Lin Heng walked to the front yard and asked loudly: "Who is it?"

"Second brother, it's me." A female voice came from outside.

When Lin Heng heard the voice, he knew it was Caiyun. He opened the door and asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Caiyun shrunk and walked into the courtyard and said, "My parents asked me to call you over for dinner. Mom is already doing it."

"Okay, you go and hug Xiaoxia, I'll go first..." Lin Heng said helplessly. In fact, he didn't want to go to his parents' house for dinner. The food cooked by his mother was not as delicious as Xiulan's.

"Okay." Caiyun nodded and went to the house.

Lin Heng walked towards the old house. The cold wind was howling outside the yard and people were trembling all over. He quickly ran into the old house, where his mother was cooking in the kitchen.

Lin Heng saw his mother soaking the fern root powder, and immediately asked: "Mom, what are you going to do with the fern root powder?"

"Fried hot and sour seeds, what else can you eat?" Mother Lin asked matter-of-factly.

Lin Heng knew this as soon as he heard it. No matter what dishes his mother cooked, she couldn't do without the sour jar. This was caused by her poor life in the past.

"I'll make it for you. Are there any onions and fungus in the house?" Lin Heng looked at his mother and asked.

Mother Lin looked at him with wide eyes, with disbelief on her face: "You know how to cook? Don't be embarrassed. Go to the main room to warm yourself by the fire and wait for dinner."

Lin Heng said speechlessly: "Mom, this is called arrogance. You will beg me to teach you when I make it."

Mother Lin sneered: "I want to see what flowers you can make."

After saying that, she went to the house to find onions and fungus, and then looked on.

Lin Heng poured some water out of the pot and poured the fern root powder that his mother had soaked into the pot to cook.

When it's almost cooked, throw in the fungus and cook. After cooking, take it out and throw it into ice water in winter to cool down. This will make the fern root powder very strong.

After cooling, pour the water into a basin, add chopped onions, millet, minced garlic, add a small amount of salt, sugar, soy sauce, MSG, then pour some hot oil, finally add vinegar and coriander and mix with onions and fungus. The fern root powder is ready.

In fact, these two can be made separately, but Lin Heng was too lazy to occupy an extra plate and just used a small basin.

Mother Lin looked on with a puzzled look on her face, especially when Lin Heng put the sugar in, she shook her head and had a look of disgust on her face.

Lin Heng looked at his mother and said, "I'm done. Mom, please try it."

"It's weird that this is delicious." Mother Lin didn't even want to taste it.

But after thinking about it, he decided to give his son a chance, picked up the chopsticks and tasted it with a frown.

After taking two bites, her brows quickly relaxed, and an incredible look gradually appeared on her face.

"Not bad, right?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

Mother Lin snorted softly and said: "It's not bad, you have some skills."

Lin Heng spread his hands, turned around and ran away. He looked at it from a distance and found that her mother had taken two more bites. It seemed that she really couldn't understand why it was so delicious.

In fact, his mother can cook quite well, mainly because she has never seen real food. Her cooking skills are already good in the village.

Xiulan's cooking skills are better than Lin's mother because she once worked for a restaurant chef and learned some secretly.

Lin Heng, on the other hand, purely relied on the sharing of information in the Internet era. At that time, many famous chefs came out to teach cooking for the sake of traffic. Unlike now, everyone is self-conscious and has to pay a lot of money to learn.

In the main room, Xiulan was warming herself by the fire with her daughter in her arms, while Father Lin and others were playing cards with four hearts.

Today, his uncle and Li Shiwei went home to get wires, and the Lin family was the only ones in the house.

"Brother, come and play the Four of Hearts." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"I won't fight. I'll probably eat soon." Lin Heng shook his head and sat next to Xiulan and watched them fight.

I don’t play for money, I just play by myself. Today is the first day of power-up. Everyone is a little excited.

Lin Hengze took the opportunity to tell his family some common sense to prevent possible electric shock hazards.

At seven o'clock, Mother Lin had the dishes ready and put them on the table.

After everyone took a bite of the onion and fungus mixed with fern root powder, they couldn't help but praise it. It was so sour and refreshing. The spiciness of onions was much more unique than that of chili peppers.

And the texture is also good, chewing is very chewy, and the taste is better than ever.

"Hongmei, who did you learn this dish from? It's very delicious." Father Lin asked curiously.

Liu Juan praised: "Yes, Mom, it's so delicious. I want to learn how to make it."

Lin Wei and other children couldn't stop using their chopsticks and launched an attack on this dish.

They don’t speak, but use actions to make the most honest evaluation.

Xiulan took a bite and looked at Lin Heng. She guessed that it was made by Lin Heng. He really didn't lie. She loved the taste of this cold fern root powder.

Mother Lin glared at Lin Heng, looked at everyone and said, "I researched it myself. If you like it, just eat more."

"Okay, my mother's craftsmanship is really good." Lin Heng picked up a chopstick of fern root powder and said with a smile.

He thought it was really interesting to see his mother, but he didn't care, as long as there was delicious food.

"Awesome, Mom!"

"You can become a chef if you are skilled in craftsmanship!"

The family members' praise made Mother Lin feel a little embarrassed.

She didn't expect that Lin Heng's seemingly ordinary cooking would make such delicious food.

In fact, Lin Heng's cooking skills are not that good, but he has studied the dishes he likes to eat many times in his previous life.

One meal, the whole family enjoys it happily, and life changes instantly with electric lights.

After eating and returning to the house, Xiulan asked curiously: "Did you make the cold fern root powder?"

"Yes, Mom thought I was wasting food at first." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"I like to eat it very much. You can teach me tomorrow." Xiulan blinked and said.

Lin Heng looked at her and smiled wickedly: "Okay, but you have to pay for it."

Xiulan glared at him: "I'll pay you a big head ghost, forget it if you don't teach me."

She walked over and poured the hot water on the fireplace to wash Xiaoxia's hands and face. Lin Heng took Xiaoxia out to pee, then put on a diaper and coaxed her to sleep.

Although Xiaoxia has been teaching her not to wet her pants and call them when she goes to the toilet, she still wets the bed from time to time.

Washing diapers is what Xiulan does on a daily basis. Washing clothes in the winter is much more difficult than Lin Heng coaxing his daughter to sleep.

There is light tonight, Xiaoxia falls asleep very slowly, and she falls asleep after playing for half an hour.

"How about taking a bath, wife?" Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and suggested.

"But there is not so much hot water, how can I take a bath?" Xiulan rolled her eyes at him.

"I've thought about this a long time ago, just waiting for the power to be turned on." Lin Heng smiled.

He moved the bathtub to the front of the fireplace, went out to fetch two buckets of cold water and poured them in, then put the "hot water heater" he had bought a long time ago in and plugged it in.

"Can this heat water?" Xiulan asked curiously.

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, it's called a hot water heater. You can boil water by plugging it in, but you can't touch the water before unplugging the power, or you may get an electric shock."

He must educate his family about the knowledge of using electricity, and no accidents can happen because of it.

"Got it."

Xiulan drank a sip of water and watched from the side.

The water was boiling hot in about half an hour. Lin Heng unplugged the hot water heater, added some cold water, and the bath water was ready.

"It's really convenient to use electricity." Xiulan said with emotion. It would be very troublesome if it was burned with firewood.

But with electricity, it can be done quickly with such a magical thing, which is incredible.

"Of course, so come and take a bath." Lin Heng invited with a smile.

Xiulan went to turn off the light, tied her hair up, took off her clothes, and got into the bathtub with Lin Heng.

"It's so comfortable~" Xiulan rested her head on the edge of the tub and sighed.

The bedroom is so warm, and you can take a comfortable bath. It's so enjoyable.

Lin Heng enjoys it even more. Not only can he take a bath, but he can also watch his wife take off her clothes and take a bath, and even help her wash. It's so wonderful.

While soaking, Xiulan leaned on Lin Heng, pinched his face and said, "Do you still want me to pay tuition now?"

"No, no." Lin Heng was so comfortable that his wife's skin was white and soft.

"That's good." Xiulan nodded with satisfaction and let go of her hands.

After soaking for forty minutes, the water cooled down and the two took a bath, dried themselves and went to bed.

After taking a bath and going to bed, the whole person is comfortable.

The two fell asleep next to each other.

When he woke up in the morning, Lin Heng went to the toilet, added some firewood to the fireplace, got into bed and hugged his wife who had woken up to warm her up.

Xiulan looked at him, hugged his neck and slept for a while.

After getting up, Xiulan cooked. You can take Xiaoxia with you. By the way, calculate yesterday's income.

Most people in the village bought light bulbs, switches and wires from him. Except for five families who were temporarily on credit, others paid and delivered.

Even though the price was lower than that of the town's stores, Lin Heng made 158 yuan, one yuan per family. There was no profit for light bulbs and switches, but there was a little profit for wires.

Originally, his family could make more than one or two yuan, but in the end he gave Tian Dongfu a face and gave up some profits.

After calculating, Lin Heng didn't take this little money, and gave it all to Xiulan. He planned to put the remaining wires, light bulbs and switches in the house in Hongfeng Mountain for use later, and he was too lazy to carry them to the town.

After breakfast, Lin Heng went to Hongfeng Mountain to handle affairs.

Today, the people on the mountain have electricity and wiring, and the electricians from the power management station are enough, so he won't go.

There are already 12 ponds here in Hongfeng Mountain. In addition to the two acres of land left for building houses, four more ponds can be built.

The reason why four more ponds can be built is that the acres of land have become larger after leveling, otherwise it cannot be built.

The people who came were a little nervous because there was not much work left and they were afraid of being laid off.

Lin Heng looked at everyone and said, "There are only four fish ponds left. Dig them in groups of 20, and the remaining 20 people will come up with me to level the land."

Hearing this, everyone's expression was relieved. It's good that there are no layoffs. They are happy to continue to make money.

Lin Heng's idea is that the weather is getting colder and colder, so hurry up to dig the fish ponds, otherwise they can't dig, and more people can work faster.

As for the warehouse, it can only be built in spring. The water has frozen in the cold weather these two days, and it will be colder soon.

This kind of weather is not suitable for building houses. The water inside will be frozen before the cement solidifies.

The wood for building the house has been cut, and it can be dried in the next two months.

After assigning the work, Lin Heng took 20 people to find a place that would not pollute the water source and fish pond to level it, in preparation for the future breeding of musk deer.

With 20 people in a fish pond, Lin Heng estimated that it would take less than ten days to finish the work here.

Lin's father and his eldest brother were not here today. The work he arranged was to use an electric saw to cut some more big trees, hang them in the air, let them dry in the winter, and use them to build houses in the spring.

While everyone was working, Lin Heng boiled hot water and went to the stream to take a look.

The stream was also full of ice, especially in the places on the mountain where there was no sun.

After walking for a while, Lin Heng felt too cold and ran down the mountain to help with the physical work.

Three days passed quickly, and the fish pond was dug faster than he thought. Twenty people could dig half of it in three days.

On the 12th, Lin Heng wore a decent suit and went to the town with Tian Dongfu to attend the commendation meeting, and brought a big red flower.

As the youngest millionaire in Huangtan Town, he not only became rich himself, but also built his hometown and led the villagers to get rich together, and was promoted as a model.

He was also interviewed by reporters. Lin Heng behaved very decently, and people couldn't believe that he was a young man from the countryside.

Compared with the speeches of some other people, Lin Heng can be said to be a complete victory. Not only reporters, but also leaders remembered him.

On the way back to the village, Tian Dongfu couldn't help asking: "Did you prepare it specially? The words are so beautiful, so literary."

Lin Heng nodded: "Of course, I prepared for a long time, after all, this is very important."

But in fact, those were just what he searched his memory last night and found out from his mind at random. There are too many such formal words in his head.

"You have done a great favor to our village chief. The town secretary has noticed you." Tian Dongfu gave a thumbs up and said.

"Haha, I also like to read books." Lin Heng said casually, not caring about it.

After the publicity in the town, Tian Dongfu also used a loudspeaker to publicize this matter to Lin Heng when he returned to the village.

Many people in the Lin family were very excited, but Lin Heng went to Hongfeng Mountain with a calm face.

On the morning of the 15th, the fish pond was completely dug. In the afternoon, Lin Heng asked some people to sprinkle quicklime on the fish pond for disinfection.

Some people were called by him to help chop firewood on the mountain and carry it back.

In just half a day, enough firewood was piled outside Lin Heng's backyard to burn for half a year.

"Okay, let's come to settle our wages tomorrow. The work on the construction site has come to an end. Thank you everyone."

In the evening, Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Thank you, Boss Lin!!"

Upon hearing this, everyone couldn't help but get excited. They had been working for almost two months and were just waiting for their wages.

In the evening, Lin Heng looked through the workbook. The construction period was quite long this time. 60 people worked for 48 days, and 40 people only worked for 21 days.

In addition to these, there were six people including his father, eldest brother, third father, uncle-in-law, Lin Hai, and Li Shiwei.

In addition to the bonus for the team leader, he had to pay 3,300 yuan as wages in the end.

This is simply a huge number. If the pond built cannot make back the investment, it will be a loss.

"So much money has to be paid out as wages." Xiulan was a little shocked when she looked at the bag of money.

Since the largest denomination is only ten yuan, three thousand yuan is really a lot. Lin Heng took thirty people with him when he withdrew the money today. It was really a bit too much.

"Yes, it's a lot. After the money is paid out, there will be 4,100 yuan in the passbook."

Lin Heng nodded with emotion, and then smiled and said, "But it's not a waste. This is a preparation to make more money."

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