Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 181: Not enough money, the idea of ​​going into the mountains in winter

Early the next morning, someone came to collect the money. Lin Heng checked the working hours and wages with the person face to face as usual. After confirming that everything was correct, he signed and stamped the documents and then paid the money.

It took three hours to pay the wages, and it was not finished until ten o'clock.

"Hey, why didn't my uncle and my third father come?"

After paying the wages, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and asked curiously.

Xiulan had been in the house, playing with Luban locks with Xiaoxia. Xiaoxia was so angry that she threw it on the ground and stepped on it.

"I'm embarrassed to take it. It's all in the old house." Xiulan replied.

"Okay, then I'll go over."

Lin Heng smiled helplessly and walked over with the workbook and money.

In the old house, they were chatting and gossiping, and it was very lively.

Lin Heng walked in and said with a smile: "Why don't you come to collect your wages? Don't you want it?"

As team leaders, each of them was paid one yuan a day, and 48 days was 48 yuan. It was impossible not to want it.

"Haha, we're not in a hurry." Li Baiquan laughed.

In fact, they wanted it, but they were embarrassed to go too early, as it would seem too snobbish.

Lin Heng was helpless: "What's there to be embarrassed about? It's only right to get paid for the work."

After a pause, he looked at his father again: "Dad and big brother, you take the lead to come and sign to get your wages."

Lin's father was not polite, and walked over and said with a smile: "Then I won't be polite."

He knew that if he refused, it would be difficult for his relatives to take the money.

Lin's father was the first to sign and take 48 yuan.

Lin Yue was the second, and he smiled and said after taking the money: "Thank you, brother."

"What are you thanking? I should thank you." Lin Heng smiled and waved his hand.

"Then I'll come too." Lin Hai was not polite and walked over to get the money.

Soon these people got the money, and they were all smiling. They could still have so much income during the slack season thanks to Lin Heng.

"Lin Heng, when are you going hunting? Let's go together." Li Baiquan said with a smile.

"Wait a few days, wait for a heavy snow. I'm going to plaster the wall these two days." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll come down to see you after the heavy snow." Li Baiquan said with a smile.

Lin Heng nodded, chatted for a few more words, and then went home to settle the accounts.

Now there is still 4,100 yuan left in the card, which looks quite a lot, but it is actually not enough.

The fence on the Red Maple Mountain has been built to enclose the breeding base, and the inside is considered to be initially built. The remaining work in winter is to release water and maintain water.

But after the spring, he still has to repair the warehouse, indoor breeding room, etc.

Although bricks, cement and other materials have been prepared and do not need to be purchased separately, the labor cost is estimated to be three to five hundred.

In addition to these, he also has to cultivate shrimp seedlings and buy grain and feed.

Especially the feed is the big head, and feed is always the big head for breeding.

In addition to this, he is also going to buy some aerators, which can be used as an emergency rescue at critical moments and can also increase the breeding density.

In addition, he is going to buy fruit tree seedlings in a few days, which is also a large sum of money.

There are too many places to spend money. Four thousand yuan seems a lot, but it is really not enough.

In fact, Lin Heng can relax and take it slow, but not too slow. Especially planting fruit trees, this is an effective way to make parents less tired.

If there are no fruit tree seedlings, they will definitely plant crops again next year.

In addition, he also wants to accumulate capital as soon as possible. One effort now is equivalent to ten or even a hundred in the future.

The first-mover advantage is too important.

If he accumulates enough capital earlier, it means a lot of wealth.

With no money, Lin Heng once again set his sights on the mountain. There are a lot of wealth waiting for him to dig in this endless mountain.

"Money, you are a knife that kills without blood!"

Lin Heng sang a classic song from 1999, shook his head and gave the workbook and the remaining dozens of yuan to Xiulan.

"What's for lunch?"

Xiulan looked at him and asked softly.

"It's all right, you can do it as you see fit." Lin Heng smiled and walked into the house.

Put on the homemade mask, take out the plaster powder and mix it to plaster the wall.

With two hours left, he applied white plaster to the courtyard wall in the house.

In the afternoon, his father and eldest brother came to help him. The three of them worked together and soon plastered the outer wall.

Except for the backyard wall, the front yard and the main body of the house have been completed. It can be said that it is red tile and white wall, which is very beautiful.

People feel a lot more comfortable when looking at it, and naturally feel better when living in it.

In the evening, Lin's mother ran to his house to find Xiulan to ask about the trick of mixing onion and fungus with fern root powder. She tried several times these days and didn't master the key points.

Xiulan was explaining it to her in the house, and Lin Heng ran in and smiled and said: "Mom, didn't you say that the fern root powder was mixed by yourself? Why come to ask for advice?"

"Huh, I'm exchanging skills with Xiulan, and I didn't ask you." Lin's mother glanced at him indifferently and pushed her out of the kitchen directly.

"Mom, this is my house." Lin Heng reminded.

"What's wrong with your family?"

Mother Lin snorted and closed the kitchen door directly, not giving him a chance.

After a while, Mother Lin walked away with her head held high. Xiulan brought out the cold bracken root noodles and said, "Eat something first to fill your stomach. The rice will be ready soon."

"Thank you, wife." Lin Heng grinned, took it and ate several mouthfuls, and his stomach was temporarily filled.

"Dad, I want some~"

Xiaoxia saw him eating and ran over to ask for it.

Lin Heng wiped her nose, fed her some black fungus and some vermicelli.


Lin Heng ate the food without feeling anything, but Xiaoxia stuck out her tongue because of the spiciness. Lin Heng quickly got her a glass of water.

"Dad, I want candy~"

She drank the water, got into Lin Heng's arms and looked up and acted like a spoiled child.

Lin Heng gently scratched her nose and smiled, "I knew you were a clever little ghost, but you didn't mean to drink."

"Please, Dad~ I want candy~" Xiaoxia begged him weakly.

Lin Heng had no reason to refuse, so he peeled a White Rabbit candy and fed it to her.

Take his daughter to the front yard, opened a corner of the plastic film and looked inside. It was already green.

The warm environment makes them grow better than any other plants in winter.

Among these vegetables, peas grow the fastest, and the pea tips can be eaten in two days.

For dinner, Xiulan prepared three dishes and one soup. In addition to the fern root powder that Lin Heng did not finish, there were braised crucian carp made with dried crucian carp, stir-fried pork with pickled radish, and egg yolk soup.

The rich dishes allowed Lin Heng to eat two large bowls of rice. The yolk egg soup made him feel warm all over. Lin Heng felt that the dried shrimps added to it were the essence.

After dinner, the three of them returned to the bedroom. Compared with the outside, the bedroom with a fireplace was too warm.

Now that there is light, Lin Heng likes to read to his family more. He deeply believes that his example can make Xiaoxia fall in love with reading.

Xiulan is not well educated, but she is also fascinated when Lin Heng reads.

Sometimes Lin Heng stopped reading, and was tickled by the mother and daughter to make him finish reading. They could not tolerate the fragments.

Xiaoxia fell asleep, and as soon as Lin Heng climbed onto the bed, Xiulan came over and hugged his neck.

"Do you want to eat candy?"

She asked curiously in a low voice under the bright moonlight and the flickering firelight.

"I don't want to." Lin Heng said with a smirk.

Xiulan immediately let go of her hand with some displeasure, and whispered: "Okay then~"

She was a little disappointed.

"I mean to skip the step of eating candy and eat you directly~"

Lin Heng hugged her and blocked her mouth.

"Ah... um..."

Under the soft moonlight, Lin Heng suffered severe soil erosion, and Xiulan fell asleep holding Lin Heng's arm.

Lin Heng felt his arm on his wife's chest, glanced at the fireplace, and gradually fell asleep.

When he woke up early the next morning, Lin Heng found that Xiulan was still asleep, and couldn't help but kiss her.

"Um... so bad~"

Xiulan opened her eyes and pushed Lin Heng away, glaring at him fiercely, this guy was too bad.

Lin Heng smiled: "Didn't you take the initiative last night..."

Before he finished speaking, his mouth was covered by Xiulan.

"Don't say it again, or you'll die." Xiulan warned fiercely.

"Then you can make it up to me again." Lin Heng said with a wink. He wanted to eat a big meat bun now.

"You wish!"

Xiulan found a new set of underwear and got up from the bed. She looked back at him and showed a punitive smile.

Lin Heng was about to pull her back to taste it, but Xiaoxia on the small bed next to him rubbed her eyes and woke up.

Xiulan smiled slyly: "Bear it, brother~"

Lin Heng sighed helplessly, calmed down, sat up and got up from the bed.

He rubbed his daughter's face, held her and urinated in the potty, and then he went out to pour it out.

In winter, he didn't dare to let his baby daughter go to the toilet rashly, for fear of freezing.

"Dad, Jinbao~"

Xiaoxia pointed at Jinbao who had just run in and wanted to hold him.

"Wait until you get up." Xiulan said after washing her face and applying facial cream.

Lin Heng ignored her and went out to exercise with a compound bow. After exercising, he started the work that he hadn't finished yesterday - plastering the wall.

He finished half of the plastering and had breakfast. Pickled cabbage noodles were just a few bites.

After dinner, he continued to plaster the wall. Father Lin and his elder brother were sawing firewood in the back with an oil saw.

The wood that the workers had helped cut back before had not been sawed. Normally, it would take one or two days.

But with the diesel saw, it was done in half a day.

Lin Heng finished plastering the wall and was finally satisfied with the backyard now.

After a short rest, he went to the back mountain to help Xiulan carry firewood, took it home and stacked it under the eaves.

All the firewood was cut from acorn trees, which is good firewood and more durable than ordinary trees.

"Dad, there is too much firewood. Let's just pile it here. Cover it with plastic paper so it won't leak."

Lin Heng said after taking a look at the pile of wood. He didn't want the whole house to be piled with wood. Not only was it unsafe, but it also affected the appearance.

Father Lin nodded: "That's fine, then you can also put the wood for the stove that I asked you to saw here?"

"I'll take the pine wood home, and put the others here first." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

Pine wood has oil, even wet wood is easy to ignite, and other trees need to be dried.

Mother Lin and Liu Juan moved some and didn't move them anymore, some at home is enough.

Now this piece of land of more than 1,000 square meters in the back mountain has been developed into a small manor by them, raising various livestock and stacking firewood.

It was afternoon when the wood was stacked. There was nothing to do in winter, and it was just similar trivial things.

"Lin Heng, when are you going to buy saplings?" Father Lin asked curiously.

"The end of the month or January, it depends on the situation." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

Planting trees in winter is actually better than in spring, as long as it is not too cold, there is no problem.

Although trees planted in winter have no leaves, their roots are actually growing, and they will sprout directly in spring.

If they are planted in spring, they will have to take root first and then sprout, which will be much slower.

Father Lin nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry about it. If it doesn't work, you can plant it after the New Year."

Lin Yue also smiled and said: "Yes, anyway, it won't bear fruit for the time being, so there's no rush."

Lin Heng shook his head: "You have to worry about this. Some saplings are very popular."

He plans to talk to Li Chengguo in a few days and rent his car to go to Ancheng Agricultural Science Institute to get some good saplings.

If you go too late, there may be no good things.

"Okay, we'll go together when you go." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

After packing up the firewood, he was about to go back to the house to warm himself, and suddenly saw his mother sowing seeds in the woods.

He immediately asked curiously: "Mom, what are you sowing?"

"Nettles, plant them to prevent others from coming in." Lin's mother said as a matter of course.

"Oh my god, then stop spreading it, even our own people can't stand it." Lin Heng hurriedly stopped him.

This thing hurts a lot, and it is dirty for thousands of years. Once it grows, it can't be eradicated.

Many places in the countryside use this to keep thieves out, and no thief dares to cross this thing to steal things.

But in the end, our own people are often injured.

"I've spread it. It's not good not to be careful about so many things." Lin's mother spread her hands.

"Okay, mom, you are too careful. There are thorny trees and dogs. It's enough." Lin Heng said helplessly.

"It's called being careful." Lin's mother said, and left with Lin Heng.

After baking in Lin Heng's bedroom for a while, she looked at the fireplace again and again.

But she was just curious and didn't envy. She also had a fireplace made of cement and stone in her bedroom, and the effect was not bad.

It's just that the heat dissipation of stone is not as fast as that of steel. It takes a long time for the room to heat up, and it also wastes firewood.

After baking for a while, Lin Heng took the bow and arrow and took Xiongba out.

He hadn't gone hunting for many days, and his hands were a little itchy.

Winter was very cold, and it was also a good time for hunting. These days, almost all the hunters in the village could catch golden pheasants and the like.

"Brother, are you going?" Lin Heng went to his brother's house and asked.

"Late at night?" Lin Yue was cutting kudzu root at home, obviously preparing to make kudzu root powder.

"Just look for it nearby. Don't go too late today. Come back as soon as it gets dark." Lin Heng shook his head and said that he still liked to have a companion when hunting.

"Okay, let's go and look for it." Lin Yue nodded, went to get a bow and arrow and went with Lin Heng.

The two went to Hongfeng Mountain first, and they didn't get anything after searching for a while until it got dark. They immediately decided to go to Shibadanggou to have a look, but this time they didn't go to the top of the mountain, but just walked around the bottom of the ditch.

After dark, the cold wind became even worse, and the two people wearing thick cotton pants and cotton clothes were a little unbearable.

But hunting is like this. It's easy to find the traces of prey in winter, but people suffer.

In summer, people are more comfortable, but the traces of prey are too difficult to find.

The cold wind blew, and the two stepped on the leaves in the forest.

There was a small crescent moon in the sky tonight, but because of the thick clouds, it was impossible to get out. After dark, the forest was dark and quiet.

There was only the whistling of the wind and the occasional noise of some mice.

After searching for half an hour, Lin Heng shook his head: "Let's go, there is no hope in this place!"

Lin Yue nodded and asked again: "Then change places or go home?"

Lin Heng thought for a while and said: "Let's go to the riverside to have a look, maybe there will be gains."

There are many people hunting recently, and these golden pheasants and pheasants are also scared. He probably went to the mountains.

It is too difficult for him to hunt near his home, and he has to travel far away like in summer, to the mountains.

But he is waiting for a heavy snow, and the harvest will be greater in the deep mountains on a snowy day.

Lin Heng went to a forest by the upper river. There are many pheasant chicks there this summer, and he hopes to get something.

In winter, trees are bare, and you can find them without a flashlight.

After checking around, not a single bird was seen. Lin Heng looked at his watch and it was already past eight o'clock.

He was about to go home when his elder brother suddenly called out from a distance: "Brother, come over quickly, there is something."

Sorry everyone, it's still 4,000 words today, and I'm still in my hometown. My mother insisted that I help chop wood, it's too difficult.

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