Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 187 How can I bear the howling wind and the chilly cold?

After finishing the meal, everyone sat on the ground and shook their heads with emotion: "This meal is so delicious."

It's so lucky to have such a big meal in such a cold mountain.

In the past, it might not be possible to eat so good during the New Year.

"What about those pig offal? These things can't be preserved." Lin Yue asked.

Grandpa Gao waved his hand: "It doesn't matter. It won't go bad in such a cold weather for ten days or half a month. It's enough for us to eat here."

"If the weather is always like this, it really won't go bad." Li Baiquan nodded. It's cold enough in the mountains, and it's really hard for it to go bad.

Li Baiquan didn't want to go home. He thought it was more fun in the mountains.

Grandpa Gao also wanted to have fun in the mountains. He didn't lack food. Going up the mountain to hunt was mainly to recall the past and kill time.

Lin Hengze understood that his elder brother thought that the offal was good stuff and wanted to take some back to share with his family.

Compared to him, his elder brother has three sons, and the meat in the house is far from enough to eat. Every bit has to be carefully calculated, and he always thinks of leaving a bite for the children.

But he couldn't say this. Once he asked, Uncle Gao would definitely let his elder brother take some home, which is not good.

After thinking about it, Lin Heng said, "Brother, come with me tomorrow."

"I'll watch the meat here and you go. Anyway, I can't get anything." Lin Yue shook his head. It's not good to smoke bacon without anyone watching.

"Okay, that's fine." Lin Heng nodded. Guarding the camp is also a credit, and he can get some things later.

Li Baiquan smiled and interrupted: "Let's go together, so that we can take care of each other."

He didn't get much today. After listening to Lin Heng's explanation, he felt that Uncle Gao was capable and wanted to follow him to find it.

"Okay, let's go together." Uncle Gao nodded, took a cigarette, lit it and started smoking.

Lin Heng hated the smell of cigarettes, so he went out and walked around. The environment in the camp was actually very bad, with foot odor, cigarette smell, and sweat odor.

But this is unavoidable. The conditions in the mountains are like this. Hunting is mostly a torture.

Today, a half-full moon appeared in the sky. Under the reflection of the snow, the forest is particularly clear and bright.

Lin Heng turned around and missed Xiulan a little bit. He wanted to be hugged by her and sleep with her.

"Alas, my life has been ruined by her."

Lin Heng shook his head and sighed.

But he has to work hard. He can't go back. He has to make this family better. He wants to make the Lin family turn over in his generation.

When he turned around and left, he suddenly saw a different light in the forest.

Turning back, he saw a cat-like figure under the shadow of the trees in the forest.

The two sides looked at each other, and the figure suddenly turned around and ran away quickly.

"It turned out to be a big golden cat."

When this guy left, Lin Heng saw its figure clearly and thought of the lazy Jinbao from his home.

He didn't have any idea about this golden cat. A fur was not worth much money. The most important thing is that he didn't have much chance to shoot arrows. When he went back to get the bow and arrow, the opponent had already run away.

Looking up at the moon, he silently wished in his heart that he would have a good harvest.

Back to the camp, everyone had rested. After lying down, Lin Heng hugged Xiongba in his arms to keep warm and fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, he was woken up by the cold. There were only a few fires left in the camp.

He got up and lit the fire, and everyone else got up.

Grandpa Gao started exercising outside, and Lin Heng fried the pig intestines and made a pig intestine and sauerkraut noodles.

After the sour taste and the pig intestines were neutralized, the taste formed a wonderful fusion, and in the end, there was no soup left for everyone.

After dinner, everyone was preparing to go hunting, but a golden sun appeared in the sky.

"It's over, the sun is out!" Lin Heng spread his hands, distressed.

It's cloudy when it's usually needed, but it appears when it's not needed. It's really Murphy's Law.

"It's going to be hard to hunt if the snow melts, this is such a bad weather." Li Baiquan was unhappy and cursed the sun.

Grandpa Gao looked at the sky and shook his head, saying, "We have to hurry up and explore today."

"Well, let's go." Lin Heng nodded, with a bad feeling in his heart.

His eldest brother was here in the camp, so there was nothing to worry about. The three of them took their weapons and dogs to the Sanchagou Canyon.

Although Li Baiquan and Lin Yue didn't get much yesterday, Lin Heng and Grandpa Gao still wanted to give it a try today.

The cold wind whistled in the forest, and from time to time a tree was broken in the middle by the wind. If you look closely, you can see that it was the part that was eaten by the longhorn beetle.

Grandpa Gao wrapped himself in his windbreaker, quickened his pace and walked forward, chanting: "Alas, how can I bear the whistling wind, the cold is unbearable, at this time of the month, the rich family has a share, but I, a poor man, have nowhere to stay warm."

"Haha, we are all poor men." Li Baiquan laughed and thought that this jingle was good.

"It's too cold." Lin Heng shook his head. The snow melted and it was colder than snowing. With the mountain wind, it was not warm even if you walked.

Not long after, everyone came to the edge of the Sanchagou Canyon.

The three of them dispersed to look for prey. They didn't dare to go into the canyon, but the edge of the canyon was fine.

There are some evergreen shrubs in this place, which are most popular with some herbivores.

Not long after Lin Heng walked, he saw some sheep hoof prints, and immediately showed a hint of joy. These are probably from muntjacs or forest musk deer.

But he was soon disappointed. He saw human footprints following these hoof prints, which meant that his brother and uncle-in-law had discovered them yesterday.

Continue to move forward, and not far away, we saw a pile of bones. It seems that a cat died here, probably a wild cat.

In a blink of an eye, we have been exploring for more than an hour. The wind in the canyon is blowing. We saw a lot of birds of various sizes, but we didn’t see any big prey.

The same situation happened to Li Baiquan. He looked at Lin Heng and shook his head and said, "I guess it was because I shot yesterday, and they were all scared away."

When the two went to find Grandpa Gao together, they found that he was holding a bamboo partridge in his hand.

"I didn't find any prey either, just this bamboo partridge." He shook his head.

"We can only change direction and go to the direction of Taibai Mountain." Lin Heng shook his head.

"Well, let's go to the nearby kiwi fruit forest first." Grandpa Gao nodded.

There is also a kiwi fruit forest nearby. Everyone went to find it, but there was nothing to gain.

"It's noon, and there is no harvest. Should we go back to the camp?" Lin Heng asked, his stomach growling with hunger.

It was too cold after the snow melted, and I seemed to get hungry faster. It was really not good not to eat in the winter.

Li Baiquan said unwillingly: "Let's look for it again."

Grandpa Gao shook his head and said: "Let's go back and eat. In the afternoon, we will explore the direction of Taibai Mountain."

"Then let's eat." Lin Heng didn't hesitate and walked back together.

At noon, he used the pickled radish he brought to fry the pig intestines and pig stomach, and it was also a great enjoyment to eat with rice.

"Fortunately, we killed two wild boars yesterday." Grandpa Gao smiled and sighed.


Lin Heng nodded. If it weren't for these two wild boars, the food today would have been greatly reduced.

After eating, the three of them set off towards Taibai Mountain, hoping to gain something.

The snow has not melted yet today, and it may melt tomorrow, so they must speed up.

The mountain where they are now is big enough, and the slopes are very steep. Slopes of 60 to 70 degrees are very common, and there are also rock slopes of 80 to 90 degrees that need to be climbed.

As we approached the mountain range on the Taibai Mountain side, the slopes of the hillsides were all close to ninety degrees. It was almost impossible to go down the ditch when walking on the mountain, and it was also difficult to go up the mountain in the ditch.

Lin Heng's goal has always been green plants. He wanted to find the traces of musk deer.

The three of them did not dare to disperse too far in such a large forest. It was the same everywhere. Once they got lost, it would be very troublesome.

If they were not careful, they would be completely stuck in it and could not get out. Getting lost is also a big killer in the mountains.

Fortunately, Lin Heng and others grew up in the mountains. They might get lost in the city, but the probability of getting lost in the mountains is relatively small, but it is only relatively small, not impossible.

At more than three o'clock, everyone came to the top of a mountain. The slope here was close to ninety degrees, and most of the bottom was gray-white stone skin.

"Look over there, there are muntjacs eating grass." Lin Heng's eyes were sharp, and he saw a yellow muntjac eating grass on the hillside of a mountain opposite.

The mountain on the Taibai Mountain side is higher, and there seem to be a lot more evergreen plants.

"Where is it?" Li Baiquan looked for a long time but didn't find it.

It was the same for Grandpa Gao, who didn't see it either.

Lin Heng pointed at the two of them for a long time, and with the yellow muntjac moving, the two of them finally saw its figure.

"Really!!" Li Baiquan was surprised.

Grandpa Gao shook his head: "It's a pity that it's too far. As the old saying goes, looking at the mountain and running the horse to death, it doesn't look far, but it will take at least an hour and a half to get there."

Lin Heng also nodded: "It's a pity, no, let's just come here tomorrow, there is really no hope over there in Sanchagou."

Without looking at the environment here, he thought Sanchagou was not bad. Now that he has taken a look, he thinks there is more hope here.

"I thought so a long time ago, but pork is very troublesome." Grandpa Gao nodded.

The prey was caught on the first day, but it was still not worth much, which was really troublesome.

It's not right to go back, and it's not right not to go back. It's a very stupid thing to continue moving forward with the wild boar on your back.

"How about this, Lin Yue and I go back tomorrow and send some pork back?" Lin Heng asked.

"Let's talk about it when we go back." Grandpa Gao shook his head.

Several people walked around the area again. Lin Heng looked at the Taibai Mountains, which were so tall and majestic that they were awe-inspiring.

The steepness of this place is worthy of Li Bai's poem. In this era, the original Taibai Mountains are very dangerous. If you want to climb up, you must be prepared to die.

The scenery here is good. The snow that has not melted in the canyon is like a white jade belt. There are many lush shrubs on both sides, which bring a little vitality to the cold and dead winter.

The black pine on the cliff in the distance is also vigorous and upright, and with the sunset, it is quite a scene.

Lin Heng just took a look and lost interest. He wanted to hunt a bigger prey.

Everyone looked around and went back. It was easy to get lost when it was dark, and something would happen if you were not careful.

However, evening is also a good time for hunting. When it was getting dark, Lin Heng saw two golden roosters resting on the branches.

After approaching, he killed one of the big ones without any mistakes.

This little golden rooster was no surprise to him, but he was satisfied without the air force.

After going down the mountain and walking back along the stream, Lin Heng suddenly saw a black shadow resting on a tree branch.

He thought it was a big crow, but when he got closer and saw it clearly, he couldn't help but smile: "It turned out to be a black crane. I was wondering why there was such a big crow."

After drawing the bow, the arrow flew out with a swoosh, and the black shadow fell from the tree.

Lin Heng walked over and picked it up. It had long legs and a long beak. It was definitely a black crane.


Just after picking up the black crane, Lin Heng heard a gunshot not far away.

After a while, his uncle Li Baiquan came down with four bamboo chickens and said helplessly: "That's all we got today."

"It seems that Lin Heng has the most harvest today." Grandpa Gao said with a smile.

He shot a pheasant, and with the bamboo chickens in the morning, the weight was not as heavy as the black crane that Lin Heng had. The black crane must have weighed at least five or six pounds.

It was already 7:30 when he returned to the camp. He was looking for prey everywhere when he came back, and it took a long time to talk.

For dinner, he fried a pig heart and a pair of pig kidneys, and the rice became cornmeal steamed buns, which Lin Yue made in the afternoon.

It tasted good when he fried the hot and sour sauce he brought and put it in the steamed bun. Lin Heng hadn't eaten steamed buns for a long time, but he thought it was not bad.

During the meal, everyone talked about what they discussed today.

Lin Yue thought for a while and said, "It's too troublesome to go back. It takes two days to go back and forth.

I'll just look after the pork here. I found a lot of wild yams and some medicinal herbs nearby."

"Okay." Grandpa Gao nodded first.

He thought Lin Yue was a good guy and planned to give him more meat when he went back. He didn't need so much wild boar meat, and he couldn't finish it himself.

Lin Yue saw that Lin Heng was still hesitant, patted his shoulder and said, "It's okay, brother, this place is very safe, don't worry."

"Okay then." Lin Heng nodded. It was the only way. It was really not worth going back.

After discussing it, everyone sorted out their things after dinner.

In addition to the food they brought, the three took away most of the pig's internal organs and took two pieces of smoked bacon.

The next morning, the three made breakfast and rushed to the foot of Taibai Mountain.

They walked along the stream. The closer they got to Taibai Mountain, the steeper and taller the mountains on both sides became. Gradually, they could not see other places in the valley.

But it doesn't matter, this stream originates from the foot of Taibai Mountain.

We set off at 7 o'clock in the morning and reached the source of the stream at 3:30 in the afternoon. We breathed in the cold wind of the canyon all day along the way. Today is colder than yesterday, and the cotton-padded jacket feels like paper.

But what's better than before is that they found a cave, which can be turned into a camp with a simple construction outside.

"It's nice inside, it's warm without wind." Lin Heng said with a smile.

This cave is eight or nine square meters, which is really lucky.

"Oh my God, my legs are really thin." Li Baiquan put down his things and sighed.

Grandpa Gao looked at it and said, "There are many caves like this in this place, and the rocks are hard. Maybe we can find a better one tomorrow."

"Then just surround the outside and rest first." Lin Heng nodded and said, he was also very tired.

If the road inside was not too rugged, he would have to ride Hongzao to come here.

Put down the things, Lin Heng is responsible for life and cooking, and Grandpa Gao and Li Baiquan are responsible for building a shelter.

We got a lot of kudzu vines on the way this time, so we can make a rattan bed similar to a stretcher with two pieces of wood.

With a frame on both sides, the three of us can sleep off the ground, and it is more comfortable than lying on hay directly.

It was dark when the camp and the bed were ready, and Lin Heng had already prepared the delicious food.

In the evening, I made a stir-fried pork belly with fermented bean curd. The meat was covered with fermented bean curd and chili. I could eat two bowls of rice without other dishes.

Sorry, I posted it too late.

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