Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 192 Something terrible happened

"It's incredible."

Lin Heng looked at the ginseng in his hand and felt it was a bit unreal.

The roots of this aged ginseng are semi-fibrous and very tough. They can't be broken by hand.

Lin Heng tried it a little and it was true.

This further proved that his judgment was correct. This is a hundred-year-old wild ginseng.

The price of this kind of thing in this era is definitely far less than that in later generations. One is that there are few rich people, and the other is that the resources are abundant.

Unlike in later generations, the wild ginseng resources are almost exhausted.

Also, the ginseng sold for three million in 12 years was put on the auction. The normal price of one is only a few hundred thousand, not more than one million.

And in this era, this hundred-year-old wild ginseng can be sold for about 10,000 yuan.

If there is a channel and a rich buyer is found, it can probably be sold for more than 20,000 yuan, and 30,000 yuan is the limit.

Lin Heng looked at the thing and said to himself: "Of course, it's best to save it and sell it when the resource is scarce, then the price will be high."

Ten thousand yuan is certainly not a small amount. Ten thousand yuan in this era is equivalent to one million in 20 years.

Then he smiled again: "After a few years, there will be no need to sell it."

If he still needs to make money by selling ginseng in a few years, he might as well die.

This thing is a super tonic, and it's good for him to save it.

After looking at it again, he took out a handkerchief and wrapped it temporarily, and then considered whether to sell it or keep it when he got home.

He didn't plan to tell Grandpa Gao and his uncle about this thing.

It's too valuable, so he didn't need to test human nature.

And if he said that Xiongba found it, they probably wouldn't believe it.

On the whole, it's better to hold it up and put it in the inner pocket of the coat for the time being.

Fortunately, the roots of this ginseng are strong enough and will not break even if they are bent a few times.

The two handkerchiefs given by Xiulan can just wrap it.

After the ginseng was wrapped, Lin Heng restored the traces here.

Fill it with soil, then cover it with leaves, snow or something is unnecessary.

Finally, he made an x-shaped mark on a nearby tree to facilitate future visits.

Since there are 100-year-old ginseng in this place, the ginseng fruit should have produced seeds more or less, and there should be some ginseng of other years.


Seeing Lin Heng finished, Xiongba called out to him and took the initiative to stretch his head over.

It could understand from Lin Heng's expression that this was a very remarkable thing, and it would probably be praised.

Lin Heng picked up his dog head and kissed it, smiling and said: "Good dog, I will catch a golden chicken for you to eat later, and I will try not to let you eat vegetarian food in the future, and I will find you many beautiful little bitches."

"Woof woof~~"

Xiongba seemed to understand and wagged his tail, very happy.

"Let's go, let's leave here."

Lin Heng said with a smile, and left with Xiongba.

He felt his ankle hurt more after taking a step. He pulled down his socks and found that it was swollen.

"Damn, it really hurts."

Lin Heng was speechless. He rubbed his ankle and finally could walk.

He wanted to kill a golden chicken for Xiongba, but he didn't find anything after searching for half an hour.

It was already past three in the afternoon when he looked at the watch. He went to the agreed place to wait for the other two.

Li Baiquan and Grandpa Gao had been waiting here for a long time. Seeing Lin Heng limping over, they hurried over to support him and asked, "Lin Heng, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head: "Nothing, I just fell down and my foot hurts a little."

Grandpa Gao looked at Lin Heng's feet and shook his head: "Too careless, fortunately it's not a big deal."

"I'll find you some herbs."

Li Baiquan said, turned around and found a small red grass on the stone skin. Crushed this grass and rubbed it on the swollen part of Lin Heng's foot.

Lin Heng didn't feel much effect, but the kneading almost killed him, and it hurt so much.

However, after kneading, Lin Heng did feel the heat in his ankle, and he walked a little better.

After the treatment, Grandpa Gao looked at the two and said, "Let's go."

They didn't catch any prey here, and they didn't have much hope for this place, so they wanted to find a new place as soon as possible.

Lin Heng didn't say that he dug ginseng, and followed them. Some things can be said, and some things can't be said. Lin Heng knew what to hide and what not to hide.

After walking through this mountain, the three of them were also searching for prey on the way back.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Heng heard a shot from his uncle-in-law.

After a while, Li Baiquan came back with a golden rooster, with a smile on his face: "I almost didn't find it, but fortunately this thing called out."

"Awesome." Lin Heng gave a thumbs up.

Although his feet hurt, he also searched in the forest for a long time, but found nothing.

I guess I can't fulfill the promise of the golden rooster to Xiongba today, so I can only go back and cut some bacon for him to eat.

When Grandpa Gao came back, he brought two grouse, which were shot dead by bows and arrows.

Grandpa Gao looked at Lin Heng and said with a smile: "It seems that all the bad luck has fallen on Lin Heng today. He didn't get anything and fell down."

"Yeah, it's too unlucky." Li Baiquan also nodded in agreement.

Lin Heng showed a timely bitter smile. Before he found the ginseng, he also felt unlucky. Now he just felt that his luck was all used up on the ginseng.

All the way back to the shelter, the three of them had no other gains.

"Lin Heng, please stew another chicken." Uncle Gao said with a smile, holding the grouse in his hand.


Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

First, I boiled water to make rice, fried fermented bean curd and bacon and ate it.

After running for a day, they only ate a little dry food at noon. The three of them were so hungry that they all ate three large bowls.

Lin Heng made some bacon for Xiongba alone, and he ate it with gusto.

"There's not much rice and noodles left. I think we'll have enough food for five days at most."

While eating, Lin Heng looked at the two of them and said.

Uncle Gao nodded: "Then let's go home after we find the trace of the takin. I've had enough fun. I haven't had such fun in a long time."

Li Baiquan also nodded: "It's time to go back. Lin Yue is probably waiting anxiously in Sanchagou."

No one can bear it after not taking a shower for more than ten days.

It would be okay if they didn't exercise at home. They run more than ten kilometers every day here, and their underwear would be wet with sweat, dry again, and wet with sweat again, and it would already stink to the sky.

This is especially true for Xie He's socks. The inside of the shoes are all black. If the socks are washed every day, they will be black again the next night.

It can be seen how hard hunting is, and ordinary people may not be able to persevere.

After finishing the meal, Lin Heng disposed of Uncle Gao's grouse, saving the chicken offal for tomorrow, and stewed the chicken with enoki mushrooms and chestnuts.

Everyone lay on the bed to rest and chat.

Wait until nine o'clock, drink a bowl of stewed chicken soup, and the whole person will be satisfied.

The aromas of chicken, mushrooms and chestnuts are all integrated into the soup. After one sip, the fragrance lingers on your lips and teeth, and your limbs feel warm.

It is very warm to rest with such warmth.

When they woke up the next morning, everyone found that the sky was snowing again, and small snowflakes kept falling.

"It's snowing again." Li Baiquan said in disbelief.

"Yeah, I hope it doesn't snow too much."

Lin Heng was a little helpless. Snowing at this time is not good news.

They don't have much supplies. If the mountain is blocked by heavy snow, it will be a very scary thing.

Open the cover at the entrance of the cave, and the cold wind will be fatal.

After peeing, the three of them quickly entered the house, opened the pot, scooped out the chicken soup and drank it.


After a bowl of chicken soup, Uncle Gao showed a happy expression. It was so refreshing.

It’s a beautiful thing to have such a pot of chicken soup on a winter morning.

"Eat meat, it's better to cook."

Lin Heng smiled and divided the chicken. The chicken was completely soft and almost melted in your mouth.

After making sauerkraut noodles with soup, everyone set out to look for takin.

Lin Heng's foot has gotten much better today. As long as he doesn't bend to the left, it doesn't hurt much. Once he bends to the left, it hurts so much that he can't stand up instantly.

When leaving, he made a random excuse and finally left. He took out the century-old ginseng and looked at it. He was relieved when he found that there was nothing wrong with it.

After thinking about it, he still took it with him. This thing was too valuable. If he lost it, he would be depressed for half his life.

Although there are almost no other people in the deep mountains and wild forests, what if we encounter one?

So not only did he carry the ginseng with him, he also carried the musk, wrapped in a plastic bag and put in his coat pocket.

"We have to walk fast. We may have to walk a long way to track the takin. Lin Heng, can you do that?"

Uncle Gao asked with concern when he saw Lin Heng following him.

Lin Heng nodded: "No problem."

Uncle Gao nodded: "Then speed up and don't worry about anything on the road."

The three grown men tried their best to travel very fast, and before ten o'clock they reached the canyon where the takin excrement was found that day.

Xiongba walked in front, and they walked behind. The three of them and one dog followed the trail.

It was snowing lightly in the sky, and everyone's head was white from the rain. The howling cold wind in the canyon made it extremely cold. Although the three of them were shivering, they still had no intention of stopping.

If you don't look for it, all the clues will be buried when it snows.

Before they knew it, it was already twelve o'clock in the afternoon, and the three of them could not find any clues while walking.

Li Baiquan was confused: "What's going on? Could it be that this takin can still fly? Did it fly directly into the sky from here?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "That's definitely impossible. I guess they barely stayed here, so there are no clues here."

"I think so. Let's keep tracking." Uncle Gao nodded.

The three of them continued walking and saw feces again after one kilometer, but it was still dry feces and no fresh ones were encountered.

Lin Heng looked at his watch and said, "It's already two o'clock. We're afraid we won't be able to catch up, otherwise we won't have time to go back."

They had walked at least twenty kilometers of mountain roads today, but the takin migrated faster than they imagined.

The feces I saw in the canyon should have been half a month ago, but now there is no trace at all.

Uncle Gao determined the direction, shook his head and said: "This direction is not suitable for us to pursue anymore. This is heading southwest."

"Then we have no choice but to go back. It seems that we takin have no chance."

Li Baiquan shook his head and sighed. He was still thinking about getting a takin to go back to celebrate the New Year. Now it seems that this dream is probably going to come to nothing.

Most of the way back was uphill, and the three of them were exhausted physically and mentally. The snow continued to snow, and they were cold and hungry. It was already dark before the three of them reached the shelter.

Although the three of them had flashlights, something terrible happened - they could not find their way back.

It was too dark to see far away, and there was no way to tell where the shelter was. In addition, it was snowing, so they only walked the way they came back once.

None of the three brought a compass.

This made the three people feel depressed. They didn't expect this to happen to them.

Grandpa Gao sighed and said, "We misjudged our physical strength. We should have stopped at one point."

Lin Heng nodded, "It was too easy to walk downhill. In addition, it was snowing and we were too eager to find the antelope. I should have marked the road."

He didn't expect this to happen to them. It's really a luxury to expect humans not to make mistakes.

He thought he had a strong memory and had remembered the way back. But when it got dark and snowed, some landmark objects could not be found, and he didn't know the way back.

As the old saying goes, "A good memory is not as good as a bad pen."

Li Baiquan looked at the two and said, "We can't go any further. Let's find a sheltered place and build a simple shelter."

The three of them understood that if they couldn't find the direction at this time, they would be looking for death if they walked around. The most urgent thing is to find a place to shelter from the wind and snow. Although the snow is not heavy, it has been falling and the ground has turned white.

In the middle of the night, you can only use the natural environment to build a shelter. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to build one from scratch on flat ground.

It is difficult for three people.

After searching for half an hour in the cold wind, the three finally found a suitable place.

This is under a large stone that is tilted upwards, and the soil underneath is dry loess.

After confirming the place, Lin Heng couldn't wait to say, "Sir, let's make a fire first."

Li Baiquan said, "Damn, it's hard to make a fire without something to ignite."

At this time, Grandpa Gao handed over two pieces of pine oil and said, "I have pine oil on me. I picked it up when it was getting dark before. I was afraid that I couldn't make a fire."

Lin Heng also smiled and took out a piece of pine oil from his pocket, and said with a smile, "I have it too, but I made it this morning."

This made Grandpa Gao look at him in surprise, and he couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Xiao Lin, your sense of crisis is good."

He didn't expect Lin Heng to bring such a thing. It seems insignificant, but it is a life-saving thing at this time. With this, the difficulty of making a fire for them suddenly decreased exponentially.

Many times, some small details are often the key to saving lives. A fire can help people survive the cold and snowy night.

And in this dark night, something to ignite is crucial.

As a human being, Li Baiquan next to him could only grin. He had never thought of bringing such a thing. It was sticky and uncomfortable to carry around, and he always thought it was easy to make a fire.

Now when he looked at Lin Heng and Grandpa Gao, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Hurry up and make a fire, uncle. I'm freezing to death. I'll go get some firewood."

Lin Heng said with a smile, skipping the topic.

In fact, he not only brought pine oil, but also flint.

Even if the lighter broke, he could still make a fire.

But there was no need to say these.

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