The wind was a bit strong, blowing the snow on people, and Lin Heng's hands and feet were cold.

Fortunately, there was no shortage of firewood in this deep mountain and old forest, so I found a lot of it.

When he came back, Li Baiquan also used rosin to light the fire.

The weak flames swayed in the wind, but fortunately there was enough rosin to give the fire enough power to keep it alive.

After adding firewood, the flames finally grew bigger, and all three of them felt a little warmth.

It's just that the wind is too strong. It's hot in front and cool in the back. It doesn't warm me at all. I'm still shivering.

Uncle Gao rubbed his hands and said, "Build a shelter quickly, otherwise you won't be able to carry it. Find some trees nearby. If you can't find them, cut them down."

"Well, that's all we can do." Li Baiquan nodded.

"Woof woof~"

Xiong Ba howled and shook his fur, almost turning into a big white dog.

Lin Heng had already picked up a lot of wood, so he didn't want to feel comfortable this late at night. Just build a cone-shaped shelter to survive temporarily.

Find a rattan and three pieces of wood as the main frame, and then continue to fill the gaps with wood.

First put big wood, then small wood, and finally put rotten leaves or moss on it and it's done.

Even with three people building it, it took a full hour.

After it was built, the three of them couldn't wait to get into the shelter.

Li Baiquan rubbed his hands and said with emotion: "It's finally warm. It's really terrible."

"I was too careless today, and I was too lax."

Uncle Gao shook his head. Fortunately, he woke up in time. This was considered a brush with death.

Lin Heng said nothing, warming himself by the fire and thinking of his wife and children.

Today was indeed too thrilling, almost everyone died.

As their bodies gradually warmed up, the stomachs of the three of them began to growl.

We traveled lightly today and didn’t bring much dry food, so we finished it long ago.

"It's really a leaky house, but it rains all night, and the boat is late and encounters a strong wind!"

Lin Heng smiled bitterly. He didn't encounter any prey on the way back at night, so even if they made a fire, they would still be hungry.

Uncle Gao shook his head: "We can only make do with it for one night, there is no other way.

If it doesn't snow we can still go hunting and find other things to eat. But with such heavy snow, there was no point in going out. "

Lin Heng and Li Baiquan also understood that they could only go hungry.

It's just that it's too unbearable. When people are hungry, they feel panicked, feel weak all over, and wish they could eat three cows.

Uncle Gao is the most tolerant, because he once had the experience of being hungry for half a month and only drinking water. As a veteran, he has overcome all difficulties and obstacles.

Although Lin Heng looks young, he has been through two lifetimes and has experienced hunger. The worst part of my life was spent picking up trash for a living.

So although he felt uncomfortable, he could endure it.

Although Li Baiquan looks older than Lin Heng, he is actually the youngest among them. He tossed and turned in hunger, sighing.

He looked at Xiong Ba like a hungry wolf, which scared Xiong Ba and hid behind Lin Heng.

Li Baiquan shook his head and sighed: "No, I will bring more food next time. If I die, I won't be hungry. Eating chaff is better than this."

This night was destined to be difficult. There were no beds, so the three of them could only sit on two logs, lie on their knees and sleep around the fire.

I didn't fall asleep until after ten o'clock in the evening because I was hungry, and woke up at six o'clock the next morning.

It was still dark outside at this time, and the three of them were hungrier than yesterday. Xiongba was also whining with hunger.

There was no more firewood in the house, only some coals were burning.

When we walked out of the shelter, there was still light snow falling outside, but it was lighter than yesterday and could be called light snow.

I'd been hungry all night, so I didn't have to worry about it for a while, so I got some firewood and continued roasting.

When it dawned at seven o'clock, Li Baiquan couldn't wait to run out and get some "life-saving food" to eat back.

The so-called life-saving food is the fruit of the Pyracanthus tree, which is red and has a sour taste. It is the easiest to find in the mountains.

Li Baiquan handed the pyracantha fruit to the two of them and said with a smile: "If you are hungry, it will taste sweet. Sure enough, the old saying is true. Even if you have been hungry for three days, pig food will taste delicious."

"This won't add much nutrition, so I'd better shoot some birds."

Lin Heng picked two large handfuls, went to the shelter to clear out an area of ​​soil, and then scattered the pyracantha fruits in it.

He couldn't bear to eat just this thing, even if it was a sparrow.

Back in the house, Lin Heng looked at Uncle Gao and said with a smile: "Uncle, lend me your gun. Let's eat some meat to replenish our strength before leaving."


Uncle Gao agreed and handed the double-barreled shotgun to Lin Heng.

Lin Heng took a look at the gun and set it facing the open space outside.

Within a few minutes, two sparrows came outside. Naturally, it was far from the time to shoot.

Continuing to wait, ten minutes passed, and three or four green-bearded squirrels and five or six sparrows came, and the number was almost complete.

Lin Heng was about to shoot when two more turtle doves flew from a distance. This made him happy and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


boom! !

With a loud noise, countless tiny pieces of iron sand flew out. Wherever they went, none of the birds flew into the sky.

They were all knocked to the ground motionless, too dead to die.

"It's done!"

Lin Heng was overjoyed and said quickly, his mouth watered when he saw these things.

"I'll pick it up!"

Li Baiquan even rushed out and picked them all back up.

Two turtledoves, four green-bearded crickets, and six sparrows.

"Just throw them into the fire and roast them. There's no need to pluck their feathers." Lin Heng threw the turtledoves in first.

The feathers were burning and crackling, and a burnt smell of burning nails came, which the three of them thought was particularly fragrant.

Grandpa Gao and Li Baiquan also threw the sparrows and green-bearded crickets in.

The sparrows were the first to mature. They scraped off the burnt hair with a knife, revealing the burnt yellow skin, cut them in half with a knife, and fed the internal organs and the head to Xiongba.

The three of them picked up the meat and started chewing, even the bones were chewing with a bang.

The taste of hunger was too uncomfortable. They just wanted to fill their stomachs and not miss any energy.

There was no seasoning or salt, but the sparrows with a fishy smell seemed like a delicious meal in the mouths of the three people.

The sparrows, green-bearded crickets, and turtledoves were all eaten, and they stopped contentedly after they finished eating and burped.

At this time, he was no longer panicking and had strength all over his body.

Looking at the snow outside, Lin Heng finally had the energy to think about what to do next.

Grandpa Gao stood up and said, "Let's go back and look for prey on the way."

It was past eight o'clock and the sky was already bright.

"Well, let's go."

Li Baiquan also nodded.

The three of them packed up their things, put out the fire, and turned to leave.

The shelter was left here. If someone saw it, they could go in to avoid the wind and rain.

Although there was snow everywhere, the field of vision was wide and far during the day. It was not a problem to identify the way back.

"Fortunately, I didn't walk around last night. This is exactly the opposite direction of going back."

Seeing the mark left on the tree last night, the three of them were a little scared.

If they were really stubborn last night, the three of them might have been three corpses today.

The dangers of nature always come silently and catch people off guard.

Maybe this is not as fierce as the attack of tigers and black bears, but once you get caught in it, there is almost no chance of survival.

The three of them walked back with a feeling of trepidation, and they did not encounter any prey on the way.

They returned to the camp at around ten o'clock. As soon as they arrived at the valley where the camp was located, Xiongba found a new clue.

A series of wild boar footprints, one big footprint, and a bunch of dense small footprints.

Li Baiquan looked at the footprints and exclaimed: "Damn, this direction is towards the camp. Could this group of wild boars go there?"

Pigs are omnivores, and meat is naturally eaten. The camp not only has meat, but also yams and medicinal materials that they have worked hard to dig, as well as rations for the next few days.

"It is very likely that we have to speed up the process." Grandpa Gao nodded.

"There are too many wild boars in this mountain." Lin Heng shook his head.

Wild boars reproduce too fast, and there are no natural enemies, so they can't be killed at all.

In the future, wild boars have been protected for less than five years, and pig pests have become rampant, so people have to go up the mountain to hunt wild boars.

There is no way, it seems that tigers are gone, and leopards are scarce, so people can only control wild boars.

Lin Heng was also glad that he didn't leave ginseng and musk in the camp. If the hundred-year-old ginseng was eaten by a wild boar, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

The three of them hurriedly quickened their pace and soon returned to the camp.

"They are really eating our food!"

Lin Heng was sharp-eyed and saw the wild boar from a distance.

Just as they thought, a big female wild boar brought eight or nine piglets to eat crazily in the camp.

If they came back later, the camp would be demolished by this female wild boar.

Li Baiquan looked at Lin Heng and asked, "It's over, Lin Heng, your musk is not in the camp, right?"

"No, I carry it with me." Lin Heng shook his head.

"Leave this female wild boar to me, I'll kill it first."

Grandpa Gao said, and quietly approached with a shotgun.

Li Baiquan loaded the shotgun with a cannon, and Lin Heng took out the compound bow and quivered it on his waist.

They don't have any rules that don't kill young pigs. If they dare to touch their camp and eat their rations, then these guys will have to stay as rations.

Maybe because they had too much to eat, the wild boars were eating very happily. With such a wide field of vision, they were close to a distance of more than 200 meters.

Grandpa Gao used a rifle barrel, aimed at the female wild boar and pulled the trigger directly.

With a loud bang, the bullet flew over and penetrated the head of the female wild boar.

It only had time to turn its head, and then fell to the ground with a bang, and its four legs twitched for a few seconds and then stopped moving.

The rifle bullet was too powerful, and it died directly after the headshot, without any other unnecessary movements.



"Woof woof!!"

At the same time, all the piglets were in chaos and fled in all directions.

Xiongba chased after them with a bark.

Lin Heng and his uncle-in-law also rushed over.

Li Baiquan shot at the two not far away, and with a bang, one fell to the ground and kept running away with blood.

Lin Heng drew his bow and shot an arrow through the one in front of him, and it fell to the ground after running two steps.

"Woof woof!"

The wild boars frightened by the hunting rifle all ran downstream, but Xiongba was very smart and blocked them there, chasing them up again.


Lin Heng shot another arrow through the head of one of them.

On the other side, Grandpa Gao also joined the battlefield, killing the one injured by Li Baiquan with a Mongolian bow, and rushed over to fight side by side with Lin Heng.

This kind of moving target is difficult to shoot, and Lin Heng missed several times when he shot close.

Fortunately, there were many people and Xiongba, so only two escaped in the end, and the others were all killed.

"Hurry up and check it out."

The three of them didn't care about the harvest, and went to check the situation in the shelter first.

"Damn it!!"

After the inspection, Li Baiquan couldn't help but kick the dead female wild boar a few times.

All the rice and flour in the house were eaten, some were eaten, and some were poured on the ground, completely useless.

There was probably less than three pounds that could be eaten.

The same was true for the yam. Not to mention that it was eaten, many were trampled and almost intact.

Chestnut meat and bacon pork were not affected because they were hung high and the wild boar couldn't reach them.

They were already dismantling the camp, but they rushed back.

Lin Heng also kicked the dead wild boar twice and sighed: "First bring all the wild boars back, then organize things and see what to do next."

They went out first and brought back all the little wild boars. These wild boars generally weighed more than ten or twenty pounds, and they didn't fight.

A total of seven were killed, Lin Heng killed three, Grandpa Gao killed two and a half, and Li Baiquan killed one and a half.

Including the sow, the spoils this time are rich.

It can definitely be said that hard work pays off, but it's a pity that many things are gone.

Then the three of them sorted out the things carefully. All the noodles were useless, and the rice could be picked up and cleaned up to four pounds.

At least more than half were eaten and wasted by wild boars.

The yam was the most regrettable. Originally, more than 40 pounds of yam were dug, but now only about five pounds of good yam were sorted out.

They were all rotten and had to be eaten immediately, which means that almost all of them were wiped out.

Half of the medicinal materials were also eaten, which was heartbreaking.

Five bags were rotten, and two were completely irreparable and had to be burned.

Li Baiquan said resentfully: "I was planning to stay here for a few more days, but now it seems that I have to go back."

Lin Heng patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Look at it, uncle, this shows that God wants us to go back and celebrate the New Year with our family as soon as possible. This time the harvest is rich enough."

Grandpa Gao also nodded and said: "Yes, it's time to go back, so many things are enough."

The three of them discussed it briefly and decided to leave tomorrow. They would clean up here today and move the things to Sanchagou tomorrow.

It was only eleven o'clock in the morning, not yet noon, but the three of them felt powerless.

Hunting is fun, but handling prey is not an easy job.

This female wild boar weighs at least two hundred pounds, which is the most difficult to handle.

In addition, there are seven small wild boar cubs, which are also difficult to handle.

Lin Heng looked at Grandpa Gao and said with a smile: "How about this, we won't deal with the little wild boar cubs, we'll be back soon anyway, it won't go bad in this cold.

We can just deal with the sow today, what do you think?"

"Okay, if the little wild boar's stomach is cut open, it will be difficult to deal with the internal organs." Grandpa Gao nodded.

Li Baiquan didn't have any objection, he didn't even want to deal with the big wild boar.

But this wild boar is too big, if it's not dealt with, no one can take it back, it must be divided.

Grandpa Gao looked at Lin Heng and said: "Well, Lin Heng, you cook first. Let's build a rack first, and we'll deal with it slowly after dinner."

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