Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 204 We can grow old together in this life

Ge Qingshan aimed for a while and then shot out an arrow.

It's a pity that the arrow missed so hard that it missed by a full meter. The pheasant didn't even run away. It was stunned for a moment and continued to look for food.

Ge Qingshan: "..."

It seems that the pheasant is easy to fight is an illusion, but for Lin Heng, he is still a rookie.

After thinking about it, he shot another arrow, and the pheasant flew away with a clatter. He laughed to himself: "Haha, I made progress this time."

Lin Heng looked at him and said, "You seem to have no problem with your basic skills. It's just that you lack practice and you're too nervous."

"Let's find another one." Lin Heng felt that it would be better if Ge Qingshan succeeded once or twice.

After searching for a long time, when Ge Qingshan was about to give up, Lin Heng suddenly saw a suitable one.

"You come with me!"

Lin Heng said something, pulled Ge Qingshan's clothes and led him to the back of a small hill.

Lin Heng pointed to the front and said, "Look there, this chicken is only over ten meters tall, looking for food."

Ge Qingshan saw the hen at a glance and couldn't help but feel excited.

"Calm down and don't get excited."

Lin Heng patted his neighbor and said.

Ge Qingshan nodded, slowly raised his bow and arrow, aimed for three seconds and shot an arrow.


With a scream, the pheasant failed to fly this time.

"Hahahaha, I hit it!!"

Ge Qingshan rushed out quickly, picked up the pheasant and laughed.

"Congratulations!" Lin Heng said with a smile.

After getting excited, Ge Qingshan smiled and said: "Thanks to you, otherwise I wouldn't have hoped to hit it."

"You can succeed even if you try a few more times." Lin Heng shook his head slightly.

Ge Qingshan now has confidence and said with a smile: "Then I will find another one to try."

Then three or four more flew in succession. Lin Heng could roughly tell Ge Qingshan's level. He could hit a pheasant within 20 meters with a 30% chance of hitting, and within 10 meters he could hit a pheasant 90% of the time. The probability.

This is still a modern compound bow. If he had used an ancient wooden bow, he might not have been able to hit prey. He had practiced too little.

After playing for another two hours, the time came to 2:30 in the afternoon, and Ge Qingshan said: "Forget it, let's just stop here today. If you go, I'll treat you to dinner."

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head: "I can't do it today. I'll invite you next time. Mainly because I have something I want to do."

"What's the matter? Maybe if you tell me, I can solve it for you." Ge Qingshan really wanted Lin Heng to eat his first prey.

Lin Heng looked at Ge Qingshan. He didn't know much about this person. Teaching him bow and arrow was an exchange of interests. He originally planned that today would be the last teaching, and it would be irrelevant from now on.

Therefore, he didn’t want to talk about his own affairs, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that this person was not bad, so he said: “I want to go and see the aquaculture situation near Taibai City to see if there are any fish fry, shrimp seedlings, etc.” "

When Ge Qingshan heard this, he immediately waved his hand and said, "It's easy. I'll ask you about it some other time. My dad sometimes wholesales these when he's doing business."

Lin Heng was helpless. He wanted to go around, but Ge Qingshan had already talked about this, so he had no choice but to agree: "Thank you then."

"It's a small matter, let's go have dinner."

Ge Qingshan found a good restaurant and gave the pheasant to the boss.

The boss made a whole chicken feast, including stewed chicken, stir-fried chicken, honey roasted chicken and other five dishes. Lin Heng and Ge Qingshan drank some wine, and it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

After dinner, Lin Heng said goodbye and left. He only drank two small glasses and didn't feel anything at all. He rode his bike to the city to buy things.

He first bought two liters of gasoline and two liters of diesel, some food, and toiletries before riding back.

It was already six o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to Huangtan Town. I filled up the motorcycle with gas and sent it to my teacher Guo Xu. He took the remaining gasoline and other things and rode back.

It was already half past six when I returned to the house, and it was completely dark.

As soon as Lin Heng walked to the road below the house, Xiulan pulled Xiaoxia out with a flashlight.

"Dad!" Xiaoxia shouted from afar in a sweet voice.

Xiulan asked with concern: "Why did you come back just now? Did something happen?"

Lin Heng jumped off the horse and held his daughter in his arms. He smiled and said, "It's nothing. I just missed having dinner with someone."

Xiulan's heart immediately relaxed: "It's okay, just go inside and warm up quickly."

"Dad, I love you!"

Xiaoxia hugged Lin Heng's neck and said sweetly, her big eyes gleaming.

Lin Heng was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth when he heard this: "Good baby, I bought you a small toy. I'll give it to you later."


Xiaoxia suddenly became happier.

The family of three returned home, and Lin Heng gave the toiletries to Xiulan. He put the diesel and gasoline into the storage room, tied the dates to the horse pen, and couldn't wait to go into the bedroom to warm himself by the fire.

Along the way, we were riding motorcycles and horses, and we almost froze to death. The winter of this era felt much colder than that of later generations.

"Dad, let me warm your hands."

Xiaoxia watched Lin Heng rubbing his hands there and ran over to cover Lin Heng's big hand with his small hand.

"Thank you Baby."

Lin Heng was warmed by his daughter's behavior.

"The food is ready, waiting for you to come back."

Xiulan brought over the food that was warmed on the fireplace, three simple dishes and one soup. The dishes are stir-fried vermicelli with spicy and sour pork, stir-fried bamboo shoots with mushrooms, and shredded hot and sour potatoes. The soup is cabbage and tofu soup.

"Thank you, wife." Lin Heng grinned. Although he was not hungry, it was still heart-warming to see so much food.

Xiulan smiled slightly and said, "Eat quickly."


Even though he was not hungry, Lin Heng still picked up his chopsticks and started eating. Xiulan and Xiaoxia also started eating happily.

After taking two bites of food, Lin Heng shared with his wife what he had done today. Xiulan listened and ate while Xiaoxia fiddled with chopsticks by herself, wanting to learn how to use chopsticks.

Xiulan mostly just listened and occasionally expressed some opinions. She really wanted to enjoy Lin Heng sharing these trivial things with her, and after Lin Heng finished speaking, she also talked about what she had done today.

She had nothing to do at home. Today, Father Lin brought some lotus roots, which she washed and prepared to make into lotus root powder. Apart from Tian Yan coming over to play for a while at noon, there was nothing else to do.

The two finished their meal quickly while chatting. Xiulan said she wanted to take a bath, so Lin Heng brought the bath bucket in and boiled the water very quickly.

Xiulan put the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen. After entering the room, she took a black crew neck sweater from the bed and handed it to Lin Heng: "I knitted this sweater today. You can see if it fits."


Lin Heng nodded with a smile, took off his clothes and put on a sweater. This is a black sweater worn by an elderly man. It is a little tight on his body and outlines his majestic figure.

"It's very beautiful, thank you, wife."

Lin Heng grinned, feeling that these clothes were warmer than those bought for dozens of dollars. Xiulan was so kind that she not only made shoes for him but also knitted sweaters for him.

Xiulan raised her hand to tidy up his messy hair, looked at him, and a soft smile appeared on her pretty face: "It's pretty good, as long as you like it."

"very nice!"

Xiaoxia also clapped and applauded beside her.

Lin Heng didn't take it off after putting it on, and took out the things he bought for his wife and children.

What he bought for Xiaoxia was pure milk, a toy car and a roly-poly doll.

Now that he couldn't buy a cow, he bought Guangming Milk, which had a pretty good reputation.

Xiaoxia saw the new toys and started playing with them on the table, making a silly laugh.

"Honey, I bought this for you."

Lin Heng smiled and handed a set of purple fashion underwear to Xiulan.

When Xiulan saw this thing, she poked him angrily: "I already have four sets, that's enough."

Lin Heng grinned: "It's not enough. Different colors and styles feel different."

Xiulan blushed slightly, glared at Lin Heng, and put her underwear in the closet.

"I also bought you food, the biscuits you like."

Lin Heng pointed to the black sesame and white sugar biscuits in the bag and said with a smile that Xiulan liked this flavor very much and he would buy some every time.

"Thanks husband."

Xiulan's eyes lit up when she saw the biscuits. She took out one piece and took a bite like a greedy cat, then divided two portions and fed them to Lin Heng and Xiaoxia.

This cookie is about the size of a palm and is covered with black sesame seeds and white sugar. It can be said to be a luxury food in rural areas.

Lin Heng got a carton of milk and poured it into a teapot and put it on the fireplace to warm it. After it was warmed, he took it out and divided it into two portions for Xiulan and Xiaoxia.

After Xiaoxia sniffed it, she lay down and closed it, making a squeaking sound.

Xiulan smelled it and took a sip. This was the first time for her to drink pure milk. She felt the taste was a bit strange, but the more she drank, the better it felt.

"How's it going?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

Xiulan blinked and said, "It's not bad, but I'm not used to drinking."

Lin Heng brought a piece of biscuit, soaked it in milk, fed it to Xiulan, and asked with a smile: "What now?"

Xiulan took a bite of the biscuit, with a look of surprise in her eyes: "This biscuit tastes so much better after soaking it in milk!"

"Of course, that's how delicious biscuits are." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan didn't say anything. She soaked another biscuit and ate it with an intoxicated expression on her face.

"Dad, more milk!"

After Xiaoxia finished drinking, she asked Lin Heng for another small bowl, her big eyes twitching.

"It's gone today. Let's drink it tomorrow morning." Lin Heng pinched her cheek and said with a smile, "I'll tell you a new story tonight and let's go to bed, okay?"

Xiaoxia tilted her head and looked at the milk in Xiulan's bowl without saying anything.

Xiulan drank some quickly, leaving half of it for her and passing it over: "You can't drink any more after you finish it."


Xiaoxia looked at the little milk left and drank it slowly. After she finished drinking, Xiulan fed her two more spoonfuls of hawthorn cream and played with her for a while before letting her go to bed.

Xiaoxia had already fallen asleep before Lin Heng finished telling the new story while holding the book.

At this time, the water Xiulan in the bathtub was also ready, and she took off her clothes and went in to take a bath.

Lin Heng laughed evilly, took off his clothes and went into the bath. He rested his head on the edge of the barrel and closed his eyes, feeling the hot water eroding his body and the smooth and delicate touch from Xiulan and Xiulan's contact. He gradually became sleepy. lazy.

After squinting for a few minutes, Lin Heng opened his eyes and watched Xiulan take a bath, feeling happy and comfortable.

He and Xiulan met and got married. Everything about Xiulan was the first time, and of course it was also the first time for him.

How to kiss, how to pass on genes, how to love each other, everything is learned by the two through mutual exploration, everything is pure and beautiful.

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng's dazed look and rolled her eyes at him: "What are you looking at? Turn around and I'll rub your back."


Lin Heng obediently turned around and enjoyed his wife rubbing his back. Feeling her small hands sliding on his back, he was so comfortable that he could not speak.


After a while, Xiulan stopped and said.

Lin Heng turned around, looked at Xiulan's looming skin in the mist, and said with a smirk, "Honey, it's my turn to rub your back."

"No, my back is not dirty." Xiulan poked Lin Heng, knowing exactly what kind of medicine he was selling.

Lin Heng shook his head: "I don't believe it, let me check it out."

"Full of bad ideas~"

Xiulan couldn't defeat Lin Heng, so she muttered a few words and turned around.

When Xiulan rubbed Lin Heng's back, it was really a back rub. When Lin Heng rubbed Xiulan's back, it was more than just a back rub. He took advantage of it.

Xiulan was always hugged by Lin Heng when she went to bed, and then she immediately couldn't help but do what she loved.

Half an hour later, Xiulan helplessly wiped the dirt on her stomach, wanting to throw it in Lin Heng's face.

"You can't control it."

Lin Heng hugged her and grinned.


Xiulan bit him without saying a word, put her arms in her arms and closed her eyes to sleep.

Lin Heng thought this was a different kind of punishment. The touch on his arm made him unable to sleep at all, but he couldn't torment his wife any more, so he endured it for half an hour before falling asleep.

Early the next morning, Lin Heng opened his eyes and found Xiulan looking at him. Seeing him waking up, Xiulan pointed outside and said, "It should snow."

"I gonna go see."

Lin Heng just remembered to open the window, but was hugged by Xiulan: "No, I'll go later."

"Sister, it's illegal for you to do this."

Lin Heng looked at her. In this state of frankness, holding her so tightly was simply torturing him.

"Don't move."

Xiulan snorted lightly and said nothing.

Just when Lin Heng was about to lose control, Xiulan suddenly let go of him and quickly dressed and got up.

Lin Heng looked at her: "You did it on purpose. You learned badly. You were not like this before."

Xiulan smiled slightly, ignored him, and went to add some firewood to the fireplace.

"Come on, get up and exercise."

After setting up the firewood, Xiulan found clean underwear for Lin Heng, stretched out her hand and said with a smile: "Get up quickly, let's go exercise."


Lin Heng put on his clothes, took his wife and walked out.

As expected, there was light snow falling outside, and there was a thin layer on the courtyard walls, trees, and ground. It looked like it had just started falling not long ago.


Xiongba, who was sleeping under the eaves, greeted the two of them. Lin Heng touched his dog's head, turned around and went to the toilet, and then exercised in the snow with Xiulan.

It took the two of them half an hour to finish exercising, and Xiaoxue made their hair all white.

After looking at the snow on each other's heads, the two smiled at each other and turned back to the house.

It doesn't matter if they were exposed to the snow together, they would definitely grow old together in this life.

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