Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 198 The gap between the millionaires and

Wang Jin rubbed his eyes and realized that this was not an illusion, and he was shocked for a moment.

He didn't understand when Lin Heng had killed so many wild boars. The number was probably too much.

As a polite man, Father Lin saw Wang Jin in the yard, walked out and said with a smile: "Come in, have a drink and eat some food."

Wang Jin shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, I've eaten."

"Eat something, there's nothing good about it, just drink some wine!"

Father Lin is an honest and conscientious farmer. If someone comes to his door while he is having dinner, he will definitely extend an invitation.

Wang Jin has always looked at people through his nostrils. He used to look down on the Lin family and thought his family was poor. Now that the Lin family is rich, he is jealous. Naturally, he said that he would never eat in his house again, and he didn't have the face to do so.

After rummaging through the pages, Wang Jin came to the main door and was stunned when he saw the food on the table in the room.

"Roasted...roasted suckling pig!!"

His eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

Forget about the roasted suckling pig, there are still so many braised vegetables on the table, and even his family’s Chinese New Year meal is not as good as that.

Father Lin laughed and said, "Lin Heng baked it, go in and eat some."

Wang Jin came back to his senses and asked curiously: "Is your family celebrating something?"

Father Lin shook his head: "No, they just came back from the mountains."

This made Wang Jin even more speechless. He was eating so well without celebrating.

For the first time, he truly felt the gap between himself and Wan Yuan Hu.

At this time, Lin Heng came out with a light bulb: "Here, your light bulb."

He was not interested in inviting Wang Jin to dinner. Father Lin was a kind man, but he would not be like this, and he would not offend his own person's kindness.

"Okay, I'm leaving now." Wang Jin took the light bulb, turned around and walked out quickly without saying anything.

On the way back, the scene he just saw at Lin's house was still in his mind. He never expected that Lin Heng would kill so many prey silently. He was so envious that he wanted to buy a gun and go up the mountain to try it out.

After Wang Jin left, Lin's father patted Lin Heng on the shoulder and said, "We are from the same village after all. We can't see each other when we look up. There is no need to make it so embarrassing, lest others say we are rich and unsociable."


Lin Heng answered very perfunctorily. He didn't want to argue with his father, but he wouldn't listen to him either.

Not everyone is like his father. For many people, the nicer you are, the more they bully you. If you become more aggressive, they will bully you and be afraid of others.

And there is no point in being nice to someone you don't deal with. Would such a person be grateful? No, this kind of person can never change.


Father Lin glanced at his son and walked into the house helplessly.

He didn't say much. Each generation has its own ideas.

"Come on, let's continue!"

Back at the dinner table, Lin Heng said with a smile and continued eating with everyone.

"Come on, let's get another one!"

After drinking two glasses of wine, Lin Heng took a rib and started eating it. The ribs of this little suckling pig were all crispy and could be chewed easily. It tasted not only fragrant but also very chewy.

There was no roast suckling pig left at all. People ate the meat and ate the bones.

It’s already eight o’clock in the evening when we’ve had enough wine and food. Since the introduction of electricity, people in the village have gone to bed later and later.

After clearing away the dishes and telling Xiaoxia the story, it was already nine o'clock.

After adding some firewood to the fireplace, Lin Heng went to bed to rest.

As soon as he got into bed, Xiulan took the initiative to lean over.

He didn't do anything, just watched him sleep.

Resting like this makes both of them feel very at ease, which is a completely different feeling than resting alone.

It's like my heart has a place to rest.

Lin Heng brought his wife over and hugged her in his arms. After holding her for a while, the two of them changed into their normal sleeping position, with shoulders touching shoulders and legs touching legs, and fell asleep.

This is both warm and comfortable.

When he woke up in the morning, Lin Heng could feel the soft body next to him without opening his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he found that Xiulan had woken up and was looking at him in a daze.

Seeing that Lin Heng was awake, she moved and got into her arms.

Lin Heng stared at the ceiling for a while and lay on the bed for a while before getting up with Xiulan.

Uncle Gao also got up very early and took Lin Heng and the two to exercise.

After breakfast, Xiulan continued to braise vegetables. Not counting pig heads, there were still a lot of pig offal that had not been braised.

After all, Lin Heng and the others got a lot of pork from hunting, not just a little bit.

Lin Heng called his mother to help her and take care of the baby while he took Uncle Gao for a walk in the village.

After wandering for a while, Lin Heng took him to Hongfeng Mountain to have a look. The ponds here were frozen, but the overall water level was deeper than before, about twenty or thirty centimeters.

Although it had just been disinfected with lime, there was still a lot of grass growing on the slope of the fish pond.

The vitality of grass is so terrifying, and there will be more until next spring.

But this is not a bad thing for shrimp farming. When the water level rises, the grass can allow shrimps to hide or eat.

After looking at the pond, Lin Heng took Uncle Gao to the cabin on the mountain to have a look.

There is still snow in the forest on the top of the mountain. The cabins in the forest are dark brown, and the texture of the wood is clearly visible.

“This place is nice and comfortable.”

Uncle Gao was sitting in the yard next to the wooden house, very satisfied with the environment.

Lin Heng went into the house to burn charcoal, made a pot of tea and drank it with Uncle Gao under the eaves.

It was just past ten o'clock, and the sun had not yet risen overhead. It was shining through the branches into the forest, and it looked very fine.

It seemed that because of the ice crystals on the trees, the sunlight looked colorful. Drinking tea in the sun, the forest was silent, with the occasional sound of birds.

"Except for the inconvenience of life in this mountain, everything else is good." Grandpa Gao sighed after taking a sip of tea.

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "Yes, the environment is definitely good."

Then Grandpa Gao shook his head again: "I'm afraid that if they want to, no one here is willing to stay here."

For this sentence, Lin Heng smiled and shook his head: "That may not be the case. I like this kind of life of picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely seeing the southern mountains."

Grandpa Gao looked at him and smiled: "Then you are not working hard to make money."

In fact, he understood everything because he was a mountain man.

"Have some tea, uncle." Lin Heng smiled and refilled his tea, not wanting to talk about these.

After drinking tea here with Grandpa Gao for a while, the two went back.

Before entering the yard, Lin Heng smelled the aroma of braised meat, which was so fragrant that it drifted far away.

"Xiu Lan, is the meat braised?" Lin Heng walked into the house and asked with a smile.

Xiu Lan nodded: "Of course, it's all braised, all here."

She pointed to the meat in the two bamboo sieves in the kitchen, which was still steaming hot.

Lin Heng walked into the kitchen and took a look. The orange-red color of the braised meat was so beautiful.

"Try one." Xiu Lan tore a piece of braised chicken and fed it to him.

Lin Heng tasted it and couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "This chicken has a strong aroma."

Xiu Lan grinned: "I also braised a few eggs, and I'll let you try them at noon."


Lin Heng nodded, went out and took his daughter and Grandpa Gao to play chess.

After eating braised chicken at noon, Grandpa Gao once again praised Xiu Lan's craftsmanship.

After the meal, Grandpa Gao patted Lin Heng on the shoulder and said goodbye, saying that he was going back to town.

"Grandpa Gao, why are you in such a hurry? Just play at my house." Lin Heng tried to persuade him to stay.

Grandpa Gao smiled and shook his head: "I am very happy to go hunting in the mountains this time. Your house is very comfortable, but it is time for me to go home."

Lin Heng tried to persuade him to stay again, but Grandpa Gao's determination to go back could not be stopped. He could only say: "Then wait a moment, I will get a carriage to take you back."

"Okay." Grandpa Gao smiled and nodded.

When Lin Heng got the carriage ready and was about to carry his hunting trophies to Grandpa Gao, he was stopped by him.

He waved his hand and said: "Just bring me some braised meat. I have given you pork. You don't need it."

"How can this be possible?" Lin Heng shook his head fiercely, but he didn't have such an idea.

Grandpa Gao insisted: "I said yes, it's okay, don't argue with me, or I won't rent your house anymore."

Lin Heng smiled and said: "No, even if you don't rent my house, I can't do this kind of thing, whoever it is belongs to him."

"Xiao Lin, you should think about it carefully." Grandpa Gao said angrily.

Glancing at Lin Heng, Grandpa Gao's tone softened a little: "Then, I'll take the tender pork. You keep the rest, I can't bite it if I take it back, it's a waste."

"Okay, I'll take it for you."

Lin Heng grinned and agreed immediately.

In the end, Grandpa Gao only took away 50 kilograms of relatively tender pork, and he wouldn't take anything more if he said anything more.

Lin Heng had to get him some braised meat made by Xiulan, and then sent him to the town.

"Brother Lin, Grandpa Gao!"

Seeing Lin Heng and Grandpa Gao appear, Wang Zhou was so excited that he greeted them immediately.

Lin Heng nodded, looked at him and asked, "Is there nothing going on in the store recently?"

Wang Zhou shook his head, looked at the two and said, "There is nothing going on in the store, but two people in Zhongshan suits came to see Grandpa Gao.

I said you were not there, and the two said they would come back on the 10th."

Grandpa Gao nodded, "I see, you don't have to worry about this."

After that, he turned around and looked at Lin Heng, "Come down early on the 10th, I have something to talk to you about."

Lin Heng probably knew what it was, and nodded, "Okay."

In fact, he didn't care much about these things. Even if no one introduced him to connections, he could accumulate them with the advantage of rebirth.

Many powerful people have not risen yet, and some are even in trouble.

As long as he invests some timely help, they will all be his very strong connections in a few years.

And this is much stronger than the people he gets to know by getting close to each other.

So he said that he just admired Grandpa Gao, and it was not for those connections.

He didn't do much now because he didn't have money and was still accumulating capital.

After sending Grandpa Gao into the house, Lin Heng looked at the recent account again.

In winter, there are almost no other mountain products except for the sale of animal fur.

Lin Heng was not surprised by this. He looked at the shelves and the furs he had collected, and then took Xiongba to exchange for a pair of horseshoes.

After finishing, he returned to the store to play chess with Wang Zhou. He planned to wait until his sister Caiyun got out of school and take her back with him.

After playing for a while, Wang Zhou saw Grandpa Gao go out. He turned his head and looked at Lin Heng and said shyly: "Well, Brother Lin, I have thought about the thing you said before."

Lin Heng was stunned for a moment, then remembered and nodded: "You have thought about it. Liu Cihua's family is not ordinary."

Wang Zhou nodded. He had already made up his mind, so he didn't hesitate at all: "I'm not afraid. I like her very much."

Lin Heng nodded: "Okay, you can find time to go up and find her. When you have finished talking, I will find someone to propose marriage for you."

He still values ​​honest people like Wang Zhou. Such people are stubborn. If you give him a little help, he will remember you for life, and there is no need to worry about betrayal.

"Thank you, Brother Lin!" Wang Zhou nodded heavily, his heart full of gratitude to Lin Heng.

This former classmate not only gave him a good job, but also helped him find a partner. He felt that the words of thanks were light and not serious enough.

"You're welcome." Lin Heng smiled. He was also very happy about the feeling of changing the fate of others.

He was a little curious about what would happen in the future if Wang Zhou changed his wife under his influence in this life.

Seeing Wang Zhou's somewhat impatient look, Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "How about this, I'll call Liu Cihua down for you in a few days, and you two can meet each other."

Wang Zhou smiled shyly: "I'll listen to you, Brother Lin."

Lin Heng chatted with him for a few words, and when the time was almost up, he said something to Grandpa Gao and said goodbye directly.

He drove a carriage to the school to pick up Caiyun after school, and took Liu Ciwen home with him.

This Liu Ciwen is his first target for investment in connections, and there will be many similar ones when he has money.

On the way, Lin Heng asked curiously: "When will you take the exam?"

"There is still a week left, I'm really looking forward to the New Year." Caiyun smiled and replied.

In the past, she could only eat more meat and have a new pair of Liberation shoes during the New Year.

But this year is different. Before the New Year, she already has two new sets of clothes and new shoes, and can go to school. She is a little tired of eating meat.

Looking at her second brother with his back to her, she knew that all this was because of him.

Lin Heng nodded. This year's Spring Festival is on February 1st of the Gregorian calendar, which is less than a month away.

He is about to celebrate his first New Year after rebirth, and he is still looking forward to it.

Facing the cold wind, the carriage slowly arrived at Hongfeng Village.

When Lin Heng returned home, he saw his father pressing the pot on the stove in the yard.

A barrel with two ends connected was placed on the pot. In the middle of the barrel, there was a distillation tank, also called a wine flow, and on top of the barrel was the sky pot.

When roasting wine, the fermented mash was poured into the bottom pot, and cold water was put into the sky pot.

When the fire was burned under the bottom pot, the alcohol and water vapor would evaporate, meet the sky pot filled with cold water, cool and become liquid, and then drip along the bottom of the conical sky pot into the central wine flow.

The liquid flowing out of the wine flow is white wine. After pinching off the head and tail and neutralizing it, it is normal drinking wine.

"Dad, are you going to roast wine tomorrow?"

Lin Heng looked at his father and asked knowingly.

"Yes, I will bake the wine tomorrow. The wine in the house is almost fermented." Father Lin nodded.

"Then I will come to help you then."

Lin Heng looked at him and said that at the end of the year, they would start to prepare the goods.

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