Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 191: The beast who spent his life in prison

Hearing Uncle Gao's voice, Lin Heng and Li Baiquan ran out quickly.

Li Baiquan asked as he walked: "Where are the signs of bears?"

Uncle Gao pointed to the snow and said, "Look at these big bear footprints."

There is always snow in the canyon, and it doesn't melt even when the sun comes out.

Lin Heng ran over and saw at a glance that this guy came up from the lower reaches of the valley and walked on the snow to the upper reaches of the valley.

Moreover, this guy stayed outside their shelter for a long time, leaving many footprints. It was obvious that he was hesitant.

They came here without the bell, so they gave it to his elder brother.

However, the front of their shelter is not undefended. There is a thorn wall made of pyracantha trees. If something breaks through, you will definitely hear the sound.

Lin Heng asked curiously: "Uncle Gao, did you discover it last night?"

Uncle Gao nodded: "Well, I heard some movement outside last night, but I didn't get up. I thought it was a small thing."

He always regrets it now. If he hadn't been lazy last night, he might have hunted a bear.

Li Baiquan looked at the two people and asked, "Should we go find the bear now, or track the takin?"

"Let's go see the bear first and see what kind of bear this guy is." Uncle Gao thought for a while and said.

Lin Heng had no objection to this. He also wanted to see whether the bear was a black bear or a giant panda.

After discussing and tidying up the shelter, the three of them set out to follow the bear's footprints.

The bear walked quite far in the canyon, backing away from their shelter for about a kilometer before going up the mountain from a side slope.

Although there is snow in the mountains and forests, it is intermittent and it is a bit troublesome to track it.

"Fortunately, there is Xiongba. This is really a powerful dog. How did you train it?"

Uncle Gao looked at Xiong Ba and asked curiously. He felt that this dog seemed to be able to understand human speech and could work on its own without any commands.

Lin Heng responded with a smile: "I didn't train it much, it is so smart by nature."

These words made Uncle Gao's eyes widen: "That's even more remarkable, it shows that this dog is naturally smart.

I think its size is unusual. It is much bigger than the big yellow dogs in the countryside. Is it one year old? "

As he walked forward, Lin Heng responded: "No, he is only seven or eight months old."

Uncle Gao was even more shocked: "That is indeed a magical dog. You gave it the right name. It deserves this name."

Li Baiquan also nodded and said: "Find a good dog and breed it. This dog cannot become extinct."

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "That's for sure."

He had thought about this a long time ago and planned to get some different breeds of dogs to breed with Xiong Ba so that he could have a good life in the future.

Lin Heng’s current pre-selection targets include German shepherds, Czech wolfdogs and big yellow dogs.

When it reaches adulthood, find a smart purebred rhubarb and breed it first to see if it can breed it.

The three of them moved forward while chatting, and soon climbed over another mountain.

"This thing can really run." Li Baiquan said with emotion.

Lin Heng said with a smile: "It's normal. Running dozens of kilometers in one night is nothing."

At noon, the three of them climbed another mountain. Over the ridge, they could see a touch of emerald green.

This is a piece of green bamboo growing in the ravine here.

Li Baiquan was speechless: "Damn, this is most likely a panda."

At this time, the panda has been protected, and if you kill it, you will go to jail.

And even if you risk killing them, you won’t be able to sell the furs, so it’s completely unnecessary.

In other words, this half-day of tracking has been in vain.

"Let's go down and have a look."

Lin Heng didn't really care. It was nice to see giant pandas from a distance.

Grandpa Gao smiled and nodded: "Then go and have a look. After tracking this guy for a long time, I can't help but meet him."

Seeing that Lin Heng and Uncle Gao were about to leave, Li Baiquan had no choice but to nod: "Then let's go."

He was still looking forward to it. When he went on, he found not a panda, but a black bear.

Then the three of them would make a fortune.

The three of them held on to the tree and slowly reached the bottom of the ditch. When they were about to walk to the other side of the mountain, they saw Xiong Ba suddenly raised his head and looked at the position in front of them to the left.

The three of them looked in that direction and saw a big, black and white furry guy looking at them.

This guy is sitting on the ground, with his legs in the air, a piece of bamboo in one front paw, and a small piece of bamboo in his mouth.

Seeing Lin Heng, three people and one dog, he was also stunned. He looked at them blankly, not knowing whether he was frightened or stupid.

"What a stupid guy!" Li Baiquan shook his head speechlessly.

Lin Hengze thought this guy was really cute, with his chubby face and silly look that was really interesting.

Unlike other pandas, this panda's tail is actually brown. It is not known whether it was dyed this color by its urine or whether it is naturally brown.


It seems that humans are not easy to mess with. This guy reluctantly threw away the bamboo, turned over and climbed up.

Judging from the resentful look and tone in its eyes as it walked away, it seemed to be saying that it just glanced at you last night, and that it was chasing me up several mountains.

"Let's go." Lin Heng shook his head, turned around and left with Xiong Ba.

"Let's go!"

Grandpa Gao nodded, said something, turned and left.

Seeing the three people leaving, the giant panda stopped, as if wondering why these guys left.

But it didn't care so much, and ruthlessly bit off a bamboo shoot next to it and started eating it.

After leaving the bamboo shoot valley, Li Baiquan looked at the two and asked, "Where are we going now? I'm afraid we don't have enough time to continue tracking the antelope?"

Lin Heng nodded, "It's definitely not enough. It will take half a day to go to that valley, and we can only look around in the forest for the rest of the time."

Grandpa Gao also nodded and said, "This is the only way. I think this ditch seems to be good. Let's search nearby. This place is not far from the camp."

"That's fine."

Li Baiquan nodded, and the three of them separated.

The hope was slim at noon, and Lin Heng focused his attention on picking up some small items such as enoki mushrooms and medicinal herbs.

If the target is smaller, it won't be too distressed.

He followed Xiongba, and his heart missed his wife and children. Today is the 27th, and it will soon be the Gregorian calendar year.

But it was almost time to go back. The next step was to look for takins. If they found one, everything would be fine. If they didn't, there was nothing they could do.


Lin Heng was thinking about something and didn't pay attention. Suddenly, his feet slipped and he fell down the slope. He slid for more than ten meters.

Xiongba was stunned and ran down from the side to Lin Heng and looked at him with concern.

"Damn it."

Lin Heng looked at the back of his hand. He was scratched by thorns when he slid down. Fortunately, it was not deep.

But when he untied his waist, he was not so lucky. There was a scratch the size of a child's hand.

And he felt a little pain in his ankle, as if he had twisted it.

"What bad luck."

Lin Heng was a little irritable. He felt that his feet were quite solid, so why did he suddenly fall down?

After moving his ankle, he climbed up with a depressed face. Although his ankle hurt a little, it was not so painful that he couldn't walk.

The wound on his back was a little serious, but it was okay. The bleeding was not serious and it would heal by itself.

Then he quickly opened the compound bow bag and took a look. The compound bow was not damaged. Two of the arrows he was holding behind him were broken.

Putting the broken arrows into the quiver, Lin Heng found a place without wind to sit down and rest, and rubbed Xiongba's dog head next to him.


Xiongba rubbed Lin Heng, put his head on his legs and let him rub it.

"Hey, go play with yours, I'll take a rest."

Lin Heng rubbed it twice, then patted its head and said.


Xiongba reluctantly took his head away and wandered around.

Lin Heng sat here and rubbed his feet, holding up his clothes with his hands to let the wound on his lower back scab, otherwise it would be uncomfortable if it stuck to the clothes.

This sitting lasted for more than an hour. There was no wind here, but he could see the cold wind whistling on the opposite hillside, and many trees were directly blown off.

And he also saw a squirrel coming out from there not far away.

After the wound on his lower back scabbed over, Lin Heng got up with difficulty and walked over. He observed for a long time. There must be food hidden by the squirrels in this place.

"Strange, why can't I find it!"

Lin Heng searched everywhere, but didn't find the place where the squirrels hid the food, which made him a little depressed.

"Hey, I don't know where Xiongba ran to."

Lin Heng looked around and didn't see Xiongba.

"Xiongba!!" He shouted loudly.

"Woof woof~~"

Xiongba's voice came from far below.

"Come back quickly!"

"Woof woof~"


Lin Heng was a little confused. He usually called this guy back, but why is he motionless now, just calling in the distance.

"Did he find something?"

He walked over with doubts, and walked for eight or nine hundred meters before he saw it in a tall forest. This guy was digging something, and a lot of black humus soil was dug out by it.

"Woof woof~~"

Seeing Lin Heng coming, it showed a Samoyed smile and called with its tongue sticking out.

"What is that?"

Lin Heng walked over curiously. He couldn't see what was there from a distance and didn't know what it was digging.

When he squatted down, he immediately smelled a strong smell of medicine. He looked carefully and then looked carefully again, and was stunned on the spot.

"This... this... could it be..."

He couldn't believe it a little. He broke off a small branch from the side and gently dug the soil to expose more of this thing.

This time he really looked carefully and understood it.

First he was stunned, then he immediately searched on his body, and finally tore a red cloth strip from his clothes to tie this thing.

Then he sat on the ground with his buttocks, looking at the things on the ground and Xiongba in front of him in disbelief.

"Xiongba, how did you find it?"

Lin Heng looked at Xiongba as if he was looking at a monster, because this was really incredible.

The thing in the ground is nothing else but a very rare Taibai Mountain ginseng, which is a species unique to Qinling Mountains and is even rarer than Changbai Mountain ginseng in Daxing'anling Mountains.

It is said that the content of ginseng soapberry is seven times that of ordinary ginseng, which is extremely precious.

This kind of thing may not be found even in summer, but Xiongba actually found it in the middle of winter, which made Lin Heng suspect that it had become a spirit.


Facing Lin Heng's questioning, Xiongba cried out with an innocent look on his face.

It was just wandering around, and suddenly smelled a different smell in this place, and then curiously dug some soil.

Lin Heng tried to calm down his excitement, touched Xiongba's head and breathed: "You are awesome, even if you really become a spirit, I will worship you!"

The value of this ginseng is no less than musk. His father was able to find one this year because of the good deeds of his ancestors.

He didn't have any hope for this, otherwise he wouldn't have brought even a red rope.

The probability of finding wild ginseng is about the same as the probability of him killing a tiger.

But he didn't have any hope, and his dog found it, and he didn't know what to say.

"It's worth falling today."

Lin Heng grinned, and suddenly felt that his waist and legs didn't hurt. If he could find ginseng by falling, he would be willing to break his legs.

After calming down, Lin Heng took out a dagger and cut two wooden sticks, and began to dig ginseng slowly.

The more complete the ginseng is, the higher the value, and it is best not to break a root.

Fortunately, this place is all humus soil. Loosen the soil little by little, and then pick it out with wood chips.

This is a delicate job, and you must not be impatient. Fortunately, Lin Heng has lived two lives, and he has accumulated patience in his long life. He deeply understands that haste makes waste, and small gains will not achieve great things.

It took more than two or three hours, and Lin Heng dug out his life little by little. There were circles of lines on the light yellow ginseng body, which was much more than the one his father dug.

The most accurate way to distinguish the age of ginseng is to distinguish the reed head, which is the part where the ginseng grows rhizomes.

Every time the leaves and stems of ginseng wither, a bowl scar will be left on the reed head, which is called the reed bowl. One bowl scar represents one year.

Under normal circumstances, there will be no roots in the reed head, and they are all smooth. Only ginsengs that are 70 or 80 years old will grow the same "jujube kernel" as roots in this part.

The one that Lin Heng dug had two such date-core ginsengs on it, which meant that the ginseng was at least a hundred years old.

Not only in this aspect, this wild ginseng was not as thick as the artificially cultivated ones. It was slender and smooth, with only two ginseng legs, and the roots on the ginseng legs were extremely long.

The shortest one was thirty or forty centimeters long, and the longest main root reached nearly one meter in length. It took Lin Heng nearly an hour to dig out the main root.

Fortunately, he finally dug it out intact. This ginseng really looked like a little man.

Lin Heng looked at the thing in his hand and was speechless for a while.

It is well known that the older the ginseng is, the more expensive it is.

The price of wild ginseng that is more than a hundred years old is more expensive than gold.

In later generations, a hundred-year-old wild ginseng was auctioned at a sky-high price of three million yuan at an auction. The value of one gram was calculated to be 25 times the value of gold at that time.

And the one in his hand was obviously such a ginseng.




ps: This is yesterday's post. I will update another 4,000 words before 12:00 today. Something happened to my aunt yesterday, so I didn't have time to write.

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