Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 189 Takin, leopard, or badger?

After breakfast, the three of them set out to look for new prey around.

The direction they were heading was closer to Taibai Mountain, hoping to gain something.

When they set out, everyone brought some dry food and did not return at noon.

Taibai Mountain was extremely tall, and Lin Heng and others did not dare to climb it. In winter, it was all covered with ice and snow, which was very dangerous.

The most important thing was that it might be two or three o'clock in the afternoon when they climbed up, and they had to travel at night when they came back.

Traveling at night in the primitive Taibai Mountain without any modern protective facilities was undoubtedly no different from sending themselves to death.

Of course, there were still some roads built in ancient times, but the danger had not decreased, and those ancient roads might be even more unsafe.

After searching in the mountains for more than three hours, Lin Heng could not help but sigh: "It seems that today's luck is much worse than yesterday."

It was already noon, and he didn't even see a squirrel, as if his luck had run out.

But it was okay, because of yesterday's musk deer, he was in the mood to see the scenery today.

Standing on the mountain here, you can see the green landscape at a glance.

In winter, there is still a lot of white snow in the forest, and with the clouds and mist, it is definitely a paradise. No wonder there were always people living in seclusion here in ancient times.

There are people living here in Taibai Mountain. There is a small town, but it is poorer than Huangtan Town.

Without infrastructure, people here have to travel two or three days to get out of the mountains.

There are no roads, only those narrow paths and forest paths. Everything depends on manpower and animals. Tractors can't drive in.

Lin Heng can't see those people from where he is. They are on the other side of the Taibai Mountains and can only be seen by crossing the mountains.

"There are still some enoki mushrooms."

Lin Heng picked up a mushroom from the snow. Only enoki mushrooms are still growing in the cold snow.

The enoki mushrooms in the snow look very authentic, brown and yellow, and they are as smart as elves.

It's primitive here, there are many rotten trees, and you can see two enoki mushrooms from time to time.

It was already afternoon before he knew it, and Lin Heng still couldn't find any prey. He picked mushrooms and dug some herbs in the woods.

From time to time, a bird's cry came from the silent forest, crisp and pleasant, and the quietness was intoxicating.

"Woof woof!"

Suddenly, Xiongba called not far away, and then started digging behind the stone.

When Lin Heng came over, it took out many chestnuts and pine nuts by itself.

"There are pine nuts." Lin Heng showed a trace of surprise.

This cave is full of chestnuts and pine nuts, which is a pleasant surprise.

He took a pine nut and cracked it open to taste it, and the faint fragrance lingered between his lips and teeth.


Lin Heng took out a bag and took away all these things.

Rubbing Xiongba's dog head, they continued to shuttle through the forest.

Soon, two gunshots were heard, and Lin Heng was a little curious about what prey they had shot.

Unknowingly, he brought Xiongba to the top of the mountain.

There is a huge white stone in this place, and you can see the green stream below the mountain, like an emerald belt.

This is not the stream in their camp, but in another valley.

In addition to the stream, there are mountains in the distance, which make people feel majestic and ethereal, and at the same time feel a sense of despair.

This mountain is too big, and several generations may not be able to walk out.

After looking at it for a while in the cold wind, Lin Heng went down the mountain.

After the reunion, Lin Heng saw the harvest of his uncle and Grandpa Gao.

His uncle Li Baiquan was holding two golden chickens in his hand, and Grandpa Gao was holding four bamboo chickens.

"It seems that your luck is over today." Grandpa Gao said with a smile.

"Bad luck, but I picked up mushrooms and we can stew chicken for it." Lin Heng showed the enoki mushrooms in the bag.

"Then we are blessed." Grandpa Gao smiled, and Lin Heng's skill in stewing meat was also very good.

Back to the shelter, Lin Heng found that the bacon and musk deer meat hanging on the shelf were looted by magpies and crows.

Fortunately, after the musk dried, he had wrapped it in plastic paper and carried it with him.

"These things are damned." Li Baiquan cursed.

"Just put it away tomorrow, it's almost dry." Grandpa Gao looked at the bacon and said.

This bacon was smoked and dried, and it was completely dry.

"I'll cook first." Lin Heng shook his head and went to make a fire to cook.

In the evening, we had rice and the dish was fried musk deer entrails. These things were destined not to be taken back, so they could only be eaten here.

Grandpa Gao and his uncle were processing the prey they had hunted.

"I roasted the musk deer eggs and guns, who will eat them?" Lin Heng said with a smile, these things smelled very good after being roasted.

Grandpa Gao smiled and shook his head: "You young man, eat them, I don't need them as an old man."

"Haha, then give me a musk deer egg." Li Baiquan said with a smile.

Lin Heng handed him an egg, and he ate the other egg and the gun.

There was nothing dirty about the processed things, and the taste was very good.

After dinner, Lin Heng fetched some more water and stewed a golden chicken in the pot. He didn't add anything except chestnuts, and put it by the fire to eat it the next morning.

When he got up the next day, the water in the pot was almost gone, so Lin Heng hurriedly added some water.

Then he put in yam and enoki mushrooms, added salt, and cooked it for another half an hour before eating. The chicken was completely soft and the meat and bones separated with a slight tear.

The chicken is full of fragrance, showing a light yellow color, and the flavors of chestnut and chicken are perfectly blended.

"This chicken is well stewed." Uncle Gao nodded repeatedly. It was too friendly to him and it tasted delicious.

"The golden chicken is of good quality, and it's delicious without adding anything else," Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Yes." Li Baiquan drank bowl after bowl, it was so delicious.

I drank the chicken soup and ate the unfinished rice from last night. It tasted delicious.

It is so enjoyable to drink such a bowl of soup on such a cold morning.

Lin Heng's favorites are chestnuts and enoki mushrooms. One tastes fragrant and waxy, while the other tastes smooth.

After eating, everyone set off again.

Lin Heng began to change his strategy today and held the rope to hang himself in some nearby places.

In addition to the King of Hell traps, ordinary rope traps were also laid out for a day.

My uncle also arranged some arrangements, but Uncle Gao was not interested and ran around in the woods with a gun.

He has been looking for traces of the previous bear these two days. Lin Heng also wanted to look for it before. Whether it was a black bear or a giant panda, it would be good to find it.

But unfortunately, the snow melted and the footprints could not be found. There was no way to determine where the guy went.

In the next two days, the harvest of the three of them was not much, they were all small animals such as golden pheasants, bamboo pheasants, grouse or rabbits.

I ate some and kept some.

He went to see the trap Lin Heng had set up, but found nothing.

In the blink of an eye, it was already December 25th, and they had been in this mountain for nearly ten days.

On the afternoon of the 25th, everyone gathered around the camp. There had been no big gains recently, which made people feel a little discouraged.

"Lin Heng, when are you going back?" Li Baiquan looked at him and asked.

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "Let's stay for another week and wait until the Gregorian New Year is over. I think there is still hope."

"Okay." Li Baiquan nodded. He actually wanted to go back.

Uncle Gao looked at Lin Heng and said, "Let's go to a farther place tomorrow."

Lin Heng nodded, that was all he could do.

Early the next morning, they ate pickled cabbage noodles and set off early.

After finishing the meal, Li Baiquan said: "I'll be nearby. You two go to have a look in the distance, and I'll check for traps."

He has been running around almost all these days, and his Jiefang shoes are almost worn out. He hasn't gained anything yet, so he doesn't want to go.

"That's okay, uncle, please be careful."

Lin Heng nodded and didn't force it. If he was tired, it was okay to take a day off.

He set off with Xiong Ba and Uncle Gao.

They were already very familiar with the area. They went all the way and took a shortcut over three mountains at around eleven o'clock, arriving at a canyon more than ten kilometers away from the camp.

Just after entering the canyon, Xiongba found something. Lin Heng walked over and took a look and said quickly: "There are takin here, but it's a pity that it's not fresh dung."

There are three forms of takin feces. When there is enough water, they are spread out in the same way as domestic cattle.

When the moisture is low, it is lumpy. When the moisture is very scarce, it is granular like sheep.

Although the takin is related to a cow, strictly speaking, it belongs to the subfamily Caprinee. It is the largest sheep, generally weighing 200 to 400 kilograms, and the largest one is said to weigh a ton.

The feces Xiongba found were in lumps and had dried, indicating that he had been defecating for at least half a month.

This is also good news for Lin Heng. Although the takin is not very valuable, it has a lot of meat and can be sold for a lot of money.

Moreover, the fur is very cold-resistant and the price is not low.

If you could get one end of it, it would be worth almost a thousand yuan.

And another characteristic of takin is that they live in groups, with more than a dozen animals in groups.

If you can find one, it means you have found many.

"I also found it here." Uncle Gao nodded and said.

The two continued to move forward and found a lot of excrement in the canyon, which showed that this was a group of takin and they did not live alone.

Lin Heng became excited. If he found it, his trip to the Qinling Mountains would be considered a success.

Uncle Gao obviously understood this, and the two of them quickened their pace and followed the traces.

Before he knew it, he had found the afternoon. Uncle Gao confirmed: "This takin should have gone to a lower place. We will definitely find it if we search down the canyon."

Lin Heng also nodded, there was no doubt about it.

"But we don't have enough time, let's go back." Lin Heng glanced at his watch and said.

Just when he lowered his head, he suddenly found that Xiong Ba was looking in one direction and motionless.

He looked over and was stunned: "Leopard!!"

On the edge of the forest above the canyon, they saw a huge leopard with money patterns standing there and looking straight at them.


When Uncle Gao heard this, he quickly turned his head. The leopard was noticed by the two of them and quickly disappeared into the forest.

The golden leopard is also a leopard. This is a real big cat. It is much larger than the clouded leopard. It weighs at least 100 kilograms as an adult.

Uncle Gao looked at the place where the leopard disappeared and shook his head: "I'm lucky today, but this thing is too difficult to fight. It's amazing."

"It's all luck to see it." Lin Heng also understood this and had no idea about it.

To fight the golden leopard, you really need the right time, right place, right people, and both are indispensable.

The two looked around again and walked back.

On the way back, I met two golden roosters. Two people took bows and arrows and shot one each. Today is not considered an air force.

Lin Heng shook his head. The golden roosters in the mountains were in trouble. They had killed nearly ten in total these days.

When they returned to the camp, it was already dark. When Li Baiquan saw them returning home, he quickly smiled and said, "Guess what I discovered today?"

Seeing that he couldn't close his mouth, Lin Heng asked curiously: "Is it a muntjac or a wild boar? Did you hit it?"

"No, I discovered the pig badger cave. There are at least four or five pig badgers in there. I can't get them out by myself and I don't dare to disturb them." Li Baiquan said with a smile.

"Pig-badger cave?" Lin Heng was stunned. This is amazing. If pig-badgers really understood it, a lot of pig-badgers might come out.

Uncle Gao was also a little surprised: "Where did you find it? We also said that we found traces of takin and saw leopards. I thought we were lucky enough, but you actually found the pig-badger cave."

Li Baiquan laughed and said, "You guys are pretty lucky. I was lucky too. After I saw the trap, I went digging for yams and medicinal materials, and I found it by accident."

He didn't want to leave at all now.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Haha, then we will also be lucky."

According to convention, the discoverer of this kind of cave can get 60%, and he and Uncle Gao can each get 20% if they help.

If you're not lucky, you might get half a badger, but if you're lucky, you might get a whole badger.

"If I didn't know where you were, I would have dug a hole today." Li Baiquan grinned.

Then he asked about the takin and the leopard. After learning the specific situation, he didn't want to leave at all.

I didn't expect it to become clear so soon.

A few people ate dinner in a hurry. In the past few days, all they had eaten was chicken or chicken offal. They had already finished eating pig offal and forest musk deer offal.

I also ate some bacon.

After eating, he went to bed without talking much. Lin Heng rubbed his feet and fell asleep slowly.

The intensity of the mountaineering was no less than military training. It was too difficult to run. The daily distance was more than ten or twenty kilometers, and the liberation shoes were almost worn out.

It's just that I'm tired enough during the day, sleep soundly enough at night, and wake up feeling refreshed after peeing in the morning.

I have finished the dried noodles I brought with me, and I still have some sauerkraut. I made sauerkraut, chicken and gnocchi this morning.

It tastes pretty good, but the pimple soup doesn't look very good.

"Let's go, hurry up and set off." Li Baiquan couldn't wait to say after eating.

Uncle Gao said: "We have to prepare things. The pig-badger hole is deep and it is not easy to get rid of."

Li Baiquan waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I prepared everything yesterday. Let's just add a little more."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, and the four of them went up the mountain together.

We walked along the canyon for a while, climbed up a mountain on the north side, climbed over and came to another ditch.

There are many yam vines here, making it a good place to dig yams.

"It's right in front." Li Baiquan said while leading the way.

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