The grass is bearing its seeds, and the wind is shaking its leaves. We are standing there without talking, and it is very beautiful.

After watching his father for a while, Lin Heng turned around and went home.

The yard door was not locked, and he pushed it open. As soon as he entered the yard, Xiongba ran over from the doghouse and wagged his tail at him.


Xiaoxia, who was wearing a flowery cotton jacket, saw Lin Heng and ran over to hug his legs.

Lin Heng rubbed the dog's head first, then picked up his daughter.

"Dad, I want to ride a horse!!"

Xiaoxia stuck to Lin Heng's arms and acted cute, staring at Lin Heng with a pair of big eyes.

"Okay, okay!"

Lin Heng picked her up and put her on his neck, then he ran quickly in the yard.

Xiaoxia waved her hands, making a clear and crisp laugh like a silver bell, and had a lot of fun.

Xiulan watched them play for a while before she spoke: "It's cold and windy, play for a while and then come down, be careful not to catch a cold."

Lin Heng also knew this truth, and after playing with his daughter for a while, he put her down and took her into the house.

"Don't move!"

Xiulan blinked, raised her hand and carefully tidied up Lin Heng's hair that was messed up by Xiaoxia.

Lin Heng stood and watched her obediently, and waited for her to tidy up for him before helping her to put a strand of hair on her cheek behind her ear, and his hand stayed there for a few more seconds.

Xiulan smiled, feeling sweet in her heart. She looked at him and said: "Have you finished dealing with everything?"

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, it's all done."

Xiulan nodded, and pointed to the pork next to her and said: "What should we do with this meat, hang it up or?"

Lin Heng looked at the remaining pile of meat and said: "I'll hang it in the fire room to smoke it tomorrow, and keep some to eat fresh."

All the meat in his house now adds up to at least 500 kilograms, too much to eat at all.


Xiu Lan nodded and said, "When it's smoked, bring some to your parents and brother. We can't finish it."

She felt a little troubled by the happiness of seeing so much meat. She had never dared to imagine such a scene before.

"Okay." Lin Heng had this idea a long time ago, but he didn't do it when Grandpa Gao was here.

After saying this, Xiu Lan said, "Take Xiaoxia with you, I'll go cook."

Lin Heng pulled her back and shook his head, "Don't worry, go to the bedroom to warm up first, are you hungry?"

Xiu Lan shook her head, "I'm not hungry, I'm afraid you'll be hungry."

"Let's go."

Lin Heng took Xiu Lan and his daughter into the bedroom.

The firewood in the fireplace never stopped, and the temperature inside the house was a world apart from the outside.

Even if you don't stay in front of the fireplace, it's still very warm. The thick earth wall has very strong thermal insulation performance.

After a while, Lin Heng took off his cotton jacket because of the heat. He was wearing a black sweater inside.

Xiulan just unbuttoned her thick cotton-padded jacket, revealing her magnificent figure and two heavy fruits.

Her curves were very beautiful against the backdrop of the white sweater.

Although she often ate, Lin Heng's eyes were still attracted to her.

Xiulan rolled her eyes at him, but she didn't care. Anyway, Lin Heng had seen everything he should and shouldn't see.

She picked up the needle and thread and started knitting a sweater, which she was about to finish.

Lin Heng played small games with his daughter while watching his wife knitting a sweater.

Lin Heng and Xiulan chatted with each other, and the most common sound in the room was Xiaoxia playing with toys and talking to herself.

After she learned to speak thoroughly, she often talked to herself like this, and she would talk endlessly to Lin Heng and Xiulan.

It was dark soon, and Lin Heng had thought of some things. He looked up at Xiulan and asked, "Wife, do you think you can sell ginseng?"

Lin Heng had already told her about the price of ginseng.

Xiulan looked up at Lin Heng and whispered, "It depends. If there is a good price, sell it. If there is no good price, keep it for the time being."

Lin Heng nodded, "Then I will ask someone about the situation in a few days."

In fact, he had already thought about it a long time ago. He must sell it. The most important thing for him now is to accumulate original capital.

Even if a ginseng can be sold for a high price of several million in the future, it is no longer worth it.

This is the cusp of the storm. Even if 10,000 yuan is enough to buy a house, it can be multiplied hundreds of times in the future.

If you just want to sell it, you have to find a suitable candidate. Ordinary people can't afford this kind of thing.

He plans to find time to go to the city recently to see if he can find a suitable buyer.

Musk and fur can be sold directly to state-owned stores, and the price will not be too different.

He originally planned to go to Ancheng within the year, but now it seems a bit difficult, so he can only wait until the beginning of the year.

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said, "If the price is good, let's buy a motorcycle. It will be more convenient to go there."

Horses are suitable for walking in the mountains. Sometimes it is convenient to walk on the rugged mountain roads to pull goods, but it is not convenient to go to far places, such as going to the city.

Motorcycles are faster and do not need to rest.

If he wants to develop his career, he will inevitably go to the city to do some things frequently, so it is necessary to own a motorcycle.

Of course, the premise of doing this is that the ginseng is sold. If he only sold a musk, he would not buy a motorcycle.

Xiulan looked up and asked, "How much does a motorcycle cost?"

Motorcycles were too unfamiliar to her. Just like a watch, I never thought I would own one before, and I had no idea about its value. I only knew it was very expensive.

While playing games with his daughter, Lin Heng replied: "The cheapest model of a new car costs about 1,500, and the more expensive ones are 2,300, 4,500, or 4,500. The power is different, and the price is also different."

Lin Heng told Xiulan about it, and then she had an idea about motorcycles.

After thinking for a while, she replied: "Then if you want to buy it, just buy it. I will listen to you. It's good to have a motorcycle of your own."

Lin Heng grinned: "Then buy the ginseng when it is sold. If you want to go back to your parents' house with a motorcycle, we can go there and back in the same day."

Motorcycles have always been faster than cars, especially on such a rugged mountain road. You can get there in just one hour from Lushui County.

Xiulan smiled slightly: "That's great, my husband is really awesome."

This happy life made her feel like a dream.

It was already dark by this time. She put down her work and asked Lin Heng, "What do you want to eat? I'll cook it for you."

Just when Lin Heng was about to speak, Xiulan smiled slyly: "Don't say casually, because I don't know what to eat."

Lin Heng spread his hands helplessly: "You really predicted what I would say, then let's have some sour soup noodles."

"Okay then, just take Xiaoxia and wait obediently."

Xiulan nodded, turned around and went out to cook.

Although Xiulan said so, Lin Heng put on a cotton-padded jacket and took Xiaoxia to the kitchen.

Even if you don't help, just watching here will make the cook feel much happier.

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and her daughter, and couldn't help but smile. She suddenly realized that smiling had become her usual expression.

If you think about it carefully, it turns out that life is too happy.

Xiulan fried a vermicelli and stir-fried meat, cut up braised pig ears and pig intestines, and finally took some soaked bamboo shoots from the jar.

"A jar of bamboo shoots has been eaten."

Xiulan said after taking out the last bit of soaked bamboo shoots.

Because Lin Heng's cooking was good and delicious, he specially brought a big jar to brew it.

Lin Heng took a look and replied: "It happens that there should be winter bamboo shoots recently. Just find an opportunity to dig some winter bamboo shoots."

Xiulan nodded and went to the bedroom with Lin Heng carrying the dishes. Lin Heng made some rice wine with boiling water, and the two of them drank and ate.

"Dad, I want to eat pig ears!"

As soon as the dishes were served, Xiaoxia in Lin Heng's arms pointed at the pig's ears and acted coquettishly.

"Okay, but you can't eat too much."

Lin Heng gave her one, and she didn't need to dip it in the vinegar soup. She just liked eating it plain.

The crispy pig ears Xiaoxia tastes very delicious, and the texture is fragrant and crispy.

Lin Heng took some more for Xiulan and said with a smile: "Xiulan, you can eat too. There are enough in the house so you don't have to worry about not having enough to eat."

This time we shot so many wild boars, there were more than a dozen pig ears in total, big and small. I gave some to Uncle Gao and there were at least eight pig ears at home.

Xiulan blinked and ate it. She also liked the pig ears very much. There was probably no one who didn't like the taste.

But whether you are a child or grow up, this thing is very precious. It is usually used to entertain guests. It is considered good to have two bites during the New Year.

This year, I have achieved the freedom of pig ears.

After eating a little food and drinking a little wine, the two of them were almost full. There were not so many surprises in their little life, but they were very warm and happy.

Finally, the two of them had some sour noodle soup to end the day.

Xiaoxia went to bed early today, and she fell asleep after Lin Heng told two stories.

Lin Heng was also able to take an early rest, add fire to the fireplace, and go to bed to rest.

The two fell asleep with their shoulders touching each other. They woke up early in the morning, leaned against each other in a daze for a while, and then got up.

After taking a look at their daughter who was still sleeping, the two of them went to feed the chickens, ducks and forest musk deer after washing up.

Lin Heng added some fodder to the red dates and went to the old house. His father and elder brother both received more than ten kilograms of wine.

Apparently the two of them got up before dawn to make wine.

Seeing Lin Heng coming over, Lin Yue took a small glass of wine for him and said with a smile: "Brother, come and have a taste and see how it is."

Lin Heng took a sip. This was the wine from before. It was very strong and very spicy. It was spicy from the throat to the stomach.

He doesn't like drinking high-alcohol liquor because it's not good for his health.

But I’m a little greedy, so my favorite is sweet rice wine or rice wine.

"Too high!"

Lin Heng put it down after taking a sip.

Lin Yue said with a smile: "This is because the wine koji you made is very powerful and fermented much better than last year's wine."

Father Lin also nodded and said, "You can buy some more of this koji next year. The effect will be very good."


Lin Heng nodded in agreement, turned around and looked at the wine in the jar.

In their rural areas, they use large dark red earthenware jars to store wine.

This kind is much better than plastic bottles. It will take on a mellow and cottony taste after being stored for a long time.

If a plastic bottle is stored for a long time, the plastic will dissolve, which will not only taste bad but also be bad for your health.

The utensil for making wine is a gourd with a long handle. The inside has been hollowed out, and there is a hole drilled into one side of the gourd's belly. When pouring wine, the gourd's belly is submerged in the wine.

Lift it up and tilt it slightly, and the wine will flow out along the gourd handle.

They call this drinking wine.

After taking a look at the wine in the room, Lin Heng turned around and walked back, preparing to eat.

Mother Lin, who was soaking clothes in the hot water of the Tianguo in the yard, looked at him and said, "Go back and ask Xiulan if she wants to wash clothes. There is hot water today."


Lin Heng nodded, turned around and went home to tell Xiulan about it.

Xiulan thought for a while and said, "Then I can take the sheets to wash later."

Then Xiulan went to cook, and Lin Heng went to call Xiaoxia to get dressed and get up.

After Xiaoxia got up, the three of them had dinner together. After dinner, Lin Heng and Xiulan took the pork hanging in the main hall to the fire room, got some wet acorns and put them under to burn, and smoked slowly.

"It's so cold, the bucket is frozen."

By the well, Xiulan pointed to the bucket for drawing water and said.

Lin Heng came over and saw that except for the center of the bucket, there was still water, and the surroundings were all frozen.

The water in the well didn't seem to be frozen at all, and it felt warmer than the water outside.

"I forgot to put the bucket in the well last night." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"It's okay, I'll just wash that thing again."

Xiu Lan didn't care, she went to get a basin and scooped some water to wash her hands.

After washing her hands, she took off the sheets to be washed and took them to her parents' yard to soak them in water.

After soaking, Xiu Lan looked at Lin's mother and said, "Mom, don't worry about these sheets, I'll soak them with detergent and wash them tomorrow."

"Okay!" Lin's mother nodded. She wanted to help wash them, but she didn't care after Xiu Lan said so.

After soaking the sheets, Xiu Lan took Xiu Lan and Xiao Xia and Lin Heng to their own bamboo forest.

They were going to dig some winter bamboo shoots to make pickled pepper bamboo shoots.

Winter bamboo shoots taste much better than spring bamboo shoots. They are not bitter and delicious without blanching.

The bamboo forest of the Lin family is not small, covering an area of ​​more than one acre, and it is full of big golden bamboos as thick as thighs.

It's just that the location is a bit far away, not at the doorstep. You have to walk about 800 to 900 meters downstream along the road, and then cross the river from a small path. The bamboo forest is in a small ditch opposite the river.

The water in Shiban River is much smaller in winter. The riverbed is made of small pebbles, and the water is clear and clear without any impurities.

From time to time, two stream groupers can be seen coming out from under the stones, and then quickly drill under another stone.

Lin Heng carried the hoe, soaked it in the water, touched the icy water, and then stepped on the stones to cross the river.

After crossing the river, he also took Xiulan and Xiaoxia over.

"Dad, water!!"

Xiaoxia picked up a small stone and hit it in the water. When she saw the water splashing, she laughed foolishly.

"Watch it!"

Lin Heng lifted a big stone weighing thirty or forty kilograms with both hands and threw it into the water at once.

With a splash, a large piece of water splashed up, and it looked very beautiful.


Xiaoxia shouted with joy, her little face full of smiles.

"Then I'll show you another one!"

Lin Heng knew that this was Xiaoxia's way of understanding the world, and he was having a lot of fun himself.


"Come on, I'll show you another water skipping game!"


Xiu Lan looked at the father and daughter helplessly, and sat on the bluestone next to them to watch them skipping water.

The river wind was not strong today, and there was still warm sunshine at this moment. Sitting on the bluestone to bask in the sun was also a kind of enjoyment.

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