Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 206 Treasures in the Mountains

Lin Heng went to Huangtan Town early and met Grandpa Gao.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, someone from the county came to visit Grandpa Gao, and Grandpa Gao took the opportunity to introduce Lin Heng.

Lin Heng treated them with normal etiquette, and did not flatter them during the conversation.

He had no such idea, and there was no need.

Normal operation and making good use of his foresight advantage would be enough to make a fortune.

These two people were big leaders in the county, and they only showed a little kindness to Lin Heng. They chatted with Grandpa Gao for a while and then left.

But at last they got to know each other, and had channels and ways to communicate, which was also an additional network of contacts.

But this network of contacts could not be used for the time being, because his capital was not enough.

After finishing breakfast with Grandpa Gao, today was not a market day, and there was nothing fun in the town, so Lin Heng rode back home directly.

On the way back, he met the Liu family who were carrying mourning cloth to the town to buy things.

Most of the things they bought were fire paper, incense, funeral clothes, etc.

Back at Hongfeng Mountain, Lin Heng went to Liu Lan's house to see that the people who came to help had already built a tent for the banquet with tarpaulins and bamboo poles.

Some people were helping to kill pigs, some were helping to dig lotus roots, and some were going to each household in the village to buy vegetables such as spinach and cabbage.

Lin Heng learned about it and found that the guest was, as expected, the village party secretary Tian Dongfu.

The so-called guest was responsible for receiving internal and external guests in this funeral.

Lin Heng asked about it and found that Tian Dongfu arranged for him to make liquor, which was a very easy job. He was responsible for heating the liquor.

His brother Lin Yue was responsible for pouring the liquor, that is, pouring the liquor into a small wine pot and putting it on each table of the banquet.

There was nothing to do today, and there was nothing to do the day after tomorrow. The main business was arranged for the day after tomorrow, which was the day when the guests would come.

Because transportation was inconvenient in those days, it took time to prepare the food needed for the banquet, invite the Yin-Yang master, notify relatives living in other towns, etc., all of which required people to run.

Unlike the advanced technology of later generations, notifications can be handled with just one phone call, and vegetables can be bought directly if needed.

Lin's father and his friends helped to kill the pig, and a group of people were talking and laughing, and the funeral village was also very lively.

The only ones who were really sad about this kind of thing were the family members, and outsiders were all eating the feast with a smile, and people's sorrows and joys were not connected.

Lin Heng just felt it was a pity and lamented the impermanence of the world, and he should still smile and eat when he looked back.

Death is inevitable in life, so we should cherish the time we are alive and enjoy the process instead of being a cow or a social animal.

Money and career have never been the first priority in Lin Heng's goals, but family is.

"Dad, it's time to eat!"

As soon as Lin Heng returned home, Xiaoxia took his hand and said in a baby voice.

Lin Heng's family now has more meat than grain, and every meal has meat. Lin Heng has a special liking for braised meat and mugwort tofu.

"This is the last bit of tofu. The rest is only dried bean curd and bean skin."

During the meal, Xiulan pointed to the tofu on the plate and said that today there was not only a steamed mugwort tofu, but also a cabbage tofu soup.

Lin Heng nodded and said, "Let's have hot pot in two days. Let's go to the town tomorrow to see if there are any beef and mutton for sale."

"Okay, I want to eat it too." Xiulan was still a little greedy for hot pot.

Xiaoxia ate two mouthfuls of food and ran out to play in the snow. When she got cold, she ran back to the house to warm herself by the fire.

After cleaning up the dishes, Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said, "The weather is pretty good today. Do you want to pick up some wild walnuts to eat?"

Wild walnuts are also called walnuts. They are similar to domestic walnuts, but the lines on them are deep, the shells are extremely hard, and the flesh inside is very scarce.

Although the flesh is scarce, its flesh is fragrant and the yield is very high. There are everywhere on the mountains and rivers, and you can't pick them all.

"Okay, then pick up more and bring them back."

Lin Heng had nothing to do today. If Xiulan wanted to go, she would go with her.

"Then let's go now."

Xiu Lan nodded and went to get two backpacks.

After Xiong Ba finished his meal, he took him and Xiao Xia to set off together.

You don't have to go far to pick up this kind of walnuts, there are some by the river. The two of them locked the door and walked towards Shibadanggou. This year, when the honeysuckle was in season, they saw that the walnuts in the ditch were very lush.

When they walked to the road, Liu Lan came towards them and looked at the two of them and said, "Hey, Xiu Lan and Lin Heng, why don't you go to eat? The feast has just started."

Although it was not a serious matter today, there was still a meal for help. There were two or three dishes with meat, which was considered a big meal in this era. People would usually rush to help and have a bite.

Lin Hengwei smiled and said, "We have eaten at home, so we won't go. We will go up the mountain to pick some walnuts."

He was really not very interested in the feast in the village, especially the feast for help now, which was not as rich as the one he had in the morning.

"Okay, we must go there to eat tonight."

Liu Lan didn't say much, she left with a smile on her face, without any sad expression.

Lin Heng didn't say much, he took his daughter and Xiulan to walk side by side on the dirt road. There was no wind today, the sky was cloudless and the sun was very warm, it was a kind of enjoyment to walk on the road.

Looking up, the mountains and fields were all gray, the mountains looked like giant dragons, and the trees without leaves looked like the hair on the dragon's body.

When we entered Shibadanggou, we turned our heads and saw some farther and higher mountains, there was still snow on them, it felt like a fairyland.

"There are so many here, these should be the wild walnuts that just fell this year."

Lin Heng said as he looked at the wasteland in front of him, there was snow in the ditch without sunlight.

Xiu Lan looked at it and said, "Let's go up the mountain first and pick them up from the mountain."


Lin Heng had no objection to this, and the three of them continued to move forward for a distance and came to the middle of Shibadanggou.

"Dad, there are mice!!"

Xiao Xia suddenly pointed at a gray squirrel on a stone in the distance.

Lin Heng turned his head and saw that the gray squirrel was holding a chestnut in its arms. He found that Lin Heng had seen it and ran away.

"Let's go and look for the squirrel's treasure."

Lin Heng said with a smile while holding his daughter.

With Xiong Ba, several people searched there for a while, and finally Xiong Ba found a pile of chestnuts and acorns in a tree hole.

"The squirrel's treasure!!"

Xiao Xia widened her eyes, stretched out her little hand to put the chestnuts into her pocket, and was shocked by this small treasure.

Xiu Lan was also a little surprised. She didn't expect to find it.

"Woof woof~"

Lin Heng and his friends had just packed up about half a pound of chestnuts here, and Xiong Ba made another call in the distance.

"There are treasures!" Xiaoxia exclaimed, running towards Xiongba with her short legs. "So many?" Xiulan pulled Xiaoxia over and found that there was actually a pile of them under the stone, but some of them were eaten by mice. Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "Squirrels have bad memories, and they don't even know where they hide a lot of them." Squirrels will desperately hide all kinds of nuts in autumn, and one can even hide in more than a dozen places, but in the end they can't remember where they hid. However, after finding this place, there were no other discoveries, but Xiaoxia had heard too many fairy tales and was still muttering to continue looking. "Pick walnuts!" Lin Heng held her and came to a walnut tree. The wild walnuts that fell in autumn had rotted on the outer skin, revealing the yellow-brown or black walnuts inside. The yield of walnuts is very high. One tree can pick up a basket of walnuts, but the weight is not much, about 30 or 40 kilograms. The three people and the dog walked down for a distance and came to a huge walnut tree. The diameter of this walnut tree was 30 centimeters and the height was more than 10 meters. After pulling aside the grass under the tree, you can see dense walnuts.

There are too many of these things, and you can't pick them all.

Lin Heng had just picked them for a while when Xiaoxia came to Lin Heng with something like an orange and asked in a baby voice: "Dad, what is this?"

"This is a trifoliate orange, you can't eat it."

Lin Heng took a look at this thing and knew that it was the fruit of the small tree with thorns next to it.

The old saying goes that oranges grown in the south of the Huai River are oranges, and oranges grown in the north of the Huai River are trifoliate oranges, but in fact, oranges and trifoliate oranges are two completely different trees, not the same.

This trifoliate orange is useless, it is full of seeds, and it is completely inedible. It is generally used as a traditional Chinese medicine.

Although it was said that it could not be eaten, Xiaoxia still secretly took a bite, and then kept sticking out her tongue, stamping her feet, and threw the trifoliate orange away angrily.

Lin Heng smiled and continued to pick up walnuts, letting her and Xiongba play around.

"Honey, look at this walnut!"

At this time, Xiulan Touareg suddenly came over with a walnut.

General wild walnuts are oval and long, but the one Xiulan held is round and much larger than ordinary walnuts. The diameter reaches more than three or four centimeters, which is about the same size as Xiaoxia's fist.

"This is a good thing, go find it quickly to see if there are any more."

Lin Heng discovered its value at first glance. This is definitely a perfect walnut for playing with.

"What's the value?" Xiulan didn't know about it yet.

Lin Heng told her about the walnuts for playing with. Xiulan was a little shocked: "People in the city are really full and have nothing to do. This can be played with as a treasure."

She just thought it was big and there must be a lot of walnut kernels inside, but she didn't expect it to have such value.

"That's natural. Rich people have a lot of things to play with."

Lin Heng grinned, and then he and Xiulan looked carefully.

"I found another one."

After a while, Xiulan brought another one over and handed it to Lin Heng.

"These two are of the same size, they are good, I can play with them myself."

Lin Heng took the two walnuts in his hand and played with them. The feel was pretty good.

After they are polished, the value can be higher, but he didn't want to sell them. This thing is good to keep for fun or give to others. Some people like to play with this kind of thing.

Lin Heng estimated that a branch of this big walnut tree had mutated, so such a big walnut was produced.

"No, it turned out that this small walnut tree produced it."

After searching for a while, Lin Heng found the real owner. This was the fruit of a small tree with a wrist thickness not far from the big walnut tree.

No, there were many under the small walnut tree. The walnuts produced by this small walnut tree were all big, but not all of them were round and beautiful.

After picking and choosing, he found eleven good ones, about three centimeters.

The two in Lin Heng's hand are absolutely top-quality. Not only are they round, but the patterns are also very beautiful. The diameter is about four centimeters, big and beautiful.

Xiulan played with the two walnuts for a while and said with a smile: "You know what, it feels good to play like this."

"Of course."

Lin Heng smiled and put these things away separately.

There was no need to go to other places. The two backpacks were full before they finished picking walnuts from this big walnut tree, and they also got two snakeskin bags to put on the backpacks.

After finishing these, Xiulan didn't want to go back like this, and looked at Lin Heng and said: "Let's go pick some garlic."


Small garlic is also used in winter and will always grow on sunny slopes.

After pulling out two handfuls, the two of them carried pecans on their backs and pulled Xiaoxia back. They also did it on the way home, but it was difficult to pull out things while carrying things on their backs.

"Lin Heng, are you guys picking up wild walnuts?"

When I was almost in front of my house, I heard a voice in the distance.

Lin Heng looked up and saw that it was Carpenter Liang. He was suddenly curious: "Where is Carpenter Liang going?"

"Go to Shimen Village to make a home for someone." Carpenter Liang said with a smile, and his attitude towards Lin Heng was very kind.

When he saw Xiaoxia, he took a little mouse carved from wood from his backpack and gave it to her.

Lin Heng looked at him and said with a smile: "That's it. Carpenter Liang, are you in a hurry? I have something else I want to ask you about."

"What's going on?" Carpenter Liang asked curiously.

Lin Heng said: "There was a lot of water in the river before, so I picked up some dark wood and planned to ask you to make it into a home."

"Gloomy Wood?"

Carpenter Liang was stunned and looked surprised. This was a good thing. He had only seen it once or twice in all his years as a carpenter, and Lin Heng actually picked it up.

"Then I have to go see it."

Liang Carpenter said with a smile. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva, missing the Lin family's food.

When he worked for Lin Heng before, he was not a householder worth ten thousand yuan, but now he is afraid that the food will be better.

"Then please come."

Lin Heng said with a smile. After thinking about it, he felt that it would be better to make this gloomy wood into a home for himself to enjoy first. If he really wants to sell it in the future, the gloomy wood furniture is also valuable.

Taking Carpenter Liang with him, Lin Heng quickly returned home.

"So much meat!"

Carpenter Liang was a little shocked when he saw the pork hanging on Lin Henglou's pillow. How many wild boars had to be killed.

"Haha, I shot a few wild boars a few days ago."

Lin Heng said casually and took the carpenter Liang directly to the second floor and took a look at his gloomy wood.

Carpenter Liang looked at it, nodded and confirmed: "This is indeed dark wood. These red toon trees are the best dark wood. They are all beautiful blood red when used in furniture. The rest seem to be camphor trees. I can't tell them apart at the moment. come out."

Then he said with envy: "But you are so lucky. This thing is so valuable that you picked it up."

He really admired Lin Heng more and more. This thing looked like rotten wood in the wild, but Lin Heng actually knew him and picked it up. No wonder he could become a household worth ten thousand yuan.

Lin Heng laughed and asked, "Haha, I'm lucky too. Do you think this can be used as a dining table and chairs?"

Carpenter Liang nodded: "That's enough. I suggest you keep the red toon tree root and find someone who can carve it, or make a tea tray or something in the future. It would be a waste to cut it into a board to make a dining table."

Lin Heng looked at him and smiled and said, "That's good. I have diesel at home to saw the boards very quickly. Then please come back from Shimen Village and do it for me. I'll give you one dollar and a half a day's wages."

"Okay." Carpenter Liang agreed happily, his mouth closed with joy.

I thought that I was worthy of being the youngest household worth ten thousand yuan in Huangtan Town, so I was generous in my dealings.

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