It was dark by this time, and everything was white. Everyone felt cold and hungry after less exercise, especially when the sweat on their bodies became colder.

Uncle Gao got firewood and started a fire, while Lin Heng and his uncle were reinforcing the surrounding houses.

The three of them suddenly heard Lin Yue's shout in the distance, and immediately stopped what they were doing and looked over.

Before anyone could speak, Lin Yue's voice came again: "Bear, these are definitely the footprints of a bear!"


The three of them were stunned, and the work they were doing stopped at that time.

This thing is a bit strange to them, and they never thought that this thing would appear in their memory.

"Really or not?" Lin Heng was the first to speak out, a little unconvinced that there were bears in this place.

They lived here for nearly a month in the summer, but they didn't find any trace of bears.

Lin Yue nodded and said, "Really, come here and see if this can still be a lie."

"Let's go over and have a look." Uncle Gao stopped what he was doing, picked up his double-barreled shotgun and walked over.

Li Baiquan also put his shotgun on his shoulder. Lin Heng didn't take anything. If there was a bear nearby, these two guns would be enough. It didn't matter whether he took it or not.

In less than three minutes, three people rushed over. Lin Yue looked at the crowd and said, "Such a big claw must belong to a bear."

As he spoke, he put his palm into the footprint, which was indeed bigger than his hand.

"It's really a bear footprint!" Li Baiquan said in shock.

Lin Heng also shook his head: "Incredible!"

Bears are so rare in the mountains of Qinling Mountains that the probability of encountering one is about the same as picking up gold.

The footprints came from the southwest. After reaching the ridge, they walked along the ridge towards Taibai Mountain.

Suddenly a gust of cold wind hit, everyone shuddered and woke up from their meditation.

"What should I do if I follow you? Decide to leave here as soon as possible. It's so cold that you can die." Lin Yue asked.

Lin Heng shook his head: "Tracking is definitely not possible. It's already night. And it's snowing. If someone is not careful, he will be gone."

Li Baiquan frowned and said: "Then our place is no longer safe. If this thing comes here at night, we will all fall asleep and we can't bear it."

This is also what Lin Heng and Lin Yue are worried about. Whether it is a giant panda or a black bear, attacks are no joke.

A slap would shatter a person's bones, and the heavyweights were there.

Uncle Gao spoke at this time: "This is actually normal. Don't worry, the bear will run far away without food in winter. I guess there is a high probability that this guy will not come back.

I definitely can’t go look for it today, let’s talk about it tomorrow morning. As for the camp being attacked, don't worry. I have a bell in my backpack, and I'll get an early warning device later. "

Lin Heng looked at Uncle Gao in surprise. He even brought something like a bell, but he didn't hear any sound.

"Of course there is no sound, I blocked the bell." Uncle Gao seemed to have noticed his doubts and said with a smile.

"Awesome, uncle, you are so well prepared." Lin Heng sighed.

"Then go back."

After making the decision, a few people chopped some canes and hurried back.

When the fire started, the camp immediately became warm. The four of them got rid of the snow on their bodies first.

After it was warmed, Lin Heng put the iron pots together, and everyone went out to get snow and throw it in to boil water.

"What's for dinner tonight?" Uncle Gao asked with a smile.

Lin Heng pointed at the two hard grouse and said with a smile: "I must eat the grouse. I brought a lot of things with me this time. I prepared the chicken and cut it into pieces and ate it.

Leave this to me and I will ensure that everyone is satisfied. "

"Okay, then I'll deal with the grouse." Li Baiquan nodded.

"Then Lin Yue, you and I can go lay out the warning rope." Uncle Gao took out the bell and rope and said.

The water was boiled, the grouse was boiled, and its feathers were plucked. Lin Heng and his uncle handled it together.

Xiong Ba watched eagerly from the side, but he could only watch.

Lin Heng and the others processed all the chicken offal, chopped it into small pieces and fried it together with the chicken.

It was completely dark when he was frying chicken. Lin Yue and his uncle used a rope to circle the outside of the camp and tied two bells. The bells would ring whenever something broke in and touched the rope.

Lin Heng poured oil into the pot, added fermented bean curd and soybean paste and stir-fried the chicken. After a while, the strong aroma spread.

Everyone had been hungry for a long time, their stomachs were growling, and they couldn't help but swallow their saliva when they smelled the fragrance.

"Xiao Lin, your cooking skills are good." Uncle Gao couldn't help but praise.

Lin Heng laughed: "Haha, it's not difficult at all, they are all simple dishes."

After the chicken is fried until fragrant, he takes it out, adds water to the pot, adds rice, and then pours the chicken in to make braised chicken rice.

When the rice is cooked, the chicken will be soft and rotten. Even if Mr. Gao gets older, he won't be unable to eat it.

By the time the meal was ready, it was already seven o'clock, and everyone was as hungry as hungry wolves.

"Have a taste."

Lin Heng mixed the rice and chicken and served a large bowl for everyone.

The rice has been soaked in orange-yellow sauce and is full of sauce aroma. Just smelling it makes your mouth water.

Lin Heng shoveled the rice cakes from the bottom of the pot and ate them. The rice cakes covered with sauce tasted so delicious.

"Xiao Lin, you can cook this meal well. It's so delicious. I'll leave the cooking to you from now on. Let's get some more prey tomorrow."

Uncle Gao was full of praise, especially because the chicken was well cooked and made him feel no pressure to eat it.

"Yes, this rice is so fragrant that it will eat up your tongue." Li Baiquan was also shocked and said, this stuffed rice is so delicious.

"Haha, the main reason is that the sauce is so fragrant."

Lin Heng said this and started eating his meal.

After eating this warm meal, everyone had a happy expression on their faces. Although there was still a cold wind coming in from the door, it was much better when their stomachs were full.

Xiongba was pitifully picking up the bones and eating them. When everyone was full, Lin Heng fed him the remaining rice.

Lin Heng rubbed its head: "If you want to eat meat, do it well tomorrow. If you beat it too much, you will have something to eat."


Xiong Ba whined and ate furiously.

After eating, everyone went out to take a look. It didn't snow anymore, only a few snowflakes were floating.

There is no smoke hole in the house, which makes people feel uncomfortable and their eyes can't help but water.

It doesn't hurt my eyes when I come out, but it's too cold. I smile and have a serious problem, that is how to sleep at night.

It was already dark before they even had time to make a bed, so sleeping on the floor would definitely not work.

"I can only find some wood and lay it on the ground to prevent water from getting on the wood." Lin Yue said with emotion.

Everyone nodded and braved the wind and moon with flashlights to look around for wood to cut.

"Holy shit!!"

Lin Heng was cutting down a tree when he heard a popping sound from his elder brother's side, and then an exclamation.

"What's wrong? Are you okay, brother?" Lin Heng asked quickly. While he was talking, people were running over. His brother seemed to have fallen into the water.

"It's too slippery. There is ice underneath the leaves and they fell into the water. Fortunately, the water is not deep in winter." Lin Yue stretched out his hand and said.

"This is too bad luck."

Lin Heng quickly pulled him out. His pants were wet from the knees down.

"Oh, damn it." Lin Yue shook his head and quickly ran into the house to take off his pants and bake them.

Lin Heng continued to chop wood and told others that they needed to pay attention.

It wasn't until half past nine that everyone finally made the bed and could sleep briefly.

Lin Heng and others were still able to sleep with their clothes on, but Lin Yue was miserable and had to take off his pants and shoes.

Everyone had to give him the corner position, which was sheltered enough from the wind.

I fell into sleep exhausted both physically and mentally. This wooden and hard bed made it hard to sleep at all.

Everyone barely slept well that night, they were half awake and half asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I was still physically and mentally exhausted because I didn't get much sleep last night.

Lin Yue woke up the first and fiddled with his shoes and clothes from time to time.

"Brother, have you done it?" Lin Heng looked at him and asked.

"Fortunately, it has been dried, but there is a hole in my pants burned by the sparks. Your sister-in-law will scold me again when I get back."

Lin Yue pointed at the hole in his pants and smiled helplessly.

"It's okay, let's just hunt a big prey and go back." Lin Heng smiled and patted his elder brother on the shoulder.

After saying that, he set up a pot to boil water. There were sauerkraut and flour in his backpack. He simply made sauerkraut and gnocchi in the morning. The gnocchi was still very hungry.

After eating, everyone began to make the next deployment.

Lin Heng asked the most critical question: "Should we leave today, or should we explore nearby?"

Li Baiquan thought for a while and said: "I want to explore here, get a good place to live, and rest before traveling further.

You can stay here for one night when you come back. If you go to the foot of Taibai Mountain, you will definitely not be able to get back in one day. "

"That's what I mean too." Lin Yue said.

Uncle Gao waved his hand: "Then let's rest for two days, there's no rush for this moment."

Lin Heng nodded and said, "How about we go explore in the morning and come back to clean up the shelter at three in the afternoon?"

The shelter must be rebuilt, or a smaller one built. The previous one was a bit too small for four adults.

The bed also had to be made new, and I couldn't do anything if I couldn't sleep well. Lin Heng barely slept last night.

"Okay, let's go explore nearby." Li Baiquan nodded.

"So, was the bear tracking yesterday? It didn't snow at night, so the footprints should still be there." Lin Yue asked again.

Everyone looked at Uncle Gao. He had the most weapons, and they were all loaded with bullets and could be fired continuously.

Uncle Gao grinned and said, "Then Xiaolin and I will go chase the bear together and see which direction it goes."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

After everyone's division of labor was completed, Lin Heng and Uncle Gao went up the mountain, leading Xiong Ba to chase the bear along the footprints.

Not far away, Lin Heng heard a noise. He looked up and saw a big red-haired squirrel running away on a big rock in front of him.

"There is food here, probably chestnuts."

Lin Heng grinned, ran over to search, and soon found a large pile of chestnuts behind the big rock.

"One or two pounds is enough. If we catch grouse today, we can stew chicken with chestnuts." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then I will definitely call you." Uncle Gao said with a smile.

It was just a pity for the big squirrel. All the food that had been stored for a long time was looted by humans.

"Okay." Lin Heng grinned.

The two continued to move forward. In the blink of an eye, more than an hour passed. The footprints fell on the edge of the stream, and then spread to the mountain.

Finally, Uncle Gao shook his head and said, "Let's go. This guy has gone to the foot of Taibai Mountain. We won't be able to catch him for a while, so don't waste your energy."

Lin Heng also nodded. He thought so too. This bear is hard to catch. If he catches up with the black bear, it's okay and he can fight.

If you find out it's a giant panda, you'll lose blood.

The two of them changed places and walked back. Not long after walking, Lin Heng saw a pyracantha tree full of small red fruits. The red color was particularly conspicuous from a distance.

Many bamboo partridges were also eating pyracantha fruits on this pyracantha tree. Lin Heng counted carefully and found that there were five of them.

"Leave it to me."

Grandpa Gao said with a smile, and gave the hunting rifle a lesson on shotgun shells. After aiming, he fired a shot.

With a bang, fine iron sand flew out and killed all five bamboo partridges.

"Too accurate."

Lin Heng gave a thumbs up and ran over to pick up the bamboo partridges. Today's meat was considered to be available.

"Actually, I don't really want to use a gun, but there is no way to do so many." Grandpa Gao grinned.

"Hit when you need to. The sound will disappear quickly if there is snow." Lin Heng smiled. Today, there was still a little snow from time to time, and there was no sign of the sun coming out.

"Go in that direction, there should be something over there." Grandpa Gao said.

Carrying bamboo chickens, the two changed directions and continued to explore. Lin Heng followed behind Grandpa Gao and learned from him.

Grandpa Gao looked at the kiwi vines and said, "There are indeed kiwis in this place. You have to be careful. There may be wild boars coming."

Lin Heng nodded, pulled the snow apart, and picked up two kiwis hidden in the snow.

After peeling, it was emerald green. The kiwis after the snow were sweeter and less sour than before. It was a pleasure to taste them in the mouth.

In the silent forest, everything was white in the distance, and the scenery was intoxicating.

Lin Heng picked up some kiwis. The fruits in this place were quite big.

"Look, wild boar footprints."

Suddenly, Grandpa Gao called out in front.

Hearing this, Lin Heng ran over to look for it immediately. He saw that the snow was arched up, and the black soil was turned out and fell on the snow, which was very eye-catching.

"This should have been done last night, great."

Lin Heng felt that this surprise came too suddenly. He found the traces of wild boars on the first day of entering the mountain.

Grandpa Gao looked at him and said with a smile: "Don't be happy too early. The wild boar may not be caught up if it runs too far."

"That's unlikely." Lin Heng said with a smile. He believed that the wild boar would never run too far.

It doesn't look like a bear. It digs things in the ground to eat. It can't be fast while eating and walking.

After taking the good things, the two people and the dog chased out quickly. There were four wild boar footprints.

The largest one was three fingers wide, and the others were only two fingers wide.

According to the size of the footprints, the three small ones should be about 100 kilograms, and the big ones should be about 200 kilograms.

After chasing for almost an hour, Lin Heng suddenly had a new hairstyle.

"Grandpa Gao, the wild boar should be in front. Look at this wild boar shit. It must have just been pulled."

Lin Heng pointed to the feces on the ground and said.

"Well, it seems that there will be pork tonight."

Grandpa Gao walked over and looked at the pig shit and said with a smile.

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