Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 179: Thousands of lights, no longer afraid of darkness

After walking around outside for a while, his whole body felt cold, and Lin Heng quickly returned to the house.

"The vermicelli is dry, you can take back the fifty pounds."

Mother Lin was cutting vermicelli in the yard. The vermicelli she made yesterday has dried now.

Although the sun is not very bright in winter, the wind is biting and the drying speed is not slow.

Take this vermicelli back and dry it completely in the sun. It can be stored for a year without going bad.


Lin Heng nodded without being polite, pointed to his fern root powder and said, "You and my brother should keep some of this fern root powder."

"Okay, let's leave two kilograms each to taste." Mother Lin nodded.

After a while, Caiyun came back from school and came over to help cut the vermicelli.

It is basically a section of 50 centimeters, and rural areas do not cut it particularly short.

After it was done, Lin's mother went to cook and Lin Heng returned home.

He had already drank a little wine at noon and didn't want to drink anymore in the afternoon, but his uncle and father obviously wanted to drink more.

Lin Heng walked into the room with vermicelli and asked with a smile: "The vermicelli is back, do you want me to make you some cold fern root noodles to eat tonight?"

Xiulan and Xiaoxia were chopping firewood in the main room. There was not enough firewood at home.

"Eat it tomorrow morning. I'll give you shepherd's purse dumplings to eat in the evening." Xiulan looked at him and said.

Dumplings are almost a representative delicacy in rural areas. Under normal circumstances, they are only eaten on New Year's Eve. Usually, there is no time or materials to make these things.

"Okay, then I'll chop wood."

Lin Heng put the vermicelli on the cabinet and came over to take the hatchet.

There is still some thick firewood in the house. They are acorn trees that were cut down when building the house. They were sawed with a chain saw and piled under the eaves. This is what he uses for the fireplace.

Fine firewood is piled near the pig pen at the back, and you need to chop it with a knife when you use it.

Lin Heng found that the firewood was completely dry, so he put it directly on his knees and roughly broke it, which was much faster than chopping with a knife.

Xiulan nodded and took the folded firewood to the kitchen.

"Find someone to chop some firewood and come back in a few days." Lin Heng carried the firewood to the kitchen and said.

There is no shortage of firewood in the countryside. What is needed is cut from the mountains. He is going to ask someone to help him chop it for a day in a few days and get more to store. He also needs firewood for the fireplace.

I have a diesel saw at home, which cuts firewood very quickly and doesn’t take up much space when stacked in the house.

"There is enough in the house, but not enough fine firewood." Xiulan said and added water to the pot.

Lin Heng lit the fire, and soon the water boiled. Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and asked, "Is twenty-five enough for you?"

"That's enough, that's enough." Lin Heng nodded. He was better at eating and could eat thirty when he was hungry.

However, he is also very powerful and physically strong, which Xiulan feels deeply.

In the past six months, Lin Heng's character and spirit have not only changed, but his body has also become very strong.

Although he doesn't do hard work, this is mainly due to laziness, not lack of energy. In a real competition of strength, most adult men would not be able to match him.

After all, he not only practices bow-drawing every morning, but also does other scientific exercises to exercise.

The dumplings started to float shortly after being put into the pot. After cooking for another two minutes, Xiulan nodded and said, "It's ready."

The dumplings they made here were all in the shape of ingots. Xiulan scooped them up and poured vinegar on them with onions and spicy pepper, and the three of them took them to the bedroom to eat.


This was the first time Lin Heng ate dumplings after he was reborn, and he fell in love with them as soon as he took one bite.

The dumplings are filled with shepherd's purse and bacon. The bacon is cut into cubes and mixed with the shepherd's purse. The aroma of the two blends in the mouth when chewed. It is really delicious when paired with the vinegar soup.

"Good times~"

Xiaoxia took a bite and imitated her father's words.

Xiulan suddenly smiled when she heard this. She had been working for a long time just to hear the compliment.

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and asked with concern: "Is it sour enough? Do you want me to add some vinegar to you?"

She knew that Lin Heng liked to eat something sour and spicy, but she was worried that the taste would not be enough.

"I'll add it myself. It's really not too sour." Lin Heng said after taking two bites.

"Sit down, I'll get it for you." Xiulan pressed him down and went out to get some vinegar and added some to him.

"Thank you, wife." Lin Heng grinned, this woman is so nice.

"Fast food."

Xiulan glanced at him and started eating herself.

After dinner, it was getting dark. Lin Heng went to see the male forest musk deer and found that some of the corn mush that had been placed in the basin at noon had finally been eaten. He quickly added some fodder.

This guy finally ate after being on hunger strike for so long. He almost wanted to give up because he thought he was completely depressed.

After feeding Lin Sheng, Lin Heng went to the back mountain to pick up two eggs, locked up the chickens, and went back to the house to tell Xiulan about it.

Xiulan was also overjoyed, nodded and said, "Just eat it and it will be normal next time."

She was extremely anxious these days when the forest musk deer refused to eat. This was a cornucopia of living things. It would be a pity to die.

Lin Heng nodded and looked at his wife and said: "From now on, just feed her three times a day on time, and feed her some corn paste every other day. If it's not enough, just use the money to buy it."

This thing must be fed well, not just grass, as that thing is not nutritious enough.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded.

Lin Heng put the eggs in the cabinet and took a bath in the bedroom with water. Xiulan and Xiaoxia didn't do much exercise, so they simply washed themselves.

A candle was lit on the table in the bedroom, and the flames in the fireplace twisted and danced. With the candlelight, the room was somewhat bright.

Xiulan was sitting at the table combing her long hair, while Lin Heng was telling Xiaoxia a story with a storybook.

"Husband, why don't I sell my hair? It's too long." Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said, long hair is too troublesome to take care of.

Lin Heng took a look and saw that her hair was now almost reaching her hips, which was really a bit long.

In rural areas, women tend to grow their hair long, and then wait for someone to collect it and sell it directly, which is also a source of income.

"It's not necessary. I'll go to the city with you next time to find a barber to get a haircut. I'll make it look nice for you. You can keep the cut..." Lin Heng said with a smile.

In this era, there were only barbers in town, and they didn’t know how to do hair styles at all.

"That's up to you." Xiulan nodded and said with a smile.

She tied her hair up with a white jade hairpin, revealing her slender snow-white neck, exuding a touch of heat.

After her hair was done, she took out wool to knit a sweater for Xiaoxia. She was a very hard-working woman who was rarely idle.

It was very pleasant to listen to Lin Heng telling stories while knitting a sweater, but I couldn't tell the length of time and made a mistake.

"There will be electric lights tomorrow." Lin Heng said with a smile.

In fact, the power lines have been being pulled in the past two days, but they will not be able to be pulled to their village until tomorrow.

Pulling wires is not an easy job.

After coaxing Xiaoxia to sleep, Lin Heng added firewood to the fireplace and went to bed with Xiulan.

It’s not like you have to do something you love every night. Many times, it’s very reassuring to have someone by your side.

If I accidentally have a nightmare at night, it would be much better to have someone to hold me when I wake up.

Most of the time, people are too fragile and cannot bear the loneliness of being alone in the dead of night.

Therefore, many people find someone to marry randomly in order to relieve their loneliness. Lin Heng and Xiulan are relatively lucky and have found people who love them deeply.

"Come into my arms."

Lin Heng said after lying down.


Xiulan obediently crawled over and rested in Lin Heng's arms, her eyes closing with happiness.

Early the next morning, the two of them woke up at about the same time. There was no way to sleep in during the power lines being pulled in the village today.

As soon as the two of them washed their faces, there was a knock on the door.

Opening the door, Tian Dongfu stood outside. Lin Heng smiled and said, "Uncle Tian, ​​did you start so early?"

Tian Dongfu smiled and nodded: "The electrician is already here. I told the villagers the price of the wires here, and they are ready to buy them from you."

"They are all piled up in the house. If you want to buy them, just come and take them." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Tian Dongfu nodded and said: "Okay, everyone will come over and buy it soon. Do you want the electrician to start wiring from your house?"

"No need for this, I have learned it myself. It is very simple. I can do it myself." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He really couldn't do it with the city's circuits. After all, he had to take hidden wires, and the lights still had dual controls, which was a bit difficult.

But the circuits of the farmers in the village are very simple, and the switches are all single-control. For him, it is just a matter of hands.

"Are you sure you can do it? It can be very dangerous if the electricity is not handled properly." Tian Dongfu looked at him a little worried.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "Well, how about you ask the electrician to come and take a look at it after I finish it?"

Tian Dongfu nodded and said, "Okay, if the electrician looks at it and there is no problem, how about you help run the wiring for other houses in the village?"

"No problem, I'll take my brother with me to help route the village." Lin Heng said with a grin.

This is also an opportunity to increase his reputation. He also wants his eldest brother to be the village chief in the future.

He was tricked by Zhao Hu in his previous life, and he didn't want his father to continue to be a village cadre in this life.

"Okay." Tian Dongfu nodded, turned around and left.

Lin Heng had breakfast and went over to find his brother Lin Yue.

"Brother, can we do this ourselves?" Lin Yue was still too unfamiliar with things like electricity and was a little worried.

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "Of course, I learned it in junior high school, it's very simple. Just give me a start, and I'll tell you while I'm at it."

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded.

Lin Heng went to take out the copper wire he bought for his house and started wiring it from the door. It was not difficult to lay open wires in rural areas.

He bought aluminum wires for other families in the village. Copper wires were too expensive for the villagers to afford.

While Lin Heng was wiring, people from the village came one after another to buy wires, light bulbs and switches.

This Lin Heng was handed over to Xiulan, and those who had no money could sign on credit first.

Lin Heng's family is small, so it took him half an hour to lay out the wires.

There were light bulbs in every bedroom, in the backyard, and in the front yard.

In this era, tungsten glass bulbs were used, which were far different from incandescent lamps.

"Is this done?" Lin Yue felt that it was a bit too simple.

"It's very simple. Just remember what I said." Lin Heng grinned and went to find the electrician and Tian Dongfu.

The electrician checked it and gave Lin Heng a thumbs up: "Your skills are almost the same as mine. Not only are you correct, but the circuit is also very beautiful. You can become an electrician directly."

"Haha, thank you." Lin Heng grinned.

In this era, people in rural areas can become electricians if they know a little basic circuit knowledge.

"Then Lin Heng, then you and your brother can help route the circuit." Tian Dongfu patted Lin Heng on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded with a smile and took the wire switch to his eldest brother and his parents' house to wire it.

It was already 9:30 when the lines of these two houses were finished. When Lin Heng went to the next door house to continue helping, he saw that the electrician in blue clothes had already pulled the wires to the telephone pole in front of his house.

The wires by their river are not difficult to pull, and they are rare in the mountains, such as his uncle's.

After pulling up the wires, the electric meters of the three families were placed on the roof under the eaves of Lin Yue's house.

Lin Heng pulled the wires back home and connected them to the switch.

These days, there is no high-end leakage protection device. The switch is made of ceramics, and there is a fuse on it. If there is a short circuit, the fuse will melt.

"Let's go and lay the circuit for Li Caifeng's house next door." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After Lin Heng taught his elder brother, he asked him to lay the wires alone, and he would check it after he finished.

The two of them, plus the five electricians from the town, finally laid the electricity for every household in the center of the village in one day.

Over at Hongfeng Mountain, Lin Heng also asked for an electric meter, and it will definitely be powered in the future.

At around five o'clock, Lin Heng found Tian Baishun and asked, "Uncle Tian, ​​can we have electricity today?"

The wires on their side have been laid, but many households on the mountain have not yet laid the wires.

"The people at the power management station said it's okay. It doesn't matter if it's not finished on the mountain. The wires have been pulled, and it's okay to lay the wires tomorrow." Tian Dongfu nodded.

"That's good."

Lin Heng nodded and went home.

It was dark after six o'clock, and those who had electricity at home were staring at their own meters.

The electrician warned when he was laying the wires that they should wait until the red light on the meter came on before turning on the switch.

At half past six, the meter finally flashed red, and each household couldn't wait to turn on the switch.

For a while, the village, which was originally pitch black, was lit up by light bulbs one by one, like fireflies in the night sky.

Cheers rang out from every household, and the center of the village was brightly lit.

This is people's cheers for light and a better life.

When Lin Heng turned on the switch, several light bulbs in the house suddenly lit up.

His family used 50-watt light bulbs, and the dark yard and room were illuminated in an instant.

"Woof woof!!"

Xiongba and Jinbao were both startled, and stood up and looked at the light bulbs in surprise, as if they didn't understand why the sky was bright so soon.

"Great, great! It's bright!"

Xiaoxia jumped and waved her hands.

Xiulan was also very happy and excited: "Great, now the house is brighter than during the day."

At this moment, everyone in the village had the same expression. People who were reluctant to turn on the electricity couldn't help but smile at the moment when the electricity came.

This is the "sun" created by humans themselves, one of the greatest inventions in history.

From then on, humans completely expelled the darkness and would no longer be afraid of the night.

Many people turned the switch off and on again, full of curiosity about the electric light.

For uneducated people, this is undoubtedly similar to a miracle.

"Yes, from now on we don't have to use candles and kerosene lamps anymore, we can eat at any time we want." Lin Heng grinned.

Although the light is still a little dim, in this era, this is the sun in everyone's heart.

"Yeah, I'll go cook now. Let's eat under the electric light today and drink a little tonight." Xiulan nodded and said happily.

"Knock, knock, knock!!"

Just as the two were about to cook, there was a hurried knock on the door outside.

Damn it, the author had a headache today while burning wood in his hometown. I suspect it was due to incomplete combustion and nitric oxide poisoning.

Fortunately, it didn't have a big impact and I got better after a good sleep.

I'll write 4,000 words today. I'll kill the pig tomorrow and make up for it by writing 8,000 words when I return to the county town the day after tomorrow.

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