"Then let's have stewed yam for breakfast."

Lin Heng went to get a grouse and stewed it with yam.

There was no other way, the yam was ruined, and the remaining little bit could only be eaten.

And they were not very hungry now, so they cooked it first and waited until noon to eat it.

After stewing the grouse, Lin Heng came to help deal with the big wild boar, which had just been bled again by her uncle-in-law.

Lin Heng helped Grandpa Gao to set up a rack, and the three of them lifted the big wild boar up to burn its hair.

However, the hair of this old wild boar was too hard, and the rack was burned before the hair was burned out.

"Damn, this pig hair is too hard." Lin Heng was speechless. After more than ten minutes of burning, there were still hard hair roots on the pig skin.

Li Baiquan looked at the collapsed rack and said, "How about this? Let's gut it first, cut the meat into small pieces and then burn the hair, or take it back and deal with it."

"That's it, I'm too lazy to deal with it." Lin Heng nodded. After staying in the mountains for such a long time, everyone was a little exhausted.

Grandpa Gao nodded, "I think it's okay."

Immediately, the three of them hung up the wild boar and gutted it for processing.

Even gutting is extremely time-consuming. It took two hours just to cut it.

"Feed this pig lung to Xiongba." Grandpa Gao handed the pig lung to Lin Heng.


Lin Heng took the pig lung to another pot to cook. Xiongba seemed to understand and squatted beside him with his tongue sticking out and waiting.

After the pork was cut, the three ran to eat. The hair on the pork was not dealt with for the time being. Waiting to go back and do it slowly.

Now just apply some salt to preserve it.

"Woof woof~"

Xiongba also ate the cooked pig lungs, and after finishing, he lay down beside the fire and took a nap with satisfaction.

Although he didn't eat the golden rooster, this big pig lung was equivalent to three golden roosters.

After eating, the three went to the waterside to clean the pig intestines and stomach.

Then everyone started to pack up, and put the things that could be put into bags, and put the things that couldn't be put together with rattan sticks.

After packing up, the three had dinner and went to bed early. The next morning, they went back with courage.

Everyone had a burden of more than 100 kilograms on their shoulders, but the things were far from finished.

The big wild boar alone weighed nearly 300 kilograms, and there were seven small wild boars, four wild badgers, six golden roosters, four grouse, and other bits and pieces of meat and things.

Total of 500 to 600 kilograms of things, they had to go back and forth twice.

This was the weight after some of the things were destroyed, otherwise it would be more.

It was dusk when they returned to the Sanchagou camp with the stuff on their shoulders. The stuff was too heavy, and the three of them couldn't walk fast.

When they saw the fire in the camp, Lin Heng's heart was at ease. He was afraid that his elder brother would have an accident here alone.


Lin Heng shouted from a distance.

After a few seconds, a figure with messy hair came out of the camp. When he saw Lin Heng and the other two, he smiled.


Lin Yue was overjoyed and ran over quickly.

"My God, did you kill so many prey?"

Lin Yue's eyes widened as his mouth when he saw these things. There were too many.

Lin Heng gave the burden to his elder brother and said with a smile: "This is only half, and the other half has not been transported yet."

"The other half?"

Lin Yue's mouth was also wide open at that time.

He said in confusion: "How many prey did you kill?"

"I'll tell you slowly when I get back."

Lin Heng shook his head and went to help Grandpa Gao take the burden.

"It's okay, old man, I can carry it." Grandpa Gao smiled and shook his head.

After entering the camp, Lin Heng and the other two were also shocked. There were three large bags of yam here, which weighed at least four or five hundred kilograms.

"Brother, did you dig all these?" Lin Heng asked with wide eyes.

Lin Yue smiled and nodded: "Yes, I didn't hit anything, so I dug yams nearby. I only dug forty or fifty kilograms a day, and this is the amount dug for more than ten days."

Grandpa Gao couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Too hardworking."

Everyone knows how difficult it is to dig yams. It often takes one or two hours to dig a yam, and the dug out is about four or five kilograms, and the good ones can be eight or nine kilograms.

Forty or fifty kilograms a day means digging eight or nine yams.

This does not include the time for searching. Not all yams can be dug out. Many that grow in rocks cannot be dug out at all.

Lin Yue dug so much with a small hoe, that is really hardworking.

Hearing the praise from everyone, Lin Yue grinned: "There are quite a lot, but it's not worth much, only 30 or 40 cents per pound."

Lin Heng shook his head and said: "The price in the city is more than this. This is wild yam. I can give you 50 cents per pound if you give it to me."

"Then I'll trouble you, brother."

Hearing this news, Lin Yue was delighted and said quickly.

Lin Heng waved his hand, this is all he should do.

"Hurry up and cook, talk while we talk." Li Baiquan said, he was so hungry.

"Then I'll make rice." Lin Yue nodded, he hadn't eaten yet, just right to cook together.

After the rice was ready, Lin Heng fried another tofu meat. The vegetables brought from home had long been used up, and now only tofu was left, so he could only do this.

While eating, Lin Heng told his eldest brother about what they had been doing these days.

Lin Yue was a little frightened when he heard it, and sighed: "This is too dangerous."

Li Baiquan smiled and said, "If it wasn't dangerous, we wouldn't have gotten so many things."

"Brother, are your injuries okay?" Lin Yue asked again.

Lin Heng shook his head and said that there was no problem anymore. It was not so easy to get infected in winter and his ankle basically no longer hurt.

Early the next morning, the three of them asked Uncle Gao to keep his hands here while they went up to move the remaining things.

"Then you hold my shotgun. It's better to be prepared if there is danger." Uncle Gao handed him the shotgun and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng smiled and took it, put it on his shoulders, and set off with his elder brother and uncle to the camp at the foot of Taibai Mountain.

The snow stopped today, but the sun didn't come out. There was snow everywhere on the road, and the three of them wrestled from time to time while wearing liberation shoes and holding wooden sticks.

The ground was so slippery that the snow by the stream had frozen into ice. Coupled with the howling cold wind in the valley, walking was really slow.

It was already afternoon by the time we went up, so we had no other choice but to stay here for one night and then carry our things down the next day.

"It seems that this solar year will be spent in the mountains."

Lin Heng lay on the bed and shook his head helplessly. Today is already thirty, and I won’t be able to go back until at least the day after tomorrow.

Lin Yue said with a smile: "We are not celebrating the Gregorian New Year anyway. With so many things, we will be prosperous during the Lunar New Year this year."

Li Baiquan also echoed: "With all this meat, this will be the most luxurious New Year since I was born."

Lin Heng did not object to this. This was indeed his most luxurious New Year since he was born.

Early the next morning, the three of them got up early and walked back carrying their things.

Carrying something heavy enough that constant sweating can actually protect you from the cold.

When the sun came out, the ice and snow melted, and the road became easier to walk. It was only three o'clock in the afternoon when the three of them returned to the Sanchagou camp, which was much faster than yesterday.

The main thing is that some things are missing.

After putting the things away, Lin Heng looked at everyone and said, "It's still early today. I want to go back by myself first and ask someone to come up and help move things tomorrow."

"It will get dark in three hours. Can you go back?" Li Baiquan was a little worried.

"You can go back. I can run very fast if I don't take anything." Lin Heng nodded. He wanted to go back early and put the ginseng away, otherwise it would spoil.

Uncle Gao could tell at a glance that Lin Heng wanted to go back to find his wife, so he tore off the two legs of the roasted grouse and said to him, "Here you go, take this and eat it. If you want to go back, hurry up and leave."

"Thank you, uncle." Lin Heng grinned.

"Then be careful." Lin Yue warned.

Lin Heng nodded in agreement, took a bite of chicken, and ran quickly with Xiongba.

He is still very fast on his own, after all, he is a strong young man. In addition, he only rushed back and did not look for prey. He actually returned to Hongfeng Village at dusk.

In this cold weather, everyone in the village was indoors. Lin Heng arrived at the door of his house smoothly without meeting anyone.

Boom! !

Lin Heng said nothing and knocked on the door silently.


As soon as he knocked on the door, Xiulan's crisp voice came out.

"Dad, is it daddy?!" Xiaoxia's milky voice also came out.

"No, your father probably won't come back for a few days."

"No matter what, I want daddy!"

Xiaoxia started to cry.

Xiulan hugged him helplessly and comforted her. Every time someone knocked on the door, she would ask for her father. There was really nothing she could do.

When she opened the courtyard door and saw the tall figure standing outside, Xiulan was stunned.

Xiaoxia was stunned for a moment, then threw herself into Lin Heng's arms, big tears rolling down her cheeks: "Dad!!"

"Daddy hugs, daddy hugs."

Lin Heng didn't care that he was dirty, and took Xiaoxia into his arms and kissed her hard.

It had been a long time since he saw his precious daughter and wife, and he missed them terribly.


Xiulan's voice was soft to the core. She also wanted to hug Lin Heng, but she was too embarrassed to fight with her daughter.

When Lin Heng was away, she missed him many times every day.

"Come on, let's go into the house!"

Lin Heng closed the door and pulled his wife into the house.

“Daddy stinks!!”

Xiaoxia wrinkled her nose and said after having enough time in Lin Heng's arms. It's like I didn't smell it just now.

"Okay then, you go down and play by yourself while dad goes to take a bath." Lin Heng smiled and put her on the ground.

"No! Dad, don't run away!"

Xiaoxia hugged Lin Heng's neck and hooked her legs around him, refusing to come down even if Lin Heng stunk.

Xiulan looked at her daughter and said helplessly: "Your father won't leave, so come down quickly."

"I don't!" Xiaoxia's little head shook like a rattle. Although her father stinked, she didn't let go.

"I really don't want to leave, how about we hook up?"

Lin Heng kissed her white and soft face again and said with a smile.

"I do not want!"

Xiaoxia still shook her head.

Lin Heng had no choice but to let her hold him.

The kid was right, he just wanted to stick to him. After coaxing her for about ten minutes, she and Lin Heng pulled each other off to the ground.

Xiulan looked at him and said, "Go and take a shower quickly. I'll boil the water for you as fast as I can."

"Wait a while to take a shower. Wife, you and I come in."

Lin Heng grinned, took his wife's hand and walked into the house.

He hadn't held this soft and tender hand for a long time, and he missed her so much.

Xiulan's face turned red, and her expression was tangled with shyness: "How about waiting for a good night? Besides, you haven't even taken a shower yet..."

Lin Heng looked back at his wife's face and suddenly smiled evilly: "You misunderstood my wife, I mean I have something to show you."

"Ah!" Xiulan's cheeks suddenly covered with red clouds. It was so embarrassing for her to misunderstand Lin Heng.

Lin Heng looked at her and said, "But, I miss you very much."

"Mom misses dad too. She says it many times a day." Xiaoxia said beside her.

Xiulan glared at him: "Bad guy, you will make me look embarrassed as soon as you come back."

"I am a bad person and I apologize."

Lin Heng grinned, he was very happy, because it showed that Xiulan also missed him very much, so he misunderstood.

If he hadn't been so dirty now, he would have wanted to take his wife and take a few bites to satisfy his craving. We haven’t seen each other for so many days, and he misses her all the time.

"What are you asking me to see?" Xiulan was pulled into the room and looked at Lin Heng and asked.

She originally wanted to keep a straight face, but when she saw Lin Heng's face, her eyes were full of tenderness. She just wanted to know what he had done these days, whether he was hurt, and whether he missed her.

"Here, this."

Lin Heng took out something tightly wrapped in a plastic bag from his pocket.

"What is this?" Xiulan asked curiously, holding it in her hand.

Lin Heng looked at his wife's face and said lovingly, "You'll know after you open it and take a look."

Xiulan opened the thing out of curiosity, and soon the scent glands of the forest musk deer were exposed, and a strong musk scent came out.

Xiulan couldn't help but reveal a look of surprise on her face: "You shot another forest musk deer, this is too awesome!!"

Lin Heng was instantly satisfied when he saw the surprise and admiration on his wife's face. This was what motivated him to endure so many days of wind and sun.

"Hehe, that's awesome. How are you going to reward me, a great hero?" Lin Heng looked at her and said.

Xiulan looked at him with her beautiful eyes: "What do you want?"

Lin Heng waved his hand and continued: "No hurry, no hurry, I still have something to show you."


Xiulan couldn't help but become curious. It seemed that Lin Heng's second thing was more precious than musk. What could it be.

Lin Heng took something out of his coat pocket and opened it directly.

When Xiulan saw this thing, she opened her mouth wide and was stunned for a while, then she said, "Oh my god, ginseng! It's still such a big ginseng!"

"It's winter, how did you dig it?"

Xiulan couldn't understand that ginseng could be dug in winter.

The ginseng was still fresh, obviously just dug, which shocked her.

Lin Heng did not tell her, but held her hand and asked with a smile: "This is a century-old ginseng, is it powerful?"

Xiulan's expression was already horrified when she heard that it was a century-old ginseng. She looked at Lin Heng and nodded repeatedly: "That's amazing. Husband, you will always be the most powerful man in my heart."

Looking at his wife's eyes, Lin Heng was satisfied, and the suffering he suffered on the mountain was nothing.

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