Lin Heng handed the ginseng to Xiulan and said with a smile: "Put this ginseng in a wooden box and dry it to sell. It can be sold for at least 10,000 yuan. Be careful."

Xiulan nodded and looked at him and said: "Now you should tell me how you dug it. Is it luck?"

Lin Heng smirked: "Help me rub my back, I will tell you slowly."

Xiulan rolled her eyes at him, but did not refuse.

When Lin Heng took off his clothes, she took a wooden box from the cabinet and put the ginseng in it, covered it temporarily and put it on the windowsill to dry in the shade.

After more than ten days without a hot bath, Lin Heng couldn't stand it. He brushed his teeth first, then washed his hair, and then waited for Xiulan to come and help rub his back.

Xiulan saw Lin Heng standing there in a daze, and her hairpins couldn't help but blush. That big guy was too impactful.

Lin Heng smirked at her: "Come and help rub my back."

He knew that Xiulan was thin-skinned and was not joking, otherwise she might not rub his back.

Xiulan came over with a red face and picked up the soap to help Lin Heng rub his back, her hands were shaking slightly.

Her eyes were on things she shouldn't have thought about just now, and now she noticed the scratches on Lin Heng's lower back, and hurriedly asked: "You fell on the mountain, are there other injuries?"

"There are also the back of my hand and ankle, but they are all healed. I accidentally slipped down a slope." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan's strength in rubbing her back was a little less, and she said helplessly: "I told you to be careful when we left, why didn't you remember it."

Lin Heng said while enjoying it: "Actually, this fall is a good thing. It was when I was resting after the fall that Xiongba found the ginseng nearby, otherwise I would definitely miss it."

"Do you think this is a good thing?" He turned his head and asked with a smile.

Xiulan rubbed his back with a little effort, saying: "If this injury is exchanged for a hundred-year-old ginseng, it would be worth it. But I'm afraid you will get hurt more next time, so it's better not to have it."

She didn't expect that this ginseng was obtained in this way. She felt a little distressed when she saw the scratch on Lin Heng's lower back. It must have hurt badly at that time.

"Does it still hurt now?" She asked softly.

Lin Heng shook his head: "It doesn't hurt for a long time, it's a little itchy, you can scratch the edge for me."

Xiulan scratched him and continued to rub his back. Itching means it will heal soon, so she is not worried.

Lin Heng raised his hands, stood in front of her and smiled: "Please help me wash the front."

Xiulan glared at him: "I won't rub your back if it's sore again."


Lin Heng looked at her pitifully.

Xiulan's soft little hands were soaped and rubbed his back, which was really comfortable and intoxicating.

"Okay, wash the rest by yourself, I'll go find clothes for you."

After rubbing her back, Xiulan put down the soap and ran away quickly, not giving Lin Heng a chance.

She didn't want her clothes to be wet by Lin Heng. She could sense from his physical condition that he was about to be unable to hold it.

Lin Heng pretended to be angry and looked at her: "Don't you have any trust in me at all?"

Xiulan smiled softly and cunningly: "Don't believe it now, I don't want my clothes to be wet by you, I just changed them today."

Lin Heng spread his hands, picked up the soap and smiled evilly: "Just wash your tools well."

Xiulan didn't say anything, but glared at him fiercely.

After finding the clothes, she put them on the bench and said: "I'll put them for you, I'll go out and cook for you."


Lin Heng nodded. Although he had been holding it in for a long time, it was dark now, and he could still wait for this time.

He washed himself carefully, added a little firewood to the fireplace, and waited for his body to dry before putting on clean clothes.

I haven't showered for so many days, and suddenly I feel relaxed when I shower, as if I will ascend to heaven at any time.

After opening the back door and turning on the door light, Lin Heng took a bucket to pour water and soaked the dirty clothes.

The backyard has not changed much from before. The snow here has melted when the sun came out today, and there are only large cone-shaped ice tumors on the eaves.

The only green in the yard comes from orchids, as well as juniper and black pine bonsai. It seems that the colder the winter, the greener they look.

The fish pond is frozen and can't be seen clearly. Lin Heng found a flashlight to barely see it. The black fish is suspended in the middle of the waist and motionless, and the yellow thorn and carp are all sinking to the bottom.

Lin Heng poured the bath water and walked to the front. Xiulan was cooking in the kitchen, and Xiaoxia was also pulled to the kitchen by her.


Seeing Lin Heng, Xiaoxia rushed over.

Lin Heng picked her up and kissed her hard, smiling and saying, "My baby is getting more and more beautiful."

Xiaoxia hugged Lin Heng's neck, put her face close to his, and said coquettishly, "Dad, I want to eat candy~"

"Okay, okay, I'll give you one."

Lin Heng knew she would ask for candy a long time ago, so he took a rock candy from his pocket and put it in her mouth.

Xiaoxia leaned on Lin Heng's arms and ate the candy, feeling very satisfied.

Lin Heng walked over and looked at his wife and said, "Just make two dishes, I'm hungry and want to eat quickly."

He not only wanted to eat quickly, but also wanted to rest quickly.

Xiu Lan nodded, "That's it, just add two more dishes."

She scooped up the sour cowpea and minced meat fried vermicelli in the pot, and made another egg yolk soup and they could eat.

The water added to the pot was given to Lin Heng to eat in the evening.

The dishes were served on the table. In addition to the two dishes just made, there was also a cold-mixed small green vegetable and braised sausage that she had prepared in advance.

Lin Heng took a bite of the sour cowpea and minced meat fried vermicelli and couldn't help but praise: "It's delicious, worthy of being made by my wife."

Xiu Lan smiled: "Then you should eat more."

She was happy to see Lin Heng eating.

Lin Heng was not polite. He was very hungry. He quickly finished the dish and ate some cold green vegetables and yellow flowers.

Seeing that Lin Heng had almost finished eating, Xiu Lan ordered three more bowls of noodles. The leftover vegetables tasted even better.

After finishing the meal in one breath, Lin Heng sat in a chair and took a deep breath comfortably.

Xiu Lan fed Xiaoxia and looked at him and asked: "Do you want more?"

"No, I'll feed her, you eat quickly."

Lin Heng came over and picked up Xiaoxia's bowl to feed her.

Before finishing her meal, Xiaoxia couldn't wait to say, "Dad, tell me a story."

Lin Heng smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I'll tell you a story after we finish eating."


Xiaoxia immediately started eating with big mouthfuls.

When Lin Heng finished feeding Xiaoxia, Xiulan had already finished her meal and started to clean up the dishes.

"Put it there, I'll wash it tomorrow morning." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan thought for a while and said, "Okay."

After putting the things down, the three of them went into the warm bedroom together.

Lin Heng took off Xiaoxia's coat and put it on the bed, then told her a story.

His heart was all on Xiulan tonight, hoping that Xiaoxia would fall asleep quickly.

But she hadn't listened to Lin Heng's stories for so many days, and she became more and more fascinated as she listened, and didn't want to sleep at all.

Although Lin Heng was not there, Xiulan also told her stories, but Xiulan's stories were not as smooth as Lin Heng's, and she liked Lin Heng's stories more.

Lin Heng's warm heart was cold, and Xiaoxia didn't sleep.

Xiulan couldn't help but smile when she saw Lin Heng's look, and whispered to comfort him: "Tell me slowly, I'll warm your bed first."

After lying in bed, she whispered: "I'll wait for you no matter how late it is."

Lin Heng looked at his daughter helplessly and continued to tell stories.

From 7:30 to 9 o'clock, Xiaoxia finally fell asleep.

"Finally fell asleep."

Lin Heng took a deep breath, added some firewood to the fireplace, and walked towards the bed.

As soon as he took off his clothes and got into bed, a pair of soft little hands hugged him.

"I thought you were sleeping... um..."

Before Lin Heng finished speaking, Xiu took action first.

She also missed Lin Heng very much, how could she fall asleep and wait for him all the time.

Lin Heng took the opportunity to hug his wife and turned his strong longing into action.

After the exchange, he realized that Xiulan's longing had turned into a river.

The noise in the house was particularly loud that night, just like a piece of music that rose and fell and moved people's hearts. It lasted for three waves before it ended.

When the moonlight came in, Xiulan was already lying soft in Lin Heng's arms. Although she had no strength, she still hugged him tightly.

Lin Heng felt his wife's body temperature and enjoyed the comfort after releasing the pressure for a long time without saying a word.

After a while, Xiulan recovered some strength, hugged Lin Heng's neck again and whispered: "I can't sleep yet, tell me about your days."


Lin Heng leaned close to his wife's ear and told her slowly, kneading the big meat buns he liked to eat in his hands.

"So you guys came to hunt so much meat."

Xiulan was surprised when she heard Lin Heng talk about their harvest.

"It's easy to hunt in winter, and compared to these, my ginseng and musk deer are really valuable." Lin Heng said with a smile and continued to tell the story.

Xiulan leaned against Lin Heng's chest and said softly: "That's right, my husband is great in every aspect."

Lin Heng smiled silently, and he was satisfied with what he said.

Then he continued to talk about some other things. Under Xiulan's questioning, he also told about getting lost at night.

Xiulan couldn't help but hug him tightly after hearing this: "It's really scary, don't be careless in the future."

She was too afraid of losing Lin Heng. She missed him many times every day when he was away, and often went to the door to check.

"It's okay, I'm not that stupid." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan whispered: "Think about how comfortable you were just now. If you don't cherish your life, you won't have the chance to enjoy it."

"Of course I cherish it." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan nodded gently: "Just cherish it, then let's rest~"

"I want to eat a white rabbit flavored milk candy before going to sleep..."

"There is no sugar, but I can try..."

Xiulan took the initiative to send her mouth up and gave someone a deep kiss.

Finally, she leaned on Lin Heng's arms and slowly fell asleep, and the room was filled with the smell left by the two of them.

The next day, Lin Heng opened his eyes and felt an unprecedented sense of peace and security when he saw the person lying next to him.

Even if he did nothing, it was good to look at her like this. Red and plump lips, clean and white cheeks, closed eyelids but curved eyelashes, and a raised mouth corner with a stable and happy expression.

Xiulan seemed to feel Lin Heng's gaze and slowly opened her eyes. Seeing the eyes full of love, her heart was hit hard, and she couldn't help but hug him with both hands.

Xiulan looked at him and said softly: "It's great to see you when I wake up in the morning!"

"Me too." Lin Heng grinned.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Xiulan lay back on Lin Heng's chest and listened to his heartbeat. After a while, she hugged his neck and pressed her face against his, like a clingy kitten.

Lin Heng wanted to lie in this gentle place for a day without getting up, but his elder brother was still on the mountain, so he could only get up with reluctance.

He put on his clothes, added firewood to the fireplace, and watched Xiulan dress with interest. It was fun to see her good figure being hidden by her clothes.

He thought that his wife would look very good in a cheongsam with her figure, but it was a pity that Taibai City didn't sell it, so he could only wait until he went to Ancheng to buy it for her.

"Alas!" He couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

Xiulan looked at him strangely: "What's wrong?"

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Nothing, I'm just feeling that you have a great figure. If you wear a cheongsam, it will definitely look good."

In fact, he was lamenting that this era was too underdeveloped. If there were so many clothes like in the future, he would buy each one for his wife to wear, and it would be a kind of enjoyment just to watch.

Xiulan blinked: "Then I'll buy it and show you when I have money."


Lin Heng nodded repeatedly. He liked his wife's change of attitude.

Xiulan put on her clothes and took out the sheets that were thrown aside last night and soaked them in a basin. She felt a little embarrassed when she saw the still damp sheets. It seemed that she was too proactive last night.

The love was too strong, and the sheets were soaked too much.

Lin Heng laughed secretly, having a wife made of water is also a fun thing.

He got up and looked at Xiaoxia, she was still sleeping soundly, she went to bed late last night, and her sleep seemed to be particularly deep.

Xiulan was worried about waking up her daughter, but Xiaoxia didn't move at all even though she was so loud.

This can be regarded as a reward for Lin Heng telling her a story for an hour and a half.

He glanced at his daughter, and found that Lin Heng didn't wake her up. After washing up, he hurried out of the old house to find his father.

When he came over, Lin's father and mother had just got up, and Caiyun was about to go to school with her schoolbag.

"Hey, when did you come back, second brother!"

Seeing Lin Heng, she showed a look of surprise, ran over and held Lin Heng's hand.

When Lin's father and mother in the room heard this, they also ran out in a hurry.

Father Lin asked in surprise, "Son, when did you come back? Where's your brother?"

Lin Heng touched his sister Caiyun's soft head and smiled, "I came back last night, but it was too late to see you.

My uncle and I are all in the mountains. I came back to ask you to help move things.

Dad, go and call two more people to go up the mountain together, otherwise we can't get the things. This time the harvest is extraordinary."

"Call two more people?" Mother Lin opened her mouth wide.

Caiyun was also surprised: "Second brother, how many prey did you catch?"

Lin Heng smiled slightly: "Too many, I can't tell you in a short time, you will know when you pull them back."

"Okay, I'll go call people now, just in time, your third father and Lin Hai are in the house."

Father Lin didn't ask more questions, and went out to call people directly.

"You call them to my house for dinner, I've asked Xiulan to cook." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Father Lin waved his hand to show that he knew, and walked out of the yard quickly again.

Caiyun looked at the watch on Lin Heng's wrist and said with a bright smile: "Second brother, I'm leaving too. If I don't leave now, I'll be late."

"Today is New Year's Day, don't you have a holiday?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

"No, it will be winter vacation in another week or two."

Caiyun smiled and said she was having fun, and left quickly. After being able to study, her personality became much more cheerful.

After Caiyun left, Lin Heng said something to his mother and went back to find Xiulan.

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