Lin Heng took out the compound bow from his bow bag. Although it was not very convenient, there was nothing he could do about it.

Uncle Gao reloaded the shotgun, and then the two of them walked forward.

Xiongba was pinned down by Lin Heng. It already knew the power of human shotguns, and it was very timid to stay behind.

It was obvious that pig shit was right in front of them, but they walked along the footprints for another half an hour without finding it.

"Why are you running so fast all of a sudden?" Lin Heng was a little confused.

Uncle Gao looked ahead and said: "I can definitely find it, but this place is a bit far from the stronghold. It will be difficult to transport it back."

Lin Heng nodded. This was what he wanted to say. It was too far to transport someone back. It would be fatal.

He has almost forgotten his original location now. Everything is white and it is too difficult to identify the direction. He will have to buy a compass next time.

While walking, the two of them were blocked by a thorn, and it took them more than ten minutes to get around the thorn.

After walking for more than ten minutes, both of them finally saw traces of the wild boar when their stomachs growled.

They were now on a hillside, surrounded by tall acorn groves.

The boar lay in front of them in a ditch at the foot of the hillside.

"Finally found it!" Lin Heng sighed with emotion and took two deep breaths.

The wild boars are still far away from them, about seven or eight hundred meters away, but there is snow-white everywhere, and the black wild boars can be seen at a glance.

I saw a total of four wild boars, widely scattered, at least twenty or thirty meters apart from each other, all looking for something to eat in the snow.

Black soil and leaves were arched out of the snow.

Lin Heng looked at Uncle Gao and asked, "How do you fight Uncle Gao?"

It is true that the traces of prey are easier to find after snowfall, but the same people's hiding ability also becomes weaker.

The vigilance of prey in the mountains is already high, and it is even more difficult for hunters to get close in the snow-white environment.

In summer, it may not be detected even if it is 50 meters away, but in winter, it may be seen at a glance from 200 meters away.

Uncle Gao raised the shotgun in his hand and said, "I'll use rifle bullets and get closer to two to three hundred meters. If you want to use a bow and arrow, find your own position. I'll wait for you to shoot before I shoot."

"Is this okay? I'm afraid I'll scare the wild boar away." Lin Heng was a little worried.

It might be okay to hunt alone, but not so good if you are with someone and lose your prey.

Uncle Gao waved his hand and said, "You can show off your skills and I'll show you my real skills."

After saying that, he took Lin Heng back. You definitely can't go down directly from the hillside, otherwise you will definitely be discovered.

Uncle Gao took Lin Heng over the ridge and walked down the mountain. He went down the mountain from another place, and then slowly climbed up along the ditch.

This place happens to be downwind and the terrain is low, making it a perfect place to get close.

Lin Heng couldn't help but admire Uncle Gao. He was indeed a veteran. This skill was enough for him to learn.

If it were him, he might not be able to find such a path so quickly.

After walking up seven or eight hundred meters, Uncle Gao made a sign to stop.

He pulled Lin Heng over, pointed ahead and said: "The wild boar is three hundred meters ahead. I will slowly approach from the left side and ambush behind the big rock.

You go to the right and walk forward through those shrubs. The ideal attack point is behind the three green holly shrubs. We formed a pincer attack to kill the wild boar.

No matter what, when I see you attacking, I will immediately shoot and kill one of them. Whether you can make a fortune depends on your ability. "

"Okay." Lin Heng was a little nervous after being told that, as if he was in a war.

Putting down the bow bag, Lin Heng took the compound bow and three arrows and quietly walked by to fumble around.

Xiongba was left on standby by him and was not allowed to run around.

The two of them got closer bit by bit according to the plan. Lin Heng had just walked more than fifty meters, and when he looked up, he found that Uncle Gao had already arrived at the planned location.

"It's so fast." Lin Heng shook his head and sighed, then continued to move forward.

Not long after, he advanced more than fifty meters and was still two hundred meters away from the wild boar.

Near here are two small wild boars weighing about 100 kilograms. They are not interested in the big one in the distance. The old wild boar can't even bite it.

"Quack!! Quack!!"

Just when Lin Heng was about to reach the bushes, a few magpies came from nowhere in the sky and landed on the trees in the distance, squawking non-stop.

Lin Heng was so frightened that he hid behind the nearest bush.

The wild boar was startled by the sound and raised its head. As if it had discovered traces of people, it actually got up and walked away.

Lin Heng looked at Uncle Gao's gesture in the distance. It was the agreed order to attack immediately.

He didn't even have time to scold the magpie on the tree. He took a sharp arrow and quickly aimed at the wild boar that was more than 180 meters away from him.

This was his first time hunting prey from such a long distance, and it was a moving target.

He had no time to hesitate, held his breath and concentrated, and shot out an arrow.

The sharp arrow drew a perfect arc in the air, and finally shot into the wild boar's belly with a pop, and penetrated from the other side, leaving most of the arrow tail in its belly.


Almost at the same time he shot, a huge sound echoed through the canyon.

With this thunderous sound, a wild boar instantly fell to the ground motionless.

The other three began to flee crazily, and one of them spilled a large amount of blood, dyeing the snow crimson.

"Woof woof!"

Xiongba, who had been patient for a long time, also roared and rushed out.

Lin Heng looked at Grandpa Gao in shock. This old man was so accurate. He shot the wild boar in the head with one shot. The wild boar died without even running away.

"You are not bad. You hit it from such a distance." Grandpa Gao ran over and gave a thumbs up.

"Grandpa, you are so accurate. You shot it in the head with one shot. It's awesome." Lin Heng smiled and shook his head.

Grandpa Gao waved his hand: "This is a gun, which is much more useful than an arrow.

You are calm in the face of danger and can shoot such a big wild boar. If you were in ancient times, you would be a master archer."

As the two talked, they walked towards the wild boar that fell to the ground.

As for the one that ran away, don't worry about it. With this amount of bleeding, it will die before it can run a kilometer. Just let Xiongba chase it.

When you get closer, you can see that the wild boar is in a terrible state. The bullet went into the back of the head and cut out the left eye. The whole eye was rotten and blood was gushing out of it.

Grandpa Gao held the pig's belly and picked it up to estimate its weight, and said with a smile: "This little boar is okay, it weighs 120 kilograms."

"Not only do we have food today, but it's more than enough."

Lin Heng sighed, no one expected to have such a harvest on the first day of entering the mountain.

This wild boar can sell for 130 or 40 yuan if it is sold for meat alone. For an ordinary rural family, this is half a year's income.

"I'll bleed it, you go chase yours." Grandpa Gao said with a smile, and he poked the wild boar's neck as he spoke, and started to act as a pretext.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

He wanted to teach that damn magpie a lesson, but it had already run away.

He could only take the bow bag home and then follow the blood trail to find another wild boar.

Although he had not gone up the mountain to hunt recently, he practiced archery every morning, so he was not unfamiliar with bows and arrows, which was why he had such a record.

After walking more than 700 meters along the valley, Lin Heng saw the wild boar lying on the ground, and Xiongba was licking blood from its wound.

This guy was not dead yet. His body was twitching slightly, and blood was constantly flowing out of the wound. His mouth was also choking with blood.

If the arrow had penetrated it, it might have been better. As a result, a part of it was left, which accelerated its death.

Walking forward, Lin Heng cut the carotid artery in his neck without much hesitation. Xiongba ran over and opened his mouth to drink wildly.

This time, it was completely full. In the end, it didn't want to drink anymore.

After the blood was drained, Lin Heng carried it up and roughly estimated it.

This was a female wild boar, and its weight was not as heavy as that of Grandpa Gao. It was estimated to be about 100 kilograms.

It felt lighter than carrying his wife Xiulan, and Xiulan weighed 110 kilograms.

After looking in the direction, he carried the wild boar back to the canyon.

"Your one is not bad either. The female wild boar has a light smell and tastes better." Grandpa Gao said with a smile.

Lin Heng grinned. He was indeed very satisfied. This kind of pork was the most beautiful.

Then he asked again: "Grandpa Gao, shall we go back now?"

It was two o'clock now, and he was already hungry.

"Eat some dry food and go back." Grandpa Gao nodded.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded and took out the dry food he brought with him to eat.

The dry food he brought was mainly biscuits, which he took directly from the store, because the snow fell suddenly and Xiulan didn't have time to make dry food for him.

The biscuits weighed about one pound, and they tasted delicious, but for the two of them, they only weighed their stomachs after eating, and were far from full.

After eating, Lin Heng took the initiative to carry the wild boar of the old man, and said with a smile: "Uncle, I will carry this heavy one for you, I am strong."

"Okay." Grandpa Gao nodded with a smile.

The two found the way back, and carried it slowly when going up the mountain, and dragged it on the ground when going down the mountain.

It took from two o'clock to five o'clock before they finally returned to the camp.

Lin Yue and Li Baiquan returned to the shelter at around 3pm. Since they could not contact Lin Heng, they could only build the shelter first.

"Brother, uncle, come and help carry the things."

Lin Heng shouted from a distance.

When the two heard the voice, they hurriedly ran out of the house and came towards Lin Heng.

"What did you catch?" Lin Yue's excited voice came from a distance.

They both thought of bears at the same time, after all, they had been out for a day.

"It's not a bear, it's a wild boar. We each caught one." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Lin Yue was stunned looking at the two wild boars on the ground: "Damn, you are also amazing. It's only the first day and each of you caught a wild boar. You are rich."

"Where did you catch it? Tell me quickly." Li Baiquan urged hurriedly, he was shocked.

As soon as he finished speaking, he asked again: "Also, how is the bear you chased?"

Lin Heng could see that his uncle was really excited, and said with a smile: "I'll tell you slowly when I get back, we're almost starving."

"Okay, let's boil some water, let's make some pickled cabbage noodles, and talk while we eat." Li Baiquan nodded.

As the two talked, they carried the wild boar.

Back to the shelter, Lin Heng found that it had been completely rebuilt.

Not only was the surrounding area expanded, the roof was rebuilt, and hay was made into a bed.

The most important thing is that they used mud to make a new stove, and the smoke exhaust hole can exhaust most of the smoke out of the shelter.

"How is it? Is our camp okay?" Li Baiquan said with a smile.

Grandpa Gao gave a thumbs up and said: "More than good. This is very good."

"Now it finally looks like a camp." Lin Heng also nodded and praised. It was great that there was no smoke. He was in tears last night.

Li Baiquan spread his hands: "There is no way. We have nothing to gain except two golden roosters today. We can only come back and build the camp."

Lin Yue smiled bitterly: "It's even worse for me. I didn't hit anything. Bows and arrows are too difficult."

"No, brother, just buy a shotgun." Lin Heng looked at him and said, his brother seemed to have no talent in this area.

I’ve been practicing for a long time, but I’m still a little behind.

"I have this idea too." Lin Yue nodded, he was also considering buying a shotgun.

"The water is boiling, let's go down below." At this time, Uncle Gao said.

After the noodles are cooked, add some sauerkraut fried at home and you can eat it directly.

While eating, Lin Heng told his elder brother and others about their experience today.

After eating, it was almost dark, and there was another problem before them, that is, what to do with the wild boar.

Lin Yue suggested: "How about going home?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "It's definitely impossible to go home. I can only cut it up and rub it with salt and smoke it as bacon."

His goal in coming to the mountains this time was to make a lot of money, and he would definitely not be able to go home with just a wild boar.

Uncle Gao nodded: "That's okay. Anyway, go back to the house and smoke the bacon. It will be the same wherever you smoke it."

"Then go to sleep and get up tomorrow morning to kill the pig." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

I didn’t sleep well last night, so there was no way I would stay up late to kill pigs today.

Everyone nodded, they all meant this.

With the straw bed, sleeping is at least much better than yesterday. The most important thing is of course that there is no smoke from the campfire.

I slept peacefully until the next morning, and when I got up in the morning, I started killing pigs.

"The hair can only be burned." Lin Heng said looking at the two wild boars.

If we don't have a big wooden barrel to cook the pig, we have to boil it. It takes a long time to boil the water bit by bit to scald it.

Li Baiquan nodded: "Let's build a shelf with big wood and put it on top for better burning."

Everyone nodded, chopped living wood and built a shelf, and lit a fire underneath. The shelf would not burn down for a while.

Together they went to the pine tree and carried a large number of pine needles.

First, burn it inside and out, then take it and scrape it with a knife. What you get is the burnt brown flesh skin.

Although it doesn’t look good, having no hair is the greatest success.

There is no snow in the sky today, but the sun is not out and it is a little cold.

The three of them worked for a whole day and finally dismembered the two wild boars in the evening.

They didn't have professional knives, so they simply left all the limbs into large hams and smeared them with heavy salt to make ham directly.

Other parts are smoked with salt and made into bacon.

The meal at night was rich enough. Lin Yue dug yams during the day, and Lin Heng chopped pork ribs with Codonopsis pilosula, yams, and chestnuts.

The ribs come out, and there is a big pot of fried meat. You can definitely eat all you want.

"Come, eat."

Lin Heng shouted, and everyone came over in unison.

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