Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 197 Grilled Intestines with Onions and Crispy Roasted Suckling Pig

Waking up from sleep, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan next to him for a while, then quietly got dressed and got up.

Xiulan was the same after she woke up. There was someone in the room and they couldn't stay in bed.

Lin Heng added some firewood to the fireplace, and then got some charcoal and put it in the fireplace to ignite it. He was going to light a pot of charcoal fire in a while, waiting for Grandpa Gao to wake up and roast it.

Although his bedroom was warm, it was not good to let outsiders in. Both parties would feel uncomfortable.

Opening the door to the backyard, the cold wind blew, as if the monster roared and people were afraid to go out.

I don't know if it was a little snow last night, or the white frost at night was too thick, the sky and the earth were all white. It was quite a scene that I didn't know if the snow in the yard fell today, but the flowers in the forest bloomed last night.

Lin Heng slept well last night and was particularly energetic today. He took Xiulan to exercise in the yard as usual.

Xiulan was skeptical about the effectiveness of this exercise, but after practicing with Lin Heng for a while, she did find some benefits of Tai Chi and Eight-part Vajra Exercise. At least her hands and feet were not as cold as before, and her body seemed to be more coordinated.

Lin Heng looked at her and smiled, "Exercise is like this. It is useful only if you stick to it for a long time."

Just like those old men who exercise in the park in later generations, many people laugh at them or even don't care, but in the end they will find that they are not even as good as an old man.

Whenever Lin Heng is at home, he will take Xiulan to exercise. He doesn't want to have a broken body when he has money. Starting from accumulating little by little, the physical fitness will be much better than others, and it will be less likely to get sick.

Xiulan nodded: "It is quite useful. I almost don't have dysmenorrhea now."

She used to have a little problem with dysmenorrhea, but now she eats well, dresses well, and exercises every morning, so this problem is almost gone.

Lin Heng smiled at her, and the two practiced a set of Eight-part Vajra Exercise face to face. When they were about to do Tai Chi, Grandpa Gao came out of the house.

Grandpa Gao looked at the two and greeted them with a smile: "You got up so early, Lin Heng, are you doing Tai Chi?"

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "Yes, we exercise every morning."

Grandpa Gao was a little surprised: "You have a good habit, don't underestimate this moment of exercise every morning, it is very good for your body."

Young people like Lin Heng are really rare, most people sneer at them, and will regret it when they are old and sick.

"Haha, I also learned this from others." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then I will come too."

Grandpa Gao himself has the habit of exercising every morning. He went to the toilet and came out to exercise with Lin Heng.

But he didn't practice Tai Chi, he practiced military boxing, and he insisted that Lin Heng learn it too.

After teaching twice, Grandpa Gao said in surprise: "Are you a martial arts genius? You can do it after I taught you twice?"

Lin Heng waved his hands repeatedly: "No, I just have a better memory."

"That's also a skill." Grandpa Gao nodded, and liked Lin Heng more and more, and felt that they had similar interests.

After the exercise, Lin Heng brought the charcoal fire to the main room and started roasting. Xiulan dressed Xiaoxia and asked Lin Heng to take her with her. She went to the kitchen to cook.

After roasting the fire for a while, Uncle Gao said, "Let's boil some water to deal with those little wild boars."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded in agreement, got up and threw the hot plate into the bucket to boil water.

When the water boiled, the two threw the little wild boars in to scald. With the tools, it was naturally the easiest to use boiling water to scald the hair.

Scald the little wild boar in boiling water for a few minutes, and the pig hair can be easily pulled out.

When the two were pulling the pig hair, Li Baiquan came over. He came to say goodbye. He wanted to go back and ask someone to come down to help take the meat. He couldn't take so many things alone.

Lin Heng didn't stop him, and smiled and said, "Eat your meal before leaving, uncle, Xiulan will be ready soon."

Li Baiquan waved his hand: "No need, your mother made pickled cabbage noodles for me to eat, I'll go back now."

After that, he went out. Lin Heng sent the man a few steps and turned back.

Grandpa Gao looked at him and asked, "How are you going to eat this pork?"

Lin Heng had already thought about this: "I won't cut up the piglets, and I don't even need to chop off the head. I'm going to roast the whole thing. As for the internal organs, I'll leave it to Xiulan to stew."

After that, Lin Heng asked for Grandpa Gao's opinion again.

Grandpa Gao nodded: "I also want to roast the whole thing. You and I have the same idea."

Lin Heng hurriedly said: "Then let's roast one today. I roasted it in the summer before."

"That's fine." Grandpa Gao had no objection to this. He was not the kind of person who was shy and polite.

There were five little wild boars here. After killing two, Xiulan's rice was ready.

Some guests cooked rice in the morning and fried four dishes and a soup.

Grandpa Gao and Lin Heng both had a special liking for stir-fried cabbage and fern root vermicelli, but they were not very interested in meat because they often ate it in the mountains in the past half month.

While eating the cold bracken root noodles, Grandpa Gao praised: "Xiao Lin, you have a good life. Your wife's cooking skills are really good."

Lin Heng smiled and responded: "Haha, I am lucky to marry such a good wife."

Xiu Lan was embarrassed by what she said, and smiled shyly without saying anything.

After eating, Lin Heng asked Xiu Lan to prepare the marinade and braised meat, while he and Grandpa Gao continued to deal with the remaining four piglets that had not been processed.

Since the workload was a bit heavy, Lin Heng went to call his father and mother to come together.

He and Grandpa Gao dealt with the pig hair, while Lin's father and mother were responsible for dealing with the internal organs.

"You guys are really amazing this time going up the mountain. The more you look at the harvest, the more scary it is." Lin's mother sighed as she looked at the pile of meat on the chair.

She had only seen this kind of scene of pork piled up like a mountain in her dreams, but she never thought it would come true one day.

Father Lin was also full of joy and shock. The effect of hunting in winter far exceeded his expectations.

Grandpa Gao grinned and said, "If the antelope had not been tracked, these would not be a big deal. One of them weighs 500 to 600 kilograms."

Lin Heng said with regret, "What a pity. If it had been tracked, it would probably be a group of antelopes."

Grandpa Gao looked at him and said, "You can take a look nearby recently. In winter, antelopes run to low altitudes to spend the winter. Maybe you can see them."


Lin Heng nodded. He also had this idea.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the five adults finally processed all the pork. All the pig hair was removed and the internal organs were cleaned.

When Grandpa Gao saw Lin Heng dividing things, he immediately stopped him and said, "Just stew them all, why are you dividing them?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "Of course we have to divide them, I can't let you suffer a loss."

Grandpa Gao blamed him: "What are you talking about? I can't finish all the food I want. If you really want to divide it, I will go back now and not play at your house anymore."

Seeing Grandpa Gao like this, Lin Heng laughed helplessly and had to agree not to divide it for the time being.

Grandpa Gao grinned and said, "That's right, let's start roasting the suckling pig."


Lin Heng first took some of the internal organs and asked Xiulan to stew them, then got half a basket of charcoal and poured it on the ground in the yard to ignite it, tied the suckling pig to a bamboo pole, and roasted it directly on the charcoal fire.

Grandpa Gao was very interested in this and roasted it himself.

Lin Heng made a pottery stove to burn charcoal, set up a wire mesh, cut the pig intestines into sections, dug some green onions, passed them through them, and put them on the wire mesh to roast.

After a while, the strong aroma spread first.

At first, Lin's father didn't know what Lin Heng was doing. When the aroma came out, he couldn't help but curiously said: "Your roasted intestines look quite fragrant."

Lin Heng grinned: "This is called roasted intestines with green onions, it's delicious."

As he said that, he took out this batch of roasted intestines, cut them into small sections, put them in a bowl and handed them to his parents and Grandpa Gao.

He used pig intestines, which were very tender and could be eaten casually.

Several people ate it with curiosity. The taste of the intestines and green onions burst in their mouths at the same time. In addition to the taste, the chewy texture of the intestines made people linger, and it was the type that became more fragrant the more you chewed.

"It's really good." Lin's father was surprised.

Grandpa Gao added some barbecue condiments and said, "Adding a little chili will make it taste amazing."

"Then I'll grill some more, there's still more." Lin Heng said with a smile.

This time, Lin's mother took the initiative to come over to help him thread the large intestine. Obviously, she was also amazed by the grilled large intestine with green onions.

Xiaoxia was playing with things in the yard. When she saw them eating, she ran over to eat. Lin Heng didn't dare to give her this, so he grilled two vegetables for her.

Xiaoxia cleverly discovered that she and the adults ate differently, and pointed at the large intestine and said in a baby voice, "I'll eat this!"

"Here you go." Lin Heng could only hand her a small piece of roasted green onions and a little bit of large intestine.


After eating a few bites, Xiaoxia spit out the large intestine with a puff, holding the green onions and eating with relish.

"I'll eat this, Dad~"

Xiaoxia said while eating.

"Okay." Lin Heng grinned, he knew that this was because the green onions became sweet after being roasted.

After the large intestines were roasted, Lin Heng not only distributed them to everyone, but also cut a bowl and took it into the kitchen to share with Xiulan.

Xiulan was busy with the stewed dishes in the kitchen and had not left. Because she had been in the kitchen, her forehead was covered with sweat.

Lin Heng picked up a piece of roasted large intestines with green onions and fed it to her, saying, "I roasted it, try it!"

Xiulan liked to eat large intestines, and she liked it even more with the aroma of green onions. After taking a bite, her beautiful eyes lit up.

"It's so delicious, it's all mine."

Xiulan smiled cunningly, snatched Lin Heng's bowl, fed him one and drove him away, monopolizing this delicacy.

Lin Heng was not angry but very happy. He wiped his wife's sweat with a towel, went out and roasted some more to share with everyone.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Grandpa Gao finally roasted the suckling pig. He was also a patient person. The little suckling pig was roasted golden by him.

Unlike the last time, this time Lin Heng brushed the suckling pig with white vinegar to make a crispy roast suckling pig.

Grandpa Gao pointed at the roast suckling pig and asked with a smile: "Is it good?"

Lin Heng and others all gave a thumbs up.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "More than good, this can open a shop."

Father Lin also praised: "Grandpa is too patient, I can't roast such a good-looking pig."

Xiaoxia sniffed and said crisply: "It looks good, smells good~ Such a big pig~"

Grandpa Gao was satisfied with the praise of everyone, and his mouth couldn't close. He waved his hand and said: "Then let's go into the house and eat quickly. It gets cold very quickly in winter."

"Okay." Lin Heng smiled and nodded. Xiulan in the house had also braised the meat, just right to eat together.

Go to the next door to call the eldest brother and sister-in-law, and Caiyun just came back.

Lin Heng cut the roasted suckling pig into pieces and placed it on a plate in the middle of the table. This little wild boar only weighed more than ten pounds of meat, and it was definitely no more than three months old, so the meat was very tender.

Surrounding the roast suckling pig were Xiulan’s braised pig offal, including small intestines, pig’s feet, pig’s liver, and three cold dishes.

Father Lin smiled and said, "This is really more sumptuous than the Chinese New Year."

Lin Heng grinned and said, "Eat it quickly, it will be cold in a while."

He first picked up some crispy roast suckling pig for everyone. The crispy pig skin tasted extremely crispy and fragrant, and the meat inside was fragrant and tender, not greasy or dry at all.

Dip it in a little barbecue sauce and eat it together, it is so fragrant that people want to swallow it all together.

Caiyun's mouth was shiny after eating it, and she looked at Lin Heng and asked, "Second brother, how did you make this? It's more fragrant than last time."

There were many curious people on the seat, and everyone was eating this crispy pig for the first time.

Lin Heng didn't hide it, and smiled and replied, "Just brush some white vinegar on the pig skin."

"So that's it..."

Several people seemed to be suddenly enlightened.

"Come on, let's drink!" Lin Heng raised his glass and said with a smile.

The food was so delicious that everyone didn't drink much, and they all focused on eating.

After drinking a sip of wine, Xiulan picked up a slice of small intestine for Lin Heng.

Xiulan is good at frying sugar color, so the color of her braised meat is very bright, showing a beautiful orange-red color.

The taste is also very good, with a strong aroma of braised meat. Dipping it in a little vinegar soup gives people a full sense of happiness when eating it.

Dong Dong Dong!!

Everyone was eating happily, and the gate of the yard was suddenly knocked.

"I'll go and see."

Lin Heng got up and opened the half-closed door of the main hall and walked into the yard.

When he opened the front yard door, he saw that the person standing outside the door was actually Wang Jin, a beekeeper in the village. Looking at this familiar square face, Lin Heng still remembered the mean face of this guy when he asked him to help collect bees this year.

Therefore, his attitude was also very indifferent: "Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

Wang Jin glanced at Lin Heng, smiled and said: "My light bulb is burnt out. Do you have any extra ones? I'll buy one."

Lin Heng nodded and said: "Yes, 80 cents each."

Wang Jin's face condensed: "Wasn't it 70 cents before?"

"That's because there are so many people. The village party secretary asked me to give a preferential price. The town is 80 cents."

Lin Heng said indifferently. He didn't care about a dime, but he didn't want to give benefits to people he didn't like.

Wang Jin gritted his teeth, looked at Lin Heng with some displeasure, took out 80 cents and said: "Then I'll buy one."

Lin Heng looked at the money and nodded: "Wait, I'll go in and get it for you."

Lin Heng turned and went into the house to get the light bulb. There were indeed a lot of light bulbs and wires left in his house.

Seeing Lin Heng enter the house, Wang Jin, who had never been to Lin Heng's yard, followed him in.

Looking at the flat bluestone floor tiles and snow-white plaster walls, his eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

He was a poor boy half a year ago, how come he is so rich now?

When he glanced at the big pole of pork hanging under the eaves, his eyes suddenly widened: "Why... why is there so much meat!!"

For a moment, he felt like he was dreaming, the scene he saw was so unreal. How come there were three or four pig heads hanging?

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