Back in the house, Xiulan was cooking in the kitchen.

She had her hair tied up with a white jade hairpin, revealing her slender white neck. It formed a strong contrast with the tight cotton jacket she was wearing, making people wonder what kind of thrilling thing was hidden in her thick cotton jacket.

Xiulan saw Lin Heng leaning against the door and staring at her in a daze, and smiled: "Have you told Dad and the others?"

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "I have already told you, you should go down a little more, and Sandie and Lin Hai will come over later."

At this time, Lin Heng remembered something and apologized quickly: "Wife, I seem to have forgotten to wash the dishes, I'm sorry."

I was busy chewing my wife last night, and I said I would wash the dishes in the morning, but I forgot.

Xiulan couldn't help but smile: "You fool, what's there to apologize for, it's just a few bowls, I just washed them casually."

But Lin Heng's words made her feel very comfortable.

Lin Heng also grinned, it was great that Xiulan never scolded him for such things. Unlike some women in the village, men would yell and make a fuss if they forgot to do something.

But if she forgot to do something, she would keep silent.

Lin Heng looked at her and said, "Then I'll go wash the clothes and sheets I changed yesterday."

Xiulan shook her head and said, "No, I washed them at noon. You can take a break. We have to go up the mountain soon."

"It's just a casual thing. I feel bad that your little hands are rough."

Lin Heng said with a smile, and ran to the backyard to wash clothes.

He never thought that he could use his wife as a slave just because he made some money. Hunting in the mountains is dangerous and tiring, but many trivial matters in the house are also annoying and tiring.

What he hates most are those men who think they have made a little money and use their wives and children like slaves, as if he is the only one who pays for the whole family.

The clothes soaking in the backyard are all Lin Heng's own, as well as the sheets and underwear that Xiulan changed in the morning.

Although the water was cold, Lin Heng was too lazy to add hot water. He just rubbed it with his hands once and then brushed it with a brush and it was very clean.

The stains he got on the mountain were mainly dirt and his own sweat odor. They were not stubborn stains. He could wash them twice more and they would be clean.

After boiling the water, Xiulan ran to the backyard and saw Lin Heng washing clothes without adding hot water. She felt a little distressed: "Why don't you add hot water for such cold water?"

Lin Heng looked up at his wife and smiled and said, "It's done in a few washes. Do you think I'm doing well?"

Xiulan walked over and took a look, praising: "It's cleaner than mine."

As she spoke, she helped to rinse the two clothes that Lin Heng had washed.

Lin Heng looked at her and smiled: "You don't have to do it. It's not worth it if you get cold."

Xiulan pouted and said, "I'm not that fragile. Just finish it quickly and go into the house to warm up by the fire."


Lin Heng smiled and rinsed the remaining clothes with his wife. After hanging them on the pole, they went into the house together.

Some firewood was added to the fireplace, and the two held their hands together to warm themselves.

"Did you forget to apply the facial cream?" Xiulan asked him.

Lin Heng nodded obediently: "I forgot."

"Then I'll apply it for you."

Xiulan blinked, got up and took the facial cream that Lin Heng bought for her, rubbed it on her hands, and carefully touched Lin Heng's face and hands.

Lin Heng enjoyed his wife's care and couldn't close his mouth happily. Xiulan's soft little hands massaged his face so comfortably.

"Apply it, remember to apply it next time."

After finishing, Xiulan pinched his hand and reminded him.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, and looked at his wife's plump and rosy lips and said: "Wife, your lips are so shiny, put some lipstick on me."

"Okay, then I'll get it for you." Xiulan nodded innocently, and was about to get up when Lin Heng pulled her and sat on his lap.

"What are you doing again? Aren't you applying too much lipstick?" Xiulan looked at him helplessly.

Lin Heng took her hand and said with a chuckle: "I mean just apply some of the lipstick on your mouth to me."

When Xiulan heard this, her face suddenly turned red, and she poked his head and said angrily: "You keep thinking of these bad ideas all day long~"

Lin Heng looked at her eagerly, smiling and saying nothing.

Xiulan hesitated for a while, but still leaned down to apply lipstick on him.

After a while, Xiulan panted and stared at him: "Didn't you say to apply lipstick?"

This guy not only ate the lipstick, but also kissed her so hard that she couldn't breathe, and her tongue was cramping.

"When you are deeply in love, you are careless, so apply it to me again." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan poked his head and snorted: "I won't be fooled again."

She took the lipstick and applied it on herself, then applied lipstick on Lin Heng, and got up to wake up her daughter.

Lin Heng heard a knock on the door outside and went out to open the door first. Before going out, he put the ginseng in the cabinet and packed it up.

When he opened the door, his father, his third uncle Lin Xutao, and his cousin Lin Hai were all standing outside.

"Third uncle, you are here, come in quickly."

Lin Heng said with a smile.

Lin Xutao looked at the beautiful front yard and asked enviously: "You must have gained a lot in the mountains this time, and you need so many people to help."

He had not been in Lin Heng's yard since it was renovated, and now he was really envious. The bluestone floor tiles were comfortable to step on, and they were many times better than the mud.

Lin Heng smiled and replied: "There was a lot of meat, and I also shot a musk deer."

He would definitely not tell Xiulan about the ginseng, and it was enough for Xiulan to know about it.

Lin Xutao was shocked when he heard this: "That's amazing, your hunting skills are really amazing."

Lin Hai's eyes widened: "Damn, Brother Lin, how come you always get good stuff?"

One musk deer is worth 1,500 yuan. Although someone in the village has caught one, they are not as lucky as Lin Heng.

It's okay to raise two musk deer, but he actually caught another one in the mountains.

"This year's luck is really good." Lin Heng grinned.

Only Xiulan knew that Xiongba had a lot of credit for this. The most difficult part of hunting is to find prey, and the second is to be able to shoot accurately.

Xiongba is very good at finding prey, and Lin Heng's archery is fast and accurate. With the combination of the two swords, the harvest is indeed much more than that of ordinary people.

"Stop talking, let's eat quickly and set off." Lin's father waved his hand.

Lin Heng nodded and agreed: "Okay, I'll go downstairs, Xiu'an is dressing Xiaoxia."

Lin Heng went downstairs from the kitchen today. His father and Sandie were looking at Lin Heng's greenhouse vegetables in the yard. They couldn't help but marvel at the lush vegetables inside.

Many vegetables in this winter are wilted, and only those that are cold-resistant and frost-resistant can grow. But Lin Heng's plastic film has many other seasonal vegetables growing well.

During the meal, Lin Xutao couldn't help asking: "Lin Heng, how did you make the film vegetables in your yard? They grow so well."

Father Lin was also shocked. Lin Heng, who always thought he couldn't grow crops, actually made the vegetables so beautiful.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "This is simple. I'll tell you slowly when we go up the mountain."

The three nodded curiously.

The four of them quickly ate the sauerkraut noodles. After eating, Father Lin took Lin Xutao and Lin Hai to set off first. Lin Heng took the corn paste to the back mountain to feed the red dates, and then led it into the mountain together.

"Will you come back at night?" Xiulan asked while picking eggs with Xiaoxia.

Lin Heng nodded: "I will definitely come back, but it may be midnight, you can rest first."

The shelter on the mountain could not accommodate so many people, so they had to come back overnight.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back." Xiulan nodded.

Lin Heng asked Xiulan to take Xiaoxia away first, and then he rode away on horseback. Xiongba stayed at home. He didn't need to bring him because he didn't go hunting this time.

Riding the horse to Hongfeng Mountain, Lin Heng changed to leading it to continue moving forward. After walking for a few minutes, he caught up with Lin's father and three people.

Lin Heng told them some key points of greenhouse planting while hurrying on the road.

The four people knew that they had to go back and forth today, and they walked very fast. They arrived at Sanchagou at more than one o'clock in the afternoon and saw the smoke in the camp at two o'clock.

They arrived at the camp at half past two.

"Dad, Third Dad, you are here."

Lin Yue was the first to run out to greet them.

Everyone got to know each other, and Lin Heng introduced everyone to Grandpa Gao.

Seeing the goods placed outside the camp, the three of them were all stunned.

Lin Xuan held his breath in fear: "Is this your stuff?"

Lin's father opened his mouth wide: "Just the meat is 700 to 800 kilograms, right?"

"My God, this is a bit too much." Lin Hai was also shocked. There were too many good things.

His envious eyes were about to turn into substance.

"Yes, everyone help to move." Lin Heng grinned.

Including yam and other medicinal materials, there are about 1,300 kilograms of things here.

Three hundred kilograms of pork were placed on Hongzao's back, and each of the seven people including Lin Heng had to carry more than 100 kilograms of things.

After everything was done, Lin Heng carried the things and led the horse in front, and the others followed behind.

The sun was not very strong these two days. The snow on the trees had melted, but there was still a lot of snow in the forest.

The direction of Taibai Mountain was even more covered in silver, like an ice-covered wonderland in a novel.

The wind in the valley did not stop, but everyone was sweating all over except for a little cold on their faces.

The road was not easy to walk on, and they were carrying so many things, so everyone walked very slowly.

It was dusk before they reached Hongfeng Mountain. The winter evening was dark, and they could only see a red light slowly falling on the western mountaintop.

It was far from the magnificent scenery of summer and autumn when the sky was red.

"Fortunately, we have walked out of the most difficult part of the road before dark." Lin's father sighed.

Lin Xutao also nodded: "Yes, the rest of the road is much smoother."

Lin Heng didn't say anything, holding the red dates, and looked at the sky. After dark, there were no stars or moon.

Today is New Year's Day, but there are no celebrations in the village.

When we got back to the house, it was already 9:30 in the evening.

But fortunately, the electricity is now on, and it doesn't matter if it's after 9 o'clock, we can still eat and drink.

Xiulan, Caiyun, Lin's mother, Liu Juan and others were all at Lin Heng's house. They knew that someone was coming back, so they had already cut the vegetables and were waiting. When they saw Lin Heng and his friends coming back, they started cooking.

Put a lot of things in the main room, and everyone looked at these things in a daze.

Lin Heng did not hesitate and smiled and said, "Take what has been divided."

He then started to distribute the yams.

The yams were all dug by his elder brother alone, so they naturally belonged to him alone.

The two wild boars that Lin Heng and Grandpa Gao had killed at the beginning weighed a total of 200 kilograms, and now there were 120 kilograms of bacon left.

Because his elder brother helped to take care of them for half a month, he gave him 20 kilograms, and Lin Heng and Grandpa Gao each got 50 kilograms.

Then it was the musk deer that Lin Heng had killed. There were still 8 kilograms of meat left, and the skin had been dried, so it naturally belonged to him alone.

Then there were the badgers, four in total, one each for Lin Heng and Grandpa Gao, and two for his uncle Li Baiquan.

Finally, there was the sow and seven boar cubs.

The sow was killed by Grandpa Gao alone, so they all belonged to him.

Lin Heng had three boar cubs, and Grandpa Gao and Li Baiquan each had one.

And then there were the birds, which belonged to whoever killed them.

What was eaten did not count, only what was brought back was counted.

Lin Heng brought back three golden roosters, two bamboo partridges, and a grouse.

Li Baiquan brought back six bamboo partridges, one golden rooster, and one grouse.

Grandpa Gao only brought back two golden roosters, but he actually killed the most, but they were all stewed and eaten on the mountain.

After the division, everyone looked at Grandpa Gao and Lin Heng with envy.

Grandpa Gao caught the most prey, but Lin Heng's musk deer alone exceeded everyone's income.

And they didn't know that Lin Heng had dug up a hundred-year-old ginseng, otherwise even Mr. Gao would be surprised.

Mother Lin came out of the kitchen and said, "Have you divided it? Let's eat. The dishes are ready."

"Then let's eat." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He put the things aside, wiped the table and ate.

"Eat, eat, I'm so hungry." Father Lin went directly to the kitchen to serve the dishes.

A table of sumptuous dishes was served, and everyone started to eat happily.

After drinking a little wine, the warm and cheerful voices of the people spread out of the house and echoed in the empty village.

After eating, Lin Heng took two pieces of meat and handed them to Sandie and Lin Hai and said with a smile, "Thank you Sandie and Lin Hai for helping to move things. Take this meat back and try it."

"What are you doing? Take it back quickly." Lin Xutao shook his head and refused to accept it.

Father and Mother Lin also persuaded him a lot, and finally he reluctantly agreed to take a ten-pound piece of meat back.

After sending them away, Lin Heng and his father helped his eldest brother move the yam back home.

When he came back, he arranged a sleeping room for Grandpa Gao and boiled water for him to take a bath.

After arranging for Grandpa Gao, Lin Heng went back to the bedroom with Xiulan and Xiaoxia.

Today, he coaxed Xiaoxia to sleep first, and then took a bath and rested.

Lying on the bed, Lin Heng looked at his wife and said, "Grandpa Gao may stay at our house for a few days."

Xiulan nodded and agreed, "Then let's stay. We are not without money or food now, so it's okay to have one more person to eat."

"That's good." Lin Heng grinned, hugged her in his arms and kissed her.

"You shouldn't go into the mountains to hunt again today, right?" Xiulan snuggled in his arms and asked in a low voice.

Lin Heng looked at her and smiled, "Probably not. Even if I want to go, I can't bear to leave you."

"That's good." Xiulan nodded. It is said that a short separation makes a new marriage more beautiful. She missed Lin Heng very much after he left for a few days, but she didn't want him to go out again.

Afterwards, the two of them exchanged a few words. Lin Heng fed Xiulan White Rabbit candy, and Xiulan fed Lin Heng his favorite white steamed buns.

Then they snuggled together and fell into a wonderful and happy dream.

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