Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 203 Money is the courage of a person, musk sells for money

After Wang Zhou finished talking about his side, Lin Heng went to meet Grandpa Gao, who was exercising in the yard at the moment. When he saw Lin Heng coming in, he smiled and said, "Come and exercise together."


Lin Heng did not refuse, and chatted with Grandpa Gao while exercising.

"Have you been in the mountains these days?" Grandpa Gao asked with a smile.

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head: "No, I probably don't have much time to go into the mountains."

Grandpa Gao nodded and said: "Then you can take a look around Hongfeng Mountain, maybe there are antelopes running down."

He still has some thoughts about the antelope.

Lin Heng nodded: "I'm paying attention."

In fact, he also wanted to kill the antelope, but this thing really depends on luck, and the traces are too strange and unpredictable.

For the time being, he didn't want to go to the mountains again. It was too cold, and his hands were about to freeze.

After chatting for a while, he said goodbye and left, and went to Huangtan Town Middle School.

Of course, he went to school not to find Caiyun, but to find his former teacher Guo Xu.

When Lin Heng came to school, Guo Xu was not in class and was writing lesson plans in the office.

Seeing Lin Heng, Guo Xu was very happy and said with a smile: "I thought you had forgotten me. You didn't come to play with me for such a long time."

Lin Heng grinned and said: "Sorry, teacher, I'm too busy this year and I really don't have time."

Guo Xu smiled and patted Lin Heng on the shoulder, and said nonchalantly: "No need to explain, I've read the newspaper, you are good, very good."

Lin Heng became the youngest millionaire in Huangtan Town and was reported in the newspaper. Not only was he shocked, but the school was also shocked. For this, Lin Heng was commended at the school assembly.

As someone who had contact with Lin Heng half a year ago, Guo Xu was much more shocked than ordinary people.

He thought Lin Heng was just a good student who could hunt and make a living. He thought he could make a little money if he worked hard, but he never expected that this person would turn over and become a millionaire in just half a year.

It's not that he hasn't seen 10,000 yuan before, but it's really shocking that he went from an ordinary farmer to a millionaire.

In this era, becoming a millionaire can be said to have crossed the class.

"Teacher, don't believe what the newspaper says, it's all exaggerated." Lin Heng said modestly.

Guo Xu poured a cup of tea for Lin Heng and said with a smile: "Don't be modest, this is a very remarkable thing in itself, and it has brought honor to our school."

Lin Heng looked at the white enamel teacup with the workers and peasants heroes printed on it in his hand, drank a sip of tea and chatted with Guo Xu with a smile.

Unlike half a year ago, at that time, Lin Heng was still a student and a farmer in Guo Xu's eyes, and their status was not equal. Guo Xu felt like giving alms to Lin Heng, and Lin Heng himself was very humble.

Now, when chatting, it is obvious that the relationship between the two is equal. Guo Xu is relieved and really treats him as a friend.

After talking about the past for a while, Lin Heng got straight to the point and said, "Teacher Guo, I actually have another thing I want to trouble you with today."

Guo Xu glanced at Lin Heng and said with a smile, "You said, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse."

Lin Heng took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "It's like this, I accidentally dug a century-old mountain ginseng in the mountain, and its age is at least 140 years. This thing is too expensive and most people can't afford it. I want you to help find out if anyone is willing to buy it."

Although a century-old ginseng is worth millions in the future, in his opinion, it is not as useful as ten thousand now.

Ten thousand yuan now can easily buy a large courtyard in a first-tier city, and demolition in the future can easily cost hundreds of millions.

So after comprehensive consideration, there is no need to keep this ginseng. The market will recover in 1987, and he needs original capital.

"Puff... cough... cough..."

Guo Xu almost spit out a mouthful of tea, his eyes widened: "Hundred... Hundred-year-old wild ginseng?"

After choking, he continued to ask: "Is it true?"

"It's true." Lin Heng nodded slightly.

Guo Xu looked at Lin Heng in disbelief, and sighed: "Your luck is too terrible."

"It's all luck, I met it by chance." Lin Heng grinned, and naturally didn't say that it was all Xiongba's credit.

Guo Xu looked at Lin Heng, believed the saying of luck, and secretly sighed that Lin Heng's luck was too good.

After thinking for a while, he nodded and said: "Your thing must be worth at least 10,000 yuan, right?"

Lin Heng nodded and smiled and said: "At least 15,000, this kind of thing is rare in a hundred years, and the medicinal effect is extraordinary. There are only a few hundred-year-old wild ginseng in the whole country. If I wasn't short of money to start a business, I really wouldn't want to sell it. The more time passes, the greater its value."

Guo Xu nodded. Lin Heng didn't exaggerate. This thing is indeed like this. He nodded immediately and said, "Okay, I'll ask around for you and see if anyone is willing to buy it."

Lin Heng thanked, "Thank you, Teacher Guo."

When he came, he didn't bring a gift to Guo Xu, because if he did, the nature of the matter would change. Now he just asked him to help casually, and if he did, he would have a psychological burden, and subconsciously thought that he couldn't take the gift if he didn't make things worse.

In fact, the most important thing was that Lin Heng didn't think of Guo Xu, and he thought of it by chance when chatting with Grandpa Gao.

"It's a small matter." Guo Xu waved his hand.

After that, he smiled and said, "Lin Heng, you can play in my office, and we'll have lunch together at noon."

Lin Heng shook his head and said, "I'm really sorry, Teacher Guo, I still have to go into the city and rent a motorcycle, so I don't have time today.

How about this, I will pick you up in person on Saturday. I will treat you to a meal at my house and you can taste the game I hunted. "

The so-called family dinner is the highest level of invitation, so Lin Heng's words will naturally not make Guo Xu angry.

He also saw that Lin Heng was really busy, and asked with a smile: "Can you ride a motorcycle?"

"Yes, I have ridden someone else's motorcycle in the city before." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

Guo Xu turned around, took out the motorcycle key and threw it to him, saying: "Since you can ride, take mine, anyway, I'm not going out today."

Lin Heng was about to wave his hand to refuse, but he stuffed the car key into Lin Heng's hand and said with a smile: "We are not only teachers and students, but also friends. I didn't refuse your gift of a turtle. Don't refuse this little thing. It won't break. "

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Guo! "

Lin Heng took the car keys with a smile and thanked him several times.

Guo Xu waved his hand: "It's a small matter. Since you want to go to the city, let's go now. The one parked outside the door is it."

"Okay." Lin Heng agreed with a smile, walked over and inserted the key to start the motorcycle, and thanked Guo Xu again before leaving.

In his previous life, he had driven motorcycles, tricycles, four-wheelers, and semi-trailers. Riding a motorcycle was naturally a piece of cake. He drove away.

"It's really fast, but it's so cold." Riding a motorcycle, Lin Heng was very happy and arrived at his own purchasing station in less than a minute.

Seeing him riding a motorcycle back, Wang Zhou showed a look of surprise: "Brother Lin, did you buy a motorcycle?"

"No, I borrowed it from Teacher Guo Xu. I have a good relationship with him." Lin Heng said casually, and went into the house to find a scarf and a hat.

"Oh, I envy Brother Lin. "

Wang Zhou's eyes showed envy and surprise. Lin Heng actually had such a good relationship with the teacher who taught them at the beginning, and he could even borrow such a valuable thing as a motorcycle.

He walked over and touched it, and looked at it again, and sighed in his heart that he didn't know when he could have a motorcycle of his own.

Then he shook his head again. Even Brother Lin didn't have one. He probably couldn't afford it in this life.

Lin Heng didn't pay attention to Wang Zhou's expression. He took the scarf, cotton hat and gloves in the house, dressed neatly, and rode away in a flash.

Driving to the city, Lin Heng first found Director Jin Fuqiang and asked him to have lunch at Taibai Hotel.

Taibai Hotel is the largest hotel in Taibai City. All the activities are held here. The cheapest meal costs an ordinary person's monthly salary.

After finishing this lunch worth more than 50 yuan, Lin Heng told his story. He wanted to sell the 100-year-old wild ginseng.

Jin Fuqiang sobered up immediately after hearing this. He looked at Lin Heng with wide eyes and said, "Is it really a 100-year-old wild ginseng? "

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "Of course it is true. I can guarantee that it is at least 140 years old."

Jin Fuqiang nodded and looked at Lin Heng strangely: "Do you have any special ability to find ginseng? This is the second one this year, and it was dug in winter."

Lin Heng grinned and said: "It is because it was caught in winter that it is lucky. I encountered it while hunting."

"Okay, okay, your opportunity is really enviable." Jin Fuqiang smiled and shook his head, then said: "I will ask about this matter for you and see if there are any buyers willing to buy it."

Lin Heng immediately stood up and thanked: "Thank you, Director Jin. "

After chatting for a few more words, Lin Heng sent Jin Fuqiang back to his residence.

Compared to before, Lin Fuqiang's attitude towards Lin Heng is now much kinder. Money is often a symbol of status.

It's just a motorcycle. Men and women will frequently turn their heads when walking on the road.

After dealing with this matter, Lin Heng went to sell musk again. This time, he sold it with the scent glands, and the money was more than the last time. A total of 48 grams, a total of 1440 yuan.

Depositing the integer into the passbook, he now has 5500 yuan in cash.

After dealing with these, Lin Heng went to find Ge Qingshan again.

Seeing Lin Heng, Ge Qingshan was also very excited. He patted his shoulder and said, "You finally came down. I've been waiting so hard."

Lin Heng apologized: "I'm sorry that I'm very busy at the end of the year, but I have time today. Let's find a place with pheasants in the city to hunt."

When Ge Qingshan heard this, he immediately said excitedly: "Okay, let's go now. "

Lin Heng smiled and said, "You hold the bow, and I'll come here on the motorcycle."

Ge Qingshan was immediately surprised and said, "You are amazing. You bought a motorcycle so quickly."

"No, I borrowed someone else's. I plan to buy one in a few days." Lin Heng smiled slightly.

"That's amazing too. Let's go."

Ge Qingshan said, and then he set off with Lin Heng with his bow bag. On the way, Lin Heng told him about his experience in the mountains while riding.

They came to a barren mountain in the north of the city. This place is close to the Guanzhong Plain. There are fewer mountains, but there are many pheasants.

In this winter, when the two stopped at the foot of the mountain, they heard the calls of pheasants on the mountain.

Ge Qingshan looked at Lin Heng and said distressedly, "I actually went out to hunt by myself once, but most of the time, before I saw the pheasants, the pheasants saw me and flew away. ”

He couldn’t hit those that were too far away, which made him lose interest in playing with bows and arrows.

But after hearing about Lin Heng’s hunting in the mountains, Ge Qingshan’s hope was rekindled. He also wanted to go to the mountains to experience this exciting hunting life.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "This is normal. It was like this at the beginning. You just need to wait until night. At this time, they rest on the tree and don't move."

"Then I'll try it next time." Ge Qingshan nodded.

He took out the compound bow and gave it to Lin Heng, wanting to see his performance.

Lin Heng did not refuse. He adjusted the bow and arrow and directly adjusted the poundage to fifty pounds.

"Ga ga~~"

As soon as he got up the mountain, a pheasant flew up.

Lin Heng took a look and didn't care. There were not many trees on this barren mountain. Most of them were shrubs and thorns. Pheasants were hiding under dry thatch or bushes, and it was not easy to find.

After walking a few steps, Lin Heng saw a big pheasant under the bushes fifty meters away. This thing was picking food there.

It seems that because there is abundant food around the city, this pheasant looks particularly fat.

Lin Heng put on the bow and arrow, and Ge Qingshan watched from the side. He had never hit it at such a long distance.

Just when he thought Lin Heng would aim for a long time, the arrow flew out with a swoosh.


Accompanied by a scream, the arrow had already accurately shot into the pheasant's body, nailing it firmly to the ground. It screamed twice and then stopped moving.

And Ge Qingshan hadn't reacted yet. He turned his head and looked at Lin Heng, his face full of shock: "You don't even need to aim, this is too outrageous!"

It usually takes him at least five or six seconds to aim to shoot a pheasant. Lin Heng fired in less than two seconds, too fast.

"Of course I aimed." Lin Heng smiled slightly. It was a simple thing for him to shoot a pheasant at 50 meters.

Ge Qingshan gave a thumbs up and was completely convinced: "Awesome, your arrow is amazing."

Lin Heng smiled slightly, picked up the pheasant and gave it to Ge Qingshan. He soon found another one. This time the distance was closer, only 30 meters, but there were two together.

Unlike before, Lin Heng aimed for a long time this time. With a swish, the arrow flew out, and he killed both pheasants with one arrow.

Ge Qingshan looked at the two pheasants pierced by the arrow, his eyes widened like copper bells. If hitting a pheasant with one arrow at 50 meters is acceptable, then this is completely beyond his understanding.

He has always thought that this only exists in novels, but he didn't expect that someone could really do it in front of him.

Swallowing his saliva, Ge Qingshan slowly said: "Why do you feel that hunting is so easy."

Lin Heng laughed: "In fact, as long as you can find prey, hunting is half successful. You can definitely do it if you work hard."

Ge Qingshan shook his head: "Don't comfort me, I don't think I can do it in my life."

"Try it, I'll give you guidance." Lin Heng returned the bow to him and said with a smile.

"Well, I'll show my ugliness."

Ge Qingshan grinned. Seeing Lin Heng shoot three pheasants in a row, he was really itchy and wanted to try it too.

After searching for a while, Lin Heng saw a pheasant, fifty meters away from them.

"Go this way, and go around slowly."

Lin Heng pointed a way to Ge Qingshan and led him beside him.

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