Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 188 Musk Shadow in the Forest

"No, too tired!"

After dinner, Lin Heng lay down on his rattan bed. Today's shuttle was farther than before.

Grandpa Gao looked at him and smiled: "That's not good enough. You need to exercise more.

The mountain road we walked today was only about 15 kilometers. When we marched and fought in the past, we often carried 40 to 50 kilograms of things and walked 50 to 60 kilometers a day. That was tiring."

Lin Heng shook his head repeatedly: "You are the peak of light infantry. I can't compare with you, uncle."

He couldn't compare with the soldiers.

Grandpa Gao laughed and said: "Your physique will definitely be a good material if you train well."

Li Baiquan also smiled and agreed: "Lin Heng is indeed suitable. Your bow and arrow are so accurate. Maybe you can become a sharpshooter with a gun!"

Lin Heng waved his hand quickly, but he didn't want to be a soldier: "I am suitable for hunting. I can't be a soldier. I can't stand the constraints..."


While chatting, the three of them slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, they made a sauerkraut noodle dumpling in the morning, and then set off on the mountain.

Going up along the source of this stream, there is no water in the valley, but the mountains on both sides are still tall and steep.

Some orchids grow in the gray rock cracks from time to time, and the green leaves sway in the wind, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

There are many large stones in the valley, some are snow-white, black, and gray.

There is sunshine today, but it is still very cold. The wind blows in the canyon. There is no sun here, and it is all snow.

After walking about 500 meters, the three found a place to go up the mountain and hurried up the mountain to look for prey.

Grandpa Gao looked at the towering Taibai Mountain in front and said, "This place is not far from Taibai Mountain. Let's go directly there."

They are actually already in the Taibai Mountains. The trees here have become shorter. Some places have some large grasslands, and some places are covered with large patches of moss.

Compared to the tall forests, the terrain here is more complex, so there are more biological populations.

As soon as they got up the mountain, Li Baiquan pointed to the opposite mountain and said, "Look, it's another golden monkey!"

The golden monkey was making a lot of noise, and Lin Heng and Grandpa Gao saw it at the first time.

This guy was on the opposite side of the fir trees, eating the lichen hanging from the trees.

While eating, they were still quarreling and fighting. When Lin Heng looked over, another one fell from the tree, but it seemed that nothing happened. It climbed up and quickly climbed up the tree again.

Grandpa Gao sighed: "The ecology of this place is really good, surrounded by clouds and mist, maybe there will be gains today."

Li Baiquan said: "Then let's explore separately, don't run too far."

After discussing, Lin Heng took Xiongba to one side. After walking away, he rubbed Xiongba's head: "You have eaten well enough these two days. Today, make an effort and at least find me a deer or something."


Xiongba raised his head humanely and looked around.

This place is at a high altitude, and there is still a thin layer of snow. After all, this place is already 3,000 meters above sea level, and the highest point of Taibai Mountain can reach 3,700 meters.

Although the sun is out, the snow in the forest is still not melting so quickly.

After walking a few hundred meters, Lin Heng saw another red squirrel, sneaking away from behind a big tree root.

Xiongba chased one, and it ran straight to the top of a cedar.

"Hide chestnuts again?"

Lin Heng smiled, ran behind the tree roots and searched for a while, and sure enough, he found a pile of chestnuts and acorns buried in the tree hole.

The chestnuts picked by the squirrel are all big, plump and smooth, absolutely high-quality.


At the top of the pine tree, there seemed to be a protest from the squirrel. Lin Heng's behavior was too shameless.

Lin Heng grinned: "Don't worry, I left some acorns for you, I won't eat this."

Picked another pound of chestnuts, which was really delicious. He was too lazy to hit the pine tree, and the pine branches were too dense and difficult to hit.

If the arrow got stuck on it, it would be a waste of money to go to the tree last time.

And getting some chestnuts is a no-brainer, pure profit.

After searching the mountain for two hours without any results, Lin Heng headed towards Taibai Mountain.

There is grass on a hillside here, and there is still some green in winter. Lin Heng estimated that there should be something.

Not far into the forest, Lin Heng suddenly saw some hoof prints.

"Xiongba, look for it!"

Lin Heng rubbed Xiongba's head, a little excited. These footprints must have been left yesterday.

One man and one dog followed the footprints for a short distance and saw feces. The newly pulled feces covered the old feces.

This is a typical toilet. Whether it is a forest musk deer or a muntjac, they have a fixed habit of defecating in the forest, usually not far from their nests.

Lin Heng squatted down and took a closer look, and he could tell: "This is the feces of a forest musk deer!"

Identifying prey is also a great skill for hunters, and Lin Heng has just learned it.

The reason why he was so sure was because he had two musk deer at home.

Although musk deer are smaller than muntjacs, their feces are larger than muntjacs, similar to green bean seeds.

Muntjacs' feces are round, similar to soybeans.

Slowing down, Lin Heng took Xiongba to look around.

With the traces of prey, the wind in the mountains didn't seem so cold.

After walking through the forest for a distance, they came to the shrub forest. In addition to low shrubs, there were various grasses and some green mosses.

Lin Heng did not act rashly. He found a place that was easy to hide and slowly looked around.

The most taboo thing in hunting is rashness. As long as you don't move and don't expose yourself, you will have a great chance.

After searching for half an hour, Lin Heng saw a distinctive white in a green bush.

"Found it!"

Lin Heng couldn't help but get excited. This was the white hair on the chest of the musk deer.

He waited for a while, and when the musk deer moved, he saw the canine teeth of the other side turned back.

Male musk deer!!

Lin Heng's heart moved, which meant there was musk, and it would be at least one thousand yuan if he caught it.

But he thought again, maybe he could hang the devil nearby. If he caught it alive, wouldn't it be more profitable?

After careful thinking, Lin Heng shook his head and said, "No, ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in the hand. Let's talk about it first."

Who knows what will happen later, so let's talk about it first.

It hasn't been alarmed yet. He is more than 300 meters away. If he gets closer, he should have a chance.

Putting down the bow bag, taking out the compound bow and drawing an arrow, Lin Heng found a suitable position and slowly approached.

In a few minutes, he reached a distance of 200 meters. Lin Heng stopped for a while and found that the musk deer seemed not to notice him.

He gritted his teeth and continued to move forward. After more than ten minutes, he was incredibly more than 70 meters away from it.

Such a big prey, only more than 70 meters away, Lin Heng really couldn't believe it.

He put on the bow and arrow, aimed for three seconds and then shot an arrow.

With a swoosh, the arrow shot out of the 50-pound bow can reach a speed of 70 to 80 meters per second, which means that it can reach such a long distance in one second.

Almost at the same time it heard the sound, it penetrated its body. The unmatched hunting arrow directly penetrated the body of the musk deer.

"Woof woof!!"

It instinctively turned around and ran, and Xiongba ran after it.

Lin Heng walked forward slowly. The musk deer couldn't run far. This arrow pierced its stomach and it would die.

Three minutes later, he heard Xiongba's call. When he arrived, the musk deer had already fallen to the ground and was motionless.

It was obviously dead.

Lin Heng picked it up and looked at it, and couldn't help saying, "It's a bit light!"

He estimated that this musk deer was about 13 or 14 pounds, but he didn't know if there was much musk.

It must have been bred, so the musk would not be too much.

But no matter what, it can definitely be sold for 1,000 yuan. When he thought of this, Lin Heng's mouth opened wide.

"The resources near Taibai Mountain are rich." Lin Heng sighed, and he had such a harvest on the first day.

After feeding Xiongba with blood, Lin Heng carried the musk deer back. It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and it would be almost dark when he returned.

He was now a little far away from his uncle, Mr. Gao, and others, and was ready to go back to meet up.

Not long after walking, he heard gunshots from a mountain opposite.

When they met up, he saw his uncle holding a large gray rabbit in his hand.

Li Baiquan was about to say that he had a good harvest when he saw the musk deer that Lin Heng was carrying, and he was stunned.

"Lin Heng, you caught a musk deer!!"

He was shocked. Lin Heng's luck was too good. He had been hunting for so many years, but he had never caught a musk deer.

Lin Heng caught three musk deer this year. It was really annoying.

Lin Heng laughed: "I was running around in the woods and found it by chance. Xiongba contributed to it."

He followed Xiongba's direction, but he didn't expect it to really exert its strength.

If it weren't for Xiongba, he might not have gone in that direction, and he might have missed the musk deer.

"It seems that I have to raise a dog too." Li Baiquan looked at Xiongba. This dog was really majestic and useful.

When he met Grandpa Gao, he was holding two grouse in his hands. When he saw the musk deer held by Lin Heng, his eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "You are really amazing. You caught a musk deer on the first day at the foot of Taibai Mountain."

"It's all thanks to Xiongba. It found it." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Grandpa Gao shook his head and said: "Don't be modest. This thing is very vigilant. You can't catch it without some skills and patience."

"Haha, it does have some skills." Lin Heng was not vague and admitted with a smile.

Grandpa Gao patted his shoulder again and said with a smile: "We don't divide the musk. It should be okay for us to eat some musk deer meat when we go back."

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "Of course, it's okay to eat it all. I'll cook it."

"Then you have to try the musk deer meat. I haven't eaten it yet. It is said that it has a strong tonic effect." Li Baiquan also said with a smile.

The three of them had killed the prey and were very hungry, so they went straight back to the camp.

It was only five o'clock at this time, and there was still more than an hour before dark.

Lin Heng first took off the musk deer's scent sac and put it on the stone to dry.

Then the skinning job was handed over to Grandpa Gao. He and his uncle Li Baiquan and Niba rebuilt the stove and discharged the smoke outside.

Everyone brought a small pot with them when they went up the mountain. Lin Heng cut a musk deer leg and cut off the meat to fry.

The bones and two ribs were stewed in soup, and chestnuts and yam that his uncle had just dug were added.

The meat of musk deer is almost all lean meat. Lin Heng cut some pork belly and fried it together. The fragrance came out immediately.

Add some soybean paste and pickled radish slices brought from home, and a pot of fragrant fried musk deer meat is ready.

The rice was cooked first, and the three of them drank rice wine with the fried musk deer meat.

After taking a bite, Grandpa Gao nodded and said, "This musk deer meat is tender, better than beef."

Li Baiquan also nodded repeatedly: "Yes, no wonder this thing is getting less and less."

Lin Heng ate two mouthfuls with relish before smiling and picking up the rice wine and drinking a little with the two.

There was not much rice wine, and the three of them drank it very carefully.

The meat of musk deer feels more delicate than venison, with finer grains, and the slices are very soft. There is a strong meaty aroma in the mouth, and it is chewy, but not the kind that can't be chewed.

"If I can kill a wild boar this time in the mountains, I will be satisfied." Li Baiquan drank some wine and sighed.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "This is not difficult. There are many wild boars than musk deer. If you look carefully, you will definitely find them."

"Yes, there are probably a lot of them in this place." Grandpa Gao also nodded.

After drinking, Lin Heng went to bring the pork rib soup: "Come, have a sip of pork rib soup."

"Mm, it's so fragrant, and this wild yam is delicious too."

Grandpa Gao took a sip of the soup and nodded with satisfaction, feeling that he was satisfied with this trip to the mountains.

The bone soup, which had been stewed for more than an hour, had completely separated the bones and meat. The yam added half an hour ago was so soft that it was difficult to pick it up with chopsticks.

Wild yam is like this, easier to cook than artificially grown ones, especially easy to become soft, and generally only takes a dozen or twenty minutes to cook.

And some artificially cultivated yams are still hard after being cooked for two hours.

The taste of this soup is also better than the pork rib soup, and the nutrients contained in musk deer bones are more than pig bones.

Lin Heng thought that he must take the rest back to let his wife and children taste it, and then let his parents and elder brother taste it.

In the end, there was still a lot of pork rib soup left, not because it was not tasty, but because it was really unfinished.

The meat and rice were already very filling.

After dinner, Lin Heng found a rope to tie up the musk sachet and hang it in the air. After it dried, he preserved it with paper.

The musk deer skin was temporarily hung in the air, waiting for it to dry.

The next morning, when everyone got up, they all felt warm.

Li Baiquan smiled and said, "This musk deer meat is really different. It warms up a lot."

Grandpa Gao nodded and said, "This thing is really nourishing. Yams and chestnuts are also great tonics. When they are added together, they will definitely make you feel energetic.

But you can't eat too much. Let's eat the grouse and pork I shot today. Let Lin Heng take the rest back for his family to taste."

Lin Heng was not stingy yesterday. He almost took more than four pounds of meat for everyone to eat.

Li Baiquan also nodded, "Of course, we still have pig offal to eat, so we won't eat musk deer meat."

"Musk deer offal can also be eaten. It will probably go bad when we take it back." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Grandpa Gao smiled and said, "Let's make pork offal noodles this morning. Lin Heng cooks very well."

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