatted for a few words and went home, feeling a little happy.

The sun came out at noon. Lin's mother was drying sweet potato flour and preparing to make sweet potato vermicelli in a few days.

Recently, the sweet jujubes piled up at home also need to be made into wine, but there has been no time.

Lin's father plans to wait until the first batch of fish ponds are dug, and then take two days of free time to make wine.

After returning to the house, Lin Heng said something to Xiulan, and then rode his horse to the town.

Riding a horse in summer is very majestic, and riding a horse in winter is completely torture, but it is better than walking.

On the way to the town, we can see that some electric poles have been planted, and some are digging holes, and the speed is still very fast.

Because it was cold, Lin Heng walked slowly, and it took him a full half an hour to get to the town.

Today is the 21st day of the 10th lunar month. It is not a market day in the town, and it is very cold.

There will be another chapter later

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