Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 184: Snow and Wind Driving the Mountain

This sudden heavy snow caught everyone off guard. Lin's father, Lin Yue and others went home first to collect the things hanging outside.

Or pick some firewood for the livestock, otherwise they can't bear the cold weather.

Lin's mother was helping Xiulan wash the dishes, and Lin Heng went to move straw to the musk deer pen, especially the mother musk deer was pregnant with a baby musk deer, so she had to take better care of it.

Xiongba's doghouse was also added with some straw and moved to the corner of the wall away from the wind.

Sometimes the weather changes suddenly. There is still sunshine at noon, but it can snow heavily at night.

Lin Heng didn't need to take care of Hongzao's stable. His eldest brother added fodder, and he also made a brown fur mat for the five black dogs.

Lin Heng took some fine firewood home. He didn't lack coarse firewood in his house, and there was a large pile under the eaves.

Mainly because there was not much fine firewood for kindling, he brought a large bundle into the house to avoid inconvenience for Xiulan to cook tomorrow.

"It's snowing so heavily."

Lin Heng sighed as he looked at the snow flying all over the sky, and then asked, "Mom, have they all gone back?"

"They've gone back." Xiulan took out a towel and said as she slapped the snow off Lin Heng.

While the two were talking, Xiaoxia ran to the yard, waving her hands and cheering to the sky, "Oh, it's snowing! It's snowing!"

She didn't know what snowing meant, but when she heard Xiulan and the others say it, she was so happy that she was full of curiosity about this kind of thing she had never seen before.

Of course, she couldn't remember that it snowed last year, because she didn't know anything at that time.

Next year, she might forget that it snowed this year, and she would always be full of curiosity about the world.

"Come back soon! You'll catch a cold soon."

Xiulan ran out to catch her.

Xiaoxia played hide-and-seek with her mother and was still laughing after being caught.

Xiulan couldn't punish her, so she pinched her little face helplessly and warned her not to go out again, and then the three of them went back to the bedroom together.

Heavy snow has a sound-absorbing effect. When it snows, everything outside is silent. Through the window that is slightly open, you can see large flakes of snow falling outside.

Xiaoxia sat obediently on the bench, holding the edge of the table with her little hands, and looked at Lin Heng intently.

Lin Heng held a storybook in his hand and read it slowly. Xiulan used a pottery stove to make tea, and made hawthorn paste for Xiaoxia to feed her.

Lin Heng felt that this atmosphere was better than the whole family gathered in front of the TV.

After Xiaoxia fell asleep, when Lin Heng went to the toilet, the ground was already white.

Back in the house, he played a half-hour in-and-out game with Xiulan.

He must go up the mountain tomorrow, and he really can't bear to leave his wife and daughter.

Xiulan also knew that he would probably go to the mountain for a while, and worked hard to cooperate.

"Hold me to sleep."

Xiulan said softly. She was now powerless and her body was like mud.

Although Lin Heng also suffered from severe soil erosion, he still had strength and fell asleep holding his wife.

The next morning, Lin Heng was still in a dream when he suddenly felt something soft enter his mouth. After tasting it carefully, he found that it tasted like strawberry.

He opened his eyes and saw his beautiful wife hugging his neck.

"Is it delicious?" Xiulan hugged his neck and said with seductive eyes.

"It's delicious."

Lin Heng nodded repeatedly. It turned out that being woken up by a kiss was such a wonderful feeling.

"Then eat another one."

Xiulan brought it up again. She was reluctant to separate from Lin Heng.

Every day, only by looking at him and smelling his breath could she sleep peacefully.

Lin Heng not only got a sweet kiss early in the morning, but also ate the big white rabbit she fed herself again.

He took another nap until the fire in the fireplace was about to go out. He got up and added two pine wood and one acorn wood.

The fire started again. Lin Heng walked over and opened the window. The world outside the door was snowy and almost no other colors could be seen.

There was still light snow in the sky, and the cold wind blew in the face, making people wake up instantly.

After getting up, he stepped out and found that the snow was 20 centimeters deep.

"This year's snow came early and it's heavy." Lin Heng said in shock.

In the past, there was such heavy snow, but it was already the twelfth month of the lunar calendar, which was not the winter month.

"Then do you still want to go up the mountain? Or forget it, the snow is too heavy." Xiulan said with some concern.

It's too dangerous to go up the mountain with such heavy snow, it's slippery and cold.

"Go, it's okay even if there's heavy snow." Lin Heng said with a smile, he was waiting for the heavy snow to go up the mountain.

After going to the toilet and exercising, Lin Heng called Xiaoxia up, and Xiulan went to cook.

In the morning, rice was cooked. In addition to the sour shredded radish and stir-fried meat and green vegetable and mushroom soup, there were also braised pig hearts and pig heads, which were also very delicious when dipped in vinegar.


Just after finishing his meal, Lin Heng was about to go to the back mountain to lead the horse, and the door was knocked.

"Lin Heng, are you in the house?"

Then the voice of his uncle Li Baiquan came in.

Lin Heng went to open the door and saw him standing outside with a backpack and a gun.

"You came so quickly, uncle." Lin Heng was shocked.

Li Baiquan smiled and nodded: "Of course, I was afraid that you would leave early."

"Don't worry, I can't leave."

Lin Heng took him into the house and explained the situation to him.

Li Baiquan nodded and said: "Since you still have to pick someone up, I will go to talk to your brother first. We have to bring enough things. Going to the mountains in winter is not a joke."

The environment in the mountains in summer is not that bad, it is even quite cool.

In winter, if you are not careful, you will die directly. The most important thing for people walking in the mountains is to respect nature.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

He went to get a horse and a carriage. He tied some brown ropes to the garage to prevent slipping because he was afraid that the road was too slippery.

Then he drove the carriage to Huangtan Town without stopping.

When Grandpa Gao saw Lin Heng coming, he was overjoyed and said, "Xiao Lin, you are finally here. Let's set off quickly. I have carried all the things."


Lin Heng agreed and went to help move things.

Grandpa Gao didn't prepare much, all in a camouflage backpack.

The weapons he carried caught Lin Heng's attention. Not only did he hold the Mongolian bow, he also carried a double-barreled shotgun and an M1911 pistol.

"Uncle, you have too many guns." Lin Heng was shocked. Forget the double-barreled shotgun, why is there a pistol?

"Haha, this is the pistol I seized from the Americans. I bring it with me just in case. I mainly use hunting rifles for hunting." Grandpa Gao said with a smile, and then he took off the magazine and showed the pistol to Lin Heng.

Lin Heng looked at it again and again, touched it again and again, and was very envious: "It's so beautiful, you are so awesome, uncle."

Grandpa Gao was very satisfied with Lin Heng's expression, patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Haha, I'll let you play with it when we get up the mountain."

"Then thank you, uncle." Lin Heng was a little impatient. Apart from the rural hunting rifles, this was the first time he touched a gun seriously.

And this pistol was stained with countless blood, and there were mottled marks of time on it.

After looking at it, he returned the pistol, and Grandpa Gao put on the magazine and inserted it on the back waist of his coat.

When Grandpa Gao took the bullets, Lin Heng couldn't help but feel curious when he saw the bullets he took: "Grandpa Gao, why did you take the rifle bullets?"

Grandpa Gao smiled and took out the double-barreled shotgun for Lin Heng to check: "This is a special double-barreled shotgun with shotgun shells on one barrel and rifle bullets on the other barrel."

After seeing it, Lin Heng gave a thumbs up: "Grandpa, your equipment is too rich. Compared with you, I feel like I'm going to the mountains for fun."

With this equipment, let alone black bears, even tigers will be defeated.

Originally, he was worried about encountering wild beasts, but now he is going up the mountain with Grandpa Gao, and he needs to worry about those wild beasts.

After getting the equipment, the two got on the carriage and hurried to Hongfeng Village.

When they arrived at Hongfeng Village, it was already ten o'clock. His elder brother was also ready.

"Your yard is nice, very beautiful."

After entering the house, Grandpa Gao looked at Lin Heng's yard and immediately praised it.

This farmyard is so beautiful. Lin Heng is really a sentimental person.

"Haha, I just like to tinker with these. If you like, you can stay for a few days."

Lin Heng grinned and took Uncle Gao to visit the backyard and look at the musk deer.

Uncle Gao looked around and found Xiulan cooking. He quickly stopped her and said, "Just eat a little. Let's go up the mountain quickly."

"There are not many dishes, all are braised dishes." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Uncle Gao still shook his head: "That's not necessary. If you really want to entertain me, wait until we come back."

"Okay then."

Seeing the uncle's insistence, Lin Heng could only nod and agree.

Let Xiulan simply make two hot dishes and two plates of braised meat. After eating, the four of them took their equipment and took Xiongba up the mountain.

They still entered the mountain from the location of Hongfeng Mountain. The cold wind was howling and there was light snow in the sky.

"Uncle, look, this is the fish pond I built." Lin Heng pointed in the direction of the fish pond.

The water in the fish pond was frozen, and it was covered with snow, so only a rough outline could be seen.

Grandpa Gao gave a thumbs up: "You have perseverance, young man. People who work hard are the most glorious."

Lin Heng grinned: "I just want to make a fortune and improve the lives of my family. It's the same when I go into the mountains."

"I will definitely make a fortune." Grandpa Gao said with a smile.

As they entered the mountains, everyone talked less and began to look for traces of prey.

It had just snowed, so the traces of prey were the easiest to find.

Lin Heng and Grandpa Gao were in one team, and his eldest brother and his uncle-in-law were in another team.

The goal of the four people was the foot of Taibai Mountain. Today, they mainly rushed to reach the destination as soon as possible and then build a shelter.

Searching for prey was all about chance on the road.

The forest was silent after the snow, and the four people hurried on their way.

As they walked, Grandpa Gao suddenly made a stop gesture and whispered: "Listen!"

Lin Heng listened carefully and there was indeed the sound of flapping wings.

Soon, two blue-gray grouse were found resting in the forest on the left front. They scratched at the snow, as if looking for something to eat.

"The one on your left, the one on my right, I'll shout three, two, one, can you do it?"

Grandpa Gao took out his Mongolian bow and looked at him.


Lin Heng nodded, took out the compound bow, and put on a sharp arrow.

"Three, two, one!"

As the voice fell, the two shot sharp arrows almost at the same time.

With a click, the two grouse were shot and rolled in the snow, their legs twitched a few times and then they were motionless.

The bright red blood flowed out along the arrow, gradually dyeing the nearby snow red.

"Not bad, your level is good." Grandpa Gao gave a thumbs up, Lin Heng's arrow was faster than his.

"Uncle, you are amazing, proficient in everything." Lin Heng grinned.

Before the two of them finished speaking, Xiong Ba picked up the grouse and brought it back.

"This dog can do it." Uncle Gao said with bright eyes.

Lin Heng smiled: "Xiongba is very smart, we can have something to eat tonight."

This grouse weighs more than a pound, which is enough for four people tonight.

The four of them set out at eleven o'clock and walked for three hours. It was two o'clock before they found their prey.

The temperature gets lower as we go up the mountain. Fortunately, there is only snow today and the wind is not very strong.

But even so, Lin Heng carried a basket and remembered that the grouse was frozen to death in less than half an hour.

Because Lin Heng and others had been exercising, their hands and feet were not cold, but their faces were cold.

At three o'clock, several people arrived at Sanchagou Canyon. It was a familiar place but the environment was completely different.

From a distance, you can see some pheasants, bamboo pheasants, sparrows and other birds looking for food in the canyon. These things are easy to distinguish in the heavy snow.

There are also many birds around the canyon. Some egrets are looking for small fish by the stream. They seem not to be afraid of the cold at all.

But no one had the idea of ​​going hunting. It was getting dark in only three hours, and they had to get to their destination as soon as possible.

There is no hope of reaching the foot of Taibai Mountain today. Everyone's destination has been changed to the camp built by Lin Hengxia by the stream upstream of Sanchagou.

"You have to walk faster." Uncle Gao looked at the sky and said.

Li Baiquan also nodded: "It must be faster. We can't take risks in winter."

People who drive mountains are well aware of the ruthlessness of nature. If they dare not respect nature, they will inevitably face devastating consequences.

The few people hurried on and finally arrived at the camp built by Lin Hengxia and his eldest brother's father at five o'clock.

After briefly checking the camp, Uncle Gao nodded and said: "It can still be used. Let's simply reinforce it and spend the night here today. We will find another place tomorrow."

Except for the cane beds, this camp is unusable, but the roof is still in good condition, and no snow has fallen in.

Lin Hengxia didn't demolish it when he left. All they needed to do was to surround it, otherwise people would freeze to death at night.

These are not difficult to deal with, just use wood as the skeleton, branches to fill the big gaps, and then get some leaves to fill the small gaps and you're done.

While building the shelter, everyone chatted.

Li Baiquan looked at Lin Heng and asked curiously: "What did you hit here this summer?"

"One big wild boar, two small wild boars, as well as forest musk deer and pig badger." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Uncle Gao's eyes lit up and he said: "There are so many, so it seems that there is a lot of supplies here."

Lin Heng shook his head: "Don't worry, it took us almost a month to get so many things."

Uncle Gao added, "I think the canyon below is pretty good. You can go check it out when you have time."

Lin Heng shook his head: "The terrain there is too complicated and dangerous. Old Man Tian from our village almost didn't come out before. There are many mud pits."

"That's right. We can only look at it from the edge."

Uncle Gao said helplessly, he knew how terrifying the mud pit was.

While talking, everyone finished building the walls around the shelter.

"Come here quickly, there are footprints of prey here. Isn't this a black bear?"

Suddenly, Lin Yue made a sound in the distance.

Today’s 4,000 words, I went too far with pallu, friends.

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