Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 182 The hog badger cannot live without food

"What is it, big brother?"

Lin Heng was stunned and asked in a low voice.

Lin Yue shone the flashlight in the middle of several thorny fir trees and said, "Brother, look between these two thorny fir trees."

Lin Heng looked in the direction of his big brother's flashlight and finally saw the prey.

These are four bamboo partridges. They are resting in the intertwined branches of several thorny fir trees. If you don't look at them from the bottom of the tree, it is difficult to find them.

Lin Heng couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Are these guys afraid of the cold or scared of being beaten? They actually hid in this place."

Lin Yue looked at him and whispered, "You come and fight, kill as many as you can."


Lin Heng looked for several directions and wanted to shoot more with one arrow, but there were branches blocking him and he couldn't launch an attack. The thorny fir trees were green and too dense.

In the end, he could only aim and shoot from the direction with the least branches.

With a swoosh, the sharp arrow pierced through the leaves, and then two bamboo partridges were startled and flew out, landing on two tree branches not far away.

Lin Heng was delighted and asked his elder brother to pick up the two bamboo partridges on the ground. He drew his bow and shot arrows and killed the two bamboo partridges in two strokes.

"That's enough. We each got two. Thanks to you, elder brother, for finding it, otherwise we would have been empty-handed tonight." Lin Heng picked up the bamboo partridge and laughed.

He found that there was another advantage of shooting bamboo partridges with a bow and arrow, although it was difficult to shoot several at a time. But the sound was small, and the bamboo partridges would not be startled and fly far away at once, and there was still a chance to kill them one by one.

"Okay." Lin Yue was not polite and took two bamboo partridges.

The two walked back along the field ridge by the river, and the flashlight shone into the river. In winter, only some stream groupers could be seen in the river, and they did not swim much. From time to time, two yellow thorn bones could be seen.

If it were summer, Lin Heng would still be interested. In such a cold winter, he didn't even want to touch water. Just the cold wind made him feel like his hands and feet were not his own.

After returning home quickly, Lin Heng couldn't wait to get into the bedroom to keep warm.

Xiulan covered his hands and said, "It's too cold outside."

Xiaoxia looked at her mother's actions and ran over to warm her father's hands, babbling like a string of cannonballs.

Lin Heng felt the smooth and tender hands of his wife and daughter and felt very happy: "Fortunately, I caught two bamboo chickens, and the trip was not in vain."

"Great." Xiulan praised.

Then she went to get the food that was heated on the fireplace: "I made oil residue steamed buns, and the soup was the vegetable and mushroom soup made from the small green vegetables sent by my sister-in-law."

"Don't you want to eat?" Lin Heng changed the position of Xiaoxia who had gotten into his arms.

"We've eaten." Xiulan shook her head.

Xiaoxia said in a baby voice: "Dad, I want to eat."

"Okay, you eat." Lin Heng fed her a bite, but she didn't want it anymore.

Lin Heng ate heartily. The oil residue steamed buns were so fragrant that he ate five pieces in one breath before stopping.

After drinking the soup, his stomach was warm and comfortable and he wanted to take a nap.

But Xiaoxia had already pestered him to tell stories. Her greatest pleasure every day was that Lin Heng told stories at night or played with toys with her.

Lin Heng played with Luban locks with her for a while, and then told her stories to coax her to sleep.

After washing up, he hugged his wife and couldn't wait to eat the White Rabbit that he didn't eat in the morning.

There was nothing to do these days, and the firewood was enough.

With the electric light, he could sleep later at night, so Lin Heng got up later in the morning.

It was a very happy thing for him to hug his wife and stay in bed in the quilt.

"Don't move."

Xiulan snorted softly and lay in Lin Heng's arms to prevent him from moving.

After all, she didn't even know where her underwear was, and she couldn't stand him touching her again.

In the end, she had no choice but to find her underwear and put it on, then glared at Lin Heng fiercely, because she couldn't stand the burn.

Lin Heng smiled, hugged her and said helplessly: "There's nothing I can do. I'm too young and strong at the age of 21."

"Don't say it, take a good rest." Xiulan rolled her eyes at him, she still wanted to stay in bed with him for a while.

When Lin Heng got up to exercise, Xiulan went to the back mountain to feed the chickens.

After a while, Lin Heng heard her shouting, stopped exercising and walked over.

Seeing Lin Heng coming, Xiulan pointed to the pigsty and said: "Husband, this wild hog badger is completely hibernating."

Lin Heng looked and found that this guy dug a pit outside and slept in it completely motionless.

Lin Heng thought for a while and said: "Then kill it, it can't go without food."

If it hibernates like this, this guy will definitely get thin, so it's better to kill it now.

The value of wild hog badger is not as high as that of musk deer, and he has no interest in breeding it.

Xiulan nodded in agreement: "Then kill it, otherwise the food will be wasted."

Lin Heng nodded: "Then I'll go call dad and big brother, and kill it after breakfast."

Xiulan went home to cook, and Lin Heng went to tell his dad.

Father Lin originally wanted to dig some lotus roots today, but he didn't refuse after Lin Heng said to kill the wild boar.

His big brother was busy making kudzu root powder, and he didn't object when he heard that he was asked to help kill the wild boar.

After breakfast, the three of them took the wild boar out of the pen and pressed it on the rack in the yard.

After getting a basin to collect the blood, Lin Heng took the 100-tempered steel dagger to bleed it and ended its life.

After the wild boar was killed, Lin Yue stood up and said: "I'm leaving, brother, you and dad can do it alone, right?"

"You go." Lin Heng nodded, he knew his big brother was also busy.

The wild boar doesn't need soup, Lin Heng and his father peeled off the skin, which can still be sold.

The two of them were also familiar with the processing of badger meat and internal organs, and they finished it in two hours.

"Let's dry the meat into bacon, and I'll stew the internal organs and badger head." Xiulan said while applying salt to the meat.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded. Bacon can be dried or smoked, and he and Xiulan both like dried bacon.

He went to kill two bamboo chickens and called his parents and eldest brother to eat at noon.

In the afternoon, Xiulan stewed the meat, and Lin Heng took Xiaoxia to make the ground cage.

He bent the iron wire into a rectangular circle, and then asked Xiulan to help cut the ribbon and make the gauze net. The two made it bit by bit.

Xiulan is better at making ground cages than Lin Heng, because she was born in Lushui County and has been exposed to these since she was a child.

In addition to catching fish, the most important thing for Lin Heng to make ground cages is to catch shrimp next year.

Ground cages are difficult to make. In one afternoon, neither of them finished a five-meter-long ground cage.

"Let's eat. There will be braised meat tonight. Which one do you want to eat?" Xiulan clapped her hands and looked at Lin Heng and said.

Lin Heng thought for a second and said, "Let's have braised small intestines. I like this."

Xiulan turned around to make it, and Lin Heng took Xiaoxia to play games.

They braised small intestines here with four chopsticks arranged in a cross and wrapped around the small intestines.

After sawing, the small intestines stick together. Cut them into small pieces with a knife and eat them with vinegar soup.

The chewiness of the braised small intestines itself is slightly reduced, but the taste is better. It will not be chewy. It tastes good and has the aroma of the marinade.

Add the coriander and chili in the vinegar soup, and the rich taste spreads in the mouth after a bite. This is undoubtedly a kind of enjoyment.

Whether it is the small intestine belly of the hog badger or the pig, Lin Heng thinks it is better than the pig ear. The taste and taste are too good.

The next day, the two continued to make traps. It took a day to make two five-meter-long traps.

The sun came out and it was gone in an hour. The sky was always black and there was no blue.

But there was no rain and no snow.

Early in the morning on the 18th, Lin Heng and Xiulan were having dinner, and sister-in-law Liu Juan came into the house with ten kilograms of kudzu root powder.

"Xiulan Lin Heng, this is the kudzu root powder we made these two days. It's all dried. I'll bring you some to eat." Liu Juan walked into the house and said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Lin Heng said with a smile, and he was not polite.

"Sister-in-law, have you eaten? If not, I'll scoop some for you." Xiulan said with concern.

"No, no, I came here after I had eaten." Liu Juan waved her hand and left directly.

After dinner, Lin Heng opened the bag and took a look.

This kudzu root powder is very fine and has been processed.

This thing is rich in nutrition, relieves heat and troubles, and promotes body fluid and quenches thirst. No one here chooses to make it into vermicelli. Generally, they use it to drink or sell it directly.

He poured some kudzu powder into the cup, added some honey, chopped red dates, and dried mulberries, then poured in hot water and stirred gently, and then you can see that the kudzu powder has turned into a grayish-white translucent gelatinous substance.

Take a bite and put it in your mouth. It is refreshing and sweet, and it also has the taste of dried red dates and dried mulberries.

"It's good for you to eat."

Lin Heng gave the rest to his wife.

Xiulan certainly wouldn't dislike Lin Linheng. She took a spoon and took a bite, commenting: "Too much honey, it's a bit too sweet."

He prefers to eat the original flavor because kudzu powder has a sweet taste.

Lin Heng glanced at him and said: "You just can't bear to eat honey. Eat it when you should. It's good for your body."

Xiulan blinked and drank from the cup.

After eating, at noon, Lin Heng took the three five-meter-long ground cages he had just made and rode to Huangtan River.

Finding a suitable location, Lin Heng put the prepared pig liver into the ground cage. Then throw the ground cage into the water.

In winter, the wind whistles by the river. If you stand here for a minute, you can be frozen into an ice stick, let alone fishing.

It's totally unbearable.

He mainly uses the ground trap to catch some yellow thorn bones and catfish to eat.

Xiaoxia likes to eat these two kinds of fish very much, and they don't have spines for her to eat, so Lin Heng himself is relieved.

After putting the ground trap, it's okay in the winter. Lin Heng thought about it and rode to the town not far away.

Because today is the sixth day of the winter month, it's the market day in the town.

I also want to see if there are any delicious foods for sale to bring back for my family.

He rode his horse not far away and saw a donkey cart in front.

Lin Heng could recognize the uncle on the car from the back. It was the uncle who took Xiulan and him to the town to sell things for the second time.

"Uncle, what are you pulling to sell in the town?"

Lin Heng looked at him and asked.

The old man was pleasantly surprised when he saw Lin Heng: "Hey, why is it you? You also bought a horse, so beautiful."

It's only 3,000 today, too tiring, I can resume normal updates starting tomorrow.

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