Today the sun didn't come out, and the wind was even stronger, with a cold wind blowing in the valley.

Lin Heng and Grandpa Gao followed his uncle Li Baiquan through the valley and came to a thorny hillside.

Li Baiquan pointed to a cave and said, "It's here. Look at this cave. There must be a wild hog badger."

This is a soil cave that drilled into the mountain. It is 50 to 60 centimeters wide and 30 to 40 centimeters high.

The ground at the entrance of the cave is smooth, and you can find some wild hog badger hair if you look carefully.

Grandpa Gao also took a look and nodded, "No mistake, this is indeed a new wild hog badger cave, and there must be a wild hog badger inside.

Now we need to find the other entrance, and then we can start."

Hearing this, Li Baiquan spread his hands and said, "Speaking of this, I'm a little surprised. I searched for a whole day yesterday and couldn't find the entrance. Can you help me find it?"

Lin Heng didn't say anything and took Xiongba to find another cave.

Generally speaking, whether it is a wild hog badger or a badger, there are two entrances. It is rare to have one.

After searching for a while, Xiongba suddenly stopped at a place. He pushed away the snow and leaves on the ground, and a cave appeared.


Lin Heng rubbed his dog's head. If it weren't for his good nose, he didn't know when he would find it.


Xiongba let Lin Heng rub his head comfortably, enjoying it very much.

While rewarding Xiongba, Lin Heng turned back and shouted: "Found it, here."

Grandpa Gao and Li Baiquan came over quickly and checked it out. It was indeed a badger cave.

Knowing that it was Xiongba who found it, the two were even more surprised. This dog was so smart.

"Since we have found it, let's start." Lin Heng looked at the two and said, he was a little impatient.

Li Baiquan nodded and said: "I got a lot of wood fungi, there is no problem with setting off smoke and fire. Now the main problem is how to catch it."

Generally, in this case, a net bag is used to cover one hole, and the other hole is smoked.

But they were too far away from home, there was no net bag, and the snake skin bag they brought was not big enough.

Grandpa Gao waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. Go make a fire and get some smoke. Leave this to me and Xiaolin."

"Are you going to do something?" Li Baiquan asked curiously.

Grandpa Gao handed the double-barreled shotgun in his hand to Lin Heng: "Of course, we will kill them. Lin Heng, you hold my shotgun in front and prepare. I will hold the pistol in the back as the second line of defense."

"I don't know how to do this. Let my uncle come. I will go to make a fire." Lin Heng shook his head. He had not learned to use firearms yet.

Grandpa Gao did not refuse and nodded in agreement: "That's fine. After we kill the hog badger, I will teach you how to use a gun. Anyway, I have a lot of bullets."

Li Baiquan took the double-barreled shotgun with a smile on his face and asked Grandpa Gao for advice.

After figuring it out, he squatted at the entrance of the cave, and Grandpa Gao was above the entrance.

Once the hog badger was smoked out, it would first be shot by the shotgun. If there were still some that ran out, Grandpa Gao with a pistol would be waiting for them.

Everything was ready, Lin Heng went over there to light the fire.

The things to start the fire were ready here, and Lin Heng went to find a large rectangular piece of bark to use as a fan.

Xiongba squatted beside and watched, and Lin Heng took out a lighter to ignite the dry pine needles. The pine needles with oil are easy to ignite even if they are slightly damp.

After the flames started, they were placed on the ground and added with fine firewood. Maybe because the weather was too cold, the pine needles went out by themselves as soon as they were placed on the ground.

Lin Heng lit it twice before it was completely ignited. After adding a large handful of pine needles to ignite, Lin Heng added fine firewood and thick dry firewood to start the fire.

After the fire was lit, Lin Heng took the wood fungus picked up by his uncle, that is, the tree tongue. These things will continue to burn and smoke after ignition.

Throw it into the cave, Lin Heng also took some green leaves cut on the road and threw them into the fire. When the thick smoke came out, he took the bark prepared before to fan the wind.

He was choking himself, but more smoke entered the cave. From a distance, Lin Heng saw smoke coming out of the cave on the other side.

Even if the wild hog badger was hibernating, it would definitely not be able to bear it and would be choked awake by the smoke.


After Lin Heng released the smoke for about ten minutes, a gunshot rang out from his uncle's side.

"Bang bang!!"

Then two more gunshots were heard.

Lin Heng looked up and saw that two wild hog badgers were shot dead by Grandpa Gao not long after they ran out.

This gunmanship was fast, accurate and ruthless. Both shots were headshots, and the brain burst out. The running wild hog badger fell down and never woke up again.

Lin Heng looked at them and asked loudly: "Do you need more smoke?"

"Smoke for a while and see if there is any more." Grandpa Gao shouted from a distance.


Lin Heng nodded, smoked for another ten minutes, and made sure there was no movement, then grabbed snow to put out the fire.

When he ran to Grandpa Gao's side, his uncle had already pulled out the two dead wild hog badgers in the cave.

Looking at the four fallen wild hog badgers, the three were in a good mood, and Li Baiquan was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

Killing four wild hog badgers at once was unprecedented.

Li Baiquan looked at Lin Heng and Grandpa Gao and said with a smile: "I'll just take two, you each choose one, and I'll take the rest."


Lin Heng didn't hesitate, weighed it, and chose one with broken fur.

This one should have been attacked by a hunting rifle at close range, and the fur was completely unsellable.

He didn't need this little money, so he left the good fur to his uncle.

Grandpa Gao did the same, taking the other one with bad fur. The two that he shot in the head with a pistol were left to Li Baiquan.

"You two are too polite." Li Baiquan laughed. He felt the kindness.

"This is what you deserve. Without you, we can't get a single badger." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Yes, this is what you deserve." Grandpa Gao also nodded in agreement.

Li Baiquan grinned and said, "Then let's dig some more yams and have a good meal when we go back today."


Lin Heng nodded. Although it was only eleven o'clock, today's harvest was indeed enough to take a good rest. He couldn't stand running all these days.

Li Baiquan took a hoe and started looking for yams nearby.

While his uncle was digging yams, Lin Heng was also looking for other prey.

After searching for a while, he didn't find any prey, but found a yam growing on a stone skin.

This kind of yam cannot be deeply planted because there is a stone skin underneath, so it grows horizontally along the stone skin. Lin Heng took a wooden stick and dug it out by digging the soil casually.

Two yams that were one meter long and as thick as forearms were dug out by him so easily.

"It's so cool, this kind of yam is simply here to repay the favor." Lin Heng grinned and dug two small yams from the side and planted them back.

Although he may never come here again in the future, Lin Heng is still used to leaving seeds. If he comes again, he can harvest this kind of easy-to-dig yam again.

And it doesn't take much effort to bury two small yams.

After finishing all this, Lin Heng found Li Baiquan and showed off: "Uncle, what do you think of these two."

"These two are good, straight and round, where did you dig them." Li Baiquan said with a thumbs up.

Lin Heng smiled and asked again: "How is your digging?"

Li Baiquan pointed to the bag next to him and said: "I have dug four or five pounds. Let's wait for Grandpa Gao to come and then go back."


Lin Heng nodded and looked at the yam in the bag. They were all quite big. However, in order to facilitate carrying, they were all cut into small pieces of 20 cm long.

Lin Heng also cut his own digging into small pieces and threw them in.

After waiting for half an hour, when Grandpa Gao came back, the three of them carried the wild hogs and walked back with their things.

A wild hog is only more than 20 pounds, which is not a problem for them at all.

Carrying the wild hog, the three returned to the shelter at 2:30 in the afternoon.

After lighting the fire, they had a simple sauerkraut dumpling soup to fill their stomachs, and then began to deal with the wild hog.

Li Baiquan used the skinning method for the two heads, and the fur can be sold after drying.

Lin Heng and Grandpa Gao directly burned the fur on the two heads, and kept the wild hog skin for a better taste.

Grandpa Gao took off the belly of the hog badger and said with a smile: "I'll make you some belly stuffed meat."

"Then I'll make some barbecues. I brought some barbecue ingredients." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Grandpa Gao cleaned the belly of the hog badger, chopped the meat, added salt and pepper powder, and then stuffed it directly into the stomach.

Get a pile of fire on the sand to heat the sand, then dig up the sand and bury the belly in it.

In order to cook it quickly, Grandpa Gao got some leaves to burn on it.

"In the past, we could occasionally catch some prey during the war, but we didn't dare to make a fire and could only eat raw food. At that time, we were greedy for belly stuffed meat." Grandpa Gao said with a smile.

Lin Heng grilled meat while listening to Grandpa Gao.

Two of the four hog badgers were male, and he grilled their testicles and guns.

In addition, the meat was all fat and lean.

The meat was grilled with oil, sprinkled with barbecue ingredients prepared at home, or directly dipped in some fermented bean curd, which was a rare delicacy.

Grandpa Gao ate two skewers, while Lin Heng and Li Baiquan ate the most.

With one bite, the aroma of meat and barbecue ingredients burst in the mouth, making people feel like they can't stop eating.

Li Baiquan said while eating: "This barbecue ingredient is really good. Give me some later."

"Haha, of course no problem." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

Eating barbecue in this deep mountain forest is also a special taste.

The barbecue is almost done, and Grandpa Gao's belly meat is almost ready.

It was dug out from the sand, with a strong meaty aroma.

"Try it." Grandpa Gao cut the belly meat and handed it to Lin Heng and the others.

Lin Heng took a small piece and took a bite. The taste of the belly and meat was very strong. It had the taste of the hog badger that was not removed, but it was not very unpalatable.

Lin Heng dipped a little tofu fermented bean curd and felt that it tasted much better.

"If there is vinegar soup, this belly meat will taste perfect." Lin Heng shook his head and sighed.

Grandpa Gao also nodded: "Yes, this badger belly stuffed meat is still not good enough, if it is mutton, it will definitely be delicious."

"It's not bad to eat with some wine." Li Baiquan took out a bag of rice wine and poured some for Lin Heng and Grandpa Gao.

After eating, it was only half past five, and it was not dark yet.

"Let's go, I will teach you how to use a gun." Grandpa Gao looked at the sky and said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, and he was also very interested in this.

The two found a place in the valley. Grandpa Gao started teaching from holding the gun, and then some basic techniques such as how to aim.

The aiming principle is the same, and you can aim with three points and one line. This double-barreled hunting rifle naturally has no scope, just a simple sight.

After teaching almost everything, Grandpa Gao said: "You can try firing a shot first, which is similar to a bow and arrow."


Lin Heng nodded, found some toilet paper to plug his ears, then aimed and pulled the trigger.

As the firing pin hit the primer, the gunpowder inside the bullet was ignited, and the bullet flew out with a bang under the huge impact of the gunpowder.

As the bullet flew out, Lin Heng felt a strong force hitting his shoulder.

With a crisp sound, the bullet hit the granite more than a hundred meters away and was ejected.

"So fierce!"

Lin Heng sighed, even if it was the first time to play, he liked this feeling.

This is the worship of violent aesthetics in the bones of men. Firearms can be said to be the most powerful killing weapon of mankind.

Since this thing was made, there is nothing in nature that can compete with humans.

Even a black bear will die with one shot.

"Haha, your aim is not bad. You didn't miss the target for the first time."

Grandpa Gao smiled and praised, and loaded another rifle bullet for Lin Heng, indicating that he could play again.


Lin Heng practiced three more shots, and he found that as long as this thing is steady, the accuracy is terrifyingly high.

No wonder the modern compound bow can only be called the king of cold weapons. It really has no advantage in front of firearms.

It is just a little better than the homemade hunting rifle in the countryside.

After playing with five bullets in total, it was almost dark.

"Thank you, uncle, I'm addicted to it." Lin Heng grinned, it felt really good.

"How about it, do you want to buy a hunting rifle?" Uncle Gao asked with a smile.

"I really want to buy one to play with, but I still like to use a bow and arrow for hunting." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He plans to go back and ask his eldest brother Lin Yue to buy a double-barreled hunting rifle, which is much faster to learn than a bow and arrow.

Especially when loading shotgun, the killing range is large enough, even if the aiming is not accurate enough, you can usually hit the prey.

It's really a bit difficult for him to let his brother learn bows and arrows.

Grandpa Gao nodded and said, "Hunting rifles are nothing. If you have played with rifles or sniper rifles, I guess you will definitely fall in love with them. They are so powerful."

"This gun is enough. I am not picky." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He felt that Grandpa Gao wanted to seduce him to join the army.

But this is impossible. He doesn't want to be separated from his wife and children.

Moreover, this era is a bonus period, and doing business is the best way out.

After chatting for a few words, the three of them sealed the door and lay down on the bed to sleep.

Tomorrow they will track the traces of antelopes. This will be a very physically demanding job. Now they must pay attention.

Lin Heng hugged Xiongba and fell asleep quickly.

The next morning, Grandpa Gao got up first. He went out to take a look and heard an exclamation: "I said there was movement outside last night. It was a bear coming."

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